legendofzeldas ยท 2 hours
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legendofzeldas ยท 4 hours
i don't really like when people say dungeon meshi is accidentally good autistic representation, because while i understand not wanting to make conclusions without explicit confirmation from the author, there's always the weird assumption that non-western authors somehow don't know about things like neurodivergency/queerness/etc. (on top of the assumptions that east asian authors are somehow more naive or oblivious to "western" social issues).
given that dungeon meshi started being published in 2014, it's not really a "work belonging to its times"โ€”it's as contemporary as any other media we discuss on this site, which means it should be fair to assume it engages with contemporary topics (and at the very least, you shouldn't say that the representation is accidental with so much confidence)
but anyways, the chapter "perfect communication" in ryoko kui's "terrarium in a drawer" is some of the most straightforward autistic representation I've seen, and from now on I'm going to assume that laios's character writing is absolutely intentional in that regard:
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legendofzeldas ยท 7 hours
Life is unbearable. Please save my children; I don't want them to die in Gaza. If I don't survive, please don't forget them. Save them after I'm gone.โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™
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legendofzeldas ยท 8 hours
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Sometimes it feels like everyone around me is speaking in a secret language and I'm the only one who doesn't know it.
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legendofzeldas ยท 11 hours
It kills me how rampant lesbophobia is in real life and online and it kills me how common it is amongst other people in the lgbt community but yknow what it could never ever make me hate being a lesbian
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legendofzeldas ยท 11 hours
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My son was in good health before October 7 But because of the war, his health condition deteriorated, which led to the death of my child
I need help so I can save my pregnant wife Please share or donate if you can, every dollar makes a difference ๐Ÿ™
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legendofzeldas ยท 22 hours
My name is Aya from Gaza, As you know, we are now living under war and siege from October until now.
We've lost our home and the dreams we worked hard to build, Now, after six months of siege, we are on the brink of famine, struggling to find basic necessities like food, water, and medicine, Therefore, I ask you to help us and save our souls,By donating a sum of money to me and my family so that we can leave Gaza City.
The purpose of the sum of money is to secure an amount for travel and exit,All details can be found in the donation link attached at the top of the page.
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legendofzeldas ยท 22 hours
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legendofzeldas ยท 22 hours
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legendofzeldas ยท 22 hours
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I Like Vivian <3
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legendofzeldas ยท 22 hours
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Love you Vivian
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legendofzeldas ยท 22 hours
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legendofzeldas ยท 23 hours
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hello tumblr have vivian
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legendofzeldas ยท 1 day
I'm also not dealing with any pride discourse this year. At all. Only talking to lesbians and bi women and trans women and trans lesbians and trans bi women, and id you're not in those groups idk what to tell you.
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legendofzeldas ยท 1 day
find it really interesting how the "butchfemme relationships are heteronormative" crowd are never seen advocating for more butch4butch relationships in media, its only ever said in defense of fem4fem ships... you'd almost think they just have an issue with lesbian masculinity
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legendofzeldas ยท 2 days
God, Palestinians can't have anything
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I've often seen this person's posts pop up, he's known for the number of cats he feeds, even before this, hence the username. The other day, I remember seeing that pic of him and that tiny little puppy on the beach and being cheered up by it. It's just so sad... they literally can't have anything.
If anyone wants to help this man, he has links for both an evacuation gofundme and PayPal to help feed the cats:
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legendofzeldas ยท 2 days
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some earthsea related doodles
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