libbyyall · 4 years
Marian was on some what of a mission. Recently she had bought herself an old record player for the decor in her room, but the girl wished more than anything she could play something on it as well. So, she found herself slightly alarmed by the loud music, but rather quickly enjoying it. “I think it was wonderful! Was that all you?” 
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Libby paused the music and grinned. “Hell yeah I do. I got some of my work for sale. But I am supposed to sell the other music more. So what kind of music are you into? Pop? Rock? Classical? We got it all.”
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libbyyall · 4 years
with the day off work but all of their roommates busy with their own jobs, riley didn’t really have much to do. chilling at home was fun for like the first hour but then it got real boring real fast. for once not in the mood for playing hockey, they were left with only a few options. times like this made riley realize just how small their social circle was outside of the roommates. not that they didn’t have a bunch of other friends, they just didn’t really hang out with them quite as much. stopping first at the arcade when penny wasn’t there they decided the next best place to check was the music store. and despite the fact that it seemed like penny also wasn’t there, they still perked up as soon as they walked into the building. “it’s awesome!” they agreed, bounding over towards the girl with a wide grin. “don’t apologize! you should play it again!”
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once libby registered who she was speaking to a sly smirk appeared on her face. libby knew riley was close to penny, that was obvious. and what was even more obvious was how stupid penny got around riley, which was enough to give libby ideas. “you know what? you’re right. i should play it again. after all, penny loves this one. so it would make sense that her buddy would too, right?” she gave them a wink before turning the track even louder. “speaking of miss proud, i haven’t seen her all day, but i bet i know where she is if you’re looking for her. unless you came by to hear my music or buy something...”
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libbyyall · 4 years
libby had a habit of turning the music store into a mini concert when business was slow. she was always mixing away at beats on the laptop and cranking the music to the top when no one was around. dancing around the room without a care and bumping into stands was a norm for her so when people actually started showing up she always was awkwardly laughing over the loud beats. “sorry bout that,” she said awkwardly. “i was just trying out a new beat? it’s pretty bomb, right?”
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libbyyall · 4 years
"are you okay?" libby asked the unfamiliar boy backstage. she normally wouldn't let anyone get in the way of her rehearsal or zone time, but he looked like he was about to faint. "did you lose someone or something? 'cause i can help you look for them if it gets you somewhere else quickly."
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libbyyall · 4 years
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Tiffany “New York” Pollard Flavor of Love - Season 2 (2006)
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libbyyall · 4 years
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samantha logan photographed by nirav patel
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libbyyall · 4 years
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libbyyall · 4 years
Libby took the drink from him and shook her head. He was always moving so fast and she just wanted to enjoy her time with him. The more she spent with Sheen the more she knew she never wanted to spend time away from him for long. It was kind of crazy, but then again they were anything but sane. “You sure you can handle my dance moves?” She brought her drink to her lips and sipped for a moment before winking at him. “I can get a little wild.”
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Sheen managed to make it through the crowd without spilling their drinks. Well, he may have had a close call or two, but he’d made it and handed Libby hers with a proud grin. “So m’lady, shall we dance next?” @libbyyall​
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libbyyall · 4 years
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libbyyall · 4 years
Libby scoffed. “I’m never nervous,”she argued even though that was far from the truth. She always got a little nervous around Sheen. But that wasn’t important. “It is pretty beautiful. I will admit, I’m pretty impressed Sheen.”
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“How are you gonna be nervous with a beautiful sunset like that?” @libbyyall​
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libbyyall · 4 years
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libbyyall · 4 years
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libbyyall · 4 years
✏️ timon x libby
Definitely met at the music store when he once again wasn’t buying anything but was talking everyone’s head off.
 Timon was shocked at how broad her taste in music was.
They’ve definitely done the “I bet you don’t know this artist” more than once just for the fun of it.  But someone keeps getting too competitive and someone is convinced the other is cheating.
When Timon found out from somebody else who her father was he wasn’t really phased (he’s not a big celebrity person) but it’s given him new ammo to justify when he’s jokingly calling her spoiled or bougie.
It is slowly becoming a practice for Timon that when he comes in to visit the store, he’ll pick a random instrument up and make a random little song for her. Sometimes good. Sometimes terrible. It’s really a grab bag.
He actually admires her goal-oriented nature, though he can never say that. Besides, he can never endorse focus in the workplace. 
Libby probably didn’t believe him when he said he was a bodyguard because look at this scrawny guy. Still, he can never seem to manifest Kiara and Pumbaa in the shop as the same time as Libby, so it’s a running gag at this time that he’s just lying.
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libbyyall · 4 years
✏️ Libby x penny
SEND ME “✏️ + a ship“ or “headcanon + a ship” for three ( or more ) random headcanons I have for that ship!
libby has never had a crush on another woman before, but let’s be honest....it would be penny. in the midst of her constantly worrying about penny dating a loser guy she would realize it was because she was a loser with a crush on penny and welp it would probably come out by accident.
they would make beautiful music together. literally. what a combo they would be in and out of the studio! libby’s songs would be about her and created with her. amazing.
their outfits would coordinate so beautifully. like they would look so hot together and they know that and their outfits would be fire to prove that. instagram would flag them for being too hot!
hand holding at the club because libby would probably whoop a man’s ass if he hit on penny.
they joined tik tok to do the savage challenge and they haven’t posted on it since. but megan saw and reposted it and they died collectively that day.
libby would love to be around penny’s family someday. her family is so different from hers and seeing a family so together and vibing with each other would be so cool in libby’s eyes.
constant encouragement to get their shit done. they would motivate each other to be their best selves on the daily.
being able to gossip together while laying in bed together honestly just brings them even closer.
libby would be constantly making penny playlists. playlists about her smile, about how she makes libby feel, about how cool they are, etc.
they would be very in tune with each other and honestly that is all libby could ask for.
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libbyyall · 4 years
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libbyyall · 4 years
Libby was relieved that at least one familiar face was at this picnic. She was not in the mood to mingle just yet and the sea of unfamiliars was starting to overwhelm. She wasn’t an introverted person by any means, this just wasn’t her scene. And since she wasn’t in charge of the music (for now) she needed something else to occupy her mind. Enter Penny. “Do you think I can convince the DJ to let me take over?” she asked her friend half-joking. “This is the blandest music I have ever heard. Is it country? Is this what royalty listens to in this modern day? Unacceptable.”
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libbyyall · 4 years
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