leviwestwrites · 5 days
KUBE: Live Examples
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Hello everyone! Can you believe it? On July 1, 2024, the beloved DSR booking engine will gracefully bow out after a decade of faithful service to all Seekda customers. But fear not, for its successor, the innovative KUBE, is taking the stage as the new star of seekda booking engines. In recent newsletter, seekda outlined the exciting configuration options of KUBE. It seems many of you were curious to see real-world examples of KUBE in action, and seekda thrilled to showcase some of their customers who have already made the switch. Stay tuned as they share their experiences with this game-changing booking engine!.
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leviwestwrites · 21 days
Why SeekdaPay?
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Hey there! Exciting news on the horizon: Seekda is launching SeekdaPay, a game-changing payment solution set to make its debut in spring 2024. SeekdaPay is all about making your booking experience on Seekda a breeze! Say goodbye to the hassle of manually keying in credit card details – this nifty system automates transactions for you. Not only does it offer a variety of functions like virtual and physical terminals, but it also seamlessly integrates with KUBE and supports various payment methods including e-wallets. What's more, Seekda is on the lookout for eager customers to join their pilot program, making this the perfect opportunity to shape and perfect the service for everyone involved. Exciting times ahead with SeekdaPay – just wait and see!
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leviwestwrites · 1 month
Unlocking the Secrets of Your Hotel's Success: A Sneak Peek at Seekda Reports
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Imagine having a crystal ball that reveals hidden trends, guest preferences, and untapped revenue opportunities for your hotel. That's the power of Seekda Reports, a game-changing hotel data analysis tool.
What if you could:
Predict Busy Seasons with Spooky Accuracy: Identify peak booking periods well in advance, allowing you to optimize your pricing strategy and maximize revenue.
Unmask Guest Preferences: Discover the demographics, booking habits, and cancellation patterns of your guests. Use these insights to personalize their experience and boost satisfaction.
Unearth Hidden Revenue Streams: Seekda Reports helps you pinpoint areas for upselling and identify distribution channels driving the most bookings, allowing you to optimize your strategy.
But wait, there's more!
Seekda Reports boasts a treasure trove of data insights that can propel your hotel to success. However, to truly unlock its full potential, you'll need to explore it for yourself.
Ready to transform your hotel business with data-driven decision making?
Head over to the Seekda to discover a wealth of hidden insights waiting to be unearthed. Dive deeper into the features, explore real-life examples, and see how Seekda Reports can empower you to make informed decisions and optimize your hotel's performance for the long term.
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