lilagraham · 3 years
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lilagraham · 3 years
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His Dark Materials, Season 2 Episode 5, The Scholar
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lilagraham · 3 years
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“The myth about the angel who rebelled against his Lord is the most beautiful of all myths, the proudest, the most revolutionary, the most immortal of them all.”                        - Yevgeny Zamyatin
Full Name: Lilith
Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Lila Graham, Lily, Mother of Demons
Date of Birth: Unknown
Age: Appears 36
Gender + Pronouns: Female, She/Her
Place of birth: Hell
Parents: Lucifer
Siblings: Basil & Abel
Relationship with family (close? estranged?): I wouldn’t go as far as estranged but pretty distant due to conflicting views
Pets: A golden snub-nosed monkey
Height: 5′ 6″ (168 cm)
Build: Slim
Species: Celestial
Distinguishing Facial Features: Her eyes are a harsh blue, Her lip has this curve thing, Her chin
Hair Color: Red
Usual Hair Style: Loose curls, Chin length
Eye Color: Blue
Complexion (freckles, acne, skin tone, birth marks, scars): Fair Skin (Type 2), Tiny beauty marks here and there
Disabilities (physical or mental, including mental illnesses): Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar
What do they consider their best feature?: It’s the legs
Worst they’ve ever been injured (what, how did it happen)?: Unfortunately, she’s endure lots of trauma and can’t choose a worst experience
Favorite outfit: Anything black and dressy
Glasses? Contacts?: No
Personal Hygiene: She’s pretty polished
Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: No piercings, No tattoos but she’ll sometimes wear fake earrings
What does their voice sound like?: It sounds gentle and innocent but if you’re a really good listener, you can sometimes hear the anger beneath it
Accent?: Bristish
Unique mannerisms/physical habits: It’s the way she stands, head held high, hands gripped together in front of her; The way her lip quivers a tad when she’s angry and trying to keep her composure
Left handed or right?: Ambidextrous
Do they work out/exercise?: Not really
Known Languages: She can understand and speak all languages
Zodiac: Unknown
Gifts/talents: The Gift of Creation, Jack of All Trades
Religious stance: None
Pet peeves: Does not like repeating herself; The dripping sound bothers her
Optimist or pessimist: Optimist
Extrovert or introvert: Introvert
Relationship status: Single
Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Ideal mate/qualities they look for in mate: Someone who is straight forward and honest with her; Someone who will worship the ground she walks on but also isn’t afraid to express and stand up for themselves
Ever been in love?: She could possibly be right now but won’t admit it
What’s their love language?: Quality time, Physical touch
Most important person in their life?: Her brothers; her monkey
Level of education: Not applicable
Profession: Owner of Curiosities Antique Store
Past occupations: She started off doing repairs at the antique shop and when the owners passed, they left it to her
Passions: Creating, Antiquing, Speaking her truth
Which is more important – money or doing something they love?: Doing something she loves
Phobias: None
Life goals: To rule over Hell
Greatest fears: Her plan to become ruler of Hell falling through
Most embarrassing thing ever to happen to him/her: Getting chastised by Lucifer in front of her creations and/or brothers
Something they’ve never told anyone: She actually doesn’t see the harm in the surface dwellers. Her beef is with the Celestials
Hobbies: Fencing, Collecting and Researching antiques, Various forms of martial arts
Favorite color: Black
Favorite smell: Campfire; It reminds her of home
Favorite food: Mediterranean
Favorite book: Dante’s Inferno
Favorite movie: The Silence of the Lambs
Favorite song: The Rolling Stones, 'Sympathy for the Devil'
Coffee or tea?: Tea
Favorite type of weather: Winter, she’s a fan of the snow
Most used word or phrase?: None
MBTI: ISTJ-A (The Logistician) - These people tend to be reserved yet willful, with a rational outlook on life. They compose their actions carefully and carry them out with methodical purpose
Alignment: Lawful Good - A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. He tells the truth, keeps his word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice
Enneagram: Eight - Eights are motivated by the desire to be independent and to take charge of themselves and others. They are assertive personalities and passionate about life
Celtic Tree: Alder, the Trailblazer - Natural pathfinders; They have the ability to move people and quickly gain followers to their cause. They possess a mystic charisma, confidence and strong self-faith
Temperament: Choleric - These people don’t strive to be polite, respectful, or friendly. They do stuff according to what is convenient to them and, most importantly, is in line with their goals
Hogwarts House: Slytherin- Often extremely honest and direct with their peers in a way that is meant to be helpful, yet can sometimes come across as crude to those who favor politeness over authenticity
Element: Wood - Lifelong students; always challenging themselves to learn and grow. Wood people are action-oriented, and do best if they feel in charge of their own destiny and have a sense of forward momentum in life
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lilagraham · 3 years
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I’m the best weapon you’ll ever have.
MARISA COULTER (His Dark Materials, 2019-) | insp.
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lilagraham · 3 years
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《  ruth wilson. female, she/her. men of snow by ingrid michaelson   》 oh my, there goes LILA GRAHAM (LILITH). the 36/UNKNOWN year old CROWN is currently working at CURIOSITIES ANTIQUE SHOP as the OWNER. they’ve been in salem, ma for ALMOST A CENTURY. they are known around town as THE INGÉNUE. i have a feeling they ARE aware of what’s going on in town, and they are AZRAEL’S ARMY. hopefully, because they are known to be RESOURCEFUL and METICULOUS while also being MALICIOUS and SELF-INDULGENT, they will survive. i guess only time will tell.
aesthetics: the eye in the center of the storm, a look that could kill, the sound of heels clicking on the floor, a silent but deadly aura, a lone wolf
biography: shortly after lucifer was banished to hell, she created her first demons, lilith and her brother, basil. not too long after, abel died and came to hell. lucifer took him under her wing too. she raised the young demons as warriors more than mothering them; taught them to harness their power, and taught them their history. since origination, lilith has been creating demons at her mother’s will. she’d constantly tell her that it was the reason she was created. at times it felt like a curse. in the beginning, she resented lucifer for not letting her decide her own path in life. it wasn’t until she was older that she really saw the world for what it was. they were treated unfairly in heaven and deserved what was rightfully theirs.
when azrael came to hell, trapped to rot in cage for defending them, she knew that it was the start of the rebellion. she could feel it. there was talk all around the underworld that azrael was plotting his escape. intrigued, she visited his cage one day. he convinced her to defect against lucifer by promising her rule over hell. lilith would finally be able to make life in hell the way she’s wanted. when the day came for her to travel to the surface and pose as a defecting low-level demon to set things in motion for his escape, she was more than willing and ready. she came to salem as an introverted, red-headed imp named lila graham. she resides in willow glenn and owns the antique shop. to outsiders, lila seems like a regular law-abiding citizen. there are few that truly know who she is but no one truly knows what she’s up to on the surface. she hadn’t seemed like much of a threat; not until the gates opened at least.
headcanons: during her time spent on the surface as lila, she’s tried to stray away from making connections but she’s fallen for an angel. the people of salem see her as a mild mannered individual who doesn’t get out much. lilith likes to eat. you can usually find her at any of salem’s restaurants; her favorite being the witch’s brew cafe.
connections: skinny love - an angel whom she fell for and will never admit to it bc she is the mother of demons, okay? she’s a baddie. baddies can’t fall in love.
miscellaneous: "deep into that darkness peering, long i stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before."  - edgar allen poe
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lilagraham · 3 years
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lilagraham · 3 years
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INSTAGRAM: @|madamvulture
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