① tightly; exactly; precisely​
② close-fitting (e.g. suit); firm (body); lean
計画をかっちりと立ておく。 けいかく を かっちり と たて おく。 Make sure you have a plan solidly in place.
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need sum new shoes ('ω')
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日本で日本語の授業 | japanese class in japan
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Changed my mind on the Japanese studies Masters. Because realistically, why do I want to study Japan in England like I didn't study Japan in Japan? I'd rather do a PhD over there fully funded like someone who actually cares about making money.
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japanese learners/japanese speakers, is there any solid dictionary that i can use to look up words? like larousse for french, is there any websites/dictionaries for japanese?
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i'm in this really annoying cycle of intermediate japanese where i can read but it's really slow and annoying because i don't know enough kanji, and i need to read more to learn more kanji, but i don't want to read because it's really slow and annoying etc
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Female MC Hall of Fame
The Source Magazine (October, 1997)
scans by rap style archeology
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Megan Thee Stallion
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megan via IG stories (3.17.24)
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Well, I got an offer for a Masters learning Japanese so we'll see what I choose come September.
I've been slacking on the formal study but talking on the phone, watching YouTube and reading happie nuts magazine has actually been doing bits.
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Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card - Vocab list
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Words I picked up when watching Card captor Sakura Clear Card:
透明 とうめい transparency; cleanness
魔力 まりょく magical power; charm
杖 つえ cane; walking stick; staff; wand
気配 けはい indication; sign; hint; presence
危急 ききゅう emergency
怪獣 かいじゅうmonster
今夏 こんか this summer; next summer; last summer
緊急 きんきゅう urgent; pressing; emergency
動かす うごかす to move; to shift; to operate
転校生 てんこうせい transfer student
推理 すいり reasoning; inference; mystery or detective genre (movie, novel, etc.)
相変わらず あいかわらず as ever; as usual
記録 きろく record; minutes; document|a record (e.g. in sports); results; score|to record; to document
歯車 はぐるま gear; cog-wheel
飛翔 ひしょう flight; flying; soaring
かい marks yes-no question
秘める ひめる to hide; to keep to oneself
闇 やみ darkness; the dark; dark
我 われ I; me,oneself, you
契約 けいやく contract; compact; agreement
もと origin base
命じる めいじる to order; to command
封印 ふういん seal; stamp|to stamp
解除 かいじょ cancellation; rescinding; release
迷宮 めいきゅう labyrinth; maze|mystery
逆さ さかさ reverse; inversion; upside down
犯行 はんこう crime; criminal act; offence
意識(する) いしき(する) consciousness
目覚しかける to set alarm
寝坊ねぼう(する) ねぼう(する) oversleeping
悪口 わるぐち insult; bad mouth
寝惚け ねぼけ half asleep
寝ぼける ねぼける to be half asleep; to be still only half awake
監修 かんしゅう (editorial) supervision; general editorship|supervising director (of anime, TV series etc.)
報告 ほうこくreport; information
顕現 けんげん manifestation
強引 ごういん overbearing; coercive; pushy
誕生(する) たんじょう(する) birth; creation suru
檻 おり cage; pen; jail cell; gaol cell
曾祖父 ひおおじ great-grandfather
瞬間 しゅんかん moment; second; instant
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My kanji is terrible and I recently learned about the book by Andrew Scott Conning.
The Kanji Learner Course is an amazing book for learning kanji, the best thing about it which made me buy it was the fact that it explains how to remember every single kanji like a teacher.
I have only done till the first 100 kanjis for now but it's definitely a wonderful book!
I highly recommend buying it if you want a comprehensive kanji book.
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読解と単語 // Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary
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― 米澤穂信 (2017): 氷菓, p.55.
千反田える(ちたんだ)character name in the book (and later anime adaption) Hyōka by Yonezawa Honobu 嘆息(たんそく)gasp, sigh つい unintentionally お嬢様(おじょうさま)young lady (of pampered upbringing) 歓心を買う(かんしん)win favor ~だけのことがある as expected (N2 grammar) 装丁(そうてい)binding (of a book) 表紙(ひょうし)(book/magazine) cover 革張り(かわばり)leather-covered 細密な(さいみつ)finely detailed 施す(ほどこす)equip, add
"Wow, what a beautiful book!"
Hearing Chitandas gasp, I couldn't help but turn my gaze into her direction. Indeed, it was a splendid binding that, as expected, won over the favor of our little lady. The cover was of leather and had a finely-detailed decorative pattern applied.
― Yonezawa, Honobu (2017): Hyōka, p.55.
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Tired of language learning apps constantly downgrading for profit? Introducing Lingonaut Project
We've all seen previously great language learning apps such as Duolingo or Busuu gradually losing quality, because of the owners always looking for more ways to make money. That is why a programmer and language fan by the name of Dr.Greenboys on Discord decided to do something about it, and start his own project, with a strict non-profit policy, never to be sold to the stock market, and premium tiers only giving aesthetic benefits, instead of not being able to pay money damaging the service's ability to teach you a language. It is still in development, but I am really happy to have found this project, and wanted to share it with the world.
Did I mention that, unlike Duolingo, we'll take volunteers for pretty much any language as long as the volunteers are fluent in it?
Anyways, you can find the project's page at https://lingonaut.app/
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Banned hiragana from Japanese license plates and why
Most Japanese license plates have a hiragana on them, but some are banned
お (o) - looks similar to あ (a)
を(wo) - pronounced the same way as お(o)
し(shi) - the character for death (死) is also pronounced shi
へ(he) - there is another character pronounced the same way (屁) and it means fart
ん (n) - cause it is hard to pronounce on its own
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Days of the week + time expressions
日曜日 (にちようび) - Sunday
月曜日 (げつようび) - Monday
火曜日 (かようび) - Tuesday
水曜日 (すいようび) - Wednesday
木曜日 (もくようび) - Thursday
金曜日 (きんようび) - Friday
土曜日 (どようび) – Saturday
→ Time expressions:
今日(きょう)- Today
明日(あした)- Tomorrow
あさって - The day after tomorrow
昨日(きのう)- Yesterday
一昨日(おととい)- The day before yesterday
週末(しゅうまつ)- Weekend
週(しゅう)- Week
祝日(しゅくじつ)- National Holidays
前の週(まえのしゅう)- The previous week
次の週(つぎのしゅう)- The next week
今朝(けさ)- This morning
今晩(こんばん)- This evening
来週の火曜日(らいしゅうのかようび)- The next Tuesday
先週の金曜日(せんしゅうのきにょうび)- The last Friday
今年(ことし)- This year
去年(きょねん)- Next year
来年(らいねん)- Last year
今月(こんげつ)- This month
来月(らいげつ)- Next month
先月(せんげつ)- Last month
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