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                                                                    <  somewhere, out there, i know i belong. >
          “I have a question for you. How do you pick up the threads of an old life How do you go on when in your heart you begin to understand… there is no going back?”
                            Follow | Reblog | AU and Literate 
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Jung Soojung, Krystal of F(x)
“Life comes when you have knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, when you can see for real, touch, and feel for real, know for real. Then you are truly living.” ― The RZA, The Tao of Wu
Fairly new and in need of friends!
General. Literate.
Reblog & Follow
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❛ Don’t be afraid to fail, but always be ready to come back. ❜
@BLAINEKIM: young, obnoxious and snarky » student, dancer, disney princess ( megara ) ●●● new fc, somewhat same au — reblog / follow
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James watched as the waitress scurried away, waving slightly even though he knew she wouldn’t see it since her back was turned towards him. Once his attention was focused on Hani once more, the male impolitely rested his elbow onto the table with his head on the palm of his hand. “What do you mean? I like to think I’m a pretty decent person. I haven’t committed a crime in at least seven years.” He nodded his head in determination, crossing one leg over the other under the table. “Tell me what? That you think I’m awesome?” He tried to lighten up the mood a bit, wiggling his eyebrows playfully.
“Sure, why not,” Hani sighed, still holding a smile while folding her maroon napkin for the hundredth time. The waitress nodded while she scurried inside the kitchen doors, giving a chance for Hani to talk sense in to James. “You’re slightly a terrible person,” chuckling, she unfolded the napkin once more. “Do I really have to straight up tell you, James?”
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When she handed him the box to pick out a couple of more, he quickly took ahold of another chocolate and a strawberry flavored macaroon. “Really? Does he own a restaurant? I’d love to visit him myself and request something from him one day.” As James spoke he stuffed the strawberry macaroon into his mouth, eating it happily while swaying from side to side. “I can’t believe it either, but hey, I can’t complain about making a friend. Especially one that is willing to feed me.” He scoffed a bit, knowing that she was probably right but since he had known his friend for a while he didn’t want to stop his bad habit. “At least I didn’t do anything bad to his donuts like one of his best friend did! To be honest with us around, I’m not sure how he’s still managing the place..”
Letting out a sigh of relief, she picks out a strawberry macaron, taking a small bite out of it to savor it’s richness. “I’m sure he’ll be pleased to know that you’ve enjoyed it. I don’t think he does baking much, he’s more of the chef type that likes to cook meals for people to enjoy.” Fishing off the treat, she offers him another piece or two before closing the box back up, returning it safely into her backpack. “I can’t believe how quickly we’ve bonded over something so trivial… But you really shouldn’t do that to your friend! What if you end up hurting his business?” Frowning, she reaches out, threatening to hit him with the back of her hand.
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It was that morning when he got to work that his friend called him telling him that he needed to pick Sora up from school. Which the male didn’t have a problem with, he loved the little guy and would often treat him like his own son. However training went on longer than James had expected causing the male to had to rush towards the school while in his uniform just to make it in time to pick the young boy up. When he glanced down at the watch around his wrist he realized he was already an hour late, so when he finally made it he wasn’t surprise to see that almost everyone was gone except for Sora and someone he assumed to be the teacher sitting next to him. Something about the woman was really familiar yet he couldn’t put his fingers on it even when he got close enough to see her face, especially since her attire was different from when he last saw her. “Have we met before?” James asked in curiosity, picking up the child in his arms while tilting his head. 
Since her apartment is just a few blocks from the school, more often than not, Hyojin is stuck with after school duty.  This really isn’t a problem for her since she enjoys spending time with the kids.  But every once in a while after a particularly long day she would like nothing more than to curl up in bed right as the school day ends.  This is one of those days.  But there will still a few kids hanging about outside the building and so she instead focused on them.  Sora, one of the boys in her class, was perched on the steps, his eyes on the street entrance.  Unable to help herself, she approached and sat next to him.  “Will your friend be here soon?”  Sora nods at her signing.  “I’ll wait here with you then?”  Another nod and a confirmation and Hyojin stays seated, continuing the conversation about the school day and his plans for the rest of the evening. 
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                   ➸I  sit  before  the  flowers           hoping  they will train  me in the art  of opening  up.
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He had never thought of it that way before until she told him, he had been so use to putting himself in dangerous situations that he never thought twice about what others thought. Even as a kid he always did something extreme just to anger his parents so he never really thought that there were people that were affected, which he felt guilty about. James shouldn’t have tried to brush away her thanks like that, especially since he was honestly grateful for her to even make him such a thing.
Letting his fingers curl around the handle of the bag, the male stood up from his seat while his arms were still loosely wrapped around Izzy’s waist. “I’m going to wear it to training tomorrow, I bet all the guys would be jealous of me.” He puffed his chest out in a proud manner, finally releasing his hold around her to take hold of her hand as he walked around the desk so he would stand beside her. “Do you want to go to dinner now? I’m sure if we hurry then we won’t have to wait for a table.”
In all honesty, since this would be the first time James would go there to eat he hadn’t known if they needed a reservations or not. Not wanting to keep Izzy waiting for their food, he hoped that they wouldn’t need one and could simply go inside. “Really?” He asked at her sudden statement, raising an eyebrow at her while a grin slowly made its way across his face. “Then I’ll make sure to take you out to eat more often, how does that sound?” James swung the bag over his shoulder, deciding that the rest of the report could be easily done tomorrow if he got to work early. “I’ve been okay, just busy as usual. Constant training since they don’t want me to lose my touch. What about you? I’m sure you’ve been pretty busy as well?”
    With a soft smile, she watched his reaction, it seemed that he really would enjoy something like this. She watched his fingers running across the fabric and it caused her to smile a little. It was nice, she’d done something right for a change and it nice that this was happening. She was hopeful that she wouldn’t have to do much in the future, she was seeing someone about her issues, but she was still struggling with the event. Even though, it has been a while, it was like yesterday for her.  “I’m glad you like it, let me know if it needs changes, I’ll be able to make the changes.” She said softly and she looked down. “I do though, time may have passed for you but…its still yesterday for me.” She smiled slightly. “I like doing this though, this was more of a healing project for me then for you if were going to be fair. If I can make something thats lighter, then what the police normally wear and less noticeable, and it’ll cover more then it should work out yeah?” She said trying to convince herself more then anything.  With the idea of dinner she smiled happily. “Yeah, actually, I was eyeing it a while ago.” She wrapped her arms around his shoulders gently, not wanting to hurt him but she held him close for a long moment. Maybe it was because she had this idea, that since he saved her they should be a thing. It was a crush at the least but, it was apparent to most people that Izzy was living in a fairy tale land, but it was nice that he indulged her so well. She let go of him and she placed her hand over his shoulder gently, her thumb smoothing out the material of his shirt. “You know, I’d share every meal with you.” She said plainly as her hand dropped and she sat back down in her chair. Her cheeks turning red slightly. She shook her head. “Besides, that how are you doing?” Izzy asked with a smile.
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For every “♡” I get I’ll give a tip on how to win my muse’s heart.
Effort. As a fan of simplicity and class, she would like to have someone who would do things for her and her demanding self. She isn’t entirely demanding, but she’ll probably want someone who would give her the things she needs; silence, whenever she’s in a mood to kill everyone around her, comfort, whenever she’s tired and bear— most especially, if someone remembers all the things about her (aka her favorite food), she’ll definitely start giving the pieces of herself that nobody ever had.
Time. Who wouldn’t want to have someone gives you time, despite the weekday rush? 
Shoulder to lean on. She isn’t someone likes ranting out, in fact she’s quite the opposite. Being a person who keeps things to herself, she would want someone who would try and understand that silence, sometimes, is better than saying anything at all. And it’ll take time for her to open up, speak, but if the person sees her as someone important, it’ll definitely be worth it.
Bonus: As long as you’re not James. Definitely this one.
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Lemon - You are my tumblr crush.
I knew it! Let’s get married
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uzybae replied to your post:Orange
It’s because you can get me out of parking tickets-
What would I get in return for that though?
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Orange - I want to get to know you.
Is it because I look like a teenager?
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Cherry & Blueberry
Cherry - I love you.Blueberry - You’re amazing.
I love you too!
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send me a fruit c:
Strawberry - I’m in love with you.
Cherry - I love you.
Watermelon - I think you’re cute.
Blueberry - You’re amazing.
Kiwi- You’re pretty
Rasberry - You’re hot.
Plum - I would fuck you.
Paopu Fruit - I would date you.
Grapes - I could stay on your blog for hours.
Lemon - You are my tumblr crush.
Orange - I want to get to know you.
Tangerine - We have a lot in common.
Lemon - I wish you would notice me.
Lime - I don’t talk to you but I really love your blog.
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I’ll get to replies in a bit
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