Word of the day: trukki
trukki = forklift
Trukki on ajettava tavaroiden siirto- ja nostolaite. = A forklift is a drivable device used to move and lift goods.
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lily-learns-finnish · 25 days
Verb of the day: notkistua
notkistua = to become more flexible / to bend, to flex (intrans)
Väsyneet lihakset eivät jaksa ylläpitää asentoa ja selkä notkistuu helposti. = Tired muscles aren't able to maintain a [good] posture and the back can easily become hunched/bent.
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lily-learns-finnish · 30 days
"tilanteen tasalla" - up to speed, fully informed
- Pidän teidät tästä tilanteen tasalla - I'll keep you informed about this.
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lily-learns-finnish · 30 days
Word of the day: kertaluonteinen
kertaluonteinen = non-recurring
-> Can also be written as "kertaluontoinen"
Se on kertaluonteinen maksu. = It is a one-off payment/fee.
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lily-learns-finnish · 1 month
Verb of the day: soljua
soljua = to flow, to slide (smoothly)
Pääsiäisen liikenne soljuu rauhallisesti. = Easter traffic is flowig calmly.
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lily-learns-finnish · 1 month
"hetkellä millä hyvänsä" - at any moment
Se voi tapahtua hetkellä millä hyvänsä. - It may happen at any moment.
Similar phrases can be made with other words + millä hyvänsä:
-> hinnalla millä hyvänsä - at any cost
-> keinolla millä hyvänsä - by any means
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lily-learns-finnish · 1 month
"Käyttövesi on hyvä juoksuttaa kylmäksi".
"käyttövesi" = water that will be consumed
Note: käyttö = usage / vesi = water
"on hyvä" = is good
juoksuttaa = to run (transitive form) [i.e. to make something run]
juoksuttaa kylmäksi = to [make] run cold
Overall translation: "It is good to run water to be used for drinking until it is cold."
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lily-learns-finnish · 1 month
Word of the day: ohikiitävä
ohikiitävä = fleeting, over in an instant
"ohikiitävä hetki" = a fleeting moment
Kaikki on ohikiitävää, oli se sitten kipeää tai kaunista. = Everything is fleeting, be it painful or beautiful.
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lily-learns-finnish · 2 months
Olen suomalainen 💙🇫🇮
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lily-learns-finnish · 2 months
Ellei - unless
This is a conjuction meaning something like "unless" but note how the second part the sentence is formed in the negative:
Teen tämän huomenna ellei jollakulla muulla ole aikaa tänään. - I'll do this tomorrow unless someone has time today.
En olisi saanut tätä valmiiksi ajoissa ellei hän olisi auttanut. - I would not have got this ready on time if he had not helped.
Uupumus olisi katkaissut hänen opinnot, ellei hän olisi venyttänyt opintoja. - Exhaustion would have ended his studies if he had not spread them over a longer time period.
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lily-learns-finnish · 3 months
Yhdeksän kymmenestä
Yhdeksän kymmenestä = nine out of ten
Can be used with the -sta/stä form:
Yhdeksän kymmenestä naisesta... = Nine out of ten women...
Yhdeksän kymmenestä suomalaisesta... = Nine out of ten Finns...
Note: this form is general in singular "nainen -> naisesta" (woman) / "suomalainen -> suomalaisesta" (Finn)
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lily-learns-finnish · 3 months
Verb of the day: puolustaa
puolustaa = to defend
-> used with the partitive form, for example "puolustaa maata" ("maa" meaning "country" and "maata" being the partitive form)
Kaksi kolmesta luottaa Suomen kykyyn puolustaa koko maata. = Two out of three trust Finland's ability to defend the whole country.
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lily-learns-finnish · 3 months
Word of the day: elinehto
elinehto = lifeline, needed to live
Puhdas vesi on elinehto. - Clean water is life giving.
Note: ehto = requirement and "elin-" is used to mean life (or relating to life)
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lily-learns-finnish · 3 months
Word of the day: sutjakasti
sutjakasti = smoothly (without problems)
Muutto sujui sutjakasti. = The move went smoothly
-> Note: sutjakka is an adjective meaning "smooth" (also can mean "slender")
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lily-learns-finnish · 3 months
Word of the day: lenssu
lenssu = flu, cold (colloquial word)
-> Same meaning as "flunssa"
Lapsi on pääsyt lenssusta yli. = The child has got over the cold.
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lily-learns-finnish · 3 months
Tieto + related words
Tieto = information, knowledge, data, etc.
One nice way to use this word is when asking if you someone knows something about something, for example:
Onko sinulla tietoa siitä? = You have [any] information about it?
-> Note how this is used with "sta/stä" form.
Onko sinulla tietoa ruoanvalmistajasta? = Do you have information about the food producer?
It can also be used with the word "Saada" (to get, to receive)
Sain tietoa siitä, että... = I got some information regarding...
Sain tiedon jo eilen. = I got the information already yesterday.
Milloin saadaanko tietoa? = When will we get some information?
Another related form is "olla tiedossa" = to be known
Ongelmat tässä työpaikassa ovat hyvin tiedossa. = The problems in this workplace are well known. [i.e. We are well aware of the problems in this workplace. ]
Kirjailija ei ole tiedossa. = The writer/author is not known.
Onko jollakulla muulla tiedossa tästä tilanteesta? = Does someone else know about this situation?
A related word is "tietoinen"
"tietoinen" = aware, conscious [of], knowing [of][adjective])
Hän ei taita haluta osallistua huomenna. Olitko sinä tietoinen siitä? = He doesn't seem to want to participate tomorrow. Where you aware [of that]?
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lily-learns-finnish · 3 months
Verb of the day: varoittaa
varoittaa [+ sta/stä] = to warn [of]
Kymenlaaksossa varoitetaan vaarallisen voimakkaasta tuulesta. = There is a warning for dangerously strong winds in Kymenlaakso.
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