light-minwoo-blog · 11 years
Hello circus roleplayers,
I am sorry but I am leaving this rp. I no longer have the muse for this character and have been experiencing troubles with the constant changing scenery format of this rp. Thank you for having me. If anyone wants they can interact with me on rolaply accounts of open rp's here [x] or here [x]
I want to apologize for everyone I had a para with.
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light-minwoo-blog · 11 years
[[trying to regain my muse, I am really sorry towards everyone that I am not replying to at the moment. I just have a lot of trouble with this character. Going to try for another week or otherwise drop him ;;]]
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light-minwoo-blog · 11 years
Tent maintenance? I can't even put lego together. And what am I? A working slave?  -huffs and turns around in his bed again-
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light-minwoo-blog · 11 years
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130511 Minwoo at Dream Concert (cr: 점점점)
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light-minwoo-blog · 11 years
Adorable. If the other kid was anything then it was just that. The ears helped a great deal too Minwoo mused as he eyed the other with a small smile playing around his lips. "No it doesn't? Does it make you blush even more when I tell you not to blush?" He asked playfully, reaching out and poking one of the reddened cheeks. "I wouldn't object to you pulling your pants down at all Chunji, but don't you think that is a bit early?" He asked and snickered. "I know I am pretty much irresistible but to take off clothing already might be a bit premature." The color artist continued and stretched out, a few bones making sounds as he did so, making the boy snicker again.
"People, as a rule, are sad creatures." Minwoo agreed and shook his head in disgust, not commenting on the offers the other boy got more. Would he be a whore for people that wanted to fuck him if he had Chunji's powers? Perhaps, but he would ask really good money for it. After all the world evolved around that, money, with it you could change your life. Without it life was the one changing you. 
The innocence of the other was next to cute something Minwoo would love to take. But he didn't comment on that right now, he just sat a little closer to the boy with the cat ears and smiled at his enthusiasm about his powers. "It will stay that color as long as I don't change it back." Minwoo said. "I am unsure how I do it, but somehow I can change the way light makes colors seen by us permanently. The object has to be close to me though. I can't change the top of a building or the color of the stars." He explained. 
And there it was again, the blush and Minwoo gave the other a crooked smirk. "If it is the face your body chose, it is your true face." he reasoned and he nodded. "Turn into me? Again?" He leaned in "Are you suggesting you want to fuck me as me? Because really I would much rather have you as you first." He pecked the other's lips and leaned back grinning as he waited for Chunji's reply.  
✪ Painting the clouds ° [[Minwoo & Chunji]]
  Looking away, he laughed nervously and rebutted with a stubborn, “Telling me not to blush won’t keep me from doing it, you know…” But Chunji said it with a smile, his ear twitching when the other touched it, much like a real cat ear should. The nerves set up in it were more sensitive than human ears, obviously; since they could bend and press flat against his head, as well as perk up. It was a strange feeling, having flexible ears, but he had messed around with animals ears enough in the past that he could handle them well enough.
“If you want a tail, I’ll have to pull my pants down some for you to see it.” He warned, a playful grin spreading across his lips, though he did actually enjoy when he could go full neko boy –though, granted, growing something out of his tailbone always felt strange since that usually didn’t act independently of his spine as a whole.
Chunji nodded in response to the other’s confidence, that drawing out a soft smile all on its own, as he replied with a simple, “You’d be surprised. People that you’d look at and think ‘they’d have no problem getting the real person’ wind up so self-conscious and so love sick, it’s pretty sad.” He laughed a bit sheepishly, “But yes; those that believe I can actually do this, and that it’s not just a trick of some sort will ask me to do this kind of thing after my shows. I’ve gotten offered money and everything.” The shapeshifter frowned to himself, though that disappeared quickly enough with Minwoo’s next comment. Laughing, he joked, “I’ll take your word for it.” Because he’d never really done anything that could get a moan like that, either. He’d kissed girls and boys, but he never had a chance to get even semi-intimate with them most days.
“That’s so cool!” He exclaimed, eyes shining as he thought about all of the cool things that could be done by bending the light around your body. And all of the beautiful things that could be made by changing their colors. Chunji hummed happily at that thought, asking after a moment, “If you change the color of something, will it stay that way until you consciously change it back?”
But when he was questioned about his own face, he blushed again, brightly. That question wasn’t a new one by any stretch of the imagination, but it was the first true compliment to go along with it. “Yes, this is totally my face.” He laughed, “When I fall asleep, if I’m disguised as someone else, I’ll turn back to this, every time without fail. So I suppose even if it’s not my ‘true’ face, it’s the one my body chose.” He shrugged with a small smile, “You though, you’re good looking all on your own. It’d be a pleasure to turn into you.” Chunji laughed at how strange that likely sounded, but what could he say, he liked beautiful people, and Minwoo certainly was one.
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light-minwoo-blog · 11 years
"I have a nose for guys that trap virgin's" Minwoo said with a smirk and a chuckle, sipping from his drink while his dark orbs remained on the other man. "They have a certain edge of danger to them." And then he chuckled even more at his own words, nearly spilling his drink and quickly putting it down again. "If you are drunk enough to believe those stories I doubt you are clear enough to entertain me in the bedroom, so let's not go there." The younger boy commented, "But who really needs a name anyway. It is better to not know someone's name in a lot of cases anyway, right?" he asked and raised his eyebrows in question, his smile promising more advances and semi-subtle words to come. 
"Not the leader's favorite person? What did you do, eat their cookies?" Minwoo asked, and even though the comment was ridiculous he was honestly curious to what the reason behind the other's words were. "No indeed, if you're already a hot piece of ass, pheromones are only a tool for the obvious attraction you already have I guess?" He smirked, half joking half complimenting and completely flirting. He emptied his glass as he listened to the other, his eyes wandering down to the briefly exposed abs and smiling as he looked up again, pleased with what he had seen. "Pranks?" Minwoo repeated and his lips tightened a little. He was not a trickster or a clown. "It is more useful for visual shows. Not for laughter." He said and shrugged when the other mentioned a name. "I don't know, I never spoke to Hongki as far as I remember and never seen their powers." Nor did he particularly care and he picked up his glass and stood up. Making his way to the bar and ordering two alcoholic mix drinks with a lot more booze and a lot less time to get into their systems. 
"Here you go." he said as he put the other glass down in front of Jaehyo, sitting a little closer to the other man this time as he took a sip from his own drink and eyed the other from the corner of his eyes. "So how many of the circus have you fucked?" He asked playfully.  
◖ Colorful company ◗ ○ Jaehyo & Minwoo ○
  Jaehyo shook his head, mind wandering to his partner in crime’s similar words, the man commenting sadly, “No one ever wants to share nowadays; I think the threesome might be dying off.” He frowned solemnly, before tutting and murmuring, “Such a travesty.” But why focus on that at all, really? Sex was sex, and often times more elbows wasn’t always a good thing.
However, his mock sadness couldn’t even pretend to linger with Minwoo’s next words, him staring for a moment before bursting out into loud, disbelieving laughter. “Yes, yes, that’s exactly what I do, how did you know?” Flipping some hair from his eyes, he smirked playfully at his companion, foot bouncing just a bit as he listened, glad that it seemed like they could have a fun night ahead of them, rather than a stupidly emotional one. He really should have considered that back when he originally accepted this, but he should have known that his character judging skills weren’t off. “If I get drunk enough, I might actually believe you.” Jaehyo shook his head with an amused smirk, countering lightly, “If I’m drunk around someone good looking, I’m lucky I remember my name, much less what’s happened to me over the years.” Shaking his head, he smiled, already in good humor since he didn’t have to hide anything to get on with this guy –a quality he actually quite liked in people.
“I might die if we try that,” he chuckled lightly, though he didn’t expand upon that, more than happy to continue on with the talk about himself. “Of course they don’t, even if I’m not the leader’s favorite person,” rolling his eyes, he continued, “But of course I use it for my own good, why look a gift horse in the mouth?” Taking another drink, he elaborated, “I don’t use it all of the time, though, it would wear me down. And when you already look like this,” Jaehyo pulled up his shirt a bit, to expose his abs, “you’ll find you don’t always need them.” He laughed a bit and set the shirt back down, listening about Minwoo’s power patiently. “Oh really?” The man hummed a bit, feigning interest even though to him, it wasn’t that exciting, “It sounds like your power would be a good one for pranks…and the light and darkness thing, would that be anything like Hongki? Hiding in the shadows and all that?” One had to do what he had to do to get himself laid, after all.
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light-minwoo-blog · 11 years
Minwoo had no idea what the other was talking about, and did he care? Did he really when he was this close to the other in a small space. A part of him said yes, he did wonder and he was curious and he would find out. But not now. Because now all his senses were fixated on the man in front of him. "maybe I will." Minwoo just answered and chuckled, feigning an indifference like no one else could.
When the other leaned in Minwoo held his breath by instinct, feeling those soft lips against his own again. It was just a brief touch and he smirked when Jaejoong said he would take his chances before kissing Minwoo for real this time, the color manipulator not pulling away and very slowly kissing back. It was not a case of being hesitant or unsure, it was merely a way of playing with the other man. Making sure that he knew Minwoo was not someone that fell for just a pretty face. Even if the face was incredibly pretty. Minwoo leaned into the kiss as Jaejoong did, only when the other pressed deeper into it letting himself fully kiss back. His lips moving against the other's as he let one hand touch the mirrorman's cheek. His hand traveled to his ear and touched it lightly before brushing through the hair. His tongue licking Jaejoong's lips as he forced his way into the other's mouth. 
His hand wandered lower to the other's pink shirt, down and then-
"You're a good kisser, do you practice in the mirror?" Minwoo asked cockily, his hand and lips away from Jaejoong within a second, he was fixing his hair and shirt before rubbing his lips with his thumb. His eyes filled with obvious mischief as he eyed the other circus man. He bit his lower lip as he let his eyes wander over Jaejoong's body and then up to his eyes, grinning. He was attracted to the man, but even more to the game. "It really is a shame I can't stay here to fix this car, it is a beauty." he said, totally going over to another subject as he sat up and ran his hand over the dusty and dirty wooden surface of the car's inside. 
❄ Counting reflections || Minwoo & Jaejoong
  Jaejoong did not blame the younger boy for not understanding what he meant. Perhaps that had been precisely his reason for saying something this cryptic in the first place and it was certainly his reason for now offering the other merely a smile; one of those that seemed somewhat mysterious but also made clear that he wasn’t going to elaborate his comment any further at this point. Except for a short: “Maybe you will see someday.” 
Maybe. If he decided to ever take him behind the mirrors and to show him a glimpse of this other world. It was hard to describe, even if he would have tried - even more so to someone who had not the slightest idea of this place to begin with. But not that it mattered much right now. When the other’s eyes dropped down to his lips upon echoing his last question, Jaejoong couldn’t help but allow a faint smirk to tug on them once more. He did not get people very often, at least not in the sense that seemed to be common, whatever that meant, but he knew how to play this game and he played it well. There was a moment of silence which the older male patiently waited through and his lips parted softly on their own accord when Minwoo eventually leaned in; a murmur rolling from his throat and their noses brushing together - it was the invitation to a challenge, which Jaejoong found himself lured into before he even noticed it.
Of course there was mainly interest, curiosity being his main motivation for even testing his limits like that and it was probably all there would ever be. But the younger boy did not seem to mind and that was all the confirmation he needed in order to lean in as well - following the motion of Minwoo’s head with a smooth move so that he did not even have more than a few seconds to bring distance between them. He caught the other’s upper lip between his own and tugged softly; a quick motion before he drew back just a bit once more and smiled; his eyes narrowing playfully as they gazed up into the brown ones of the younger. “I think I’ll take my chances with that.” That whisper was all, before he leaned in again; more slowly this time and chose to seal Minwoo’s lips almost carefully at first; moving against them as if to test his reaction because the kiss back in the main tent had been brief and barely more than a brush of their lips together. And this was different - different and, as Jaejoong decided a moment later, much better. He half expected the other to push him away, but until that happened he slanted his head a little to deepen the kiss after a few reluctant seconds and leaned into it with more confidence now. Not that confidence was anything he ever lacked.
And right now, he enjoyed it immensely to not know where his bold and yet teasing move would end up at, because he did not think about it. He simply did what felt good in this moment; a carefree situation without any strings attached. Jaejoong had never been one to worry much about what was going to happen, after all.
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light-minwoo-blog · 11 years
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light-minwoo-blog · 11 years
Last call for plotting;
Come to me with your ideas for plots~
And you can add me to skype if you want to; zetsusbride is the name ;)
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light-minwoo-blog · 11 years
Minwoo always enjoyed it thoroughly when people admired his skills. The very power that made his childhood a hell was now what made people admire him, idolize him and what made them notice him in a good way rather than a bad one. The younger smiled when Jaejoong was so obviously amazed and he chuckled when Jaejoong said it had been beautiful. He hid the faint blush expertly with his powers before it was noticeable and shrugged then. "It is a pretty cool power, But I can't jump through mirrors." He smirked at the other and winked. "I could however color the mirror pink and hope you would come out pink as well." He eyed the pink shirt and hummed a little.
"And when I color the moon in rainbows you'll be the only one to know it was me. But the moon is far away and I haven't met any rocket ship shifter even though we got a lot of those shifting beings here at the circus." His eyes traveled over the other man as he leaned back and listened. "no color to begin with?" He inquired seriously and frowned a little confused. What had no color? Was there such a place? "I do not think I know of such a place... everything has a color, even in the darkness every color can be found." he replied and then when the other eyes him and spoke further he couldn't help but look away for a second before looking up again mischievously. 
"Kiss me again?" He asked and licked said lips with his gaze fixed upon Jaejoong's. "I don't know, I might hit your pretty face. You know, for breaking my personal space and those things." but even though the color artist spoke he sat a little closer and leaned in just a bit. Enough for him to study the other's eyes and wondered what he would look like with different shades of eyes. Not holding back his own curiosity he changed Jaejoong's eye color from brown to blue, then to green, grey and an amber shade of golden before he returned them to the same brown color they had been originally. He decided, in silence, that jaejoong's original eyecolor was superior to the other colors and chuckled a little. "But in the end" he spoke softly. "There is just one way to find out what I'd do if you kissed me again, mirrorman." Minwoo leaned in and brushed his nose against the nose of the other, almost intoxicated on the silence around them. Enchanted by the mysterious older boy that seemed to have more secrets than Minwoo and yet at the same time was as playful as he was himself. He did not close the distance between the two of them and just chuckled hoarsely as he pulled away a little again, looking at Jaejoong daring. Daring him to close the distance. 
❄ Counting reflections || Minwoo & Jaejoong
  Curious he had been, yes, but Jaejoong wasn’t sure if he really had expected what happened next. After he had rolled his eyes a little and chuckled at the mention of being skinny and getting stuck in mirrors, because he wasn’t going to tell Minwoo of that one time when he had experimented a little too much and really gotten in certain predicaments - not yet, not when that was basically allowing him to make fun of him for free. Every possible response died in his throat however, as soon as his eyes caught the slowly spreading red, as it seemed to seep all over the car. In a very irrational reflex, Jaejoong had the urge to hold his breath when the color reached his body as well and leaked out onto the street; like a growing lake right in the middle of .. everything. He lifted one hand and turned it, moving the red fingers as if the younger’s power was some kind of illusion he would be able to break with a simple movement - until Minwoo told him to watch, tearing his gaze away from his hand and up into the sky again.
The whole world was bathed in red now, a surreal sight that one would perhaps have expected from dreams - unsettling dreams at that, the kind that settled right under a person’s skin even after they woke up. And it was the most fascinating thing he had seen in a long time. Jaejoong knew that his amazement was visible on his face as well, but for once he made no attempt to hide it; his eyes practically glued to the sky as it changed colors and yet flickering back and forth before his attention was briefly distracted by the small orbs of light that the other summoned to dance in the air in front of them. And then the magic was gone, a lot quicker than it had spread at first and the young man blinked a few times while he felt a smile tug on his lips, unable to keep it away even when he tried. “That was beautiful ..”
A chuckle followed and Jaejoong’s eyes darted back to the other’s as he listened to him speak. “Big dreams, hm? Those aren’t so bad .. I would encourage you to travel to the moon someday, even if it’s just to see all the stupid faces of people down here if it suddenly changes colors in rainbow patterns.” Leaning back, he rested his cheek against one palm; comfortable enough to stretch out his legs until they were dangling out over the edge of the trunk. And only then he allowed his eyes to glance down to Minwoo’s lips for a moment, biting the inside of his own as said gaze lingered on him and his voice seemed a bit more thoughtful now. “I wonder if you could bring color into places that have no color to begin with ..” Another faint smile ghosted over his lips, playful as his eyes shot back up to meet the younger’s once more. “And I also wonder what you would do if I kissed you again.”
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light-minwoo-blog · 11 years
"nah." Minwoo answered with a shrug. "I like them all to myself when I got them usually." He winked at the other again and chuckled to himself at the thought of the other naked posing, a nice thought indeed. 
"Warn from you, what do you do?Hide poor virgin boys in your attic?" He asked almost in a mocking tone and obviously joking. "An awful backstory? Oh no, I do not do background stories when drunk, no real ones at least." He chuckled as they sat down and added. "I might tell you some fake ones, something with me coming from space, me being the son of a foreign president.. that kind of thing. None of them tragic though." The light manipulator chuckled again and after sipped from his drink, his mind briefly flickering to his back ground. Not as dramatic as some of the people here but bad enough on its own. he eyed the other amused "What about you? Will you get a sad sobstory when you drink more? Or just more aware of my attractive body?" 
"Exactly, so let's drink much and in joy tonight. For every poor sucker that died." He sipped from the drink and as the other spoke he chuckled. "Oh that is quite the handy gift" he commented and eyed the other amused. "I guess the circus really doesn't want to lose you as a member, hm?" He licked his lips again. "And do you use your power for your own good as well?" He inquired, wondering if the attraction he felt was part of a power or just due to the other's handsome face and tight pants. "Me?" Minwoo chuckled and his eyes  shifted over the crowd, too many people, he couldn't show. Slightly disappointed he just spoke. "I can manipulate light and darkness, but I focus on color manipulation, which has also to do with light. I can change object colors which is my strongest power." He told, it didn't seem too impressive until people realized that it also included stealth, if they ever realized because people were usually idiots. 
◖ Colorful company ◗ ○ Jaehyo & Minwoo ○
“Not out in public.” He replied smoothly, eyebrow quirking along with a rather cocky smirk, “Unless you’re into that kind of thing?” Jaehyo seemed just as amused as the other, the duo seeming almost dorky in his mind at how they were being so transparent with the flirting, and while he wasn’t sure if they were just joking around or serious, he couldn’t care less. If he did start desiring more, he could easily take it. But in a way that sounded less rape like than in his last thought.
Jaehyo chuckled quietly under his breath, “That’s likely why. People know who I am, they warn their cute friends either toward or against me, but they all know.” His hands slid into his pockets, the man rather proud of this infamy. Even after a few nights in a new city, he often heard murmurs of his name if he frequented the same places. It was an incredible ego boost, and not one he honestly needed, but hey; he would take anything offered to him like that gratefully. Like the sight of Minwoo licking his rather tantalizing lower lip…he would take that with a rather large thank you. But he somehow felt that that would pay off at a later point in the night. To distract himself, he laughed instead, shaking his head at the sarcasm that he didn’t quite care to decipher. “Should I expect some awfully depressing backstory once we’re drunk?” Jae teased lightly, knowing that something innocent like that could easily lead to something else when a person’s lips were a little looser. Blackmail material was always welcome, but he was truly hoping that he could enjoy his time with Minwoo without worrying about anything heavy.
His eyebrows raised at the sudden death, him taking it rather in stride, though he nodded and commented, “Seems like the best way to honor a friend if you drink a lot. Paying memory to them while keeping yourself from getting too depressed over it.” Jaehyo leaned back in his seat spreading his legs a bit, the tight pants kind of restricting, as he pretended to toast his companion. But when the talk turned to him, he smirked, and answered, “I exude pheromones and draw people in to come to the circus. And yourself?” Nodding to the waitress when she brought their drinks, he took a long gulp, welcoming the burn with a pleased smile afterward.
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light-minwoo-blog · 11 years
The lips that just gotten a compliment slowly turned into a smirk as Minwoo licked them and answered "Why thank you, I am sure my lips will like your lips as well." He just couldn't help himself, he always flirted when it came to attractive people, it was a curse really. 
He stared at the other, and remembered why he had thought to not flirt, the idiot didn't know what special time was? "Maybe I'll show you one time?" He replied and then cursed inside of his mind. "Muscular de-... Okay." Minwoo tried to imagine the devils and failed miserably, so he was stuck with cartoon like images in his head of devils you could see in old TV shows. He blinked a few times before he returned his attention to the conversation at hand. "How long it lasts?" He asked and chuckled "Forever if I want to." He had no idea how his 'magic' actually worked. He knew he could manipulate light and through that colors, but the physics behind it no one knew. It had something to do with his brains working on a much higher level than others, that's all he knew. he changed the other's hair back to its original color before smiling.
"Oh? You get all sex god like?" he asked and now the other had caught his interest indeed.His eyebrows raised at the idea. "That does sound nice, if you ask me you should just go naked. Who needs a costume."
Wrong Shade of Green \\ Minwoo&Mir
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light-minwoo-blog · 11 years
[[Is there anyone with open plots I can take a gander at?]] 
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light-minwoo-blog · 11 years
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light-minwoo-blog · 11 years
Oh that was adorable, the other blushed as Minwoo called him sexy and Minwoo was tempted to push it further, but not wanting to risk his new found friend that liked adventures as much as he liked them himself he refrained from squeezing the other's butt. "Zombies?" Minwoo questioned with a grin. "Then I should have brought a weapon with me!" he grinned and continued walking, enjoying the energy and atmosphere of the area. Desolated buildings.. Minwoo had slept in those a lot, but none of those had been this cool. Mostly abandoned buildings in the city where most people slept that had no home, on days where he didn't earn enough money for a hotel room... Minwoo shook his head not wanting to give in on those dark memories.
"You're right." Minwoo answered on the comment about the portraits. "I wonder why that is..." He hummed a little as he touched one of the paintings as they walked upstairs. "Or maybe it is just random vandalism?" he didn't think so though and as he followed the immortal he felt a little creeped out by the paintings. The youngster was distracted by the surroundings so his reaction came a little late when he heard the other ask for a paperclip. "A paperclip?" he eyed the door and frowned. "I have a lock picking set in my tent.." He didn't bother to explain why he would own such an item and just felt around in his pockets, frowning when his search came up empty.
"Wait.." He smirked and grabbed Zelo's shoulders, winked and pushed him to the side. "Stay back." Minwoo stepped a few steps back and ran towards the door, crashing against it and the building seemed to moan. Not intimidated by the sounds he stepped back again and crashed with his shoulder against the door again, two more tries were needed for the lock to burst and the door to open, the wooden surface making a loud sound when it hit the wall and Minwoo nearly stumbled on the ground, the lightball still flying over his head as it lit the room that was revealed behind the door... 
✫ Apple, Appel, Siyao, Apfel ✴ Minwoo & Zelo
  He had been a bit of a loss at what to say, though it could be because there wasn’t much he could say on the matter. Obviously the stated apathy wasn’t true, but he wouldn’t push the matter or try and get under Minwoo’s skin, there wasn’t a need for that, so he had nodded, silently agreeing with the comment about rules. Those were always begging to be broken, and he didn’t have the mind to sacrifice his freedom just on a few possibilities, arrogantly believing he could handle it. These though didn’t damper his mood though, in fact, smiling was easy, especially after the other boy made it clear what he thought of this place, which truly was fantastic. On that aspect they were on the same wavelength, Zelo was certain of that, but honestly, Minwoo was a confusing guy! ‘Sexy’? He could only chuckle awkwardly, unsure how to respond, hoping that the red in his face would disappear quickly.
There was still some lucky on his side, because the heat drained completely by the time Minwoo’s light was going out. He pointed his flashlight back to the floor, the supernatural ability that allowed the other to create illumination by his own means much more impressive, adding a sense of cartoon magic to the scene. Perhaps they would find a room with a crystal ball in it as well. “What would be a combination of the two - zombies?” He questioned, musing what the correct answer would be in his head as he followed the young man up the steps, noting how this must be the first time he wasn’t leading the way in some time, usually being the one to drag people along. Zelo’s grin didn’t falter until they found themselves on the second floor, and even then the corners of his mouth were still turned upwards, the eerie atmosphere only exciting him more, as if they actually were dauntless ghostbusters.
With the windows boarded up it was much darker on this floor, the dust thicker and air stale, the long rug rolled down the hallway fraying at the ends. Like the stairs nearly each step forced the floor to squeak, as if it was living and his weight was causing it physical pain, as silly as that sounded. Zelo shined artificial light on the walls, giving himself the ability to see the old wallpaper and dulling paintings left behind, many of them marked by graffiti; red, black, and yellow lines that crossed out the eyes of portraits. He frowned, walking down the hallway and looking over the strokes of spray paint  “Someone really doesn’t like these people.” He commented, though without any real emotion, it was more of an observation if anything.
With wandering eyes, his attention was snagged by a door, the bottom charred and black, having been kissed by flames in the past, yet the floor appeared unmarked, not harmed by a fire. Humming he walked forward, tested the burned wood by poking at it with the end of his shoe, nodding in satisfaction when it began to chip away, and he twisted the doorknob, but was greeted by resistance. “Oh come on.” Zelo groaned, glaring at the doorknob for a second. He dug into his pocket, hoping he had a paper clip on him, but was left empty handed, and he turned his face back towards Minwoo, now determined to discover the mystery beyond this particular door. “Hey, by any chance, do you have a paperclip or something similar on you?”
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light-minwoo-blog · 11 years
Minwoo chuckled lightly and shook his head. "Don't worry about it Chunji, and don't blush." The color manipulator looked at the other as he got the cat ears and reached out to touch the ears, he felt no shame to touch the other like that, after all Chunji was the one offering to change into anyone he wanted. And his request had been a small one. Gentle he let his fingers trail the ear and blew away some of the hair to look at the ears more closely. "Cute." He commented with a smirk that could tell the other more than needed. 
"Aww no tail? But that makes it extra cute.. Ah well, I'll just have to live with that then." The younger boy pouted a little but it changed into a chuckle rather quickly. "It would be amazing sex." he nodded and looked at Chunji. "Honestly, it would be the only thing I'd ever ask a bed partner to change into. If I want to fuck anyone else I'll just go after them, I don't go bother another person with it." He shook his head still disgusted by humanity. "So people do that often? Bothering you with those things?" Another chuckle escaped his lips at the mention of the other. "Oh I don't know, virgins moan pretty nicely too." Another wink and smirk followed.
"My powers are pretty useless though, I don't think people will come to me to ask me to change the color of their shirts or something." He shrugged, wondering how he would react to it. He loved it when people admired his powers, after all the years of being ashamed of his powers it was great that people actually admired him. "I can blend in with my enviroment though, so that is great..." he shrugged again, unsure of what to say next. "...Is this your own face? Totally?" He asked curiously eyeing the attractive man. "Or did you edit some points to make yourself prettier?" 
✪ Painting the clouds ° [[Minwoo & Chunji]]
  Chunji laughed at his playful words, retorting with his own, “Maybe you already do?” He winked, determined to keep his mind off of the things that could drag him down. Traditionally the shapeshifter was a happy person and he was determined to keep that front, especially with someone like Minwoo that seemed as if he wouldn’t tolerate a miserable slump. And he didn’t do that kind of stuff anyway! Stiffening his resolve to not let those types of people get to him, even though he was most sensitive about his own physical appearance, he nodded at the color manipulator, not really sure what counted as an ‘idiot.’
He was shocked back into focus with Minwoo’s rather passionate response to his information, the shapeshifter blinking in surprise as he watched the strange reaction, unsure why someone he had just met would take it so to heart. It had happened so many times to Chunji that by this point he had just accepted it and could no longer see it unbiased –it seemed like a really normal thing to ask of someone that could turn into anyone. People often offered him money to turn into an old lover of some sort, or into an unrequited crush, but he always said no…for more reasons than one. The biggest one was his virginity thing, but his other worry was about the ones that had been with the real person before. He honestly didn’t think he could take being told he wasn’t as good as the original in bed. The touch to his cheek snapped him out of these thoughts, though, and he blushed again, the words settling warmly in his stomach. “Thank you.” Chanhee spoke in a voice softer than normal, him looking away with a gentle smile at the logical question. “I can.”
The ears, thank god, would be coming out of the top of his head, so they couldn’t be seen until they were fully formed, two tawny cat ears poking out from his hair. “I won’t make a tail, though; it’ll be trapped in my pants.” He laughed a bit sheepishly, it turning louder and more amused as Minwoo mentioned the most narcisstic thing he’d ever heard. “Sounds like it would be pretty great sex.” Chunji’s eyes twinkled playfully, “But one of us would be a virgin, so the first time wouldn’t be as good.” Yes he could joke about it –what was life if you couldn’t laugh at yourself?
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light-minwoo-blog · 11 years
Minwoo snickered a little at the other's words. "Pose for me?" He asked and wiggled his eyebrows. "Well that sounds promising. Will it be naked posing then?" He shook his head more than amused before he turned to leave to go to the city. "And yes I'll allow you to come." And quite honestly he was glad it was the other that had offered, he seemed less of a bother than most. 
"Really? You do?" Minwoo asked as they walked, slowing down a really so they walked next to each other instead of Minwoo going first and Jaehyo following. "I haven't heard much about you though, but then again I do not mix very well with most people at the circus, hence why I might have missed the stories about the amazing alcohol consuming Jaehyo." He smirked back as the other placed the suggestive comment but did not address it right now, the way he licked his plump lips should be enough for the other to know what Minwoo thought about the thing he most likely liked to do most. "Me? Ah, I enjoy the night life. clubs... It has been my home for a year, the street so sometimes I get terribly, terribly homesick." it was unclear which parts were sarcasm and which weren't with the color manipulator. And maybe it was better like that. After all, some things were better left in the shades.
They sat next to each other and he couldn't help but look at how fine the other looked in those tight pants and- Minwoo smirked up. "Ah, I had an Irish friend. She was real nice and took me to irish pubs all the time, then she died." he shrugged, acting like he didn't care. "But in her memory, I always drink these." He chuckled and then eyed the other curiously. "So tell me, what does a cute guy like you do in a circus like ours?" He wondered often what others did in the God forsaken place that was the cirque du freaks, or, as they called it outside the circus. The midnight circus. 
◖ Colorful company ◗ ○ Jaehyo & Minwoo ○
  Jaehyo let out a bark of laughter when the other’s eyes skimmed over him, the brunet quirking an eyebrow to call him out,“If you’re going to check me out, at least let me pose, first? So you can get the full experience.” But of course he didn’t give two shits if the other was willing to be more open than most of the people here. He knew that most people at the Cirque wanted into his pants, but what could he say, it was the price of being handsome as all hell. “Hey,” he returned, not introducing himself since he assumed that Minwoo would just know, like he knew the other. “You’ll allow me to come?” His eyes travelled over his companion unashamedly now, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips, “Well, I’d sure hope so.” The innuendo couldn’t have been avoided at that point, so he just went ahead with it unabashedly, as he followed behind.
The other had a really nice ass, he had to say –a bit young looking, but if he was at the Cirque, he likely was legal enough. Jae wasn’t one to fuck little boys or anything, but EQ certainly could play a rather large part in making decisions with his second head, and every one of the freaks had enough of an EQ (well, besides a certain select few…) to compensate. He didn’t quite catch the narcissistic barrage of words being flung around in Minwoo’s head, so he continued on until he was addressed, chest puffing up a bit as his assumption was proven correct. Of course he knew his name. “Goodie two shoes? Really?” Jaehyo snorted as he walked up alongside his companion, “You must be thinking of a different Jaehyo, then. Because there’s only one thing I love more than drinking.” A dark, suggestive look covered his face then, and he smiled faux sweetly at the other, “but I’ve heard of you as well, so I think we have quite a bit in common.”
By the time they reached the city, he was in a damn good mood; he had picked the perfect person to spend some time with, seeing as he likely wouldn’t even need his pheromones at all that night, unless he really fucked up. But how could he fuck up? He was Ahn Jaehyo, and that made him awesome by all accounts. He flashed his ID boredly, so over that since he was of age to go into places like that. Following him over, and just called for one of whatever Minwoo was having. Plopping down, he leaned back against the seat, relaxing as he looked out at the other people in the bar. “Irish, huh?” The word itself tasted funny as he said it, “Where would you try something like that in Korea?”
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