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The top photo the womans hair was inspired by the way a slice of uterus looked under the microscope. The bottom piece is influenced by corn, cilia, and striation. 
The middle pieces look at formation and connection to plant growth/ structure
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Tetrahymena final
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I also think there are some interesting parallels between how we treat plants and how we treat people. Do we expect our trees to stay in line? To adhere to the formation of human design?
Photo credit: trees (me) soldiers (http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/696456/British-soldiers-kidnapped-not-uniform-second-abduction-attempt-Aldershot)
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Cactus Hand Final
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I find it amazing. I did all this directed research. Without thinking about it, I made art pieces directly influenced by that research.
For example, after spending the night researching microscope views of bacteria, I created the Microcosmic Hand piece, which features skin bacteria.
And, after spending all this time growing cacti, I created the cacti hand piece. 
I also came up with another idea, to create a kombucha covering the sea/ a pond, as a result ocean acidification... but also because i noticed kombucha growing so prolifically
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So then I started looking into high quality, in depth photos of kombucha.. The fourth picture here is blue cheese, for contrast.
The top photo is really interesting. Here you can see the fibers created by microbes, which create a kind of raft or biofilm. This is what can create material for clothing!
Thank you to Vayumain Irekdal for these insanely high quality. high interest images!!!
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Just a little shout out to these folks making clothing out kombucha and using plant material in their design practice. Yay experimentation!
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So in my forays into SEM (scanning electron microscope) images, I found this out of control image of Diatomaceous Earth- Diatoms. What are diatoms? “ Diatoms are unicellular algae, one of the two major classes of the phytoplankton that constitute the bottom of the food chain in oceans and freshwater. Diatomaceous earth is a soft, siliceous sedimentary rock containing the fossilized skeletal remains of diatoms.”
“ Making up about 26 percent of the earth’s crust, DE is found in sediments from rivers, lakes, streams and oceans all over the world. It is almost 90 percent silica, which is found in human hair, skin and nails. When viewed through a microscope, DE looks like a tube with holes in it. It is very hard, has a very strong negative charge and contains about 20 trace minerals. “http://www.offthegridnews.com/how-to-2/10-incredible-off-grid-uses-for-diatomaceous-earth/
So these tiny bits of dead algae help us.. they absorb water, killing insects (good to douse on your head if you’ve just had life) (bad to drink, i would think) 
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Here are drawings from microscope day..
the bottom is me drawing how tall lentils sprouts feel to touch.
the top is me drawing how short lentil sprouts feel
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And this mint-- grew leaves underwater. real leaves! and a delicate, delicate root. growing like a weed, they say.
Turns out mint is a perennial, so it grows for two or more years. A bit more on perennials: Perennial plants grow (naturally) in summer and spring, die in fall/ winter, then spring back from their rootstock. They can do for at least two years, potentially many more, because they’ve adapted their reproduction system (bulbs, tubers, woody crowns, rhizomes, etc). Annuals, on the other hand, produce seeds that survive the cold and grow when its suitable. 
I just think this tidbit holds messages for those gearing up for extreme climate change: “Many perennials have developed specialized features that allow them to survive extreme climatic and environmental conditions. Some have adapted to survive hot and dry conditions or cold temperatures. Those plants tend to invest a lot of resource into their adaptations and often do not flower and set seed until after a few years of growth. “
Interesting tidbit:  The symbol for a perennial plant, based on Species Plantarum by Linnaeus, is ♃ , which is also the astronomical symbol for the planet Jupiter Stearn, William T. "Botanical Latin" (four editions, 1966-92)
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the forest inside
isnt it funny
ivy grows. as a reaching organization- land/ air/ space/ power
curling- experimentation. roots- everywhere. to root or roam? both, ivy says. hmm..
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Mini greenhouse mung beans
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I would like to show you this funny thing my plant did. I placed it by the window, it grew towards the window. The leaves that got sunlight reached out, full strength- this is what impassioned growth manifests as. On the other hand, the plants that got sufficient sunlight, but not a bounty, not a plethora, remained stunted, or apparently fine.
I rotated the plant, hoping to even out the plantiful exuberance (hardy har)
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we looked at the world. we looked further. we said, 
there’s more
and so i know
i don’t know
what’s more
it’s just
that i know only so much
so looking further, i see, but i hope, and i know my tiny speck of being ties- into this speck of being which i put under a microscope. will it help it see me?
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These are some trees from California. The first one tipped over from a storm.. the drought- 13 years. the water- a month. trees fell down. crashing into cars, people running, just kidding they slept at home. trees fell people died we all cried, got up kept walking. what a root system!
And the tree decided horizontal freedom. towards the sky, fear of falling so back to ground. then back up- the ground don’t mean shit anymore. when the sky is calling. so trees decide
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Here are skeletal sketches/ skeleton parts. 
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