leftistalloaro · 3 years
Introduction/proper about me
Hello and welcome to my blog. I’m here for discussions about pretty much anything, provided you’re a decent human being and don’t hold horrible opinions. As my blog title suggests, this is in theory about leftism from an alloaro perspective, or about being alloaro from a leftist perspective. Basically just the intersection of the two. Feel free to ask me questions about anything, I won’t be bothered. If you need me to tag anything, feel free to ask. I suck at remembering to do things, but if there’s someone who needs something, I’m more than happy to drop everything to help. Stay the fuck away if you’re any sort of racist, sexist, exclusionist, etc. 
I’m willing to answer questions from people who aren’t leftists about leftism, but the intent of that is mostly for people who agree with the ideals of leftism but don’t call themselves that because they’ve always heard that communism is evil, or that there’s nobody to the left of liberals. This is subject to change in the future if people are dicks about it though (ah who am I kidding this blog will never get enough followers for that lol). Keep in mind that this space is primarily intended for leftist alloaros to be able to talk about their alloaroness and leftistness combined. 
I’m also willing to help alloaros with things unrelated to politics, because I understand that it’s hard when you’re told that the way you feel is immoral and wrong. 
In conclusion, I have no clue if this is going to end up being more about aroallo stuff, leftist stuff, somewhere in between, or if I’ll abandon it. Either way, feel free to ask me stuff, message me, whatever. I’m here to help.
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