lifewithfamily · 2 months
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We just had our bathes, while we run to our beds. While jumping and feeling refreshed, in our baby dolls with our damp little heads.
It wasn't quite dark outside, there wasn't a moon. But it was bedtime anyways, with our mom coming soon.
She would come with the crisp sheets from the clothesline outside. And make our stripped beds while we stand close abide.
Then back up in bed, as we sisters lay on cotton. While momma shakes the top sheet upon us, that will never be forgotten.
It feels like we are in an ocean with the soft waves blowing with the tide. And we beg our momma to do it again and again, and she does with her motherly pride.
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lifewithfamily · 1 year
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lifewithfamily · 2 years
Sometimes from my grandma's bathroom, with the distinct sent of Palmolive soap, I would watch my grandma, when I woke up in the morning, from the upstairs, bathroom window. And as the old window with molding would be held up with a block of wood, and the screen would be set back away, I would feel the summer, warm breeze, and hear the birds chirping pleasantly in the mature trees. Then standing on a delicate, pastel painted chair, and I would look down past the utility wires and the dark roof of the little green, shack of a garage, I would then focus my attention, while zooming down on the brightest area of the shady backyard, and there would be my grandma. And as usual, my grandma would be wearing her familiar cotton, smock dress with big pockets, with her arms reaching up and down in a repetitive motion while pinning the clothes on the line. And as she worked diligently by taking the dry and crisp clothes off the line, the dry laundry would be simultaneously be blowing in the wind, along with the poof of my grandma's smock. Then as I continued to observe from the upstairs, bathroom window, a thought would always occur to me, how grandma gets so many things done in the morning? Though grandma did tell me many times, that she lived on a family farm in Willis, Michigan while growing up as a child. And that she woke up every morning at crack of dawn to get the chores done, making me think of a rooster. Then after enough time of me observing and pondering my thoughts, I would finally call down to my grandma from the upstairs window, "Good Morning Grandma!". Though in return, my voice would sound so abrupt, more than I had ever expected, since breaking the silence, even surprised my grandma in her routine. And when my grandma did hear my voice, she would happily respond by looking up to the window and by saying "Good Morning, my lovely Mary", as if she were singing a tune. Then she would tell me that she was coming in the house shortly.
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lifewithfamily · 2 years
"Look, there's the top of the Fisher building glowing over there in the dark!" As my cousins and I took turns rustling on the top of the dainty, pastel, wooden chair to make all three of us fit in order to see. We felt special that our Grandma lived in Detroit, since every time we saw these lights, it felt like it was the first time all over again. And who had a big crawl foot bathtub but at Grandma's where we filled the tub deep with water by plugging up the drain with a washcloth. Now we could float on our backs, go under water and start a whirlpool of our own, We even would soap the top of the whole tub with the only soap I remember Grandma ever using with Palmolive green soap. Then we would slide around the tub in a sitting position until we finally fell in with a bid splash. And that did it when my Aunt Rita came upstairs to let us know that we were to keep the water in the tub! Which that ruined the mood for any more water activities as we exited the tub unto the sopping floor of wet clothes that we previously had on for that day. And we then remembered Grandma telling us to throw our dirty clothes down the clothes chute, so she could wash them. Which I then told my story like it was the first time but more the you could count, that my sister Catherine fell down that same chute on the in the corner of the bathroom, when she was a baby crawling on the floor. Someone took heavy, wooden, square top off the chute and she fell down 3 the hole 3 floors on top of a high pile of clothes in the basement. Thank God Grandma was behind in her laundry! Grandma's bathroom was our own water park. always something to do and see and talk about.
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lifewithfamily · 2 years
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Waking up at grandma's with the pleasant sounds of happy birds tweeting on a summer morning. And the humming of buses on the corner of Woodward Ave in Detroit and the simultaneous low roar of the whooshing cars. While feeling the refreshing breeze, threw the window propped open with blocks of wood. Seeing the dainty sheer curtains moving so graceful and resembling angels wings. Hearing neighbors outside on Melbourne St. conversing by shouting at one another, while not ever leaving their porches. Looking at grandma's vanity with the mirrors reflecting, the beaming sun onto the dark hardwood floor. Then looking ahead at the alcove room with the white panted baby crib with stenciled lambs. And noticing shadows on the wall coming from the light of the window, with little starlings frolicking on the swaying branches among the teardrop leaves.
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lifewithfamily · 3 years
Children family comedy Barbie’s
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lifewithfamily · 3 years
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lifewithfamily · 3 years
Bonding with Grandpa
Today we are going to grandma’s house. It’s grandpa’s house too but grandpa likes to watch his sports on tv and Erin and I like to do other things such as bake cookies or play house with grandma. Though grandpa comes in handy when we want to cuddle in his soft, leather chair to read us a book. It’s amazing how grandpa, Erin and I, and even their medium size dog Pearl can all fit in his chair, at the same time! Grandpa is also really good for playing a matching memory game, if he pulls a little table up to his chair and Erin scoots a office chair with wheels on the other side. Which reminds me that we also use this office chair by spinning it around with our eyes closed over and over until grandma calls stop. We then try to guess on what direction we are facing in the family room to win the game. And the funny thing is, when we get off the chair, we are so dizzy that sometimes we fall down on the carpeted floor. But anyways back to Erin. Erin loves playing cards with grandpa because she wins almost every game. And every time that she wins she jumps up and down with so much joy. Then immediately tracks grandma down by searching every room in their house, to tell her with her beaming blue eyes and a smile that is glowing ear to ear, the exact score she won the game against grandpa, in her very last breath. Though I almost think grandpa lets her win, to make Erin happy. But I know not to tell Erin that because it would only make her angry and sad. And like our momma says, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all!”.
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lifewithfamily · 4 years
Dinner Time
My mom tells us we have 5 more minutes to swim and then it’s time for dinnner. . Infact she says this a lot when we are having fun and it is time to stop what we are doing, by saying we have 5 more minutes! So after the time is up, my sister Erin and I dry off with our towels that hang over the deck railing and then we went into the house. And as we entered the kitchen from the side door our mom says “Take your bathing suits off girls and put them over the bathtub!” Though when I did take my bathing suit off, I meant to leave it the family room floor until I had gotten dressed but forgot when I started looking at YouTube on my iPad. Erin on the other was having a lot of trouble getting out of her bathing suit. She was crying because I think she was afraid of being stuck in her bathing suit forever. While she screamed out “I don’t know how to do this! I’m stuck!”until momma helped her by stretching out her suit on both sides to slip right off! Can you imagine being stuck in your bathing suit? I guess if momma couldn’t get Erin’s bathing suit off, she would probably have to cut it off! But if that happened, Erin’s pretty Elsa bathing suit would be thrown away. Then right before dinner our momma said” I don’t see any bathing suits over the bathtub! Some girls aren’t going to get ice cream cones for dessert if they don’t do it right now!” And after immediately hearing this, Erin and I picked up our wet suits up off the floor as soon as possible. We loved the ice cream we picked out on the store today when we went to the grocery store with our momma. Erin chose Superman and I picked Cookie Dough. Then we all sit around the kitchen table and momma brings out Erin and my food on plastic colored trays with exactly the same food. The tray has 3 spots for food. The biggest spot has a hot dog, which we both like plains in a bun. Do you like anything on your hotdog such as ketchup or mustard? And in the other spots we have corn and fruit. But momma gives me the pink tray first and Erin wants the pink color. It always seems we fight over colors! My mom tells Erin to eat from the blue if she wants dessert. That’s makes Erin stops whining and we eat quietly until our baby brother Brock spits out his all his food that daddy gives him and makes us laugh! Momma and daddy then eat their dinner, which is the same as ours but on round plates. After dinner my momma points out in the bathroom that something is wrong. She asked why our wet bathing suits are on the floor? My sister Erin and I put our bathing suits outside to dry on deck railing. We then play Barbies!
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lifewithfamily · 4 years
My mother grew her Zinnias as colorful as could be. Proudly standing along a picket fence for everyone to see. She told me to make my house look nice, to grow these flowers everywhere. Plant them all along the the house, to random pots on every stair. And as I gaze at my beautiful garden with an overjoy of pride, I know my mom is still is with me and her spirit has never died. So as I now keep this tradition of planting these simple flowers that grow like sprawling weeds, I enjoy all the beauty they give me, until Its time to collect their withering seeds. So as I plant these hardy flowers that bloom from spring to fall, they will always remind me of my mom, which is the bestest feeling of all.
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lifewithfamily · 4 years
Isla Boo and Erin Too Chapter (2). Grandma’s Visit
Have you ever been to a birthday party and you bring a present and you can’t wait until the birhday boy or girl can open your gift? Well this is how I feel with my grandma coming overtoday to visit. Erin and I are going to surprise her with our new pool! She doesn’t have a clue that my parents bought us all a big pool and I can’t wait until she see finally comes! But for now there I am watching my favorite Disney movie Frozen 2 for the 4rth time, until grandma gets to our house. “Hello?” grandma says as she is standing there my sister Erin and I run from the tv to our grandma as she gives us both a big hug with each arm. As my big, black dog Hannah scratches and slides her paws along the wood floor to greet grandma too. Grandma pats Hannah too and calls her a good girl! Then my grandma and my momma started talking and I didn’t think they ever stop talking! So I started saying “grandma, grandma”real loud, so she could hear me until they both stopped talking and my mom gave me that look. Then she told me, “Isla you ar interrupting your grandma and I talking and that is bad manners! I looked at my momma and I felt sad because I waned grandma to see the new pool as soon as she came. 1/Describe names like Isla Boo Erin too, looks, ages and family members, new baby brother too and Hannah . 2/house description and school that you can see from the backyard / Yay warm weather in Michigan again and we go swimming, describe looks and bathing suits and school nearby, bike riding all together with the family but Momma doesn’t have a bike, she pushes Brock in the stroller new. When we get back Hannah is whipping our new pool around our yard and ruins it!! 4/Daddy gets a new big pool but he has to put it together and I help. My daddy can fix anything and is strong too. He lets us wrestle with him when we fight him on the living room floor He even picks momma up and she screams and giggles. ! He also likes to cook too. We filled the pool with water and it is freezing! I help daddy put the cover on pool it resembles a taco. and we have a net to get rid of bugs. Erin hates bugs especially stink bugs. 5/all the family uses the new pool. Erin and I fight over goggles, playing in pool with alligator, Brock has pack n play. 6/ grandma comes over and we surprise her with our new pool. We show off to grandma how we swim. Grandma helps babysitt while parents are working 2B/kids swim in small pool, describe bathing suits, describe house and looking at school and private yard and Hannah going in pool . 3/everyone goes bike riding around school and new houses and Hannah put a whole in pool. 8/
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lifewithfamily · 4 years
Isla Boo and Erin too Chapter (3) We All Go Swimmimg!
As Grandma then told me that she would love to see the surprise outside, as she se down her big black purse on the kitchen chair. It was next when I finally was able to take my grandma by the hand while telling her to keep her eyes closed. Meanwhile I turned the door handle with one hand with no trouble, as I told my grandma to still keep her eyes closed. And as our grandma opened her eyes she couldn’t believe what she was looking at, as she instantly said with a big smile, “Wow, you girls are so lucky to have such a big pool!”. Which my grandma was right, we are lucky because I only know one person that has a pool, and that is my best friend Lily. “Come in the pool grandma!”, I said next while wondering if she really would take a dip. “Sure “ grandma said “I have to put my bathing suit on first!”. soon as grandma came back outside, I yelled to Erin to tell her that we can now get into the pool. Since we are not allowed in our new pool without an adult. Eventhough I wonder why we have to have an adult with us when the water doesn’t even go over our heads? Maybe something dangerous could happen if we accidentally go under the pool water and can’t breath? Well anyways my sister Erin and I don’t want to take any chances without being safe, so we follow our momma and dad’s rules! Next after Erin and I get in the pool, we both tell grandma to come in too! She says she will but has to feel the water first and then walks up the pool ladder.
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lifewithfamily · 4 years
Isla Boo and Erin Too. New Family Pool! Chapter(1) My Family
Hi my name is Isla and incase your wondering my middle name is actually Kelly, the same as my momma’s middle name. But a lot of my family call me Isla Boo. Though my younger sister Erin, who is almost five years old in a couple of months is called only Erin from most of the family. But I have my own personal nickname for my younger sister Erin. I made up name that I thinks sounds so pretty and is perfect for Erin. The name is “Inying”, which is also kinda neat because my momma and dad are starting to call Erin that too! Though when people ask Erin her name, she proudly tells them her full name “Erin Kathleen Hopkins!”. Oh yeah, incase your wondering how old I am, I’m almost eight years old in 4 months. Erin and I both have birthdays in the summer.
And talking about summer! My momma and dad bought us a new pool! It’s awesome because it’s huge and we feel safe because the water is not over our heads. But it is over our baby brother, Brock’s head, who is only 6 moths old. So momma and daddy have to carry him in the pool or pull him in a baby float and give him a ride over the pretty, pale, blue circle of water. Oh by the way, a lot of our family call Brock by the nickname Broccoli. Isn’t that a funny name? Did you ever hear of a person named after a green vegetable? Do you have any funny nicknames in your family? Most of the time I feel so lucky to have one sister and one brother. But sometimes they can both be a little annoying. Such as when Brock cries nonstop or when Erin and I have to share our Barbies or share the iPhone to talk to grandma!
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lifewithfamily · 4 years
Hide n Seek Shreak
When grandma came to visit the grandchildren at their house. Their parents were both working on their computers and phones. So grandma suggested to Isla and Erin to go over to their elementary school called Patterson Elementary. Since it was summer the girls were down with school until the fall. Erin was going to go to kindergarten and Isla was going into 3rd grade. Thie school is so close, that is almost in their backyard. Erin wanted to take her bike so she had to wear something on her feet, which she chose to wear easy slip on pink, rubber boots on a warm day. Actually I loved her look that day with her red and white Minnie Mouse bike helmet, with her messy, blonde, curly hair hanging down and her white, cotton knit, pastel, striped dress. She has a pretty country girl style, all of her own. Then as the 3 of us walked over the wide, grassy hill to get to the elementary school, Erin asked grandma to carry her bike with training wheels. Isla said “Erin, momma said you need to take push your own bike over the grass!” With Erin responding with a cry, “It’s to hard Isla!” And grandma finally saying “ I’ll take it, it’s kind of a struggle pushing the little bike in the long, thick grass”.
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lifewithfamily · 4 years
Catherine and Frank
"What did I just do?", as Catherine thinks out loud. "I don't think Frank can go without me too long!" Frank's son dropped me off at the airport, now that I'm here I going to have to wake up, and figure things out on my own. Though I can't believe I'm going home without my husband Frank. I remember my mom always telling me, "No one makes the right decisions under the influence.". Then as I went in line to have my baggage checked my phone rings but I can't find my phone as I struggle to find my purse within the luggage. As my actions are then interrupted by the travel assistant behind a long counter, asking me one question after another. While giving her answers before thinking and getting all confused since I only wanted one carry on instead of two. Then as I enter security I feel anxious because I'm used to Frank telling me what to do, such as the obvious to grab a tub and put all my belonging such as purse, coat and shoes. And placing my carry on bag also on the conveyer belt, while I walk under a metal detector. Though I am kinda slow finding my tub with my belonging because everyone else is in a hurry to grab their stuff first, until someone from security asks me if this one tub was mine. Which made me wish Frank was here more than ever to help me with the little things. And it makes me think how Frank's controlling behavior bonds us together in a heart of love. He needs me to take care of and I need him to care of me. Though I would never let him know that or he wouldn't let me ever think for myself. Which I used to be the opposite when I raised my 2 boys pretty much by myself and worked as an RN, that I am proud of everyday. But now my life is different when I married Frank 14 years ago. Meanwhile I look for a book with a little history or some Hollywood gossip in a little store and grab a few newspapers to read on the airplane. Then checking my ticket for the gate I wait for my flight to Detroit. While already getting into my book called Sea Biscuit until we all load into the terminal that leads to the plane. While wishing Frank was here again to help me find my seat, I the notice my seat at the end of the 4th row. As I attempt to put my luggage in the overhand compartment pushing the other customer's luggage to the side. Then my phone starts to ring as I sit down and hold my purse. "Hello?", I say with curiosity. Until I hear Franks voice in a loud tone, "Catherine where are you!".
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lifewithfamily · 4 years
Though there were a few things that stood out at Camp Dearborn and one of them was the dances at the canteen. , that started at dusk. This is where family and friends let lose and had fun, especially Catherine. She loved music and hardly ever sat down because she was usually on the dance floor, if that’s what you want to call it. It was really a huge parking lot surrounded by white little light bulbs hanging above within the perimeter of the square parking lot on poles. And speakers on each corner. Catherine was the type if she wanted to do something in life real bad, she did it! She wasn’t afraid of what other thought to possibly interfere with her happiness. For example when line dance song Cha Cha Slide spontaneously came on loudly over the speakers, even though Catherine had no idea the steps to do to this dance, she would still attempt to learn by getting behind some people that knew how to dance to the song in precise steps. But Catherine’s determination and interest to learn, made her dancing to that song in no time at all, as her family would sit while licking their ice cream cones observing her every move while being humored by her boldness and her sense of wonder. Catherine craved to do scary things, in a way I think she liked the adrenaline rush and that you only live once. **** Camp Dearborn ( showing everything about Catherine how she was when not drinking; bold, loved music and dance, didn’t care what others thought, loved kids especially little girls, very protective over those she loved, very humorous with policeman liking her etc... , buying fun things for kids, organizing a time capsule with the kids by cabin, loved exercising and reading a lot of history, loved talking about humorous things about her work and was proud to be a nurse, had a lot of self esteem and was really proud of her looks, fightsty and very, very caring for the people she loved, gift of gab, ****. When is sister take a walk around Camp Dearborn, Catherine talks about the pros and cons of a new life. More or less( a life without drinking vs. a life of addiction). Then the scene goes to her wedding playing the song Sense of Wonder, enjoying the money for the fancy reception and GM exsecutive husband that she could have an intelligent conversation with. Then after the newlyweds are in a routine, I ask why Catherine isn’t working and Frank answered because he wants for them to travel and visit his family. Then the 4 steps of addiction slowly begin
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lifewithfamily · 4 years
Camp Dearborn was a fun place Catherine’s family always went to get together every year during the summer. At Camp Dearborn they had rows of tents and cabins set up in rows named by a letter to identify the location. Catherine’s family love to stay up on “J” road up on the hill that were only cabins. which was kinda secluded from all the other campers. And had so many advantages such as sharing a whole pavilion by themselves with a high roof and a rustic fireplace., that was located right between the rented cabins, J1 and J2. And this was used so much by the family for dinners and celebrations, that the other campers around the circular gravel road , took for granted that they couldn’t use it too.
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