legacycarry-blog · 5 years
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❛  guess so.  ❜ although that’s not entirely convincing in its own right. ❛  but maybe i should be asking you that. you sound like you’ve been through hell. ❜
@legacycarry  ||  Discovered the GUNMAN
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“Cloud?” Vincent answering his phone was a rarity on its own accord, but Cloud calling him was an altogether different variety of rare. “…is everything alright?”
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legacycarry-blog · 5 years
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❛  maybe i just got bored.  ❜ but that wasn’t it at all. he needs this run to get parts and sell them for money. cloud just insisted to be the one to go for the action. she moves quick, lightning speed parries with fortitude in every thrust of her blade. it’s more graceful than he, but they both seem to be getting the job done in their own way. ❛  --what about you? feel the need for an adrenaline rush? ❜
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Behemoths were prized animals not just for their meat,but also they were challenges hunters looked for when wanting to go for the big ones.She usually went after the bigger males,they always put up a challenge.Only this time it was different,someone also seemed to join her on this hunt it was that delivery boy from the town he probably wanted a piece of the action.Still she wanted to take care of this on her own but it wasn’t gonna go that way she dodge a few of the beast’s attacks then landed next to him.”So what’s a delivery boy doing on a dangerous hunt like this.”
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legacycarry-blog · 5 years
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❛  that’s funny, i don’t remember making you ‘my boy.’ ❜ 
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           ‘    hey there, y’goddamn demons, it’s me, yer boy !    ‘
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legacycarry-blog · 5 years
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I don’t give a rat’s ass whether it’s science or magical power. No, I guess if I had to choose, I’d rather put my money on the power of science. Humans who used to only roam around on the ground are able to fly now! And finally, we’re about to go into outer space. Science is a “Power” created and developed by humans. And science just might be what saves this planet. I was able to earn my living thanks to science. So to me, there’s nothing greater!   ©
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legacycarry-blog · 5 years
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Right up in the feels, good gawd. And Steve had a video with his tweet! Ugh my heart. I teared up a bit, no lies. No lies. Really amazing way to pass on the Buster Sword though.
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Link to Steve’s Tweet - https://twitter.com/1SteveBurton/status/1138924827941658625
Link to Cody’s Tweet - https://twitter.com/ReallyCody/status/1138930019332263936
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legacycarry-blog · 5 years
❝ you didn’t have to do that. ❞
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❛  yeah but i wanted to. i said i’d always come back for you, right?  ❜  he offers his best smile, wincing a little at the pain in his ribs. ❛  besides, you’ve saved my ass more than enough times, i had to repay the favor.  ❜ 
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legacycarry-blog · 5 years
cloud: does anything
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legacycarry-blog · 5 years
❝ what th' fuck did yo' spikyhead do? ❞ | @bigshct
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❛  jumped off that building.  ❜ he shrugs, pointing to the structure towering above them. ❛ i was boxed in there wasn’t another way out. but i’m fine.  ❜
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legacycarry-blog · 5 years
❝ reality is the absolute last place i want to be.”
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HE’S LIVED IN A DREAM FOR FAR TOO LONG not to empathize with her plight on some level. the cruel and unforgiving nature of reality had turned cloud strife, infantryman into cloud strife, soldier first class. the dream had imbued him with strength, purpose, and a sense of confidence but reality had led him to her. after the incident at mideel it was tifa who pulled him out of the abyss, a tender presence to anchor him back home. she’s his reminder that his own life is better than living a fantasy. ❛ really? ‘cause it’s the only place i wanna be.  ❜ the softest of smiles graces his features, the kind that hints content. ❛  what’s on your mind, tifa?  ❜
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legacycarry-blog · 5 years
asterites replied to your post “❝ we’re a disaster in the making. ❞”
you know somethings wrong if clouds the more optimistic oNE IM CRYING
stella: guess we’re doomed
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legacycarry-blog · 5 years
“There’s more out there, you just have to be patient.”
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❛  –yeah you’re right.  ❜  the cadet concedes, shoving his hands into his pocket as he kicks forth another pebble aimlessly. ❛ guess i’ve just never been too good at bein’ patient. i told everyone i was gonna be first class --i can’t just turn back now.  ❜ 
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legacycarry-blog · 5 years
❝ we’re a disaster in the making. ❞
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PERHAPS IT’S UNHEARD OF for him to be the optimist of the group. he teeters between extremes --too focused, too serious or too snarky. but here he is, digging within the confines of his emotions to uncover the lingering hope. he has faith in the two of them. ❛  –-guess it’s up to me to have enough hope for the two of us then.  ❜ 
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legacycarry-blog · 5 years
❝ don’t talk like you’re coming back. ❞
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 ❛  --is that your way of sayin’ you’ll miss me? ❜
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legacycarry-blog · 5 years
❝ i’m so glad i met you. ❞ :')
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HE’S NEVER CONSIDERED HIMSELF to be overly sentimental --not outwardly at least. finding the right words was always something he struggled with, feelings of self doubt eclipsing his craving for emotional connections. but when tifa opens up that floodgate, he doesn’t have it in him to hold back this time. maybe losing a few friends taught him that much. ❛  i’m glad i met you too.  ❜ perhaps more than he’s capable of saying, but he’ll try. ❛  everything that i am now is because of you. it all started with you...one starry night when i made you a promise. so thank you, tifa --for everything.  ❜
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legacycarry-blog · 5 years
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90 min warm up doodle done with Mischief
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legacycarry-blog · 5 years
WELL I’M #SAD but i love him so
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legacycarry-blog · 5 years
SHORT STORIES, my favorite kind of poetry ( meme ).
❝ i heard you were doing good. ❞ ❝ you don’t grow your horns overnight. ❞ ❝ i promise, it gets better eventually. ❞ ❝ & we never talked after that. ❞ ❝ am i really, truly, that unlovable? ❞ ❝ don’t talk like you’re coming back. ❞ ❝ my most dangerous habit is trusting. ❞ ❝ we’re made of stars & stories. ❞ ❝ you didn’t have to do that. ❞ ❝ everything is poetry when you’re drunk. ❞ ❝ did i mean anything to you? ❞ ❝ real feelings don’t just go away. ❞ ❝ you came & changed the weather. ❞ ❝ when can you just be mine? ❞ ❝ there was no love, only lust. ❞ ❝ darling, stop wishing on dead stars. ❞ ❝ art is another form of screaming. ❞ ❝ silence is the most painful goodbye. ❞ ❝ what the fuck did you do? ❞ ❝ i’m drunk, dizzy & missing you. ❞ ❝ kiss me like you’re losing me. ❞ ❝ i don’t feel like smiling today. ❞ ❝ not all good people are innocent. ❞ ❝ we’re a disaster in the making. ❞ ❝ some things are better left unsaid. ❞ ❝ we really should’ve talked about it. ❞ ❝ i’m so glad i met you. ❞ ❝ i wish i knew you earlier. ❞ ❝ i fucked (pronoun/name) to our song. ❞ ❝ i dreamed of you this night. ❞
❝ you saw the messed up parts of me, & stayed. ❞ ❝ all i’ve ever wanted was for someone to save me. ❞ ❝ since you left, i have no one to talk to. ❞ ❝ i apologize for the nights in which i cannot breathe. ❞ ❝ everytime i look at you, i want to kiss you. ❞ ❝ we said no strings attached but now we’re in knots. ❞ ❝ there’s a difference between missing someone & missing having someone. ❞ ❝ for which f are you drinking? fuck, forget, or fun? ❞ ❝ my biggest mistake was thinking i could live without (pronoun/name). ❞ ❝ whenever (name/pronoun) rose to kiss me, i fell even more. ❞ ❝ i wish that ‘goodnight’ was followed by ‘i love you’. ❞ ❝ let’s smoke a pack of mentholds & talk about love. ❞ ❝ your deep, sleepy voice makes me feel like i’m okay. ❞ ❝ i read both of our horoscopes looking for an answer ❞ ❝ reality is the absolute last place i want to be. ❞ ❝ i didn’t expect that drunk kiss could mean this much. ❞ ❝ all i need is a late night drive with you. ❞ ❝ feeling pain is nowhere near as terrifying as feeling nothing. ❞ ❝ your eyes are the color of summer fading into autumn. ❞ ❝ you are the warmest home i will ever, ever find. ❞ ❝ the world is less scary when i am with you. ❞ ❝ i still can’t tell which of us was the victim. ❞ ❝ i just need an excuse to hang out with you. ❞ ❝ your expectations for me have been set way too high. ❞ ❝ i don’t want to feel this way about anyone else. ❞
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