leeganblog · 2 months
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"I remember a time we came out of the woods, Dad had asked us what we'd learned. "Always protect each other." We never forgot. Logan's got my back, and I got his. He's my brother."
the walker brothers :3
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leeganblog · 6 months
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Keegan: “watch and learn, kid”
(Drives armoured vehicle into the ocean almost immediately rendering it useless)
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leeganblog · 7 months
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Cutting through the avenues, I'd always find my way to you
alt vers without the eye smudge cus idk which one i like better
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leeganblog · 7 months
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"as we were dancing in the blue, i was synchronized with you. but now the sound of love is out of tune." - I Love You | Woodkid
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leeganblog · 9 months
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leeganblog · 9 months
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leeganblog · 9 months
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leeganblog · 10 months
Gaz: god I’m so stressed out, price loaded me with paperwork this week
Ghost: whenever I’m very stressed I let soap blow something up
Gaz: how does that relieve your stress tho?
Ghost: explosions make soap horny
Gaz: … I actually hate you. I hate you so much. I want to kill myself
Gaz hates them so much. He walked in on them kissing and he just gagged loudly as a immediate response. He’s homophobic but only towards them.
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leeganblog · 10 months
I don't know what's funnier, Soap being the only Scott in a gaggle of Brits or if Soap had a (preferably Northern) Irish Anti-Royalist buddy to talk shit with (who never stops giving him shit for "fraternising with the enemy" aka dating Ghost)
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leeganblog · 10 months
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Soap's fine I promise
(part 2)
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leeganblog · 10 months
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(continuation of this)
Okay maybe I lied Soap won't be fine by the time Ghost is done with him
[edit: text bubbles are bigger for better visibility]
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leeganblog · 10 months
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/ᐠ_ _ᐟ\ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ cat dads~
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leeganblog · 10 months
When You Need Me | platonic!Keegan P Russ x m!reader
@satan-incarnate-666 asked: "Call me, even if it's three o'clock in the morning, promise me you'll call if you ever need me" keegan russ pls
summary: Keegan's always there when you need him, always.
tws: mentions of death, swearing
support your fanfic writers by reblogging what you read & enjoy
The clock was ticking by so slowly. The pictures on the wall were just square shadows, sticking out against the paint and only slightly glistening when the television became slightly brighter; but nothing felt right.
The room felt too empty, and the bed felt too large; it felt barren, like a wasteland of plain concrete. Plain pavement, all lifeless and laid to waste.
It didn't feel right.
You couldn't settle, and although you knew that he was only around the corner with Logan, you weren't entirely sure about calling Keegan; you were sure that the last thing he needed was for the Ghosts to find out about his secret adopted brother.
But you just couldn't settle, bones aching with a desire to be somewhere, anywhere, else and your stomach completely sunken, firmly stuck. Your heart hammering away as you moved from the room and started to pace in the kitchen; your phone looking so tempting as it sat on the countertop.
You couldn't stomach it, and grabbed your phone; you only sent a simple SOS text to him, but within minutes, he was bursting through the door and yowling your name until he found you.
Keegan wasn't stupid, he could see the absolute misery you were in as he frowned and tilted his head to the side, brows furrowed as he chewed at the inside of his lip; he wasn't sure what the best way to deal with it would be, so he settled on grabbing two mugs from the cupboard, and sticking the kettle on.
Listening to it roar as he cleared his throat and sighed.
What the fuck was he meant to say?
"You alright?" That sounded stupid. Of course you weren't.
"I can't settle," you replied meekly, shrugging. "I dunno what's wrong, I just... I can't settle down. I can't stop."
Slowly, he nodded. "Uh-huh."
"I can't... I dunno," you sighed heavily, shaking your head. "I just could really use my brother right now."
Reluctantly, he opened his arms, and when you crashed yourself against him, he couldn't help but to growl softly; it took him a moment, but he soon awkwardly put his arms around you, holding you close as he hummed and tried to clear his throat again.
You were holding on so tightly, it made him wonder if it would be the last time that he ever held you like that; he wondered if he was going to lose his brother like he had lost everyone else. He wondered what would become of you both.
He couldn't stop the thoughts bombarding his brain like heavy shelling across a wasteland made through the cruelty of war; he wondered if he would ever run with you through the woods again. If he would ever climb the tallest hill and sit at the top, watching the cows graze below, in the summer when the grass was a soft green and felt like a mattress, when the breeze was gentle and the rain had been long gone.
He wondered if he would ever scream at you for stealing his things again. He wondered if he would ever get the chance to tell you what a fucking pain in his ass you were.
But that was the life of a soldier, and he knew that; every hug felt like the last one, every muttered curse was laced with regret and fear, every playful push and jovial smack was always met with a slight sting to the chest. He had lost so many people already, he wasn't ready to lose his brother, too.
But you weren't budging, burying your face against his shoulder, knuckles audibly clicking as you held onto him so tightly. It reminded him of when you were children, shortly after you had officially become his brother, shortly after he was permanently stuck with you.
Whenever you had nightmares, he would pull himself into your room, and he would sit there with you and comfort you; you used to hold onto him so tightly he would wonder if you would tear the fabric of his shirt. He hated it. He had snot stains on some of his favourite shirts because of you, and he never forgave you for it. Keegan was always there when you needed him.
He was always your best friend, as much as he was your brother, he had always been your best friend; he could still remember when you used to sneak into his bedroom to watch television with him, and you used to fall asleep sucking your thumb. He couldn't remember when you grew up. Time slipped through his bloodied fingers.
One minute, you were his little brother, and now, you were a great man; he couldn't remember when you grew up, he couldn't remember when you had become so tall, when you had gotten your own home and you had stopped stealing things from his room without asking. You grew up too fast, he knew that much. He wished you didn't.
Slowly, he brought himself to gently rub your back as he sniffled and pouted; he knew he was going to die, he wasn't sure when or how, but he knew that he would eventually. He wasn't sure if he was ready for that, he wasn't sure if he was ready to leave you all alone and without his guidance; as much as he didn't want to lose you, Keegan also didn't want to leave you. He didn't want you to be lost.
Sighing heavily, he swallowed thickly. "Do you want me to stay the night?"
You said nothing, but you nodded and he had his answer; admittedly, he was somewhat relieved. At least, if he died on the next mission, you would know that your brother was always looking out for you and you would have some memories to look back on when you did feel lost and alone. When you needed his guidance but couldn't ask for it even if you screamed until your lungs went hoarse and your throat burned.
The kettle clicked off, and you finally let go so that Keegan could make coffee; he still couldn't remember when you grew up. When you bought your own mugs and spoons, your own coffee and your own kettle. He was sure that he was probably there when you did, but he couldn't remember it; like many things, time simply ran through his calloused fingers. The little things, the silly things, got away from his grasp before he could even think about washing the blood from his hands.
"Next time, call me," he stated. "Call me, even if it's three o'clock in the morning, promise me you'll call me if you ever need me."
You nodded. "Always... you're my brother, there's... there's no one else I would call."
Keegan nodded, not daring to admit that your words had him scared; he couldn't just leave you in a cruel and cold world, a world so grey that even milk looked charcoal grey. He wasn't ready to leave you, but he knew that his time was going to end at some point; he just hoped that you wouldn't be so lost without your brother there to help guide you.
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leeganblog · 10 months
Had this idea at like five am and told the group chat about it but decided to go into further depth now that I'm more awake.
Logan with sleeping issues after the pit.
He's found and rescued by the Ghosts, taken home. After being discharged by the hospital, he runs across a previously unknown problem: He can't sleep alone.
It's more "He can't FALL asleep alone" but if whoever he's snoozing next to leaves he'll wake up. He's a lot more sensitive in his sleep than he was before the pit, for reasons easy to guess. (Awake or not, it's not like he could stop them from hurting him, but at least awake he'd have a chance to fight, rather than being surprised when asleep.)
So Logan just takes to co-sleeping with people. Mostly Hesh, because Hesh makes him feel the safest, but every so often one of the other Ghosts. (He's fallen asleep on Merricks shoulder a few times on the couch, watching TV, and Keegan likes to read to him because Logan's one of the few who seems to genuinely enjoy learning about whatever book Mr. Blue Eyes has his hands on.)
But then there's another problem that goes hand in (unlovable) hand with the "can't fall asleep alone" problem: He also has night terrors.
They're horrible, and the worst ones have him screaming and thrashing himself awake in a blind panic, though most have him lashing out at whoever he sees first because for a good few moments he can't differentiate between the nightmare and real life.
Unfortunately, the first person he sees tends to be whoever he's fallen asleep next to, whether or not they themselves are awake. If they are awake, usually they're trying to check on/calm him down, which doesn't work very well.
He always feels guilty when he's properly aware of himself, if he's hurt his sleeping buddy or not, because he knows he's scared them. Either by making them concerned for their own safety or his.
Logan figures the only solution is to sleep alone, which is a paradoxical thing to say, seeing as he literally can't. This leads to just a lot of exhaustion on his part, which makes sleeping only slightly easier. It's still not calm, and the few minutes he does sleep don't help him feel much less tired.
Poor blondie.
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leeganblog · 10 months
Logan: hey Keegan, that guy over there thinks you're cute
Keegan: what guy?
Logan running to the other side of the room: *waves*
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leeganblog · 10 months
WIP Wednesday/Day
I know it's Sunday but screw it, I had an idea and I remembered I was tagged by @simonxriley to participate! Sorry for taking so long, I haven't been writing too much. Thank you for tagging me!
I shall tag some peeps as well, @tokillamockingbird427 @alidravana @callofdooty @samithemunchkin if I didn't tag you but you want to participate, feel free to hop right in!
This is for an unnamed fic, and I won't specify much more than that lol. I apparently can't handle slow burn and needed to let off some fluffy steam for my boys Keegan and Logan. Who says badasses can't be soft and cuddly?
"I don't know what it's like to be loved, I don't think. I…I'm not sure I know how to love, myself." Logan signs, his eyes downcast to his lap, leaning back against their headrest.
Keegan's eyes tear for but a moment, eyes crinkling as a sad smile splits his handsome face. One of his large hands comes up, cupping Logan's cheek in his palm, thumb stroking his cheekbone. He leans closer, pressing his forehead to Logan's, taking in the other man's scent and the warmth emanating from him. He keeps his eyes open, pale blue eyes gazing adoringly into Logan's warm brown. "I have plenty to share." He nuzzles gently against the younger male, nose brushing nose, Logan's longer curls tangling and dancing between his fingers, a few strands falling before his eyes. "I will love you with my entire being, until the very day I die."
Logan exhales through his nose, eyes searching Keegan's with a curious desire. "After that?" He presses closer, rubbing his forehead gently across Keegan's.
"Then I shall love you for eternity, never ending, never dying. Forever, and always, as I swore to you." His heart melts at Logan's smile, a rare and beautiful sight, never ceasing to make his heart ache.
Logan leans in first, lips brushing his. The younger man's eyes search for some sort of fault in Keegan's words, for a lie to be revealed that never can be.
"I love you." Keegan breathes, heart aching for Logan's touch, his approval, his love and desire. Anything and everything Logan can give to him, he would be honored to have, his heart set to bursting to do anything for and with Logan.
Logan's lips are soft and warm against his, gentle and unsure, still adjusting to this newfound happiness. Keegan allows him the lead, melting into his lips as Logan's own hand rests upon his face, pulling the older man closer to deepen their kiss.
Logan eases back, panting softly. "I…love you." He whispers, voice rough from lack of use, yet it doesn't fail to shatter Keegan's heart into millions of adoring pieces.
He exhales, pulling Logan into his arms, both men falling against the bed as Keegan pulls him closer. "I will never leave you." He breathes, pressing himself as close as he can. A soft chuckle leaves Logan when Keegan wraps his arms tightly around him. Keegan rests his jaw atop Logan's head, the man's face pressed snugly into Keegan's neck.
Logan's soft smile warms them both, Keegan's joy hammering against his ribcage, a lulling rhythm for his young husband. "I will never not love you, there will never be a time when my love for you would diminish. I made a promise to you on those steps. Body and soul, in life and in death. For all eternity, I shall forever and always love you, Logan." He looks down, smiling at Logan's peacefully sleeping form. He tightens his arms, wanting to keep Logan as close as possible.
Something dangerous brews on the horizon, has been since the day they met. If it hadn't been for those letters, he never would have met the young prince, never would have had the gift of his love bestowed upon him. Whatever dark tidings may come, Keegan would be there. For Logan, for his family, for those he held most dear. Nothing, and no one, can stop him from keeping his family safe, not even Elias Walker.
This isn't the greatest because I was half asleep writing this, and when I wanted to share it I remembered I had been tagged a while ago! Hopefully it can still be enjoyed outside of context. The only clue I'll give is this: it's not apart of canon timeline.
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leeganblog · 10 months
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My take on Logan's face.
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