le-loup-garou-noir · 10 years
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le-loup-garou-noir · 10 years
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le-loup-garou-noir · 10 years
"Please..." The Frenchman raised his hand in a slight halting manner as if to stop her trail of thought from gliding down the wrong path. "When I say 'a user' I mean a person who only takes what they need from someone without remorse or consideration. I do not mean you're going t' grab a needle and shot up some heroin."
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"If you say so." Remy retorted not believing one word that left her pretty lips, his own Wolfish smile betrayed his thoughts. "I dunno per'aps its my hair?" He blurted out before breaking into a light chuckle clearly amused with himself.
"Are you trackin’ this Wolf ma cheri?"
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le-loup-garou-noir · 10 years
"See, I rather like a mix of naughty 'nd nice meself." He rumbled against her downy soft skin, his mind awash with ponderings. For example: what would her skin look like with black wax dribbled across it? This thought caused a low growl of want to bubble up in the Wolf's lungs.
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"Neither do I." He retorted grazing his lips over the fine hairs of her arm only to press them on  the inside of her elbow. "Shall I continue?" He inquired his voice dripping with sin, his eyes well they glimmered with unchecked desire as he glanced up to her face.
Mon Dieu
She could feel the chemistry too and a smile came graced her lips as she moved closer to her. Her bright eyes raked up his body before they met his.
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She smiled a bit when he kissed her hand and she couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped her, “I’m a lot of things but I am definitely not a lady.” Catherine licked her lips when he kissed her again and that voice sunk to her very core, “I don’t think I would mind all that much.” 
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le-loup-garou-noir · 10 years
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le-loup-garou-noir · 10 years
"You see, it would be much more effective if I did not know you were trackin' meh." Remy gave her a halfhearted smirk that had hints of devilry painted on his lips. "Mystery is a powerful aphrodisiac if used properly."
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Her last statement made him tilt his head slightly giving her a once over with his mossy hued eyes. "So you're openly admitting thaaat you are a  u s e r."
thecoldheartedwolf ❖ started following you
"Are you trackin’ this Wolf ma cheri?"
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le-loup-garou-noir · 10 years
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le-loup-garou-noir · 10 years
A loud yelp followed by a series of whimpering was echoed off the walls of the nearly desolate alleyway. It was the sign that the battle to the death was about to be preempted and that sent the black mass of fur, tooth and claw dashing towards the human only to stop short of the huddled body of flesh lying upon the ground. The Wolf regarded the male briefly before springing around to face the white canine once again. But the message was loud and clear the quarry had now changed hands, or paws and belonged to the larger Wolf staking his claim. The white wolf tucked tail and scrambled down the alleyway to who knows where.
The Black Wolf was victorious and  stood his ground watching the blur of white fur disappear into the night until he turned to his prize. Rain drops fell on the inky furred animal, tumbling down his long snout almost as if the heavens could not be satisfied with touching him. His tongued dangled from his mouth as a hot, steamy breath escaped the beast with each foot step towards this peculiar human. What was it about him that attracted the other wolf? Was there something special? Did he taste good? All these questions lined up in the animals head with each silent paw step forward.
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Suddenly he paused nostrils flaring as he caught scent of the male clutching to the ground as if he were danging on a cliff side. There was an air of the supernatural about him, or something a tad bit unique to say the least. His taste buds did not find this to be a savory meal and decided to pass on gobbling the poor man up. The Black Wolf raised his head inhaling deeply, tagging the scent to memory before he broke into a vigorous shake down. From the tip of his nose to the fluff of his tail he shook. This movement sent the rain that had splattered him so lovingly a moment ago every which way as the beast seemed to rid himself of an invisible burden. He did this just before he trotted up to the human, sniffed his hand, and darted off without a growl or a bite towards the very  lucky soul.
Run, run... Remy ☩ Archer
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le-loup-garou-noir · 10 years
thecoldheartedwolf ❖ started following you
"Are you trackin' this Wolf ma cheri?"
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le-loup-garou-noir · 10 years
A lonesome and chilly night sent this particular Wolf out to prowl. Four paws traversed the soft ground with agile silence as the Big Black Wolf darted down a familiar trail that opened up to a great wide stretch of land that was a homely park  during the day. But at night, it belonged to him. It was his territory and during this pacing of the borders he caught the scent of an intruder. His blood seethed with a heated boil, who would dare to cross over onto his turf? This matter had to be dealt with and the Wolf darted down a the semi damp street, darting between whatever cover he could find. His black coat a mere inky shadow that would leave most to second guess what they had just seen -or not seen.
It was then that he caught sight of his quarry, another Werewolf tracking down a human for whatever reason. A low rumble of thunder and lightening light up the sky in the briefest of flashes just before it began to sprinkle. Rain drops splattered across his face as claws scratched against the pavement of the street when he came around the corner to witness the other Wolf about to make his kill. Why the beast was so out of his gourd, the hunter did not realize he'd become the hunted. The human was already sprawled out on the ground, he had to move quick or this would all end tragically for some innocent half wit being hunted by a sickly Wolf.
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A low growl bubbled up in the Big Black Wolf's throat as he charged forward with astonishing speed going straight for the others jugular. The law of tooth and claw dictated that this fight would more then likely be to the brutal end. Sharp canines sunk into the soft fur of the other beast, ripping into the creatures flesh that smelled sickly acrid. Blood gushed forth, spattering across the other wolf's fur mimicking paint on a canvas. He fought, growling and thrashing about but the Black Wolf held tight, steadfast and true if not increasing the locking of his jowls even more so till the sound of crushing bone could be heard. It would all be over in a moments time, he could feel the effects of another Were's bite upon the white beast mixed with the uneasy feeling that the other wolf was in fact injured or poisoned in some manner?
Run, run... Remy ☩ Archer
Run, run!
His heart was thumping in his chest, beating hard against his ribcage, his feet continued to pound the pavement as he ran through the deserted streets of the town. As Archer continued forward, he could barely process the fact that there were no other living souls out and about. It was late and well after the sun had gone down but he was far too engaged in staying alive to realize it was past eleven at night. His breath came out in ragged breaths; the frozen night air burning his tired lungs but he refused to give up.
He was being hunted, not by someone, but by something. He could hear the breath of the creature so close behind him and he could almost feel it’s hot breath on the back of his neck. He needed to hide, to seek shelter and get off the street.
The shop windows that lined the road were all dark and each one that he sprinted past, he would frantically search inside in the hopes that someone could help him. He had no such luck. Up ahead he spotted the mouth of an alley. If he couldn’t out run it, then maybe he could put a little bit of distance between him and it.
Rounding the corner, he was almost overcome by the sensation that he was finally making headway, until he slipped on an rock and his feet went out from under him and he landed on his back on the dirty concrete. The air left his lungs and he wrapped his arms around his torso as he tried not to pass out. The creature was so close, so close…
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le-loup-garou-noir · 10 years
Chemistry was an interesting thing and it seemed to crackle between them almost like a private electric fog concentrating around the two strangers.
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With that cure Remy moved closer and took her hand, but instead of shaking it he stooped over her pale hand and pressed his warm lips against it. "Lady Catherine it is." He rumbled before placing another kiss slightly higher before pausing. "I best stop meself before I keep goin'." He rumbled in a gravelly voice coated with sin while glancing up to met her gaze.
Mon Dieu
She smirked at the charming grin and crossed one leg over another. The blonde wore a form fitting black cocktail dress and matching heels. Something about the man had her attention that was for sure. 
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She nodded at the bartender as he filled up her drink and looked back over at the gentleman that bought it for her, flashing him a smile, “That I do. I’m Catherine,” she said offering him her hand, “But you can call me anything.”
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le-loup-garou-noir · 10 years
Far be it from meh t' deny such a beauty with a parched palette." Remy leaned against the bars smooth surface and gave her an all too charming grin while his eyes washed over her pretty features.
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"Well then scotch it is!" The Wolf glanced at the bartender and gave a  quick swirl of his fingers. "A drink for the lady and top mine off again if you will." His attention flickered back to the vivacious blonde before him. "Do yah 'ave a name missy?"
Mon Dieu
The blonde looked over at the man across the bar and raised a brow. She took a moment to check him out, tilting her head. “Sweetie, you could at least offer to buy a girl a drink before you go offering to tie her up.” 
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She tilted her empty glass in his direction and smiled, “I’m drinking scotch.”
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le-loup-garou-noir · 10 years
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  ❖  𝐈𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲  ❖
 ☛    Supernatural || Werewolf || BDSM || Smut 
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 ☛    Open to all Characters, all role players. Canon & OC friendly.
MUN 26+
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6+ years RP experience
Mun is charmingly insane, much like the muse.
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le-loup-garou-noir · 10 years
"Oh? Shall we let this idle chit chat fall silent and tie up some loose ends pretty one?" Remy Noir leaned back in his chair, crossing one leg lightly over the other in relaxed manner. When she leaned over his light colored eyes washed over her body, the gossamer thin material of her negligee leaving very little to the imagination as he spied the faint pink tint of her nipples peaking through. "Sounds positively sinful ma cheri." He rasped before straightening out his long coat and lifting his chin to flash a deviant smirk that only gave a hint as to the nature of the Wolf before her.
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Mon Dieu
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le-loup-garou-noir · 10 years
  Master Approved
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le-loup-garou-noir · 10 years
Mon Dieu
𝐓'night is one of those nights I wish I could tie someone up and do dirty things to them.
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      Any takers out there?
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le-loup-garou-noir · 10 years
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