lephar-blog1 · 7 years
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Land of Battle - Upcoming Changes
Korea has revealed the following upcoming changes for current content: 1. Norsvold & Iluma Changes
- Addition of base/artifacts in Norsvold/Iluma - Adjusted (likely to be an increment) the amount of rifts that opens every hour but randomized exit points - Archdaeva instances difficulty level can be adjusted from 6-players to 3-players - Fissure of Oblivion instance EXP gain to be increased
2. Omega Enchantment Stone & Tempering Solution drop sources increased
- Omega Enchantment Stones can now be obtained from Norsvold/Iluma open world bosses, Archdaeva Invasion, Library of Knowledge, or be exchanged with Spinel Coins and AP. - Tempering Solutions can be rewarded from Abyss or Norsvold/Iluma base occupation or be exchanged with Spinel Medals and AP.
3. Stigma Enchantment
- Stigmas can now be enchanted anytime, anywhere without the need of NPCs - Enchanted stigmas can now be used as enchant material (currently, you CANNOT do so)
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lephar-blog1 · 7 years
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Land of Battle - Plume Changes
There have been some slight changes made to both normal plumes and improved plumes.
1. Normal Plumes
- Maximum enchant level is now capped at +18 - The minimum enchant level in order to upgrade to an improved plume is +8 (currently, it requires +10 as the minimum) - The resulted improved plume will have it’s enchant level reduced by 8 levels
2. Improved Plumes
- Maximum enchant is now capped at +10 - +7 enchant level onwards will now grant PVP physical and magical attack stats
Stats per enchant level are as follows:
+7 - 1.3% +8 - 2.6% +9 - 3.9% +10 - 5.2%
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lephar-blog1 · 7 years
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Totally stole this from a legion mate but… THE FEELS THO!
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lephar-blog1 · 7 years
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i was drawing this, but then the servers went online :c
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lephar-blog1 · 7 years
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Anoha was painful lmao. Grendal is very Asmo dominated right now and I hope GF is keeping an eye on faction balance. Correct me if I’m wrong but I think we outnumber the Elyos. It took them forever to capture 1 abyss fort so something’s wrong.
I’d rather die than get merged again
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lephar-blog1 · 7 years
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I only found out about the new servers because I stayed in touch with updates and stuff, a year after I “quit”. Why doesn’t gameforge advertise aion? They have the p2w money and I didn’t even get an email.
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lephar-blog1 · 7 years
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Hi all - I’ve been neglecting this blog pretty badly, so there’s a bit of a backlog to work through! I finished this costume in April 2016 and won grand prize with my partner Gigahorse Deluxe at Akibacon in Auckland. These photos were taken at Bieskiery Castle near Lodz in Poland - I left the country the day after the con, and just so happened to have the costume in my luggage :D Build notes for this costume are on my website, and they’re pretty long.
Model, costume: Little-Noise / Static Cosplay
Character: Elyos Scout from Aion, Hyperion leather armour
Photography: Studio Zahora
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lephar-blog1 · 7 years
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I did a fanart of Atreia for an Aion rp group I’m starting on paintberri :0 Textless version cause I like this one best.
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