lightningcritter · 27 minutes
I'm sorry, but did Endo
-tell us Henderson's monocle is because of a disability he gained due to state sponsored violence from him protesting mythologizing military death to his students
and then expect us to be fucking normal about that for the next two weeks, because idk if I'm going to survive
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lightningcritter · 28 minutes
(minor ch. 80 manga spoilers)
A small but very significant detail that shows just how much Loid and Yor's relationship has developed over the course of the series is
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In Chapter 6, Loid rushes to the telephone as soon as it rings before anyone else gets a chance. However, . . .
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. . . In Chapter 80, Yor answers the phone on Loid's behalf.
Loid, or rather Twilight, is slowly unlearning his instincts as a spy that tells him "trust no one". Yor and Anya both are breaking down his walls built up from a life of trauma caused by the war. As he opens up to Yor, gradually, he's learning that his humanity he rejected for the sake of world peace still resides within him.
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lightningcritter · 29 minutes
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lightningcritter · 29 minutes
My 14 year old brother just took a drink of hot chocolate and hissed like he'd knocked back a shot of vodka then set it down and went "ah... that's the good stuff."
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lightningcritter · 32 minutes
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kofi request: Tsuyu, Bakugo, and Ochako hanging out. I made them work on a group project together, i think they'd make a very fun and competent team lmao
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lightningcritter · 34 minutes
I’ve seen a post going around suggesting Zuko doesn’t know Aang’s name, which I believe is incorrect, so: blistering hot take, here is my general estimation on whose names Zuko knows by the time he asks to join in S3:
Aang: Zuko definitely know’s Aang’s name. This is because Katara has a habit of yelling it when he’s in danger, and also because once we get to S2 Aang’s been involved in enough antics that his name and appearance seem to be generally well-known within both the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation. He says “the avatar” when he first joins because even though he knows Aang’s name he doesn’t feel like they’re on that basis yet and he’s trying to be polite. No mystery here.
Katara: Zuko sort of vaguely maybe knows Katara’s name. He definitely knows who she is, having fought her enough times. He could recognize her on sight and if you asked him “hey, what’s the deal with that water tribe girl who travels with the avatar?” he could give you a reasonable summation of her bending ability (scary) and her personality (hates him, dead mom, weirdly nice sometimes). But her name? God, give him a minute. He’s definitely heard it before. 90% sure it starts with a C.
Sokka: Zuko knows there’s a water tribe guy who travels with the avatar and doesn’t seem to be a bender. Could not tell you his name if you put a gun to his head.
Toph: Zuko has no fucking idea who Toph is. 
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lightningcritter · 39 minutes
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lightningcritter · 45 minutes
Referencing obscure Internet memes in mainstream media almost invariably falls flat, but if movie!Deadpool walked into the aftermath of a scene of gratuitous carnage and quipped "wow, it looks like a children's hospital in here" it would totally work. To those who don't catch the reference it would come off as generic edgy bullshit, and to those in the know, Deadpool having a Tumblr account is completely believable.
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lightningcritter · 45 minutes
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lightningcritter · 2 hours
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they're totally inseparable now haha
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lightningcritter · 2 hours
reminder to worldbuilders: don't get caught up in things that aren't important to the story you're writing, like plot and characters! instead, try to focus on what readers actually care about: detailed plate tectonics
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lightningcritter · 2 hours
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lightningcritter · 15 hours
There’s an element to the demon designs in KNY that I am like not getting over. The extent to which their physical forms change can be connected to extent their personality changes idk if I’m being clever w this and it’s most notably the kizuki. And I think this also links to what they can remember.
E.g Gyutaro as a human, although he very much was a product of his environment, still revelled in the cruelty he inflicted. As a demon he’s just taller w different clothes, his insecurities that he still keeps far more visible. He remembered his life in extreme poverty because it shaped his personality
Rui on the other hand completely changes: his hair, eyes, clothes and even skin. Nothing stays the same because Rui was a sweet boy who just wanted to go play in the snow and that was taken advantage of. And as a demon he’s cruel, manipulative and abusive. (My poor boy TT) Rui forgot about his parents and goals because he couldn’t have them anymore. He wants family but it’s sure why entirely
The same for Akaza, Hakuji was of course capable of violence but he didn’t want to act upon it. He wanted to live happily with his wife and was of course forcibly turned after murdering a lot of people in revenge. Akaza is playful and mocking with humans and loyal to an employer he doesn’t care for. And so his hair, eyes, skin clothes etc are completely different. Akaza almost entirely forgot about his wife, but I love that she was still very present in everything he did <3 Like Rui w family, she’s still significant but he can’t remember why
And of course, Nezuko. After being turned, her personality and values dominated her desire to eat. Her clothes, the checkered pattern her family wears, doesn’t change at all. Her hair does and of course that’s symbolic but she still keeps her little bow. Nezuko, of course, gradually remembered what happened to her mother and siblings and she doesn’t get much of a chance to really process it but family and protection is the entire reason her and her brother’s journey even began.
She chooses to make a choice in who she wants to perceive as family, even if they’re demons (Yushiro and Tamayo) and lets herself burn in the sunlight to save her brother.
Anyways Nezuko is underrated and I love her very very much and I keep this design philosophy in mind when designing demons.
E.g. Yuzuka’s personality didn’t change too much, she already was cruel to an extent, apathetic and selfish. And so she doesn’t change too notibly, even in her colour palette. Aside from the addition of the purple belladonna pattern and her lack of eyes.
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lightningcritter · 15 hours
The scene where Mitsuri's parents secretly watch her as she dyes her hair black in order to look like an acceptable bride is a scene I think about a lot.
The look of sheer pain and sadness on their faces feels like a punch in the gut to me, mainly because I've never encountered any parent who actually cares that much about their child. In fact, I nearly cried when I first saw that scene.
Where I live, first impressions are everything. If you mess up in front of others, you are seen as a disappointment and parents can go to almost any length to make their children seem like perfect angels in public, going as far as pressuring them to hide their true self and craft a more palatable persona for others to interact with.
Mitsuri's parents are the opposite of this. They love her for who she is and are never seen telling her to 'act like a lady,' which is amazing considering the time KNY takes place in. They are anguished instead of thrilled when they see Mitsuri trying to cover up her real personality.
Seeing parents truly love their child for who they are will never feel boring or overdone for me, considering how rare it is in real life.
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lightningcritter · 15 hours
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The tragedy of Giyu Tomioka, the man trapped in the past
The man, the meme, the legend.
I’m here to explain why my sweet boy deserves more love and appreciation.
Imagine you are Giyu and you have just lost your sister, Tsutako. You are choking back sobs as you try to reason with the townsfolk that it was some kind of wretched monster that killed her, only to be labelled as insane and sent to a doctor, forcing you to question your own eyes.
In a fit of anger and confusion, you abandon the journey to the doctor. You meet a man named Urokodaki, who insist that you put your rage to use in fighting the rest of the demons. You feel conflicted, but you meet a boy named Sabito who cheers you up. It’s nice to have someone to train and fight with.
Sabito is gone. Your best friend is gone. The only one left is Urokodaki and his hellish training.
You have become the Water Hashira after Urokodaki. You have lost your whole family, your best friend, and are forced into a position of authority with teammates who show little to no attempt to befriend you. All you can do is get up everyday and put your haori, which doesn’t even belong to you, and head out to complete the mission thrust upon years ago. The position does not suit you, but everyone is waiting. The meeting is about to start.
Giyu is in pain. He has no one. Not Urokodaki, not Shinobu, not Kagaya. There is no one that can feel the intense depression that he feels. It bleeds out into everything he does, every interaction, every word. He can’t bring himself to stop and talk with anyone because what’s the point? They won’t listen. They don’t like you, Giyu.
He’s been cursed. By what or who, he doesn’t know. He wishes he could just let it out. Cry his heart out into someone’s shoulder for while. But now is not the time. The other Hashira, the other Demon Slayers, Urokodaki, Kagaya. They’re all counting on him.
He wants nothing more than to return to Heaven and be with his beloved sister. But will he even go there? What has he done that would warrant being with her again …
He can’t talk, he can’t cry. he can’t sleep, he can barely breathe. The other Hashira are happy, why he can’t be happy too? Why is it so hard?
There’s a reason they don’t like him. He doesn’t belong there. Sabito does, though. If only they could trade places.
It doesn’t feel real. It feels like they’re still here. They’re here, right? They’re watching …
Giyu is so strong, even if he is the most lonely.
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lightningcritter · 15 hours
Shinobu lives au analysis
(Spoilers for kny and also gore warning)
I love everyone lives kny aus, but something I don’t see a lot of people looking into is HOW Shinobu specifically would live and have to survive afterwards. Of course, I love a good “everything is hunky dory” situation, but logically, that wouldn’t happen
Slapping the big ole reminder sign - Shinobu fought Doma with the intent to die. At this point, it’s near impossible to deny the fact she was genuinely suicidal. Perhaps not in the “traditional” sense, and in a more angry, confrontational way, but she definitely was.
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Obviously, this would lead to immense mental health issues if she managed to escape unscathed - highly unlikely, in any case
Shinobu died when Doma broke her neck/spine. It’s a little hard to tell in the scans I’ve read, but the katakana in this panel is obviously a cracking sound, and the fact Doma is holding Shinobu in a “hug” just further reinforces this
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Obviously, neck snapped, spinal cord severed, instant death.
Of course, if, say, Doma had held her around her waist instead of her neck/shoulder area, he would still break her spine. He very well could have simply cut her in half if this were the case, but I doubt he would.
He did actually scold Kanao for attempting to attack him while he was absorbing Shinobu, so I have a feeling he would have tried to preserve her entire body and keep it whole to “enhance the experience” or something along those lines
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Getting off topic-
If Doma had held her lower, her back would have been broken, and she would’ve been paralyzed. Perhaps she could have lived, but also, we have to look at her other injuries.
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She mentions severe blood loss and a punctured lung.
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Plus, we know Dina’s Blood Art can shred the body from the inside out, so we also know that Shinobu’s dealing with ice crystals in her respiratory system. Growing and cutting and making it harder to breathe.
If she were to survive, again, she would be severely injured. She would likely have to live with chronic respiratory issues and fluid buildup from the ice, and even potential lost limbs from frostbite.
Which brings me onto another point - how Doma absorbed Shinobu’s body.
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It’s always a bit hard to see in the manga, but I’m positive that Doma is absorbing Shinobu’s arms (and consequently her legs) first. Meaning that if Kanao hadn’t been fast enough to get her right away, but just enough to save her from being completely absorbed, she would’ve been a quadruple amputee.
Paralysis is a life altering event. It would be difficult enough to adjust and survive after that. But losing limbs, especially hands in a doctor’s case, is catastrophic, both career and mental health wise (think Doctor Strange, as little as I know of Marvel)
So, even if Shinobu did survive, she would be dealing with many many issues with her health. Chronic lung issues, paralysis, loss of limbs, and a festering suicidal rage that would only be exacerbated by her inability to take down Doma on her own
(Which we know that Shinobu has lots of issues pertaining to her size and strength as seen
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I love when characters survive, but also, realism would definitely make the outcome much more devastating for the survivor, especially in Shinobu’s case.
Perhaps, with help, she could eventually overcome some of her problems, but I doubt she would be very happy with her life.
Anyways, Shinobu’s battle with Doma is a very, very complex one with lots of different smidges of information to be found!
(Forgive me if I phrased some things weirdly, I just had to get this out after thinking for all of 10 minutes about it)
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lightningcritter · 15 hours
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The perfect way to tell a story through animation.
A single scene telling the story of the warrior who almost defeated Muzan, and the warrior who made a sacrifice to fight for the beautiful world and humanity — both continued by another who will grow to their legendary place in history.
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