lesupercris-blog · 4 years
Stop Bullying
Today, I wanted to talk about bullying. Being bullied is not the best feeling, is it? It makes one feel insecure, humiliated and very uncomfortable. It has the power to destroy lives, mentally and physically.
            Bullying has not confined only inside the classroom or playground, but also exists throughout adulthood. It can be communicated through text, mobile phones, the internet, social networking sites, forums and so on.
            If you are being hit, kicked, punched or trapped, it is physical bullying. If you are teased, put down or being called by unpleasant names, it is verbal bullying. If there's spreading rumors about you or telling lies about you, that's social bullying.
             Some think that bullying at the young age can be good to promote social skills and to learn how to overcome problems, but I strongly disagree with this, because learning is not equivalent to hurt someone's feelings.
             Bullying is now a criminal offence, when somebody is sexually or physically attacks you, uses prejudice language towards you or shares your private information or images online, these are all key signs that your should probably report to the police.
             If you are experiencing this, don't think of yourself as the problem because the person who is bullying you is the one with issue. Try to tell the negative emotions to somebody that you trust. Seek out positive role models to show you that there are plenty of people have been where you are right now and have managed to overcome it.
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lesupercris-blog · 5 years
How to play "214" by Rivermaya on guitar?
The song "214" is one of the greatest hits of the pinoy band Rivermaya. It was released in 1994. Some wondered why this is the title of the song but based on some posts, it stands for Valentines day which is the 14th of February (2/14), some also says that it also stands for the number of letter of the song's first sentence which is "Am I real?". It is one of the popular hits that it became as a theme song of Liza Soberano and Enrique Gil's movie entitled Alone Together.
I have attached the guitar chord below:
(guitar)intro:G Em Bm C G Em D C D E C D(2X)E -
Am I real?
do the words I speak before you
           E              Bm
make you feel,that the love
I have for you will see no ending?
well if you look into my eyes
then you should know
that there is nothing here to doubt
nothing to fear
and you can lay your questions down
cause if you'll hold me
we can fade into the night and you'll know
G        Em       Bm
the world could die
     C        D   G
and everything may lie
       Em       D  C  D
still you shan't cry
G       Em      Bm
coz time may pass
      C            G
but longer It'll last
        Em     D    E C D(2x)E
I'll be by your side
(Do chords same as 1st stanza)
take my hand
and gently close your eyes
so you could understand
that there's no greater love tonight
that what I've for you
well If you feel the same way for me then let go
we can journey to a garden no one knows
life is short my darlin tell me that you love me
so we can fade into the night and youll know
(repeat chorus)
(same as chorus chords)
the world could die
and everything may lie
but you wont cry
coz time may pass
and everything wont last
I'll be by your side
forever by your side
so you wont cry
(bass finish slowly)
I hope you could play this song as awesome as it is, sing to the top of your lungs! Enjoy playing!
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lesupercris-blog · 5 years
Drug Dependency As A Social Menace
With the cause of curiosity, man makes experiments with anything for their comfort and to make a better life. There are discovered remedies that can treat pain and illness which promotes good health, but these remedies are misused and becomes one of the social problem called drug addiction.
Drug is defined by the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), as chemical or plant-derived substances that affect the body's psychological, behavioral, or physical functions and leads to varying degrees of dependence or addiction. When a person became drug dependent, it may change the body's way and the function of brain.
Some drugs are prescribed, others are known as club drugs and illicit or illegal substances such as Marijuana, Methamphetamine Hydrochloride (Shabu), Inhalants, Ecstasy, Opiates/Narcotics, Cocaine, Sedative-hypnotics, Steroids, Tobacco and Nicotine.
Adolescence is a time of experimentation and these are some of the reasons behind drug abuse; curiosity, social influences (peer pressure), rebellion, escapism of problems and the sensation that a drug gives to them.
There are several reasons why there are people who take prohibited drugs. Yes, it is used for medication but there are instances that leads to addiction when misused. Drug dependency is hazardous to a person's health, to the people around him and to his future as well. If we know someone in the family or even a friend who is suffering from drug dependency, we can try to talk with them, listen, understand and help to save them from their present situation until the full recovery is attained.
Villasoto, et al., (2013). Human Person Gearing Towards Social Development; NSTP-CWTS 1 Worktext for College Student. C & E Publishing, Inc. : Quezon City.
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lesupercris-blog · 5 years
Coconut; The Tree of Life
The coconut tree is a palm tree that grows in coastal areas in more than 80 tropical countries. It is a large palm with a single trunk growing to 30 meters tall and leaves are 4-6 meters long. It is termed as the tree of life because of its uses from leaves to roots. The coconut tree trunks are used for building houses or decorations, beauty products and even as medicine.
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The coconut fruit is the common part of the tree where it can be eaten raw and can be use as an ingredient for cooking. It is rich in vitamins, mineral, and acts as a good oxidant. There is also an oil being extracted from the fruit that is used as recipe for cooking. The acid boosts the immune system so, during cold seasons, taking a spoonful of coconut oil helps us to protect from illnesses. The oil can be used as hair conditioners and for some hair products. Coconut oil is also used for the massage since it is believed to be healthy for the skin.
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Moreover, the coconut leaves are used to make artifacts like hats, mats, baskets, trays, bags, brooms, fences or roofs of traditional homes, and often used to wrap rice in Asian countries. The husk's coconut fiber is used to make brushes or as packaging materials. The husks are used as floor polishers, beautiful art pieces, and sometimes used when steaming food.
         Furthermore, the coconut fruit's water is used as an energy drink since it helps in re-hydration and cleansing of the kidney. It is also helpful in reducing blood pressure and heart disease risk. So, having a fresh coconut water after a prolonged exercise is a good idea, isn't it?
        Many people depend on the coconut tree as a source of livelihood from its several benefits especially in rural areas and from its usefulness, it is no wonder to be called the tree of life.
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lesupercris-blog · 5 years
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you go, girl 
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lesupercris-blog · 5 years
My Personal Accomplishment
                      When I was young, I thought that reaching goals in life is as easy as playing outside the house. It is fun and playful, until I realized how life works.
                      I was born on the 27th of July, year 1999 in Bulacan. I am the second child among the siblings. We have six members in the family, my parents, three daughters, including myself and the youngest is a boy.  At home, we have a total of seven pets, three dogs and four cats. Some of them were abandoned and found in the streets so we adopted them. We think of them as part of the family since we live under the same roof.
                     When I was in the 5th grade until I entered second year high school, I earned money by helping or tutoring my cousin with his school works. I used the money to provide some of my educational and personal expenses. During my high school days, I applied for a scholarship and fortunately passed the screening. Every quarter, I received financial support from a benefactor in Belgium. It was the year 2015 when I graduated from high school. Subsequently, that was the time that I needed to take a scholarship examination for college.
                     Looking back on that day, I was in queue and waiting for the instructor to call my name. All the examinees entered the classroom and she started to distribute the questionnaires. I admitted that it was arduous and felt sleepy while answering it. As I looked up to pass my paper, I was surprised that the only student left in the classroom was me. After I finished it, I kept thinking about it for a week. I felt like it was easy for everyone except for me.
                    Finally, the result was released. I was astounded that my name was included. I gladly shared the news to my family and I was delighted that I could help them with my academic expenses. In my third year college, I stopped studying due to some personal matters. As of the moment, I am pursuing my studies and prosperously able to support my personal and educational expenses. 
                    It made me realized that achieving goal is not as easy as I think when I was young because it requires patience, determination, discipline, hardwork, perseverance and effort. Waiting for it to pay off is frightening since I am at a point of uncertainty if things will work out. However, even if things are unsure, giving the best I can and trusting in my ability is still an accomplishment. I believe that I should be thankful in every situation because it happened to teach me something and to be strong enough to see what God has in store to my future. I hope that someday, when the time is ripe, I will harvest the fruit of my hardwork and embrace the sweetness of success.
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lesupercris-blog · 5 years
Do not let others define who you are. Define your own identity.
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