lenny-zaim-sucks · 1 year
Musings 04/01/2023
If lenny the loser or any man for that matter reads this, one piece of advice is to stop living in theory and live in reality. Men always be talking about what women want and constantly theorising our realities. I am a woman, it is my reality. Listen to the women closest to you. On a day to day basis I am the closest woman Lenny has and rather than listen to my reality, he lives in made up theory. I’m tired yall…
He parroted the usual sexist trope today that majority women can’t lead countries due to being too emotional and how they aren’t as logical as men. When will this guy drop dead please?
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lenny-zaim-sucks · 1 year
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Proof if needed
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lenny-zaim-sucks · 1 year
He sent me this video basically outing himself as a compulsive liar making excuses for it that apparently most women can’t handle the truth. Where do they pluck these generalisations from? They really do just be sitting out here making up what women want without actually listening to women.
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lenny-zaim-sucks · 1 year
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When I bring up andrew tates kink… this is lenny
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lenny-zaim-sucks · 1 year
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I experienced all these
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lenny-zaim-sucks · 1 year
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lenny-zaim-sucks · 1 year
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lenny-zaim-sucks · 1 year
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Women being worse than men is something Lenny likes to say
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lenny-zaim-sucks · 1 year
The morning after 26/12/2022
It’s like nothing happened. He’s apparently conveniently forgotten his previous day’s behaviour. I said to him the truth comes out when you’re drunk but he denies this. So I say it was all fake flattery then? He says no he does want to take me out. Well I still have zero interest in that. He continues to act like everything’s normal and that we’re friends. We’re not, he was rude to me yesterday whether he remembers or not, I still want nothing to do with him and he calls me weird for that.
I’ve had enough of toxic people taking advantage of me, my kindness and trampling all over my boundaries. I literally walked out my aunts house a couple days ago for this exact reason and then I have to come home to another horrible person. I’ve cut her off for being nasty to me and I can do the same to Lenny. Just like her he’s delusional about how he behaves and thinks he’s nice. When will these people learn?
He says he only wants to be friends with people that share the same values and who’s views align with his, this does not include his ‘friend’ that was here on Christmas. It does however include me but the same way he feels about that guy is how I feel about him. He does not hold the same values that I respect therefore I don’t care to have him as a friend. He also hides me so why would I want to be his friend? He says he respects me and wants me as a friend but the only thing he doesn’t agree with is my attitude towards sexual relationships. Funny he wasn’t complaining when he was having sex though was he? He accuses me of sleeping around, something he himself used to do too and acts as though it’s ongoing. I would love to know when where and how I’m getting all this imaginary dick. The guy literally lives with me and sees me spending most of my time at home. I’m not out every weekend at the club but he will still paint me with the whore brush insinuating that I’d fuck his friend. Then he’ll wonder why I don’t like him as a person? If I dare try to go out looking nice it’s apparently for the male gaze and surely not to just make myself look presentable.
He’s deeply and disgustingly insecure as he said posting selfies on instagram or even on your whatsapp profile is attention seeking and somehow it’s a woman’s fault if men approach her. He really sat there saying when I changed my picture didn’t men message me? As if I have control over that! And that if his girlfriend already has men commenting under her picture why should he say anything nice. Oh I dunno, maybe to pay your gf a fucking compliment cos you’re the person who’s supposed to actually matter??
He really was right in admitting he’s such a fucking loser, I absolutely feel so sorry for the next woman who doesn’t know what kind of insecure toxic wasteman she’s getting involved with. I wish he’d just leave women alone. He knows he’s a loser so why is he bothering them?
He still loves to make up stories saying how I messaged his aunty about being his wife and having secret children with her. The reality was that I messaged her to tell him to leave me alone and pay me back all the money he owes, as if i give af if he’s having incestuous relations. He also likes to believe I made no effort to look nice for him yet he made no effort to plan dates, stupid asshole. He will die miserable and alone, I pray no woman puts up with a worthless piece of shit like him.
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lenny-zaim-sucks · 1 year
Christmas 25/12/2022
He video called his family and burst into tears after the call ended. He looked ashamed when he caught my eyes and hurriedly ran to the bathroom. I went after him to try give some comfort, I hugged him but he was trying to push me away and said he needed a minute so I left him to it. He progressively got more drunk as the day went on.
His friend came over for dinner and after dinner we played monopoly. We wanted to take a break for dessert aside from Lenny who insisted we carry on playing and because we didn’t, like a child he refused to eat dessert and started playing video games. He did the same thing when he was annoyed at his other friend that was here last time. So I thought great here he goes again being antisocial and making me have to entertain his guests each time cos he’s such a shitty friend.
Naturally the friend got bored and decided to leave, he’s acting surprised and I told him off for his behaviour. He then pipes up telling his friend to stay, being weird and awkward saying how me and his friend can share the bed and he’ll take the sofa. He said that his other friend is all alone on Christmas and wanted to play… that’s the excuse. How convenient. After his friend leaves he gives me attitude saying how his friends parents are dead and I said well why didn’t you say that, to us it just seems like you’re being a dickhead but he says it’s none of my business.
He then starts his drunk rambling about how he wanted to spend Christmas with people who love him, instead of people who hate him lol and what did he do wrong? How he’s such a loser, failure and a liar who doesn’t deserve any of us and that my picture is still in his wallet. Tbf he sounded suicidal so when he wanted to go for a random walk in the middle of the night I said no but then of course I got attitude saying ‘who is you?’ So I thought fine fuck it, let him kill himself, who cares. Unfortunately he came back alive from his walk, was trying to kiss/touch me and said he wanted to take me out for dinner or something. No thank you!
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lenny-zaim-sucks · 1 year
Musings 23/12/2022
Sometimes I think lenny needs to find someone and move on and other times I think does another woman deserve to suffer though? He’s obviously still a liar and I don’t think he’s fit to be dating and be in a relationship. Firstly he’s broke and lets face it, financial stability is important. He really wanted to borrow money from me to go on a date, it’s just sad and pathetic. He has no shame in that regard and that’s something he needs to improve on. To be an attractive independent man you can’t be dependent on others. He’s always borrowing money from people and living off bank of daddy.
Secondly the lying, misogyny, hypocrisy and double standards. If his personality doesn’t take a significant change, he will eventually run off any woman that gets to know him. Also the lack of interpersonal and conversational skills. Unfortunately many people that meet him think he’s a bit slow and dumb due to this. He doesn’t really impress with words and he’s actually quite boring.
Thirdly and finally his messy living conditions. What woman wants to put up with that? If she’s not a total submissive pushover that wants to clean up after him 24/7 she will eventually get fed up and disgusted by him. It’s like having a useless child, rather than a partner and that’s enough to dry up any woman’s coochie. Then he’ll be wondering why he’s not getting laid and you guessed it… he’ll accuse you of cheating lol cos you don’t want to sleep with a nasty slob. His mind wont comprehend that though of course.
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lenny-zaim-sucks · 1 year
Remember the time
Certain memories spring to mind at random triggering times reminding me once again why Lenny is a piece of shit. For instance him gawking at a woman’s arse in our local supermarket in front of me, so I mention well if that’s how it is I guess I’ll be looking at mens packages. And guess who got mad about that? That’s right, Lenny the double standards having hypocrite. Who will claim it’s different if a woman looks for whatever misogynistic reason. As usual it’s always one rule for him, a lame ass man and another rule for women. May he die alone.
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lenny-zaim-sucks · 1 year
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lenny-zaim-sucks · 1 year
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lenny-zaim-sucks · 1 year
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He can talk for the fucking world 😴
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lenny-zaim-sucks · 1 year
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lenny-zaim-sucks · 1 year
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