lets-say-im-better · 3 years
my darling my obsession the cavities in my teeth the scars on my skin so many beautiful places stained in the colors of him i'll abandon my hopes my plans, my dreams i'll run away from everything straight into his arms
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lets-say-im-better · 3 years
Random bitching
I love my boyfriend I love him so much I’m gonna visit him in December but I feel like he’s going to be so disappointed I haven’t lost weight like I wanted to since he last visited why am i like this why can’t i stick to my diet or keep my fitbit charged or anything like that i’m fucking unemployed and broke and we’re supposed to move in together next year he’s gonna have to float and support my stupid fat ass please god why am i like this 
but also he’s my rock and he helps me feel better <3 i’m gonna try to get my dog registered as an ESA because sleeping with him in the room helps my PTSD episodes not wake me up so he’s definitely worthy of the label. 
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lets-say-im-better · 4 years
I had to go off my fucking meds again because of covid. My mom decided to quit her job and kick me off the insurance so my online refill shit didn’t work anymore and I couldn’t get a hold of my doctor to call in a prescription to a regular pharmacy.
I hate the shithole I’ve let myself fall into over quarantine. I’ve lost weight but I look fatter than ever and my blood pressure went to shit.
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lets-say-im-better · 4 years
The person I reblogged this from deserves to be happy
I tried to scroll past this. I really did
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lets-say-im-better · 4 years
Think you eat too much to have a problem?
Many active people (women included) eat 3000+ calories a day and stay plenty lean.
The recommended daily calorie intake is 2000 for women and 2500 for men.
The recommended daily calorie intake for weight loss is 1500 for women and 2000 for men.
A 5-year-old needs about 1400 calories or more every day.
The minimum daily calorie intake for a long-term diet without medical supervision is 1200 for women and 1800 for men. Eating less than that eventually leads to starvation mode (a real–yes, real–state of biological stress characterized by decreased metabolism, increased cortisol production, and heart, brain, organ, bone, and muscle damage).
A 2-year-old needs about 1000 calories or more every day.
Most people can’t even imagine eating 1000 calories in a day. You’ll get 1,357 Google results if you search for the exact phrase “1000 calories is way too low” or “1000 calories is way too little”…but you’ll get even more results if you Google the same phrases for 1200 calories, because few people consider dipping below 1200.
A 3-digit daily calorie intake puts you at high risk for binge-eating, slowed metabolism, bone and muscle loss, nutritional deficiencies, gastrointestinal issues, infertility, hair loss, mood swings, and depression. Oh–and sudden death.
900 calories is less than what a completely sedentary, 5'0", 80 lb, 70-year-old woman burns daily (keeping in mind that your metabolism slows with age).
A very low calorie diet, also known as a starvation diet, is 800 calories a day or less. It is prescribed by doctors to obesity patients who need to lose weight quickly, is specially formulated to be nutritionally complete, and is monitored by medical professionals to prevent sudden cardiac arrest and death. It is considered an extreme diet.
600 calories a day or less is literal starvation.
500 calories is less than the daily calorie needs of the average 1-month-old.
400 calories is less than the daily calorie needs of the average newborn.
300 calories is less than what the adult brain alone burns every day.
-Mod Lia
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lets-say-im-better · 4 years
Damn it's crazy thinking how nobody will ever be attracted to or love me
My best bet is finding some ugly bastard with incredibly low standards that wants a sugar baby whose self esteem is too low to leave.
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lets-say-im-better · 4 years
My better judgement: "Part of an eating disorder is binges"
My brain: "no I'm just a pig pretending I'm sick for attention I should just drop dead"
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lets-say-im-better · 4 years
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lets-say-im-better · 4 years
I told my crush I like her. I know she won't dare date me like I am. But at least she wasn't outright repulsed.
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lets-say-im-better · 4 years
I don't care what anyone says, this is a form of self care.
If I'm not prepping and eating breakfast in the morning, I have time to wash my face and brush my teeth and study a little more before class.
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lets-say-im-better · 4 years
I ate probably 700 calories today but damn that's better than what I've let become normal.
I made a thing with zucchini and squash and it was really filling, and I had a flavored water thing today I didn't realize it had calories though so it fucked my count.
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lets-say-im-better · 4 years
"Why do you feel like you have to starve yourself?"
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lets-say-im-better · 4 years
What's up, I'm back because I can't ignore this site for too long.
I just can't cope with my own existence sometimes. My doctor told me I gained 10 pounds since August and I can't stand it. I'll never be decent if I don't get back on the shit. I had a massive binge today and that's the end of it.... sorta.
I'm going to work down instead of trying to plummet because it never works. But I'm giving myself 2 weeks to get down to 500 calories a day. I just cannot function how I am.
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lets-say-im-better · 5 years
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lets-say-im-better · 5 years
Anyone else just randomly hooking up with older men to feel validated because they value your youth regardless of appearance? No? Just me? Aight.
I'm a fucking mess.
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lets-say-im-better · 5 years
I can't confess my feelings to my best friend despite her showing some obvious interest because I can't scramble over the mental roadblock that I'm too grotesque for anyone to love me.
Thanks to my ex for instilling that complex in me by telling me I was so ugly it was embarrassing to be with me and then dating someone even uglier than me.
how do yalls eds affect ur relationships?
ill start:
i still havent had sex with my girlfriend of five months because im still too fat for her to see me naked
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lets-say-im-better · 5 years
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ink and bones
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