lillid0ptera · 1 month
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Words from the World Below #6: King Pyr'pnom, Host of Dark
King Pyr'pnom, the Apostate Saint Saint Aster had many apostles in his seemingly eternal life, and many would come and go from his tutelage. The majority would simply move on to become saints themselves, but a select few began to doubt their faith. None doubted their faith in Aster more than an ordained saint whose name now goes unsaid. This saint had learned so much and prayed to God so devoutly, yet his faith wavered as Dark crept further into his heart. Soon he saw Aster's teachings as nothing but blind faith in an illusion, The Surface was but a myth and The Dark awaited its king…
This delusion of dark desires brought the saint to apostasy, as he cast aside his role as saint. He would plunge himself into the depths of Dark, where he would become a willing host to its creatures. Parasites, scavengers, worms, remipedes, vermin, all shepherded into his flesh. He would revel in the agony of their mandibles and claws, he saw himself as the King of Dark as they ate him. As he was consumed and defiled by Dark, he heard within his mind a single word "Pyr'pnom", his new name as king.
King Pyr'pnom was a lonely monarch, ruling over nothing but vermin and detritus. Yet, in his delusion, he sees before him a flourishing kingdom that stands to affront the Church's very foundation. He is alone in his vision, as even his supposed subjects only see him as a host. His body is contorted, his skin like stone, his bones shattered, his face like the bottom of the abyss. He alone sees himself as king, and he alone shall see that vision unto eternity.
King Pyr'pnom, Host of Dark Consumed by his subjects, Pyr'pnom could not wish for a better end to his life. Should a king not give himself to his people? Should a king not devote himself fully to his subjects? To be consumed by his people, to have his holy flesh serve as their home is the greatest honor a king could achieve. Yes, this was the most powerful he could ever be.
His form is wretched and mutilated, a sword of ivory ripped from where his arm once was, it writhes with Dragonfire. It is hard to tell if there is any of the delusional king left as his flesh is crawling with remipedes and vermin.
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lillid0ptera · 2 months
Httyd was absolute peak fiction
I love going back to shit i was into as a child and realising where all my preferences in art and design come from like no wonder i'm so into weird dragons and giant underbites and sharp needle teeth and thicker lower than upper parts of limbs and frills and long tails when this is the stuff i grew up on
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lillid0ptera · 2 months
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Words from the World Below #5: Torchbearer Knights/Apostle Effigy Shield
Torchbearer Knights Knights that serve under of the Church of Light, known as Torchbearer Knights. These knights give up life and limb to earn the title of knight, to one day be ordained by God itself. They carry flame in a torch atop their helms, its light a holy vestige of the light God once basked in before The Collapse. Flame is a sacred thing to the Church of Light, as it is the closest they will ever come to the resplendent rays on The Surface.
Becoming a Torchbearer is no mean feat, and any seeking to become one must be willing to risk their life to earn the right to bear God's light. After years of grooming and training, the best apprentices are selected for their final trial. This ritual entails the squire amputating their sword arm without producing so much as a wince. To wince at such agony is to falter under God, and so it is to be undeserving of knighthood. Those who succeed are gifted a new arm of ordained grave wax, a stronger arm befitting of such a stalwart warrior. Those who fail however, soon die of their wounds as they will receive no gifts nor aid from the clergy.
Apostle Effigy Shield A large gilded shield given to the Knights of God's Torch. It depicts a woman said to have been granted sainthood long ago. The woman is said to have been named Saint Trea of the Branch, a devout apostle who served as the first emissary to bring God's light to The World Below. This shield provides a blessing to those who bear it. Although, this blessing only manifests to the truly faithful, perhaps that is for the better as faith comes from those lacking hope.
"Should ye lack hope in The World Below, faith shall fill thy heart, and God's blessing thou shalt receive"
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lillid0ptera · 2 months
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Words from the World Below #4: Carrion Trader (Merchant)
"No, no no good customer. We do not trifle with the material wealth doled out by man. We desire something more essential. I hope you can understand our needs good customer." An enigmatic merchant that inhabits the depths of The World Below. They appear to have the body of a swollen disfigured corpse wearing the worn outfit of a nobleman. Despite their dead visage, they still speak and fluidly so with a gentle tone. It is unknown how they speak when their body is in such a state of decay and is inhabited by several engorged maggots. Their wares are said to be unique to the deeper and darker regions of The World Below, trinkets from places man would never venture. However, very few travelers have ever listened to the pleas of the merchant due in no small part to their choice of currency. Unlike merchants of the established world, the Carrion Trader requests flesh as their preferred currency. The flesh of animals, the flesh of dragons, the flesh of men, the flesh of children, no one is safe, they are all nothing but items of trade.
"Feed… Feed us flesh good customer… oh how my brood hungers within. Feed us. Feed us noble, feed us blue-blooded flesh."
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lillid0ptera · 2 months
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Words from The World Below: Lesser Troutsnake
While these creatures may be lesser in comparison to other dragons, they are no less terrified and deserving of the church's scorn. Dragons are said to be pestilence incarnate, plague and suffering made flesh. Their uncanny forms are far more advanced than the typical arthropods of Dark, they are Dark's great insult to humanity.
To further sour their visage they have frail imitations of wings, mimicking the prophesied bird of heaven that once lived on The Surface. These wings are weak and cannot fly through air that is touched by the light, instead they are well adapted to swimming through the depths of Dark. The Dark is a thick substance that chokes out light and it is from their lightless hell that dragons are borne, and it is from there that they shall thrive and bring terror to man.
Dark's greatest offense to man is its mockery of flame produced by dragons. Flame is holy, a vestige of The Surface's light that illuminates man and their faith, yet Dragonfire is something most unholy. Black at its core and a putrid xanthous hue at its tips it is the stagnate sludge to flame's flowing water. This fire is created by the ignition of a dragon's toxic blood which spews forth from its fangs.
This blood, and by extension its fire are said to cause disease. Some have come to give the disease the name Blackscale, others Dragonblight, and some see it so rarely the condition has no name. Those ailed by the illness of Dragonfire develop dragonic traits such as slimy scaly skin and long strands of loose skin that resemble fur. The illness never progresses past this point as it always ends in the victim's premature death at the hands of Dark's counter to man's light.
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lillid0ptera · 2 months
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Words from The World Below #2: Wall Hand
A small corrupted scavenger, found commonly in The World Below. Wall Hands are diminutive creatures that resemble spiders, only they have developed strange features after consuming Fallen Flesh. Throughout the underworld these small creatures are nothing more than a minute pest that are only threatening in large numbers.
Within the depths of human civilization however, they have become a prolific threat. Due to their small size they are unable to attack adult humans and so lie in wait within the shadows to claim infants as their prey. They seem to have a preference for the flesh of children from a noble upbringing, although, it is possible that the less fortunate simply die before Wall Hands reach them.
Their articulate man-like hands are capable of ripping flesh from bone and eyes from sockets with ease, leaving their prey nothing but a damp skeleton. While less threatening to armed humans, Wall Hands can still use their numbers to rip a knight's armor and flesh clean off. Dispatching them is easy, but their threat to humans remains ubiquitous.
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lillid0ptera · 2 months
If you like anything horror related does that mean you like garten of banban
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lillid0ptera · 2 months
Hope the world of Bumblr doesn't mind me posting my work to the greater world...
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lillid0ptera · 2 months
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Words from the World Below #1: Saint Aster's Recollection
Oh yes, I remember it… "The Surface". I still feel it, the light shining down upon my skin before The Collapse. You want me to tell you of the The Surface? Oh of course, all those whom visit me seek memories, too bound by the woes of the past. Regardless, thou hath come all this way for answers so I am obliged to give them, to the best of mine ability.
Let me say to thou of the day God fell from Heaven, and The Surface collapsed into itself. The sun was so beautiful, its tender light granting life unto the creatures of The Surface. Ah yes its warm tender light, giving life all it has from the plants to the animals to the people. It were a time without Dark, a time when humanity still saw the grace of God's light. Oh… oh how beautiful it were, to feel God's grace upon my flesh, to feel its light scatter across my mortal form, a feeling now lost among us all. Why oh why? Why would God hath fallen on that blighted day? The day the clouds turned dark with thunder for the first time… I remember some had anticipated the day of God's arrival, yet not this. Nay they foresaw a God of holy sunlight, in all its radiance. On this day alas, we saw not God but instead a fetid cadaver of innumerable bone and flesh, uncountable lengths of decay and death permeated its form. God was mortal, and its light twas snuffed as it fell into The Surface. This… this was The Collapse when God fell and the world of mine and mine people was thrust beneath the earth into the Dark.
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lillid0ptera · 2 months
I think I have a Tumblr now
I think I have a Tumblr now, I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this. Do I just kinda post whatever I want and people see it? It this like Twitter but epic?
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