lily-of-the-code · 9 days
I was considering that. I probably should do that, but I also like the idea of making someone lower the variable back down. However, they could just create a new variable and bypass that, so I think I will reset it. Every time it's used. Want to store it? Increase another variable until the two are equal.
What's your favorite esoteric programming language? I've never used one, but I've done rese on them and there are some funny ones. For example, there's one where code is written like Shakespeare.
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lily-of-the-code · 12 days
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It doesn't matter what you use, you're still wasting more time than you need to on a task you didn't need to do.
What's your favorite esoteric programming language? I've never used one, but I've done rese on them and there are some funny ones. For example, there's one where code is written like Shakespeare.
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lily-of-the-code · 12 days
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You have just wasted your time doing something completely unnecessary. Remember, you have to paste the increment code a specific number of times, and that number isn't always the same. You have to navigate between different variables, and remember where each variable is. By trying to get around the tedium, you have cursed yourself with an incredible amount of pain, bugfixing, and testing. And that testing will be slow. Especially considering that Tedium only runs one line at a time, individually performing each task one at a time until it has finished your list of thousands.
You have only increased your tedium.
What's your favorite esoteric programming language? I've never used one, but I've done rese on them and there are some funny ones. For example, there's one where code is written like Shakespeare.
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lily-of-the-code · 12 days
For example, if someone copy pastes the same line over and over to do something, then that's even better because it's even more boring.
I don't want people to be annoyed, I want them to give up their will to live. If I were to make things too hard, people would have brain activity from the challenge. I want people to be half asleep and lose track of how many times they've incremented a variable. I want them to have to spend 15 minutes counting lines. I want there to be long stretches of a single, identical, repeated task.
See, where you want people to feel pain, I want them to feel nothing. I don't want them to suffer, I want them to wish they were suffering so they could have some variety or some challenge.
What's your favorite esoteric programming language? I've never used one, but I've done rese on them and there are some funny ones. For example, there's one where code is written like Shakespeare.
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lily-of-the-code · 12 days
No, that would break up the monotony too much.
What's your favorite esoteric programming language? I've never used one, but I've done rese on them and there are some funny ones. For example, there's one where code is written like Shakespeare.
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lily-of-the-code · 12 days
The point is for it to be mind numbingly boring.
What's your favorite esoteric programming language? I've never used one, but I've done rese on them and there are some funny ones. For example, there's one where code is written like Shakespeare.
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lily-of-the-code · 12 days
Sure, but it takes too much brainpower. The goal is for it to be completely tedious, not annoying or difficult.
What's your favorite esoteric programming language? I've never used one, but I've done rese on them and there are some funny ones. For example, there's one where code is written like Shakespeare.
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lily-of-the-code · 12 days
Ah, but each character you want to print has to be entered as a number. You're going to need a lot of big numbers.
What's your favorite esoteric programming language? I've never used one, but I've done rese on them and there are some funny ones. For example, there's one where code is written like Shakespeare.
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lily-of-the-code · 12 days
Too easy to get big numbers. The goal is to force the user to make a lot of big numbers to select individual characters, and make it take forever to get there.
Oh wait, I forgot to mention there are no loops. You can use goto though!
What's your favorite esoteric programming language? I've never used one, but I've done rese on them and there are some funny ones. For example, there's one where code is written like Shakespeare.
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lily-of-the-code · 12 days
Ah, but Brainfuck is hard to use. Tedium would be incredibly intuitive. Easy for anyone to pick up. But no one would ever want to.
Any suggestions to make it more tedious are appreciated, as long as it doesn't make the language significantly harder to learn.
What's your favorite esoteric programming language? I've never used one, but I've done rese on them and there are some funny ones. For example, there's one where code is written like Shakespeare.
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lily-of-the-code · 12 days
Apparently I need to do more research.
What's your favorite esoteric programming language? I've never used one, but I've done rese on them and there are some funny ones. For example, there's one where code is written like Shakespeare.
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lily-of-the-code · 12 days
What's your favorite esoteric programming language? I've never used one, but I've done rese on them and there are some funny ones. For example, there's one where code is written like Shakespeare.
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lily-of-the-code · 12 days
Piet is good. I don't remember what NDBall is.
What's your favorite esoteric programming language? I've never used one, but I've done rese on them and there are some funny ones. For example, there's one where code is written like Shakespeare.
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lily-of-the-code · 12 days
I actually have an idea for an esolang of my own, but I have no idea how to make esolangs.
I call it Tedium:
A language where you can only increment variables by one. Variables are saved to slots in a list, and you have to select what variable you’re using by moving a selector across the list. The selector can only be moved by one space at a time. To print a character, you must identify each character you want to have printed individually. This is done by inputting the character’s ascii value as a number. All numbers that are not a 1 must be represented with a variable.
The goal with Tedium is to make a language that isn't particularly difficult to use, but takes forever to do anything with.
What's your favorite esoteric programming language? I've never used one, but I've done rese on them and there are some funny ones. For example, there's one where code is written like Shakespeare.
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lily-of-the-code · 12 days
What's your favorite esoteric programming language? I've never used one, but I've done rese on them and there are some funny ones. For example, there's one where code is written like Shakespeare.
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lily-of-the-code · 13 days
I don't actually have any of the things in my profile picture. The laptop is sort of based off of mine, but that's it. I don't have red hair (yet, I want to dye it at some point), my hair is still s short, I don't have a shirt like that, I'm not shaped like that (yet, I hope), and I don't have those headphones. Lily is my transition goal. Lily of the Flame is a fantasy character, but Lily of the Code is more realistic. At some point, I might be able to replicate the look, which would be awesome.
Also, Hero Forge doesn't have programmer socks, so insted Lily is wearing bunny slippers and leggings.
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lily-of-the-code · 14 days
I never said I named things well
I pick up programming pretty easily. If I can figure out what steps I need to take to do a thing, I can do it. The problem is that I have no idea what I need to do to get the results I want.
To put it another way, I'm really good at figuring out the syntax, but I don't know how to put it together in the best way. I can do fun things with variables and become a goddess of numbers, but I can't do much more. Actually, now that I think about it, I can. I just can't do art. Huh.
If I ever want to be an indie game developer, I'm going to need an artist friend. Or girlfriend.
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