lightsandlust · 1 year
Going to bed
Good night all
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lightsandlust · 1 year
Follow my other blogs
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lightsandlust · 1 year
Sorry I haven’t done replies here
I’m just having a hard time.
I feel like screaming and crying.
I’m not sure if it’s the job search or the fact that I’m alone in the romantic sense.  I’m just not feeling great so I focused on my other guys:
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lightsandlust · 1 year
Lately I’ve just been feeling like screaming and I don’t know why.
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lightsandlust · 1 year
I gave Lestat his own blog
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lightsandlust · 1 year
About that song I just posted
I have to actually hold back tears when I listen to it because it feels like Palaye Royale put my words to a song.  I feel so connected to the lyrics.  *sobs*
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lightsandlust · 1 year
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lightsandlust · 1 year
Traveled 30 minutes for a 5 minute interview
Not hopeful.
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lightsandlust · 1 year
IF I made a blog for Lestat, would anyone want to play with him?
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lightsandlust · 1 year
Chrome has been a bitch lately
Seeing if firefox works better.
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lightsandlust · 1 year
LIKE for a starter from my sideblog
Starters will come from @openedxdoors
It started when he turned sixteen.
Oliver thought he was a normal person.  Perhaps he was.  Perhaps it was the old Victorian that his family moved into that wasn’t normal.
It was two months into living in his new home when the door appeared.  It hadn’t been there before.  Smooth wall had been replaced by an unassuming door where none had been just hours previously.
At first, he thought it was a dream.  It had, after all, appeared in the middle of the night, and his eyes had been blurry from sleep.  However, the door was still there when morning came.
For days, he ignored the door, sure that something nefarious was behind it.  Doors didn’t just appear, after all.  Every story he had ever heard of such an occurrence involved demons, devils, or other monstrous beings.  He had seen movies about this sort of thing and it didn’t end well for the one who opened the door.
After two weeks, tragedy struck.  A home invasion left his parents dead.  He had run to his room and without thinking, grasped the cool metal of the door’s knob and felt his feet leave the ground as he was sucked in.
Oliver fell for a long time.  He fell fast, and slow.  He fell at the speed of light, and at the speed a feather might fall.  Stars passed him.  And planets.  At one point he was sure he heard the singing of angels, and at another, the screams of the damned.
And then his body gently touched down in a forest, a door in a tree slamming shut behind him and melting into the wood.
Was he alive or dead?  Where was he?  When was he?
“So you’re the new hero huh?  You don’t look like much.  How in the hell is a teenage boy suppose to save us?”
Over the next few days he had learned that he had entered another realm, another world.  He was expected to help save the people from a monstrous ruler who held the Kingdom’s fate in their hands.
That was his first jump.  HIs first door.
Door after door.  He was pulled from world to world, always meant to save the day.
Now at age 30, he’s tired of his travels.  He wants to settle somewhere.  He wants a home.  A life.  But will the doors ever let him go?
Name:  Oliver James Age:  30 Gender:  Male Orientation:  Homosexual Occupation:  Hero?  Odd Jobs Species:  Human
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lightsandlust · 1 year
Send me 🔪 to put a knife to my muse’s throat and see how they react.
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lightsandlust · 1 year
Done what I can over here for tonight
I’ll probably be back tomorrow
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lightsandlust · 1 year
It took Derek a moment of mild confusion as he tried to remember before it all came to him the more Stiles went on. “Wait that scrawny little thing was you?” Well damn he sure had grown into a handsome man.
“Though I have to admit, I was only kind to you because I was distracting myself so I wouldn’t cry about what happened to my uncle and what could have happened to the rest of my family.” And what a distraction Stiles had been. Who knew helping a weeping kid could make him push his own tears away.
“He recovered by the way and that crazy woman got life in prison. Though I was still worried about coming back, but it’s getting harder to keep an eye on my son by myself. So I might take my mother’s advice. Maybe he could make friends with your daughter.”
“That would be nice.  She could use an older friend.  She’s far too smart for her age.  She gets that from her mom.  Lydia has a genius IQ.  I’m close but not quite there.  I’m good at putting things together.  Like figuring out who committed a crime.  That’s where my talent lies.”
He wasn’t going to lie.  He was totally into Derek.  He bit his bottom lip though when he realized something.
“So...I have a partnership with Talia Hale.  Your mom, I believe.”
He looked down at the drink he had ordered. Still untouched.  He took a sip.
“Stuff happened when I was in high school.  My best friend got bitten by a rogue alpha.  We got pulled into a bunch of crazy stuff.  Hell, Lydia is a Banshee.  So I want you to know...I know.  And I’m okay with it.  It’s actually kind of a turn on.”
He blushed brightly.
“And considering I’ve had a crush on you since that night.  I guess what I’m saying is...maybe you’ll attend dinner with me some night?”
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lightsandlust · 1 year
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Almost protectively, Elias wrapped both arms around Jaskier’s middle. The thought of George turning the other didn’t sit well with Elias. But who was he to argue. He knew that he was relatively young in vampire years. His self-control wasn’t the best after all and he wasn’t sure what Jaskier’s taste would do to him. He already smelled a little too sweet.
George only watched the two lovebirds and sighed softly. Something told him that these two won’t have a happy ending. But who was George to say stuff like that? Maybe he only a pessimist, this was at least what George hoped for these two.
❝Yes, I agree. You two should wait until you are both ready. I can see in Elias’ face that he doesn’t like this idea of me turning you much. But that’s something you have to discuss alone.❞
A soft frown appeared on George’s face once Jaskier mentioned Geralt. It was also the moment Elias sat up. ❝What do you mean? Will he hunt me then?❞ Elias asked without any hesitation.
“Honestly I’m not sure.  If Geralt has been reborn there is no telling if he has his past memories, body, or abilities.  Towards the end, he craved a simple life.  He wanted to be human.  To have a family and above all, a home.  It’s possible that if he does have his memories, that he may be content just living without fighting.”
But there was no way of telling if the others had been reborn.
“To be honest I don’t know why I was able to remember each of my lives.  I know it’s not something...normal.”
He took both of Elias’s hands.
“I won’t let him hurt you, either way.”
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lightsandlust · 1 year
It was a rocky relationship at the best of times. Sometimes they got a long other times? Well they didn’t really and that was fine, Kon didn’t ask for Lex to make him and Clark didn’t ask to get made. That was just how things were. Did it hurt? Yeah a little bit but at the end of the day you kind of just had to get on with things. Living in Hawai'i wasn’t so bad, the beaches were nice and the babes? They were nice too. Kon hadn’t been expecting Clark showing up at his compound hovering in front of him. Kon wondered if the world was about to go in to crisis mode and he was be drafted in to a fight. He lowered his sunglasses wondering if he was seeing things correctly. Then Clark started talking and Kon started to question his hearing. Had Clark been replaced by someone else? Kon leaned up against the wall of the compound and stewed on Clark’s words for a minute. “Uh yeah hi I guess.” Kon finally replied with. Looks like they were just jumping right in to things. “Honestly, I’m not sure what we are.” Kon started he wasn’t sure on his feelings towards Clark right now. They’d get better over time but it was something they were going to have to work at. “Listen whatever we are, we’re going to have to work on it. I don’t think I can be your son. Not right away… but I’m willing to give… what ever this is a try.” Kon let out a sigh. What did he even have to lose here? Nothing, but he had Jordan and Jonathan to gain. “I’ll do it for the kids I’d like to meet them… I think that’d be nice.”
Clark offered a sad smile.  He knew that he had a lot to make up for.  A lot to do to fix their relationship.
“Well when it comes to Jordan and TJ, I can bring them here.  Both of them can fly.  But I’m not sure how well Jonathan would fair the flight.  Maybe you can come out to the farm?  Lois would love to see you.  And so would the boys.  We can go do something as a family.”
He walked over to Kon, resting a hand gently on his shoulder.
“And I want you to know...with all the good you’ve done...I am proud of you.  I know I’ve never said it.  But I am.”
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lightsandlust · 1 year
Eli groaned.
"Dad is out of town. Scott too. Just me and Allison. And Allison is pregnant now, so now really isn't a good time to get her involved."
He slowly opened one glowing eye.
"Dad told me...intimacy helps healing."
His cheeks flushed brightly.
"I like you, Benji. You're the only one I would consider it with."
He sat up slowly, his body already starting to heal now that the bullet had been removed.
But there were sounds coming from outside. Sounds of men and the scent of gunpowder.
"You need to get into the panic room."
Once he had the bullet out, he put it and the tweezers on a towel on the ground. Then he pressed another clean towel on the wound to stop the bleeding. Luckily, Benji was used to the sight of blood. It didn't bother him, never did, maybe it even had a more arousing effect on him when a person he disliked bled to death. But that was a secret he kept hidden in the depths of his heart. For a second, he looked at his bloodstained hands, then to his phone. Should he call Eli's father?
Even before Benji could think about this further, he felt Eli's hand on his cheek. He turned his head, his ocean blue eyes sparkled at the other and suddenly their lips touched. His heart fluttered and his eyes closed automatically while he moved his lips against the others. The kiss was just a brief one but it was enough to make Benji weak (at least until Eli fell back to the bed). Quickly, Benji reached for the bandages and desinfect.
❝I know, Pup. But the bullet is out. I'll bandage you now and…where is your Dad? Should I call him? Or Scott?❞
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