lessonnotlost · 2 years
"My heart is afraid that it will have to suffer," the boy told the alchemist one night as they looked up at the moonless sky.
"Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself."
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lessonnotlost · 5 years
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the devil tree - jerzy kosinskt / i know what you think of me - tim kreider / the first bad man - miranda july / variation on the word sleep - margaret atwood / here yet be dragons -lucille clifton / what being a sexy worker taught me about men - melissa petro / the powerbook - jeanette winterson / blasted - sarah kane / the archer - taylor swift / strange gods - roxane gay
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lessonnotlost · 5 years
today i was talking to my therapist about being upset that my dad wanted a daughter and she told me 'your father is crying by a grave of his own making that has no corpse in it. you do not need to fill it for him and are not required to weep beside him' and I had to take a sip of water bc my mind stopped working for a moment
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lessonnotlost · 5 years
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The Lonely Heart
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lessonnotlost · 5 years
It is an end, a finale, a curtain-fall. Orochimaru lies on the cold, damp ground and tries to breathe past the obstruction in his lungs, past the unexpected pang at seeing Tsunade fall and Konoha swept off the map by a madman, past the sword embedded in his chest and pinning him to the ground like some sort of scientific curiosity, a butterfly on a card.
There's a shuffle of footsteps by his head, but Orochimaru doesn’t bother looking, doesn’t even open his eyes. It’s not an enemy, of that he’s certain—there's no reason for an enemy to linger here, after all. Orochimaru is dying, inches from that final, ultimate death he’s always fought so hard to escape. Anything done now will only hasten the inevitable end. He’d welcome it, truly, no matter how much he once resisted, because this is pain and failure and heartbreak when he had not thought he had a heart left to break.
Hardest of hearts
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lessonnotlost · 6 years
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I am sorry. I have done you evil and I cannot undo it. No. Unicorns are in the world again. No sorrow will live in me with that joy—save one. And I thank you for that part, too. Farewell good magician. I will try to go home.
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lessonnotlost · 6 years
Father had been trying to involve Santino more in the family business, but only incidentally, the same way Paola was with Gianna. They were taken to glad-handing events, sometimes sat in on powerbroking meetings, but they were usually only there to observe and learn, never asked for their opinions save as part of a test. Paola had watched rival clans fracture under the weight of heirs gone wrong from being given power too early, and had learned her lesson.
Made Men
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lessonnotlost · 6 years
“If you wanted to pretend to be average,” Santino said, tapping his fingertips over a card, “you should have been more random about it. Here, here and here. Your shots are almost always to the same spot. Even at maximum range.” He sauntered over, patting John’s arm with a faint smirk, leaning in. “Come on,” he breathed, so close to John’s cheek. “Again, stronzo. Don’t bore me.”
Made Men
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lessonnotlost · 6 years
Naruto’s scowl deepens. “His name was Haku. And we…” He hesitates for a moment, torn, and forges on. He always forges on. 
from the corner of your eye
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lessonnotlost · 6 years
letting go of Wolfram's hand would mean letting go of him. And, he was just coming to the realization that he didn't want that—ever.
Seasons of Beautiful Wolfram by HARPG0
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lessonnotlost · 6 years
 "You don't love me. And there's no part of you that does."
Seasons of Beautiful Wolfram by HARPG0
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lessonnotlost · 6 years
“There are things worse than fear. Things worse than pain.”
“Like what?”
“Grief.” A long pause stretches out between them.
new life.
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lessonnotlost · 6 years
With his prior training and his additional need for vengeance, he excelled easily. His body was transformed from muscular to downright bulky, but he didn't really care about the attention he got. He loved the kills, the fire in his passion for ripping people apart because he could not kill the one person he truly wanted to kill. Erik knows that he is border lining psychotic, but there is nobody that is going to question him. He is distinguished and damn good at killing. That is not something you just openly question. 
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lessonnotlost · 6 years
“Don’t cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it.”
— Unknown
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lessonnotlost · 6 years
He’s completely insane, but that really isn’t an issue. His insanity is consistent and thus manageable.
Prime Time
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lessonnotlost · 6 years
“I don’t know why I think it matters,” Loki says.  She knows he’s not talking about her not knowing his name--his eyes are down again, surveying the trash heap of their city.  “I can’t take away the pain, more’s the pity, but when I have no more use for it, I can away take the scar. It will heal cleanly.  It’s nothing.”
All of this is nothing, all Sakaar, the two of them included.  Val says, “It hurts,” and Loki nods. He pushes back from the balcony railing, a little more with her now that he’s determined to leave.  He has nice enough eyes, but they’re restless. He’ll keep up with the Grandmaster for a little while but then he’ll be gone like the rest.  His name will go from her memory first, and then the cool touch of his hand, and then the warmth of his mouth on the bottle, and last of all this, this strange provocation to kindness.  In the end, time will take them all, and Val will still be here.
Loki is owned by the Grandmaster; Val is owned by the dead.  She knows which brand will last longer.
You Get What You Take
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lessonnotlost · 6 years
He turned on his side and looked at the two of them lying there next to him.
He said, as if this were entirely a conversation about politics, “I don’t want to go to war with the Grandmaster, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“Neither do we,” Val said.  “We’d lose.  And even besides that, I’m rather fond of him.”  She yawned again, shifting until more of her body was snugly against his.  “It’s not his fault you’re waking us up.  Fucking Asgard, fucking kings, fucking honor.  I thought I’d had my fill of all that centuries ago.”
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