lily-the-smol · 19 days
Reblog my poll boy 🫵🏻
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lily-the-smol · 1 month
i think the way tiktok and tumblr (yes i am unifying these two sites together for this, for shame!) talk about autism and adhd (n honestly ocd too) as this quirky party trick has really damaged The Youths, at least in america (n they enact that damage on the rest of us, per usual)
like you guys will CONTINUE as usual to mock n harass anyone who is slightly "weird" or "offputting" bc well YOURE autistic and YOU dont do that, so it must be a them problem. well, YOU live on your own and YOU have a job and YOU have tons of friends and YOU go to uni and YOU go to the club and YOU arent weird. its not an "autism thing", this persons just weird. weird for being a picky eater, for using scripts in conversations, for avoiding crowded places n having meltdowns while in them, for living w their parents or in assisted living, for going on about their special interests, for missing social ques, for speaking "weird", for stimming, for having little or no friends, for being unemployed, for having motor issues, for being nonverbal, for not being able to handle the school/academy system, for being autistic.
THEYRE clearly just weird, THEYRE wrong for exhibiting signs and symptoms of autism. their autism is WRONG and WEIRD and OFFPUTTING. YOURE autistic and YOU dont do that, so its clearly "not about autism".
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lily-the-smol · 2 months
i have a pretty major gripe with portrayals of kabru as a twink or even certain transmasc portrayals (mostly because they tend to play into the idea of him being a twink), because hes not really a twink. people think hes so feminine in comparison to laios and other male character in the series, but hes pretty generically masculine. this is, in part, why im not the biggest fan of certain labru content (dont kill me).
but thats not all of it. sure, some of his portrayal as a twink is because he's not as masculine in comparison, but thats not it.
much of this is because he's brown. people expect hypermasculinity from brown people and characters, so when kabru doesn't give them that, they perceive him as the exact opposite: the twinkiest mfer to ever exist. if kabru was a white* character, this wouldnt happen as much (it would still happen, thats how fandom is, but it would still be less often). if he was a white* character, he would be perceived as some generically masculine dude-bro who's oddly charming and chillin'. but because he's brown, people catch onto his lack of hypermasculinity and decide to call him a twink when he is objectively not.
making kabru into a twink, not only plays into the expectation that brown men need to be hypermasculine, but it also tends to make him into an accessory for the leading white* characters that he is often shipped with (laios and mithrun).
* since it is a fantasy setting, they very likely have a different view of race. im using the term "white" because that is how the characters are perceived by the (english) fan base.
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lily-the-smol · 2 months
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lily-the-smol · 2 months
(I will boop everyone who reblogs this post, for the record 💖)
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lily-the-smol · 2 months
Can't afford art school?
After seeing post like this 👇
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And this gem 👇
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As well as countless of others from the AI generator community. Just talking about how "inaccessible art" is, I decided why not show how wrong these guys are while also helping anyone who actually wants to learn.
Here is the first one ART TEACHERS! There are plenty online and in places like youtube.
📺Here is my list:
Proko (Free)
Marc Brunet (Free but he does have other classes for a cheap price. Use to work for Blizzard)
Aaron Rutten (free)
BoroCG (free)
Jesse J. Jones (free, talks about animating)
Jesus Conde (free)
Mohammed Agbadi (free, he gives some advice in some videos and talks about art)
Ross Draws (free, he does have other classes for a good price)
SamDoesArts (free, gives good advice and critiques)
Drawfee Show (free, they do give some good advice and great inspiration)
The Art of Aaron Blaise ( useful tips for digital art and animation. Was an animator for Disney)
Bobby Chiu ( useful tips and interviews with artist who are in the industry or making a living as artist)
Second part BOOKS, I have collected some books that have helped me and might help others.
📚Here is my list:
The "how to draw manga" series produced by Graphic-sha. These are for manga artist but they give great advice and information.
"Creating characters with personality" by Tom Bancroft. A great book that can help not just people who draw cartoons but also realistic ones. As it helps you with facial ques and how to make a character interesting.
"Albinus on anatomy" by Robert Beverly Hale and Terence Coyle. Great book to help someone learn basic anatomy.
"Artistic Anatomy" by Dr. Paul Richer and Robert Beverly Hale. A good book if you want to go further in-depth with anatomy.
"Directing the story" by Francis Glebas. A good book if you want to Story board or make comics.
"Animal Anatomy for Artists" by Eliot Goldfinger. A good book for if you want to draw animals or creatures.
"Constructive Anatomy: with almost 500 illustrations" by George B. Bridgman. A great book to help you block out shadows in your figures and see them in a more 3 diamantine way.
"Dynamic Anatomy: Revised and expand" by Burne Hogarth. A book that shows how to block out shapes and easily understand what you are looking out. When it comes to human subjects.
"An Atlas of animal anatomy for artist" by W. Ellenberger and H. Dittrich and H. Baum. This is another good one for people who want to draw animals or creatures.
Etherington Brothers, they make books and have a free blog with art tips.
As for Supplies, I recommend starting out cheap, buying Pencils and art paper at dollar tree or 5 below. For digital art, I recommend not starting with a screen art drawing tablet as they are more expensive.
For the Best art Tablet I recommend either Xp-pen, Bamboo or Huion. Some can range from about 40$ to the thousands.
💻As for art programs here is a list of Free to pay.
Clip Studio paint ( you can choose to pay once or sub and get updates)
Procreate ( pay once for $9.99)
Blender (for 3D modules/sculpting, ect Free)
PaintTool SAI (pay but has a 31 day free trail)
Krita (Free)
mypaint (free)
FireAlpaca (free)
Libresprite (free, for pixel art)
Those are the ones I can recall.
So do with this information as you will but as you can tell there are ways to learn how to become an artist, without breaking the bank. The only thing that might be stopping YOU from using any of these things, is YOU.
I have made time to learn to draw and many artist have too. Either in-between working two jobs or taking care of your family and a job or regular school and chores. YOU just have to take the time or use some time management, it really doesn't take long to practice for like an hour or less. YOU also don't have to do it every day, just once or three times a week is fine.
Hope this was helpful and have a great day.
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lily-the-smol · 2 months
Hello. Welcome to the SBURB support blog. Please ask for help, we want you to succeed. (Note: In some cases succeeding is impossible.)
This blog is run by an employee of Skaianet, but you can call me SkyEmp for short! I hope to be able to help everyone out there in paradox space! So, ask away people!
[OOC: This is a blog for you to send in asks about SBURB, and SkyEmp will try their best to help! SkyEmp uses They/She pronouns! Idk if I need to say this, but just in case, please keep things sfw! Have fun, and ask away!]
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lily-the-smol · 2 months
infatuated with weird trans girls. rb if you're also a weird trans girl
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lily-the-smol · 2 months
Heres the thing you gotta understand about statistics. 
“Increases your chances by 80%” does not mean “there is now an 80% chance”. 
If your chances were previously 10%, your chances are now 18%, not 90%. 
if your chances were roughly 1%, they’re now just slightly less than 2%. 
thats how that works. 
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lily-the-smol · 2 months
gang I need your help I have a phrase I really want to catch on and it’s calling any secret or invisible struggle you have a “fight with a gorilla” like the onion article. if they can have cinnamon roll catch on this can too. “yeah she told me about it, I had no idea, sounds like a real fight with a gorilla” “sorry man I can’t come I’ve really been fighting the gorilla lately” do you see the vision
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lily-the-smol · 2 months
just a thought i had but:
laios doesnt care about humans. not in a cruel way. just. he doesnt care. he cares about monsters more than humans. he basically has a special interest in monsters. he doesnt care about humans, but he does care about people.
he cares about people, not because they are human, but because they are people. i feel like this has an impact on how he sees nonhuman races in dunmeshi. he can interact well with the orcs because he doesnt see them as "subhuman," he sees them as the people that they are. he recognizes that they are just as civilized and just as deserving of respect as every other person. he treats kobolds and beastkin and orcs with the same respect that he gives to humans. sure, there may be a bit of a fascination with them bc he may view some of them as "monsters" but he still respects them as people.
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lily-the-smol · 2 months
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lily-the-smol · 3 months
casual survey: reblog if you want to kiss a girl right now
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lily-the-smol · 3 months
Hi I finished Dunmeshi =3
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lily-the-smol · 3 months
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This came to me in a vision.
Okay, the first two you can argue either way, with the last one I'm right 100% and you can't debate me.
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lily-the-smol · 4 months
Yes sure you support faggy butches but do you support ugly femmes? Like literally do you support femmes that are not beautiful? Is there love in your heart for a lesbian in a pretty dress with an under bite? Is there tenderness in the gestures you carry out when you're in the presence of a woman with uneven eyes? Are you capable of being fucking nice to her? Or do you, once a woman is of a certain stature, and a certain frame, and a certain distance away from femininity, believe that her wearing a lovely outfit is "more like drag". Because if you're going to say shit like that at least state it loud and proud and say that you think we're putting lipstick on pigs.
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lily-the-smol · 4 months
Latest reblog reminds me of how much it pisses me the fuck off how every queer person alive has to adapt to the usamerican style of queerness lest we get shunned by the community for being too different. I bring this up a lot but bro that time I got death threats for having ele/dele in my bio bc "by using neopronouns I was making a mockery of REAL trans people" when those are literally just my pronouns in my native language, and when I said that I got hit w the "well you're on the internet so speak english" I HATE GRINGOS I HATE GRINGOS I HATE GRINGOS
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