legionsofpersonas · 3 years
M/F Smut Meme
There’s a bunch of these going around but here is yet another. Send me a number and letter combination and I will write up a starter with the corresponding gif as motivation.
1A 1B 1C 2A 2B 2C 3A 3B 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5C 6A 6B 6C 7A 7B 7C 8A 8B 8C 9A 9B 9C 10A 10B 10C 11A 11B 11C 12A 12B 12C 13A 13B 13C 14A 14B 14C 15A 15B 15C 16A 16B 16C 17A 17B 17C 18A 18B 18C 19A 19B 19C 20A 20B 20C 21A 21B 21C 22A 22B 22C 23A 23B 23C 24A 24B 24C 25A 25B 25C 26A 26B 26C 27A 27B 27C 28A 28B 28C 29A 29B 29C 30A 30B 30C 31A 31B 31C
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legionsofpersonas · 3 years
Ben followed the pull that she gave willingly, no hesitation in the movement. Settling down on the couch, he wrapped an arm around her, a brow raised at the playful grin and suggestive tone to her voice. Never one to turn anything down, he relaxed into the couch a bit as her hand worked downward. A soft grown pulled from his throat as his eyes closed.
"Thought you said relax, not exhaust ourselves," he teased, showing no signs that he was going to stop what she was doing, body responding as his cock grew harder by the second. He would let her lead for the time being, not in the mood to rush the bit of uninterrupted alone time that they had.
@itsxharris Ben & Harris from x
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This time of year was always difficult for Ben. The anniversary of the accident, the one that left him unable to walk for almost a year and resulted in the death of his twin and his father, it left an imprint on him that he had tried to move passed. It wasn't that he hadn't had therapy or didn't have the tools to keep pressing forward. The hospital had ensured that during his lengthy stay as a young teenager. Something about the timing though got to him ever year without fail. Nightmares of crash, the sound of metal crunching, the sensation of bones snapping all plagued him to the point that he lost countless nights of sleep. He was exhausted and would go until he passed out.
"There isn't much you can do," he offered her. His voice was soft though showed how tired he was as the words slurred together just slightly. "You should get some rest before the baby gets up." One of them needed to be on their game at least. It would passed, Ben knew that. It was just making it through.
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legionsofpersonas · 3 years
"Well, I mean, toy time is important after all. Can't just stop playing for something as silly as a nap," he laughed as he spoke and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her a little more tightly against him. Ben couldn't help but keep the smile on his face, happy to be home and happy that she seemed happy. "Took far too long to handle, though I think you already knew what my response was going to be," he grumbled in response, knowing that she would understand, knowing that she had been asking just to tease and make a playful jab.
@itsxharris Ben & Harris from x
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This time of year was always difficult for Ben. The anniversary of the accident, the one that left him unable to walk for almost a year and resulted in the death of his twin and his father, it left an imprint on him that he had tried to move passed. It wasn't that he hadn't had therapy or didn't have the tools to keep pressing forward. The hospital had ensured that during his lengthy stay as a young teenager. Something about the timing though got to him ever year without fail. Nightmares of crash, the sound of metal crunching, the sensation of bones snapping all plagued him to the point that he lost countless nights of sleep. He was exhausted and would go until he passed out.
"There isn't much you can do," he offered her. His voice was soft though showed how tired he was as the words slurred together just slightly. "You should get some rest before the baby gets up." One of them needed to be on their game at least. It would passed, Ben knew that. It was just making it through.
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legionsofpersonas · 3 years
"So an old dog can learn new tricks," she teased against, returning the quick kiss. Mia knew that she was going to have to be a little more on her toes if he was getting better at those sort of things, given his personality. She waited until he came back before replying, moving to settle back down on the couch. "Oh, I'm sure that it had you bursting at the seams. But, you didn't give anything away," she assured him as she grabbed the remote to flick through the various choices that they had for movies. Time off was precious and she planned to make the most of it. There was plenty of trouble that they could get up to, especially when they left the country. She found something for them to watch, reaching for the food before she patted the spot beside her.
@itsxharris Mia & Ryan from x
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She smiled into he kiss, enjoying the feeling of his warm hand against her cheek. Things had been hectic lately to say the least and with everything that had been thrown at them, well she had felt the need to remind him just how important he was to her and the fact that she wasn't going anywhere. Her hands gripped at his sides for a moment before arms raised to loop around his neck.
"None of that is ever changing," she murmured, lips barely broken from his. She didn't want to create any additional distance. "No one is ever going to change that."
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legionsofpersonas · 3 years
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The clean up was pretty quick and easy before Brock was getting in the shower himself. He didn't want to take too long, knowing that the kids would be anxious and ready to go. Even if they would be behaving for their mom. The thoughts of the family that she had that had shown up lingered a bit and he could do his own research later. He shaved a bit once he was out and got himself dressed. Walking out in time to hear Harris telling the kids some story of work, he couldn't help but smile and laugh a bit to himself. He moved to get a quick bag of snacks and drinks ready for them as she finished up. Yeah, it may not be the life that he expected and certainly not the one that others would have expected him to have but it wasn't one that he would trade for the world.
"We ready to go to the park? Or do you wanna hear all the stories that Mom has to tell?" He teased as he stood behind the couch, a smile still on his face.
@itsxharris : Brock & Harris
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Brock let out a small chuckle as Haley made a game of clinging to his legs, trying to keep him in place while Dustin was hanging onto his back. There wasn't any school today for Haley so it meant that it was a day of coming up with things to do to keep the six and three year old happy. He knew that Harris would be home soon enough, a rare overnight shift keeping her away from the typical morning wake up. He had some breakfast cooking as he entertained the kids. This was what his life was now and he couldn't have been more pleased. Stepping away from the chaos after fulfilling his duty for SHIELD meant stepping into a more relaxed role that he had never seen himself having. He didn't mind being the stay at home dad. Sure, it freaked out some of the parents at school when he showed up, occasionally scared a kid with the scars that he bore from the last few days of his service, but that didn't change anything. He heard the door open, knowing it had to be Harris. He may have been retired but that didn't mean that he had skimped out on security for his family.
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legionsofpersonas · 3 years
"I can handle it from here then, thanks for walking him down. I'll get him taken care of," she promised with a smile and a nod. That was easy enough, at least in terms of handling things. Probably the most exciting thing of the week for her if she thought about it. She moved over to student and knelt down, checking the kids eyes while making a soft promise of getting him some new clothes and something to help the likely headache that he had. There was a red blotch against his nose where he had clearly taken the brunt of the blow. Might have to call the parents about this one.
@reigningxsaviors Olivia & Negan
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She hadn't intended to take the job at the school but when an old reserve friend had asked for the favor, the nurse skipping out at the start of the year, she was put in a position where it was hard to say no. Which is how she found herself at the school, taking care of kids instead of working in a hospital. Occasionally one of the adults came wandering in with something silly, headaches, occasionally cuts and bumps, the like. More it was just a drop in for something like ibuprofen to be able to continue on with their day. She hadn't seen the man in front of her before though, making the day a little more interesting to say the least.
"And what can I do for you today?"
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legionsofpersonas · 3 years
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"Hm, well I mean I have been known to be mean. Think you've said it yourself on more than one occasion." Ben gave her a smile as she pulled away, a small chuckle coming from him before he gave her a quick wink and moved to get his shirt on. Heading into the office for the paperwork, he tried to make it as quick as possible, though it still took more time than he really wanted to. He would much rather be home with Harris and Mac. It was how it was most days now, finally having a place that he wanted to be more than just outside in the middle of nowhere. About four hours later, he was walking through the door, happy to be done with the work that had demanded his attention. He didn't see Harris or Mac initially and fought against calling out in case Mac was down for a nap.
@itsxharris Ben & Harris from x
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This time of year was always difficult for Ben. The anniversary of the accident, the one that left him unable to walk for almost a year and resulted in the death of his twin and his father, it left an imprint on him that he had tried to move passed. It wasn't that he hadn't had therapy or didn't have the tools to keep pressing forward. The hospital had ensured that during his lengthy stay as a young teenager. Something about the timing though got to him ever year without fail. Nightmares of crash, the sound of metal crunching, the sensation of bones snapping all plagued him to the point that he lost countless nights of sleep. He was exhausted and would go until he passed out.
"There isn't much you can do," he offered her. His voice was soft though showed how tired he was as the words slurred together just slightly. "You should get some rest before the baby gets up." One of them needed to be on their game at least. It would passed, Ben knew that. It was just making it through.
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legionsofpersonas · 3 years
"Have to say, I'm impressed," Mia admitted with a smile as she dipped her drink. He definitely had done exceptionally well keeping the whole thing hidden. Not that he didn't deserve the time off and she didn't pester him to try to take more. Not even for a selfish reason. He had worked hard enough, long enough that he could take days without feeling guilty. The world didn't crumble without him there. At least in the bigger picture. "Who are you and what have you done with Ryan?" The tease came almost immediately, Mia moving over to kiss his cheek. Her hand rested against his chest, rubbing softly.
@itsxharris Mia & Ryan from x
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She smiled into he kiss, enjoying the feeling of his warm hand against her cheek. Things had been hectic lately to say the least and with everything that had been thrown at them, well she had felt the need to remind him just how important he was to her and the fact that she wasn't going anywhere. Her hands gripped at his sides for a moment before arms raised to loop around his neck.
"None of that is ever changing," she murmured, lips barely broken from his. She didn't want to create any additional distance. "No one is ever going to change that."
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legionsofpersonas · 3 years
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He could feel the way that she relaxed against him, body molding against his. The tease continued, sliding his length against the panties that kept them separated, feeling the welcoming heat that gathered between her things. He would be buried inside of her soon enough, enjoying that warmth in an entirely different way. His head was pulled back, Eddie moving with the tug that she gave before he felt her teeth against his skin. Somewhere, in the part of his brain that was still functioning, he could recognize the signs of jealousy and possessiveness. It was something that he probably needed to address but it wasn't at the forefront of his mind.
"Ain't anything like that you have to worry about. You know we are all yours sweetheart," he promised, his voice coming out in an almost coo. His hand tightened against her throat. Still hidden, no signs of anyone risking interrupting them. Eddie was going to take full advantage of the situation. He pulled the lacy fabric aside, the head of his cock brushing against her clit purposely before he pressed just the tip inside.
@behindtheireyes Eddie & Lucille from this x
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Eddie didn't know what had gotten into her, not that they hadn't had fun in public before but never this unexpected, and she usually wasn't this demanding about it. He didn't mind of course, how could he be upset about it as she shifted against the wall and hiked up the fabric that kept them separate. His eyes darkened and unconsciously, the man licked his lips. One more glance around to ensure that they were alone for the time being, he stepped closer. A hand immediately moved between her legs, teasing her over the fabric of her panties. His free hand moved, arm wrapping around her so he could lightly grasp her neck, an easy move to shoot up to her mouth if he needed to keep her quiet.
"That's how it is huh? Desperate for me to mark you as mine?" His voice was soft against her ear. "You're already dripping for me sweetheart. And I don't have my cock anywhere near you." A low chuckle before his hand was moved from it's spot, the sound of a zipper being pulled seemingly echoing in the alcove. He gave himself a few pumps before sliding the head against her panties, another tease.
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legionsofpersonas · 3 years
It wasn't his place to step in, to say anything about what needed to be done or said between the siblings. Sure, he and Harris could discuss it but ultimately, he knew that his opinion didn't hold the weight that Ryan's might. Especially when it came to being forceful and putting her in a position that she may not want to be in. Staying was best for her health, something she likely knew deep down but he couldn't blame her for not wanting to stay, of course. He wouldn't either. Stepping into the room, he gave Harris a small smile and handed Ryan the coffee first before anything else.
"Hey," his voice was soft as he greeted her. "Glad to see you up." Without hesitation, Matt handed over the coffee that had been intended for him, knowing that they drank it the same way. He followed it up with putting a straw in the drink so that she could be able to get it down. There was a deep sense of relief that she was awake, talking and able to hold a conversation, something that hit heavier than he realized. Sitting down, he kicked his legs out a bit. "Silly question but how are you feeling?" Physically, he knew she would feel awful but it was more important for him to know where her mind was at.
@legionsofpersonas Harris x Matthew
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Harris groaned softly as she lifted her head, though her vision was blurred due to swelling and bruising, she could still make out a dark figure at the very least. She’d lost count of how long she’d been here after about two weeks, probably presumed dead by her precinct if they hadn’t found any evidence to suggest otherwise. She guessed if someone saw her right now that they’d assume she was dead given how she looked, covered in blood, bruises, cuts and some burns too and she’d still not given her captors a single piece of anything they’d wanted to know. Her conscious was becoming clouded again, she was lucky if she was able to keep awake more than a minute or two at a time now, she was exhausted, riddled with pain and had no sense of time. “I’m gonna beat the shit outta you when I get outta here.” She mumbled, blood dripping down her chin before passing out once more.
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legionsofpersonas · 3 years
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legionsofpersonas · 3 years
*slides GIFs over to you*
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*accepts gifs*
No idea what brought this on BUT I APPROVE!
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I forgot how many gifs I've made of this man...
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legionsofpersonas · 3 years
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A gifset made for purely scientific reasons…👀👀👀
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legionsofpersonas · 3 years
While i know this is technically a FP Jones edit
Can we just
It fits adult!Billy too
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legionsofpersonas · 3 years
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random frank gifs because I can 4/?
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legionsofpersonas · 3 years
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legionsofpersonas · 3 years
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brielarson: #ad Spending my weekend escaping an alien base hbu? So excited to be playing #MetroidDread on my #NintendoSwitch OLED Model and thought I’d share some #MetroidMemories with you all as I try to fend off these robots! No matter how this character has evolved with each game, she’s always been one of the most inspiring video game characters that I’ve looked up to.
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