lazyquietsoul · 9 months
Why are so many people following me ?
Have I secretly become famous ?
Its finally my time to shine ! ᕙ⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠ᕗ
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lazyquietsoul · 1 year
Reclogging timmy to bribe you all into taking me back to the pit 
all i’m thinking about is timmy the sheep rn
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lazyquietsoul · 1 year
why the fuck do I have 396 posts, wtf did i do in my teen years
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lazyquietsoul · 1 year
I would like to update and tell my 9 followers that he cheated on me and we have broken up. Please accept me back into the community. I have been away for too long. Save me.
So my boyfriend was reading the percy Jackson series because it would make me happy and I am always talking about it and last night he started reading the 3rd percy Jackson book and he read it over night and completed it because he likes it very much too!!!!!!!!
I have the best bf ever.
We were talking about it on text and I replied "oh damm" and he said " It's oh dam " And I was like 😍😍😍😍😍😍 enough of the forplay you me bed now!
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lazyquietsoul · 4 years
Thank you ❤💕
Some people just come into your life
And it's like your walls were never live
It makes you wonder
Am I really worth
For all this thunder?
The world becomes bright
Like there was never any plight.
You will never know when
All this became a huge blunder
I gave it my all
And I know he did too
Then how did it became this
That I never knew
Like those memories were never true
Those smiles, those tears never shared
Now I am just a stranger
That once knew all of you .
I know you play the victim
Like I am the monster
That broke you
But you never understood
What I was going through
It's been a long time
And we never spoke a single line
Now I don't know
If you still think I am the monster
That you once made me to be
Or if it's like I never cried
Pouring my heart out to you
I just know, at one point
You did care
But that point , those years
Are now long dissolved
In the pit of time
Now I am just waiting
For when it will be the same for me
Like you never once
The most important to me
Some people just come into your life
To make you realize that your walls should never leave.
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lazyquietsoul · 4 years
It's scary
How much a person can love
Another soul they never knew before
They become an addiction
That just seems to become more
The secrets that are shared
By emptying their core
Makes it terrifying to think
What if the person isn't there anymore?
The way they weave themselves in our lives
Leave us wondering what would happen
If they just decide to go ashore
I will just say
please dont ever leave me
Please dont ever change
Cause I don't think I will know
How to live anymore...
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lazyquietsoul · 4 years
I haven’t been even added to one * insert crying emojis that i am too lazy to find *
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How to get removed from a groupchat
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lazyquietsoul · 4 years
me too !!!!
Raise your hand if you didn’t get any tumblr recommended group chat and you’re BITTER
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lazyquietsoul · 4 years
Some people just come into your life
And it's like your walls were never live
It makes you wonder
Am I really worth
For all this thunder?
The world becomes bright
Like there was never any plight.
You will never know when
All this became a huge blunder
I gave it my all
And I know he did too
Then how did it became this
That I never knew
Like those memories were never true
Those smiles, those tears never shared
Now I am just a stranger
That once knew all of you .
I know you play the victim
Like I am the monster
That broke you
But you never understood
What I was going through
It's been a long time
And we never spoke a single line
Now I don't know
If you still think I am the monster
That you once made me to be
Or if it's like I never cried
Pouring my heart out to you
I just know, at one point
You did care
But that point , those years
Are now long dissolved
In the pit of time
Now I am just waiting
For when it will be the same for me
Like you never once
The most important to me
Some people just come into your life
To make you realize that your walls should never leave.
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lazyquietsoul · 4 years
The worst part about working on original fiction is u gotta wait like 5 years to get a book draft done in order to SHOW YOUR FRIENDS chapters. Ain't like fanfic where you can just....send em. Tis horrid.
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lazyquietsoul · 4 years
Hello! I am having an extremely hard time building characters. Do you have anything that helped you create living and breathing characters?
Everyone builds characters a little differently. Some writers start with a very specific idea and craft a story around that, others have a general story and craft characters to fit– more often a mix of both methods depending on what kind of inspiration struck first.
This is a fun question because I have a lot of bits of info related to it that are scattered through the blog, so I’m adding them as embedded links. Anything linked is going to be a further explanation about the subject(s) mentioned and would be worth your time to look into because your question is a big one! I don’t want to leave things out but I also don’t want to repeat myself across too many posts.
There’s no right or wrong way to build a character, but to build “living and breathing” characters you’ll want to keep these things in mind:
Organization of Character Concept
One of the best ways to make sure your characters are “human” enough is to make sure you can understand their personality, motivations, and values. Part of understanding them means knowing where those three things come from, so while you don’t need a fully detailed backstory, you should have an idea of why they are the way they are. 
There are a lot of character-building sheets out there, like this one (link embedded), however you wan’t to be careful when using these. Character building sheets can be an excellent tool for organization or for making you think about different aspects of character, but not all of them are built equally. The most important things about your characters are going to be their personality, motivations, and roles in the story, not 50 random facts about their favorite foods or aesthetics. Filling out character sheets with unnecessary info just for the fun of it is perfectly fine, but they can also novice-trap you into putting way too much emphasis on developing the wrong parts of a character. They can be useful and a fun tool, but don’t let them shift your story priorities away from what actually matters. 
When you develop a character concept, you want to be careful about going to far that you get stuck in a box (link embedded). Planning is good, but too much planning combined with a lack of flexibility can leave your characters and story stuck in the mud. When you have a character concept, always keep the story you want to tell in the forefront of your mind and be prepared to tweak everything for optimal effect. It’s absolutely possible to develop a good story when all you have is a character, and the other way around, but isolated development with no flexibility is highly likely to hurt story development.
That said, sometimes you just need to play around with a character concept to experiment or help flesh someone out. Take a look at 10 Ways to Flesh-Out Characters (link embedded) as a start. It’s okay to play around with someone before you solidity your concept of them.
Two Main Important Factors of Characters that Feel Real
1. They are not a Bag of Traits divided into “good” and “bad” parts of themselves, but a dynamic individual with traits that can be strengths or weaknesses depending on the situation.
Though there are some traits that can be considered far from acceptable to have in a modern society and can be directly labeled as “flaws”, majority of personality traits aren’t inherently good or bad. Another way to think about character flaws: flaws are circumstantial (link embedded). It’s the situations the characters are placed in (and the culture of the environment) that makes the traits look positive or negative. Those situations are also known as the plot, so remember that a character’s weaknesses exist to present obstacles and create tension during the story. Because of this, a character’s flaws are best made in relation to the plot, otherwise they’ll fail to matter and possibly never show up. 
As a character lives their story they should develop over time (unless you’re purposefully writing a Static Character). Character development doesn’t mean erasing weakness/flaws off a character sheet, it means the character’s personality is shifting to better fit for their current goals. They develop new strengths and new weaknesses, they just tend to look “better than before” because they’re now more ready to face their specific story (link embedded). It’s usually most realistic for characters to have a flux of positive and negative growth throughout the story, but what’s considered “positive” or “negative” is reliant on context.
In real life, we’re not bags of good/bad sorted traits but people who have traits and get different outcomes in situations depending on them. Part of writing realistic characters means crafting them to live rather than just run along a plot line designed to “fix” them.
2. They are relatable (read: they can be understood).
A Reminder About “Relatable” Characters (link embedded). Readers don’t have to agree with them or even like them, but they do need to be able to understand where they’re coming from. Even an unlikable character can be relatable if written well. Relatability helps readers connect to a character and human connection is a huge part of what makes someone feel “alive” in a story. 
Writing Characters so they Feel Real
Crafting good characters is one thing, but it’s possible to have a great characters and bomb the process of showing them off. Make sure you:
Find their voice. All characters have different personalities and histories, and those personalities and histories contribute to their voice. It’s not just about how a narrator narrators but how people speak and conduct themselves. Finding Character Voice (link embedded) can sometimes mean not solidifying the idea until you’re halfway through the story and that’s okay! Voice usually develops alongside writing, not before it, so just fix it in a later draft. 
Keep them consistent and avoid informed traits. A character that’s truly understood will be naturally consistent, and if an informed trait is when a character is labeled with a trait but doesn’t express it in-story, then simply have them express it in the story (link embedded). Consistency exists in real life so realistic characters will have it as well. Informed traits have a bit more leeway since you can hear that your neighbor is an amazing woodworker and never see the process, but in story writing, emphasis on informed traits can make characters seem very 2D.
Remember that personalities have layers. People don’t act exactly the same in all situations and strong character writing will reflect that. Check out these other posts on the details behind personality layers:
External vs. Internal Character, Part 1: The Three Faces
External vs. Internal Character, Part 2: Taking Advantage of POV
Address their individuality. Some parts being a person are shared with other people, but when it comes to personality we’re all different. When writing a story, it’s easy to get caught up in “assumed human behavior” when in reality not everyone is going to act exactly that way. An example of that would be Different Ways Characters Can Show Love (link embedded); easy to assume that all character express love by saying “I love you” but that’s far from true in reality and the individuality should be expressed in a good story.
Make sure the plot brings out who they are. You can craft amazing characters but fail to have them realized because the plot doesn’t allow for their depth to really show up. Mentioned before with how you shouldn’t develop characters and plot in pure isolation, your plot dictates what part of the characters the reader gets to experience. Diverting from the plot just to show an aspect of character is poorer writing, so involve your characters deeply in the story and don’t be afraid to tweak the plot or the characters to better support one another
Good luck with your character creation!
Thinking of asking a question? Please read the Rules and Considerations to make sure I’m the right resource, and check the Tag List to see if your question has already been asked. If you can give back, please consider supporting me on Ko-fi or via Venmo Username: JustAWritingAid
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lazyquietsoul · 4 years
So I made this
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lazyquietsoul · 4 years
So I made this
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lazyquietsoul · 5 years
So my boyfriend was reading the percy Jackson series because it would make me happy and I am always talking about it and last night he started reading the 3rd percy Jackson book and he read it over night and completed it because he likes it very much too!!!!!!!!
I have the best bf ever.
We were talking about it on text and I replied "oh damm" and he said " It's oh dam " And I was like 😍😍😍😍😍😍 enough of the forplay you me bed now!
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lazyquietsoul · 5 years
“If someone can walk away from you, let them walk.”
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lazyquietsoul · 5 years
“I’m trying really hard to not act how I feel.”
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lazyquietsoul · 5 years
This is me,i guess?!
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