lihokim-blog · 4 years
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lihokim-blog · 5 years
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Completed mobile. It seems to be mobile and attractive, but the original concept of Bible stories does not appear. People who have never seen it can easily find out what it is. It would have been nice if the object of the mobile was made to be expressed a little more directly by the character.
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lihokim-blog · 5 years
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I thought of kinetic mobiles among the moving objects using the wind. If I make moon shapes in mobiles with shepherds, Mary, josephs, baby Jesus, they can express movement and encounter mysterious atmosphere with human contactless movement.
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lihokim-blog · 5 years
Philips de Jongh park
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lihokim-blog · 5 years
Forest, Philips de Jongh park
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lihokim-blog · 5 years
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The forest. Where our group work presented
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lihokim-blog · 5 years
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lihokim-blog · 5 years
Mobile that moves with the wind
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lihokim-blog · 5 years
Moving with water
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lihokim-blog · 5 years
Structure to communicate with forest without human touching.
I made devices that could move without touching. (It’s video   capture)
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This is It is inspired by the Christmas pyramids and moves with fire.
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Then, make a mobile with wire. It can be moved with wind. And inspired this by Kinetic mobile.
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The last one, it is a spinning wheel. Moved by water.
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I will combine the Bible verses with the device of my attempted movement.
The Bible verses which I given are,
 16 So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger.
17 when they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child,
18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.
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lihokim-blog · 5 years
Christmas Dinner Project advanced
Behaviour: Moving without a human touching
Interaction: With Forest
Making a device that moves by itself using the background of the forest. (Wind, water, a stone through the elements of the forest)
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lihokim-blog · 5 years
Christmas Dinner Project
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We receive Bible passages. The scenes represented by the Bible passages are expressed in the forests of darkness. The scene of our group is the scene where the three Shepherds, Marie, Joseph, and Baby Jesus meet in the stables.
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lihokim-blog · 5 years
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This is my second attempt. The subject is' The way I see the world. I made a filter based on the keywords extracted from the identity assignment. Through these filters, you can see the world in the way I see it. But it was too hard to build a concept and convince it. I made it hard, but it did not work. So I decided to change to the Christmas dinner project, which is the project of my department.
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lihokim-blog · 5 years
상상과 현실간의 간격과 거리, 내가 세상을 동화와 아름답게 보는 이유 = 기분 좋으니까. 풍경 현상 공간을 보고 움직임 내 마음에 따라. 내가 상상하는 동화속 세계가 현실과 닮을 때도 멀떄도 있는데 이는 내 마음에 따라 달림. 내 생각의 파퍈, 가상세계의 파편, 좌표
현실 왜곡 ex 필터 만들기 내가 보는 세상-실제 현실 대비 look at ohter apps. 필터 연구
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lihokim-blog · 5 years
New direction
vogue magazine, ar filter after effect ar studio https://www.businessoffashion.com/articles/news-bites/vogue-us-partners-with-apple-on-augmented-reality-feature 오후 4:32 https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ar-studio/tutorials/quick-start-guide/
앱을 안 만들어도 된다. 인스타그램 필터 컨셉 디자인 먼저, ar studio, torch, fram, porch ar experience. spark, snapchat software . facebook이 더 쉬움 https://www.torch.app/ https://create.snapchat.com/org/guest/purchase/choose-product?utm_campaign=ODG_G_Search_USA_EN_Branded_BMM&utm_content=Snapchat_Filter_BMM&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_term=%2Bsnapchat+%2Bfilter https://sketchfab.com/?utm_campaign=brand&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=adwords&gclid=CjwKCAiAlb_fBRBHEiwAzMeEdoYYtohxpro-1S9xchW2G41SO7n9nVmZoePxfr0IBLTgBbiBcXyw6xoCq5IQAvD_BwE
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lihokim-blog · 5 years
Projection mapping programms
1. VDMX (Mac) ★★★★★ 맥용프로그램으로 다소 사용법은 어려우나 플러그인을 통하여 자체적으로 다양한 소스들을 제작할 수있습니다. 다양한 여건,상황 에서 응용할 수 있기 때문에 추천하는 툴 입니다. 애플에서 무료로 제공하는 쿼츠컴포저에서 만든 영상이나 효과를 불러와 소스로 활용할 수 있습니다/ http://www.vidvox.net/     Module8 (Mac) ★★★☆☆ 맥용VJing 툴로는 VDMX와 함께 많은 유저층을 갖고있습니다 간단한 인터페이스와 다이나믹한 기능을 가지고 있으며 온라인을 통해 다양한 효과를 다운받을 수있기 때문에 활용도가 높습니다 다만, VJing에 특화되어 있다보니 프로젝션 맵핑에 사용하기에 한계점이 존재합니다. http://www.garagecube.com/modul8/     Mad mapper (Mac) ★★★★★ 대표적인 Visual mapping tool로 다양한 플러그인을 통해 간단하고 쉽게 컨텐츠를 제작할 수 있습니다. 사이폰을 통하여 맥용의 다양한툴들과 결합하여 무한한 확장성을 가지고 있습니다 특히 미디어파사드를 진행하기위한 스캐닝 기능이 장점입니다. http://www.madmapper.com/     heavyM (Win/Mac) ★★★☆☆ 일반인들에게 프로젝션맵핑의 대중화를 선언한 툴로 Beta version 무료 배포중 입니다. 사각형,삼각형 형태의 물체 맵핑에 최적화되어 있으며 라인이나 면의 색을 16가지 렌덤프레이로 다양하게 표현이 가능합니다. 아직 베타버전이기 때문에 기능과 이펙트의 제한이 있으며 정식 오픈 후 추가되는 기능에 주목하고 있습니다 http://heavym.net/en/     Resolume (Win/Mac) ★★★★☆ 사용법도 단순하며 세개의 레이어로 구성되어 한눈에 들어오고 다양한 리얼타임 영상효과와 더불어 버전 업그레이드 되면서 영상과 사운드 결합형 VJing Tool로 발전하였습니다 http://resolume.com/     COGe (Mac) ★★★☆☆ Quartz Composer 의 플레이어 형태로 개발되었으며 모듈러 형태의 오픈소스 프로그램으로 업그레이드 되면서 다양한 기능들이 가능하도록 발전하였습니다. 또한 클립과 효과를 프리셋화 할 수 있습니다 http://cogevj.hu/
VPT7 (Win/Mac) ★★★☆☆ freeware로 MAC뿐만 아니라 윈도우OS 에서도 구동되는 툴로, 간단히 사용법으로 누구나 다루기 쉽고, 단순한 Warping이 가능합니다 http://hcgilje.wordpress.com/vpt/
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lihokim-blog · 5 years
Things I should know in the further
1. Particles
2. Animation
3. Projection mapping
(also do more progress on making objet)
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