levidusanimae · 5 years
“You said something about wanting to go on a vacation together?” Yuugi asked as he came to stand next to the tanned male. He was not really sure where he wanted to go. But the idea did soundnice. A simple get away and away from all of the BS would be an even bigger plus.
However, he was not sure where the man intended for them to go.
“May I ask where you wish to go?” Atem could want to go anywhere honestly. Perhaps even countries or continents away. He was not sure. Although, he was excited to go somewhere with him. Wherever that may be.
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levidusanimae · 5 years
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Yugi hummed slightly to himself when Kaiba asked him how his game was coming along. He was not sure how to answer that, really. Sure, he had been working on the game for quite some time and had gotten some progress with it. But it was not nearly enough. He had too much to do with it.
Which is why he was probably still puzzled within his thoughts.
Did he want to ask Seto for help?
It were not as though the man would turn him down, right? He would not have asked if he were not interested in it. Plus, the two have gotten on much better terms lately. The young man could certainly ask him for an advice or two. There was no harm in that.
“I have gotten quite far, I would say. But not as far as I would have liked to.” There was a short pause as the short male tried to find the correct words to say. “However, I was wondering if you would like to give some advice? There are some parts that I am clearly stuck on.”
       “Yugi…” The name leaves him with an inspired tone, one that lacked the original malice that may underline the syllables— a slow burn frustration he didn’t know what to do with. Is it progress? Kaiba will not be open about his machinations, though he will admit to the other’s worth, and subsequently, the respect he held for him by his own standing. A name with weight. Much greater weight than the other may know or recognize.
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      Though they were two people fated to an end, tied to the people that they were by some greater cause— or so they’d been lead to believe. Kaiba was one who leaned towards that of beating one’s own path. But, what of Yugi? He doesn’t know, nor particularly cared. Instead, he views their interactions as a climb towards something greater. “Did you come up with ideas for that game of yours? It’s been some time since we’ve last spoken.”
@levidusanimae / ❤’d
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levidusanimae · 5 years
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levidusanimae · 5 years
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“I will live with my sorrow, I will live my own life!
                                         I will defeat sorrow in his place.
I will stand my ground and be strong.
                               I don’t know when it will be but someday, I will conquer it.
And I will do it without false hope.” - Yuna ( FFX )
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levidusanimae · 5 years
Dramatic size differences in ships
Reblog if u agree
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levidusanimae · 5 years
2018 is almost over!
Send the mun or muse something that you’ve wanted to say to them this year but didn’t have the chance to!
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levidusanimae · 5 years
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without me // halsey
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levidusanimae · 5 years
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Halsey - Without Me
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levidusanimae · 5 years
2K notes · View notes
levidusanimae · 6 years
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levidusanimae · 6 years
“Written content such as erotica, nudity related to political or newsworthy speech, and nudity found in art, such as sculptures and illustrations, are also stuff that can be freely posted on Tumblr.“ 
Us Roleplayers shall be fine, it seems. Let’s spread this around rather than spread panic. 
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levidusanimae · 6 years
-lays here-
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levidusanimae · 6 years
The vampire could feel his face turning red, though he attempted to ignore it. Of course he long since knew that humans no longer feared what went bump in the night. But habit was hard to break, especially when the humans he met usually stuck to one another and he had to use magic to draw one away to eat. 
However Roxas shook his head, attempting to shake off the confusion. ‘Ugh what am I, a damn Werewolf? I need to quit shaking my head like a puppy!’ Thankfully, it worked though in clearing his head. 
“Where I come from, it’s…uh not a good thing to be out after dark. Silly superstitions about things that go bump in the night.” Oh how much effort it took to keep the smirk off his face with that last sentence. Not that it mattered, since it was technically better for him if mortals walked around alone at night. 
Though he does have the decency to change topics, mostly for his own sake. “So…you said you’d like to get to know more about one another. Anything in particular that you wanna know?”
Yuugi nodded in understanding once Roxas explained that he came from a place that was quite dangerous at night. Well, that was a new one. But nothing that he was not completely surprised by. After all, the world was starting to become quite the dangerous place. Perhaps he should be taking better precautions when it came to walking home from school...
“Well... how long have you lived here?” That was a good question to ask, right? After all, it was not as though he wanted them to share their entire life stories in one night. But it was good for them to get to know each other better. At least, that was what the young student believed. After all, Roxas seemed to be a pretty cool person.
So, what was the harm in getting to know him just a little better?
Then again... Yuugi was too kind for his own good. Which often landed himself into trouble. Just because someone seemed to be coming off as nice now, did not mean that they would always be this way. People changed quite drastically and there was no telling what this blond will do to him.
Even so, Yuugi wanted to know why he had this worried feeling within his gut whenever he was around the man. Something just... something about his instincts felt off and he wanted to get to the bottom of it.
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levidusanimae · 6 years
YaMi gave Yuugi time to examine the blueprints. He studied them as well, but instead of looking at escape routes he suddenly felt the need to look at the power lines. In order to protect his master, the robot unmuted but lowered the volume setting of his voice until it was similar to a whisper, yet lacking the breath.
“If you are concerned about security cameras, perhaps I can temporarily disrupt the powe-…”
The robot’s idea about disrupting the power lines was suddenly pushed back by his programming. Something similar to a voice in his head told him it was a safety violation, as well as vandalization of company property. He jolted a little from the conflict and quickly shook his head.
“Error. Unable to break rules. Disregard.”
The things that were forbidden, unreachable, proved to be very inconvenient for YaMi. Robots were not meant to think outside the box. However, he was still able to follow Yuugi obediently. There was nothing illegal about following his master through company floors they had access to. That was all the context he knew.
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YaMi tried to mimic Yuugi’s quiet movements, though he was not very agile when he snuck around. A being with emotions would likely be amused, but he felt nothing. Except for the curious quirk that nearly made him break a rule.
The wide, spacious lobby on the ground floor would be the biggest obstacle for them. If they took the emergency exit on the other side, an alarm would go off. There was not enough information for YaMi to calculate the risks accurately. He recalled it was forbidden to take the emergency exit without a good reason. The new conflict made him unable to suggest the option. Colorless eyes stared at the blueprint before glancing at Yuugi again, it would be up to the other what the best course of action would be…
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The plan of action that he first thought, was wilted away by YaMi. The robot obviously could not assist in doing things that were illegal. Which... he knew that already. He knew better than to assume that the robot would be able to help him out too much. After all, Kaiba had been the one that created him. But... Yuugi had initially started up his programming...
With a deep sigh, Yuugi turned away from the blueprints and looked straight ahead. He was focusing his attention onto something else as he was trying to think of a way for them to escape without getting caught. But this was all proving to be quite difficult. Another sigh and the young man closed his eyes, trying to come up with a proper solution for all of this.
Once there was a form of an idea within his head, violet eyes landed onto those of the robots. “YaMi, could you be able to tell me if there are cameras or gadgets within the ventilation system? Perhaps the two of us could be able to escape through there... but it will be quite difficult, I must say. Especially with you being an android. However... it just might work.”
It probably was not the best idea, but it was the best that he could come up with. Which was much better than nothing. He had to agree with anyway. After all... he had been an intern here for quite sometime. There was still some things that he did know about this place. But not everything.
Millennium Code
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levidusanimae · 6 years
Atem watched as Yuugi abandoned his whiskey. Well…perhaps he wasn’t in need of a drink, but Atem’s own mind was racing. His eyes snapped up to Yuugi’s, and he swallowed thickly.  “There is a darkness gathering. I have no idea what it is or to what end, but we can all sense it.” He began. He had sent out scouts to find out what it was, but none had returned. Something Yuugi had no need to know. “Isis cannot see past the veil of black, no spell Mahad has cast worked. It is worrisome to say the least.” 
He tilted back the whiskey downing it in one go. “I sit on my throne, which by the way I don’t WANT to do.” Now that he had begun it seemed he couldn’t STOP himself. “I hated being Pharaoh, you know this, and yet what am I given in the after life, the damned crown that feels more like a collar all over again. A kingdom to run when I failed so miserably at the first one in my hands.” 
His voice was a sneer as he placed his glass down. “So I sit, and I prepare for some supposedly unbeatable evil once again to try to take everything from me I don’t even want. Then Kaiba showed up. He demanded my return. Demanded I come back with him.” Atem’s voice turned hard and he stared out the window to hide how angry he was, though his shaking hands must have given him away. “The nerve of that man! As if I didn’t have things I was seeing to! As if I could just drop everything no matter how badly I wanted to see everyone I care for!”  He shook his head and began to pace. “But of course, no was never good enough for the great Seto Kaiba was it?” He growled. “We fought, it almost came to physical blows and then his gods forsaken toy pulled him away, the power from it knocked me unconscious and when I awoken I was here, Back in Domino, in THIS dimension.” 
Yuugi was silent as he listened to what Atem had to say. Ah, so he did not come back because he had wanted to. But because Kaiba had become selfish and brought the Pharaoh back here without his consent. The smaller sighed softly as he looked at the Egyptian and frowned.
What was he supposed to say here?
Of course Atem did not like the crown. But he did not fail the first time. He did manage to save his Kingdom as well as the world. The world would have been shrouded in darkness and taken over by Zorc had Atem not done what he did. SO no, he did not fail the first time around. Yuugi believed that he had succeeded.
“You did not fail the first time. I know that you like to speak otherwise. But... the world would have been in peril had you not done what you did. Besides... you and I would have never met had you not sealed yourself within the puzzle.” Yuugi explains softly with a small sigh.
There was another pause before he spoke again. “If you did not wish to come here or battle Kaiba, then you could have simply told him no. Seto would have gotten over it. And then, you would not be so angry to have come back here.”
Dust in the Wind
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levidusanimae · 6 years
【KC】▬ Acutely perceptive Seto discerned the hesitance in Yuugi’s approach yet moment he invited his touch his expression warms. Cerulean eyes observed, noting the care his rival reserved as he clipped the embellishment around his wrist. The silver glimmered, catching light from the windows behind them, each hinge replicating the scaled appearance of his Blue Eyes. Small, light yet unobtrusive.   
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A gentle caress, slight fingers curl around his wider palm. Inquisitive, imploringly soft, Yuugi inveigled. Seto allowed this too, regarding his rival’s prolonged touch until his lips pressed against his knuckles. Fingers twitched reflexively in Yuugi’s grip, he does not particularly dislike the gesture despite his disquietude, it is unfamiliar.
Seto’s grip tightened when the moment extended past what he deemed tolerable, forcibly yanking Yuugi off his feet and rearranged his rival atop his lap. He wanted to be closer didn’t he, then he should be content nestled across his thighs. Opposite hand sprawled wide, lithe fingers tucking the slighter Duelist’s shoulder to his chest.
Cerulean eyes lingered on Yuugi’s face, analyzing his expression. The nature of their relationship is unique, unexpected… he doesn’t quite know what to make of Yuugi’s adoration.
      ‶ -why? ″  The thought at all, he didn’t particularly care for his birthday, he didn’t think Yuugi would go out of his way for something so trivial. 
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After he had pressed his lips to Seto’s knuckles and the back of his hand, Yuugi let out a soft squeak in surprise as he was pulled into the taller man’s lap. He probably should have expected the gesture, but it was still a surprise for him. Soft violet eyes landed on deep azure as the taller man spoke, asking Yuugi ‘why’.
Well, there was so many ways that he could answer that question or express it. For now, Yuugi chose to be simple and to the point. With a soft smile, the young duelist pressed himself closer to the taller male, wanting more of his warmth. “I did it... simply because I wanted to.”
Another intake as he leaned forward, pressing a kiss in the middle of Seto’s forehead. “I... know you don’t like to celebrate your birthday, but I wanted to do this for you. To prove that although you may think that you have no one, you do have someone.”
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levidusanimae · 6 years
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