lilac-city · 6 days
the fact that walls get dusty is ridiculous. you're vertical. act like it.
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lilac-city · 12 days
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lilac-city · 12 days
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lilac-city · 15 days
“You gotta make a decision leave tonight or live and die this way” is such a raw line you’d think it was from Tracy Chapman’s fast car. And it is in fact from Tracy Chapman’s fast car.
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lilac-city · 17 days
If you ever feel like you’ve made bad decisions just remember that somewhere out there is a theatre director at an all-white high school about to choose the spring musical
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lilac-city · 17 days
the city where we live doesn't allow public barbecues so my brother fucking welded a grill to a handcart and now hosts "chill and grill sessions" where he sends all his friends his live location so they can hunt him down on their bikes with sausages in their backpacks while he carts it around evading the police like some sort of barbecue vigilante, grilling on the run. i have never been prouder of him
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lilac-city · 25 days
When I am falling asleep and feeling completely safe with someone I have this weird... what I want to call "chirp" that happens with my breathing. Just a weird musical note? I don't know how to describe it it's like separate from the breathing but also part of it. It's not snoring it's like a happy hum. Happy high note then happy low note. I'm sure it could possibly be very annoying but it never happens unless I'm completely at ease.
Anyway it just occurred to me that of the three people who know that chirp two are blocked and one's dead. So that sucks. I want to chirp at someone!!!
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lilac-city · 1 month
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lilac-city · 1 month
very high concentration of good dialogue in this 30 sec clip
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lilac-city · 1 month
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lilac-city · 1 month
Split Ticket Voting, you buy a train ticket and split it between the 3 canudates you like most, whichever one reaches San Francisco Alive wins
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lilac-city · 2 months
there are so many things on gods green earth that are not platonic but are also not romantic. the erotic, the familial, the unconditional, weird codependency, weird codependency (hatred edition), etc. let us all broaden our horizons
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lilac-city · 2 months
Found this guy while kayaking
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lilac-city · 2 months
I want to go on a train dressed like Howl Pendragon
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lilac-city · 2 months
This is so silly and being a florist is my favorite job I've ever had and I'm good at it so I'm not going to, like, quit my job and go work at a pool for $10/hr again but every year when it starts to get warm like it is now I miss the feeling when I was sixteen and a lifeguard and would wake up at 4:45am to work adult lap swim at the local pool. Waking up in the warm summer dark. Driving or biking over. Literally no traffic on the streets. The way the garage door looked rising just as the horizon got light. Being the first person in the building. All alone at the pool diving in to the cold water to drag the lane lines across and set up for the day. It was so amazingly quiet and calm. First person in the pool every day. Unlocking the gates to let the regulars in at 6. There was an L track right next to the pool and I'd be in the water dragging lane lines, plastic lane line beads clacking against each other, as morning commuter trains went past and the sun rose but the sky was still mostly dark. Sometimes you could even see stars still. Then when the regulars got there I just sat in my big tall chair and watched them swim and made sure no one had a heart attack. Management never showed up until like 10 or 11am. Most days off work at noon so I could still hang with friends in the afternoon. It was a summer dream. We were required to take breaks and reapply sunscreen every couple hours so I smelled like coconuts and was the most tan I've ever been. Truly I have had so many jobs and that one ruled and I miss it. No one I worked with could understand why I requested those shifts. They gave me them happily because no one else wanted it. But it was just magic.
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lilac-city · 2 months
if anyone finds out when this permanent feeling of fear goes away please let me know
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lilac-city · 2 months
sample size of friends too small. what’s the best cookie (rbs appreciated)
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