libraryinkguild · 5 years
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Steffi Hotze, Jahrgang ‘83
UB Erlangen
Beide Tattoos von Nicole LebensartTattoo in Nürnberg
Das Herz bei I {heart} books ist bewusst verpixelt… Gedruckt oder online, ich lese alle Bücher.
Der Vogel am Ballon ist von Marc Johns. Ich mag einfach das Motiv und die Bedeutung die ich ihm gebe. http://www.marcjohns.com/
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libraryinkguild · 5 years
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I am a public librarian in MD, and I’ve been vegan for four years. Artwork done by @cecimeseed while visiting at Lucky Bird Tattoo in Annapolis, Md.
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libraryinkguild · 5 years
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I decided to get my third tattoo a few weeks ago during my last semester of my Master of Library Science program. My graduation is January 6, 2017. This represents two of my loves: books and cats - and since I’m most familiar with the Dewey Decimal System, the number where books about cats are located in a library. In addition to being a student, I work in a part-time position as a reference librarian at Rock Springs Library of the Sweetwater County Library System in Wyoming. The tattoo is on the back of my right calf and done by Autumn at Art Official Creations on 422 S Main Street in downtown Rock Springs, Wyoming. This picture was taken soon after it was finished. I stopped by my husband’s workplace so he could come outside and take a picture. Cats are naturally curious so I think that it makes sense the cat would be walking on pages and playing with the letters and numbers in the air. Most common question asked is what do the numbers mean, and then I explain the Dewey Decimal System. :-)
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libraryinkguild · 5 years
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I decided to get my second tattoo soon after I found out my friend who I lived with in college, when I was attending the University of Wyoming in Laramie, for a year died, She sadly committed suicide a few months after her fiance died. It is a Banksy rat. My friend Jodi had a bachelor’s degree in English and a master’s degree in English. I believe that she wrote her master’s thesis on graffiti art and Banksy. She also had a Banksy rat tattoo similar to this one on her arm. Mine is on the right side of my left leg. Jodi was currently pursuing her doctorate in English Rhetoric when she died. She was one of the smartest and kindest people I have met. I work in a part-time position as a reference librarian at Rock Springs Library of the Sweetwater County Library System in Wyoming. The tattoo was done by Autumn at Art Official Creations on 422 S Main Street in downtown Rock Springs, Wyoming. I showed the artist a picture of the tattoo on Jodi’s arm and it’s similar to hers. This picture was taken soon after it was finished. Some may think it looks like it is in memorial of a pet rat I had named Jodi, but oh well. It’s meaningful to me. Jodi also signed emails and phone calls by expressing her love, hence the heart and her name. I will always remember her.
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libraryinkguild · 5 years
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New ink on my forearm. Wanted to make sure I did it in the colors of the bisexual flag.
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libraryinkguild · 5 years
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Mein Name ist Anna, bin 21 Jahre alt und habe 2013 meine Ausbildung zum Fami abgeschlossen. Ich arbeite in einer wissenschaftlichen Bibliothek in Frankfurt am Main. Dies ist mein erstes Tattoo, zusammen gestochen bekommen mit Mo bei True Rebel Tattoo Hamburg. Es wird nicht nur bei dem einen bleiben.
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libraryinkguild · 5 years
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Sorry for the poor quality: cell phone cameras were not as good when this was taken - in fall of 2007, when I was near completing my bachelor’s degree in English at the University of Wyoming in Laramie. I graduated May 2008. I worked at the Hastings cafe at the time and actually got it done during a break from work. My friend Jodi, who I also lived with in her trailer, came with me for my first tattoo and held my hand the entire time. It was done by Jeff at The Underground Custom Tattooing in Laramie, Wyoming. The tattoo is located on my left upper thigh/left hip/ left hipbone. It is the painting of “The Tyger” by the poet William Blake. I wanted something to represent my bachelor degree in English and I really liked that particular poem that I read in one of my classes. I took the tattoo artist a picture of the painting that was in my Anthology of British Literature and he then scanned it. I believe he did a very good of capturing the art of the poet William Blake. I am currently working in a part-time reference librarian position at Rock Springs Library in Rock Springs, Wyoming, which is part of the Sweetwater County Library System.
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libraryinkguild · 5 years
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libraryinkguild · 5 years
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libraryinkguild · 5 years
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libraryinkguild · 5 years
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libraryinkguild · 5 years
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libraryinkguild · 5 years
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libraryinkguild · 5 years
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libraryinkguild · 5 years
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libraryinkguild · 5 years
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