leonisxbellator · 4 years
Gemma happily set up a date and time with Muu, grinning all the while as she did. She was excited to tell Aya about this ‘blind date’ she set up for her.
“What do you mean blind date?” Aya scrunched her nose up, not too keen on the idea.
“A blind date! With a man! Come on, Aya, you’ll have fun I’m sure of it.” Gemma insisted, nudging her friend.
“Why? I’m not even looking to date right now!” Aya frowned.
“It’ll be fun I promise you will thank me later!” The lioness grinned.
“Fine.” Aya rolled her eyes as she was given the date, time and location for this so called blind date.
The day of the audition, Muu was getting the studio set up, the rest of the group watching him in amusement. They had been through a few auditions already over the last few weeks, and had never seen him as excited for the others as he was for this one.
“Chill, Cap,” Rohroh declared, rolling his eyes fondly “it’s like you’re getting ready for a date or somethin’.”
All Muu did was glare, knowing that his oldest friend wasn’t exactly wrong.
Soon, there was a knock at the door.
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leonisxbellator · 4 years
Gemma happily set up a date and time with Muu, grinning all the while as she did. She was excited to tell Aya about this ‘blind date’ she set up for her.
“What do you mean blind date?” Aya scrunched her nose up, not too keen on the idea.
“A blind date! With a man! Come on, Aya, you’ll have fun I’m sure of it.” Gemma insisted, nudging her friend.
“Why? I’m not even looking to date right now!” Aya frowned.
“It’ll be fun I promise you will thank me later!” The lioness grinned.
“Fine.” Aya rolled her eyes as she was given the date, time and location for this so called blind date.
Muu was looking forward to the audition to come. In fact, he nearly had butterflies in his belly.
Seeing that, the others in the group decided teasing was the best way to go. They’d heard the demo, of course, and understood his excitement, but they knew it was the best way to distract their fearless leader.
Soon enough, the day and time arrived, and Muu had everything all set. It was all he could do to keep from pacing, as he waited for Ayana to arrive.
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leonisxbellator · 4 years
Sorry I haven't been on
Dealing with a new work schedule and duties, and it's kicking my ass. I promise I'll be here tomorrow. For my sake~
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leonisxbellator · 4 years
Gemma had heard her phone ping with a notification from her email as she was sitting in the office area of the tattoo parlor. She rolled over to the computer, humming and opening the notification to read the email.
“Ohhh fuck yeah!” She did a mini, quiet cheer. Grinning and her tail swishing behind her. She quickly started typing an email back on her friend’s behalf. 
Mr Alexius,
Thank you so much for reaching out to me, that is a huge compliment. I am free anytime, so as soon as possible would be fine for me so as soon as you’re able to fit me in for a in person audition.
Im flattered you admire me as I am a big fan of your’s as well, im looking forward to hearing from you again.
Best Wishes,
The lion shifter grinned, leaning back in her seat. She knew Ayana may very well kill her for this, not literally of course, she knew her friend really did admire Muu and was a fan. She had considered auditioning herself but hadnt had the nerve, hence what Gemma had done. 
Muu heard the notification on his phone, looking down to check the screen as he waited to cross the street. Seeing the reply, he couldn’t help grinning.
Knowing the name was rather unusual, he had been surprised that the tattoo artist and parlor owner that he’d seen at Gemma’s new workplace was a singer as well.
 Gemma had done his work in the past, and when the lioness had told him where she was going to be working, he’d followed like the loyal customer he was. Gemma was great, very much like a friend, especially since she never made him feel awkward about the increasing attention that his band was getting.
Quick to reply, with what days and times worked best over the next two weeks, Muu was anxious to get the whole thing set up.
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leonisxbellator · 4 years
Miss Ayana,
Thank you for your demo submission. Let me be frank when I say that all of us are really excited. Your range and style are exactly what we’re looking for, with a female vocalist.
Please email me back, as soon as you have the time, so we can schedule your in-person audition. While it’s important to make sure this audition happens, I’m confident it’ll end up only being a formality.
I look forward to hearing from you, and potentially getting the chance to work with a fellow artist that I’ve personally admired for years.
With Best Wishes,
Muu Alexius
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leonisxbellator · 4 years
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Her gaze was back on her feet, unable to help shrinking into herself despite Muu’s attempt to reassure her he wasn’t upset with her. “He doesnt know…..he didn’t ask.” She murmured. 
“Most masters dont care about the history of their slaves…I didn’t think to say anything to him about it.” She continued before pausing.
“I….I was supposed to be free a long time ago…wasn’t I?” Her voice when she spoke again was barely above a whisper.
How could he say it? How could he keep himself in check, with all the anger at what she had been put through boiling inside?
“You were,” Muu declared, tone more sad than angry “and you will be soon, if I have anything to say about it. Kouen is not a man without compassion, Aya, as we both know. Though how he hasn’t asked before now is BEYOND me.”
Okay, he had to stop, before he got angry again.
“He needs to know, Aya.”
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leonisxbellator · 4 years
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“Ten years…?” She could barely comprehend that much time…she’d been serving under humans…suffering at the hands of humans…for over 10 years? Muu’s change in expression and tone made her flinch and shrink back fearfully.
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“The five years is only if I was in Kou the whole time….they kept taking out, tradin’ me and bringin’ me back….my time here didn’t count. This is the third time i’ll be startin’ over. I don’t know how long’n total.”
Almost all that time, she’s been here...in Kou...suffering unimaginable things.
“Most all of the time you’ve been gone, I imagine...” he muttered, and Muu could feel his temper flaring. She didn’t need that, though.
Seeing her flinch and shrink back, though, didn’t help his temper situation. He wasn’t mad at her, but at the life she must have lived.
“I’m sorry, Aya, I’m not mad at you,” he promised, trying to keep his voice quiet and calm “I’m angry for you...that you would be manipulated and treated so...believe me, if Kouen doesn’t know about this already, then he will.”
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leonisxbellator · 4 years
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How long had it been since someone hugged her? Really just hugged her? She couldnt remember. She couldnt wrap her arms completely around him but she did try. 
“A lil’ over a month I think…Im no’ comple’ely sure” She replied, relaxing for forced formal way of speaking. “I was too much trouble fer a new slave company…they gave me t’ him as a gift t’ get rid of me, instead’a selling me here for the third time.”
She realized she had no idea how long it had been since she met him, it was hard to keep track. “How…how long has it been?”
How long had she been in Kou, all this time?
“Still giving hell,” he muttered, smiling “Aya, it’s been...it’s been over ten years.”
How had this been happening for so long?
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“Aya...how long have you been in Kou?” Muu pulled back to look down at her, eyebrows knit together in concern “It...it’s been more than five years, hasn’t it? Is Kouen aware of this?!”
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leonisxbellator · 4 years
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Sharrkan looked at Masrur as he sat down on the bed and nodded. He did not know why but he couldn’t disobey Masrur. 
“Alright I’ll..try..”he mumbled as he took his hand before falling asleep. He didn’t know he had been this tired that he could fall asleep immediately.
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Masrur watched Sharrkan as he fell asleep, finding he didn’t want to take his hand back.
It was nice, to have someone hold it...No matter the reason.
So, he decided to stay, back against the headboard. If anyone came in, he would wake, but until then, he was going to sleep as well.
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leonisxbellator · 4 years
The shifter hiccupped and sniffled, though it was hard to stop crying once the floodgates were open. Though she was trying.
When he asked if she was being treated well she nodded. “Hes…hes not Cecelia but he isn’t cruel to me, he treats me like a person” She said, rubbing her eyes with another hiccup.
That was more than most could ask for.
“I’m glad to hear that,” Muu declared, hugging her tighter still “of all the people for you to...be with...I’m glad you made your way to someone who possesses a shred of decency and respect.”
He didn’t want to let her go, but Muu knew he had to.
“How long have you been here, with him?”
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leonisxbellator · 4 years
Masrur! What kind of people are you attracted to the most? What features do you fancy?
He’d smack his Mun if he got the chance
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“Someone strong, and kind.”
The strength part wasn’t specific, and didn’t have to mean physically, though it could include such. He didn’t have more than that, in terms of specifics. He wasn’t picky.
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leonisxbellator · 4 years
Her whole body tensed when she was grabbed but after a moment she relaxed, just clinging to Muu and crying.
“I-i didn’t think…” She hiccuped, holding onto him as tightly as she could. “I…i didn’t want to think about it…..in…in case I was wrong.” Aya was emotional, and a tad more open knowing that she wasn’t currently being watched.
“I know,” he whispered “I understand...”
He was silent for a few moments, running his hand up and down her back. He knew the Prince’s reputation, but he still had to ask.
“You’re being treated well, here? With Kouen? He has a reputation for treating everyone with respect, but I know how rumors can be exaggerated.”
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leonisxbellator · 4 years
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Sharrkan blushed slightly and shook his head to his first question, before answering the second one.
“I..I want you to stay..but only if you also want to..if not then you may go.” he mumbled, slowly letting go of the fabric.
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Seeing the blush coming to Sharrkan’s cheeks, Masrur sighed inwardly, but couldn’t hel[ his fondness. Quintessential Sharrkan, to be sure. At least, he was sure that’s what Ja’far would say.
Nodding, Masrur sat down on the bed, watching the other.
“...you should get some sleep. It’s been a long day.”
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leonisxbellator · 4 years
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“But–how did you?” Kouen didn’t know anything about her slave history, as far as she knew. She certainly hadn’t told him about Cecelia or the teenager she befriended. 
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“Y-you….he…he couldnt have told you—-I didnt—I didn’t tell anybody.” Tears welled up in Aya’s eyes, spilling down her cheeks. Real emotion showing through for the first time since Muu arrived. 
 Did….was this really him? That seemed like the only explanation. He didnt forget about her?
“You…you….didn’t…didn’t forget about me?”
Seeing her tears, hearing the shock in her voice, Muu pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight.
“I could never forget you, Aya,” he whispered “never. All these years, I’d wondered where you were...”
What had happened to her, after all this time? Did he even want to know?
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“I’m so glad to see you again...”
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leonisxbellator · 4 years
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Masrur was really great with going unnoticed even though he was so massive. Fanalis were really discreet.
As he put him down on his bed, he nodded.
“I..I know..I’ll be fine really.”
When he thought he was going to leave, for some reason he caught his robes, as if to tell him to stay. “Y..You’re leaving already..?”
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When Sharrkan caught his robe, Masrur paused and looked over his shoulder at the other man.
“Do you want me to?”
He cared about Sharrkan, to be sure, but he knew how emotional the other man could be.
“Or do you want me to stay?”
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leonisxbellator · 4 years
The slave’s eyes widened slightly, actually looking up at him. “Y-yes…..yes I did. With my mistress, Cecelia.” She murmured. “Why?”
“And...did you know a young teenager?” he asked “a young man with long red hair, who trained like a soldier?”
He had to ask, he really did. Could she really be....
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leonisxbellator · 4 years
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Sharrkan sighed and nodded, hiding his face in Masrur’s chest. “Yes please take the rooftops..”he mumbled.
He knew Masrur was a good friend who worried about his friends whenever they got hurt. And even though he may act as if he didn’t like it, he was actually glad Masrur worried about him so much.
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It was easy to go to the rooftops, taking off at higher speeds to get to the palace quicker. No use in dallying when they didn’t have to worry about the crowds.
Landing at the gates, he made his way through the halls and easily avoided the guards or any palace servants.
Masrur took Sharrkan into his room and put the swordsman on his bed.
“If it hurts in the morning, you need to see a healer.”
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