laxcerise · 10 years
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laxcerise · 10 years
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laxcerise · 10 years
After knocking the door two times, she waited patiently at the door; stretching her arms quickly; in hopes of taking the remaining sleepiness out of her body. Right after that she heard the sound of something rolling from behind the door, it was probably one of the chairs that were inside the room. Then the door opened and behind it was Godfrey smiling at her and sitting on a stool. Suddenly, that smile turned into a frown; she was confused but then she realized that she had her serious face on, and it wasn't a really friendly one. So she smiled at him when he placed his hands on her shoulders and guide her into the room. She took a look at the patient on the stretcher; a lot of wounds were visible all over his body and face; and that made her wonder what actually happened to the boy.
"That's right. It's a pleasure to meet you by the way." She bowed after Godfrey presented her to the patient, the smile never leaving her face. Following the doctor's instructions, Jieun put on her gloves and then got a coagulant into the patient to stop the heavy bleeding, she could tell that he had lost a lot of blood. It was surprising that he wasn't dead by now, he was a human after all and all those woulds and the blood that he lose were extremely dangerous. 
"The coagulant is on. Shall we start getting the glass shards out of his body?" She asked Godfrey while rolling up the sleeves of her own coat. Jieun always asked him before doing something; not only in the hospital but also when they were dealing with some problems on the pack. As the beta, she couldn't step up him and do whatever she wanted to do; she had to make sure he was ok with what she was going to do. 
a good team -- jieun x godfrey
     He’s got the guy off the stretcher and he’s keeping an attentive eye on the monitor he’s hooked up to as a nurse inserts an IV into his arm to help numb the pain so that Godfrey’s able to get a better look at the wounds on his face, arms, and legs. His torso appears to be pretty clear but it’s apparent the guy had jumped out of a window, or through a glass door. Or maybe he’d possibly been thrown through one. He wasn’t a wolf but Godfrey could smell the faint traces of one and it wasn’t a scent he recognized. He’d gotten on someone’s bad side. But the alpha wasn’t going to question it.
     He’d just finished filling out the chart and waiting for the pain killers to take effect when there came the soft knock at the door. He was rolling across the floor on the stool he’d been sitting on and pulled it open smiling at his beta who didn’t look as happy as he expected her too. Frowning, Gdofrey stood and placed a hand on both her shoulders steering her into the room, presenting her before the patient as if she were a prize and not on the way to being a full fledged doctor herself.
      “This is Jieun. She’s going to be helping us get the glass shards out of you and patching up anything that’s bleeding too heavily. We’ve got you on painkillers and my lovely intern here is going to get a coagulant in you too just to make sure we don’t have anymore heavy bleeding. I’ll probably have you transferred up to general after that and they’ll keep you for a day or two in order to ensure you don’t go pulling a stunt like that again. Right Jieun?” He was already shrugging out of his lab coat and pulling on gloves as he moved towards their patient.
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laxcerise · 10 years
With her eyes fixed on the little jar, she tried to guess what it's content was; millions of things went through her mind but none of them seemed to fit. It was really weird looking, and she could swear it had an eye or something like that. She heard the steps coming towards her, and by the scent she could tell it was Gain. What she said then tho, shocked her. Pickled Siamese pig fetus? That was for sure something new. "I knew it had an eye." Jieun said more to herself than to her friend, feeling happy that at least she got something right.
Taking a careful look at the pig fetus in the jar; she could finally distinguish each part of it. A smile appeared on her face, feeling happy of seeing Gain again after all that time. "Nearly a century? Bet it smells like flowers. Probably like those flowers that you have at the other side of the shop, I can smell them from here." She joked slightly, looking at Gain with the smile still on her face. "Gain! How are you? It's been a while since we last saw each other." Jieun turned around, hugging her quickly due to the excitement she felt at the moment.
"Sorry, I'm just really hype today. Bought some food, but you already saw it, right?" She added; pointing to the counter where the food was and assuming that she came from that way. So she was pretty sure that Gain already saw it, or at least saw the bags.
♯Oddly precious things; Gain & Jieun
          Rummaging through her storage room on the floor right above the shop, Gain lifted her head up at the sound of the door opening, the small bell that was attached to it chiming an announcement that someone had entered. Standing up, she stepped through the maze of boxes that littered the ground, cursing herself silently to clean up more often up here, lest she trip one day and end up buried under a pile of bones and mummified body parts. That would certainly not be the most elegant way for her to leave this world.
          Brushing the dust off her hands, the woman nearly glided down the hidden staircase, stepping out into the small back room and looking into the main room, a smile appearing on her face at the familiar face she spotted wandering the shop. Taking a moment to wash her hands in the back bathroom, she moved to behind the counter afterward, her nose leading her quickly to the coffee and sweets in the bag that had been left there. Resisting the urge to already open up the snacks, she paused when she noticed what had caught her younger friend’s gaze, a wicked grin slipping onto her lips.
          “Pickled Siamese pig fetus,” she announced, moving from behind the counter to take a step towards the other beta, the smile still showing on her lips. “It would be quite foul smelling if you opened the jar. Its been sealed for nearly a century. It’s quite amazing how well its been kept,” She continued, now standing just slightly behind Jieun, hands clasped behind her.
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laxcerise · 10 years
Still covering her eyes and shaking her arm, she tried to break free. Her face was about to turn red, it was really embarrassing for her to get into this types of stores with other people. She shaked her head too, right after he asked if this was her surprise for him. "No no, this isn't the surprise. For god sakes, I didn't even plan a surprise at all. It was a little joke." She tried to explain herself, unable to look around the store. By now, she could feel the eyes of the other people in the store looking curiously at them.
She slowly took a peek through her fingers, the store was indeed big. Lots of different types of lingerie and costumes were all over it; and that didn't help Jieun at all. "Damn, what have I got myself into?" She mumbled to herself after stop covering her eyes and looking at the store carefully. "I just wanted to laugh a litt- Oh my-" She couldn't even finish what she was saying when he showed her the schoolgirl’s uniform, if you can call it that way.
Her eyes widened; looking carefully at the costume. "You have to be kidding me. I don't think someone is allowed to wear that, even in their own house." She said while pointing at it. Her face was completely red by now and she just wanted to run away from the shop.
♯Just a lie; Yunho & Jieun
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laxcerise · 10 years
The sudden question startled her, she wasn't expecting that at all. Mostly because she tried her best to hide how scared she actually was. For some reason, big bodies of water scared her to the point of not being able to dip in the sea up to the shoulders without feeling like drowning. Jieun looked at him, unsure of how to answer him; should she tell him that she wasn't fine at all? Instead of that she just nodded slightly and followed him to the shore.
Coldness was slowly creeping into her; she was used to low temperatures but as they were getting out of the water, the wind made it feel even colder than before. Just like him, Jieun tried to get up the shore but failed. So, when he offered his hand, she accepted without a second thought. Once in the ground, she started to feel a little bit calmer.
She wrapped one arm around her own waist while caressing that arm with her free hand; slightly trembling due to the coldness. "Y-yeah. You are right. W-we should change." She agreed with him; if they kept like this they will for sure get sick and that wasn't something good.
The fear of falling into the water again was still in her mind, but if she didn't want to show it; at least not now. What he said made her smile slightly. "You are not an ass. It was an accident. Sorry for not catching you on time." She took a pause every two words, since It was extremely hard not to stutter. "I don't know if I am ok..."
Even through the water permeating his nose he could smell her fear. Coughing and spitting water he swam closer to her. “Are you OK?” He was just fine. Cold, wet all over, feeling extremely stupid, but fine. She seemed much less so. “Come on, let’s get out of the water” he exclaimed over the roar of falling waters. 
Getting to the shore was easy, climbing on it a bit harder. His wet clothes stuck to his skin like an armor, making his moves slower and clumsy. He, withe the help of greenery growing on the edge managed to get himself up. He held out his hand to the girl. Only after they both were on the solid ground he realized he was shaking. His teeth were clattering violently. Losing body heat at an alarming rate, he decided his best option to keep himself warm was to change.
He gave the girl critical once over, to check whether she was affected as well. “I t-t-th-think” his teeth chattered “t-th-that we sh-should ch-ch-change”. The thick fur and wolf body warmth much higher than human one was the best counterbalance for the coldness that creeped into his bones. 
He could still smell her fear and it surprised him. Perhaps she was afraid of water. He examined her carefuly, perhaps he should ask her about it? But she didn’t seemed like the sharing type. So instead of asking why was she so afraid, he apologised again. “I a-a-a-am s-so so s-s-sorry for being s-such a stupid a-a-ass. A-are you O-ok?”
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laxcerise · 10 years
I may have to study economy for a test that i have tomorrow... But I can't live knowing that there are so many replies to do. I'll try to reply as many as I can right now.
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laxcerise · 10 years
I know I owe all the posts but school is killing me. I'll try to reply something tonight (which is in a few minutes) or tomorrow after school. Sorry :(
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laxcerise · 10 years
get to know me: ↳ 5 favorite MVs: IU’s Monday Afternoon
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laxcerise · 10 years
♯Oddly precious things; Gain & Jieun
Finally it was the day where she would meet her friend Gain; a packless beta, after three weeks of not knowing anything about her. Even if there wasn't a meeting hour, she wanted to be ready early. Since the meeting was in Gain's shop; Jieun didn't wanted to appear empty handed so she decided to buy something on the way there.
A small smile was all over Jieun's face while she was walking down the street of Neukdae. She had a bag in her arms, with some coffee and pastry she bought in a cafe a few minutes ago. Even if she didn't like sweet food that much, going to meet a friend with only coffee was a big no for Jieun; so she tried to buy the less sweet ones. Her eyes were searching for Gain's shop as she walked; it was difficult not to find it since the shop was as unique as the things the sells there.
After two minutes walking she finally found it, the shop was small but it was filled with amazing things. Most of them were really weird, like dried heads and hands; but after working in the hospital for so long none of those things scared her. "Gain?" She called for the other girl as she slowly opened the door, trying to keep her hands as steady as possible so the coffee didn't fell on the floor. Jieun couldn't find Gain at the counter where she left the drinks and food, and It was quite stange not to find her there. Soon enough she got distracted by some of the things on the shop; there were lots of interesting things to look at. And Jieun couldn't help but look at each of them while waiting for Gain. It wasn't until her eyes landed on some jars with an unknown content that she stopped walking around. A part of her wanted to open the jar and find out what was inside it, but the other part of her; the one that was bigger, told her not to do that since It would ruin the 'charm' of the jar itself.
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laxcerise · 10 years
Warmness was the only thing surrounding Jieun at that moment. After a long day full of classes and hours of work; she could finally get some proper sleep and she was going to enjoy it as much as she could. But of course something had to ruin her precious sleep, just like every other day. This time the culprit of such thing was annoying sound coming from her phone. Someone was calling her, and she for sure will kill whoever was on the other side of the line; or at least try to get some good revenge. With a groan she stopped hugging her pillow and practically crawled from one side of the bed to the other, since there was her phone. She didn't opened her eyes while picking up the call, knowing who or what time it was would only make her mood get twice as grumpy.
"Hello?" She faintly answered the phone; before lying on her bed again as she listened to the other person on the phone. It was Godfrey, the alpha of her pack and also her 'mentor' at work; at least she considered him that way. The only things she could catch from what he said were 'four wounds', 'stitch him up' and 'room 113'; she didn't needed anything else to understand what he wanted her to do. "You have to be kidding me... Ok, I'll go." She practically mumbled before hanging up the call and waking up from her bed. The only thing she did was brushing her teeth, tying her hair into a ponytail and putting on some clothes before rushing to the hospital; still half asleep.
Just when she got to the hopital she put on her uniform. By then, she was fully awake and walking to the room 113, thinking in every single way to make Godfrey suffer at least a bit for waking her up from the best sleep of the week. Once she reached said room, she knocked on the door; just in case the doctors were already working. 
a good team -- jieun x godfrey
     —-The pager clipped to his side has just started to go off for the third time and he knows that whatever nap he was planning on taking has to be put on the backburner. Irritated he yanks his discarded scrub shirt over his head and silences the device at his side. He has no idea where his phone is, but he decides he doesn’t need it anyway. Someone better be dying or they’re going to catch an earful. By the time he makes it down to the first floor where paramedics are sitting with someone strapped to a stretcher he’s plenty annoyed. His patient is moaning and bleeding and the smell of blood permeates the air around him. He steps forward to inspect the wound — and it’s plenty deep but not that life threatening if the bleeding is brought under control
     It’s nothing he can’t hunt down an intern to stitch up and he knows the perfect one, heading over to the nurses’s station and dialing Jieun’s number. It was no secret among other’s at the hospital that he was playing favorites with her. When good cases rolled through their front doors, she was the first person he called. He’d been lectured about it by the attending physicians at least three times over. But he was trying desperately to sweet talk his beta into choosing emergency as her specialty. They worked great as a team outside of work he didn’t see why they couldn’t bring that dynamic to the workplace either. But it wasn’t an easy sell. Then again Jieun didn’t seem to like making things easy for him at all.
                        ” I hope you’re not busy. I’ve got a guy with shards of glass in at least four wounds and I figured you could help me stitch him up. I’ll be in room 113. Going to get him on an IV of meds before sticking sutures in him. You coming down?” 
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laxcerise · 10 years
Who would have thought that she could do such thing as making the alpha of the Dulyeoum pack? Not even Jieun could imagine herself doing that. But it was worth it. Just by seeing Yunho's face turning red after the girl came out of the shop, made it even better.
The look on his face was totally priceless for Jieun, if she could take a photo of it she would have done it. But since it will probably make him even angrier that he already was, she decided not to do. Instead she just raised both of her hands in surrender. "I'm not, It was just a tiny joke. At least you didn't walk in there." She replied to him trying not to laugh again.
Just as she was about to put her arms down he grabbed her wrist, the size difference between each other didn't help Jieun at all. Being as small as she was, he could easily drag her whenever he wanted; if he catched her by surprise of course. "No, wait. Please it was just a joke. I didn't mean to Oh- Look! A cat is crossing the street!" She said while pointing to the street with her free hand, deep inside she hoped that he would get distracted with that and then she could free herself; but it was almost impossible. The only thing she could do was shake her arm and with her other hand cover her eyes. "I won't look at anything inside there."
♯Just a lie; Yunho & Jieun
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laxcerise · 10 years
She shook her thoughts away and took the clipboard, filling the empty spaces that the doctor told her to fill after the appointment. After taking a quick look at the information she shaked her head at what he said. "There is no need to thank. This is my job after all."
Jieun nodded and then bowed slightly. "Anyway, you are welcome." She said before leaving the clipboard back on the table. "Hope you recover soon, and next time you help the young wolves try to keep your distance."
He figured he would have to get out of Neukdae one day. Even for a small vaction— just to see something different than what he was accustomed to. He offered a small smile, not particularly overly friendly but not hostile either. 
He stood once he figured it was over. He fixed the sleeve of his shirt as he patted himself down. “I guess I should thank you?” He asked. “Thanks. And I will be sure to try the honey thing.” he said.
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laxcerise · 10 years
Again, she heard the voice; by now she was sure that the other person was a girl, and with the side of her eye, she catched a little light not too far away from where she was sitting. That told her that the other person was probably not a wolf, not only because she couldn't find any wolf scent, but because if that person was a wolf, Why would she need a torch? Wolves have a pretty good eyesight; even on the night.
It took her two minutes to think in everything and deciding what to do. And by that time the girl was sitting on the other side of the tree, just like her. Maybe I should... She thought before moving just a little bit to the side, nearer to the place where the girl was sitting. "Actually, I'm not scared of bites. It's just really weird to find someone here at this time." Her voice was calm like always, trying not to scare her due to the sudden noise. What was she doing in the forest in the middle of the night? Most of the humans just wanted to stay as far away from the forest as possible. After all, they were scared of findind a wolf.
♯The Lost Melody; Krystal & Jieun
No reply. As usual, Krys was talking to a wall, getting ignored - nothing she wasn’t already used to. She was probably hallucinating anyway;  that was what fatigue did to you, right? Shrugging, she continued to wave her torch about, lighting up her way. “You know, whoever you are, if you’re out there… I don’t bite!” She yelled, perhaps trying to reassure herself more than addressing the other party; if there was another party. Again, her call was met with silence.
She huffed in exasperation. When did you get so wimpy, she thought to herself as she wove through the trees, eventually finding a snug corner amongst the buttress roots that she could settle down in. What she hadn’t spotted, however, was the other figure tucked away at the adjacent face of the same tree.
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laxcerise · 10 years
Yaaaay now I don't owe anything and actually have time to finish reading the book for literature... which reminds me that i have a test too.
ok I'll just lurk.
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laxcerise · 10 years
She was waiting for him to do somethig like running to the waterfall or something like that, but instead he just looked at her face as in trying to find something. Maybe he thought that she was lying? Well, she would have done the same so she couldn't complain about it. Fighting back the urge to make a dumb face, since she barely knew him, she kept the same than before just to prove him that she was telling him the truth. After a minute he just turned around and walked to the brink, Jieun stayed in her place. If there was one thing that Jieun was completely scared of, was large bodies of water. And even if the waterfall wasn't that big, she couldn't risk it.
Her eyes kept looking around, neither of them saying a single word. At least until he turned around again, she diverted her attention back to him since it seemed like he had a question. But just as he was about to say something he lost his footing, and let out a yelp. Jieun stayed frozen in her place, her eyes wide open due to the shock.
It wasn't after a second that she reacted and quickly took a few steps towards the boy without even thinking. She extended her hand, in hopes of catching him just in time to stop the fall, but no. The next thing she felt was water everywhere. Even into the water, she couldn't close her eyes; she was almost having a panic attack. Good thing her eyes started burning like hell, because if not she wouldn't have reacted at all. She frantically swam back to the surface. A frightened expression was all over her face as soon as she got her head out of the water. The coldness of it didn't bother her at that moment, she was used to the cold anyway.
"I-It's ok, don't worry about it." She mumbled with trembling lips; but not for the coldness but for the fear of being under the water again. Jieun's scleras were red because of the amount of water that surrounded them when she fell. After composing herself by taking deep breathes, she looked at him. "Are you fine?"
He liked the word free, but was too jaded to believe in it. Where was a catch, he wondered. There was always a price to pay, especially for any sort of freedom, he knew that already. He searched her face, looking for any hidden meaning, but the girl remained an enigma to him. He rarely met someone that closed off. Especially among wolves communicating feelings was vital in maintaining open communication channels. If there was a problem there - it would be in communicating the emotions too much.
His eyes quickly returned to the waterfall, the need to get closer the the view and the bubbly fresh water was too great to resist and Kyungsoo found himself walking carelessly to the brink, where land was suddenly cut off by swift current of a water.
He wondered if this place has any name, except ‘the waterfall’ that is. He turned to the girl, opening his mouth, the question at the end of his tongue when a sudden miscalculated step made him loose his footing. So instead of a question he let out a yelp. For a split second he faltered, his hands frantically searched for something to hold onto, when catching his balance appeared to be futile. He failed on both accounts. Almost. In the last moment before a fall his fingers caught something… Or rather someone, before he toppled down into the ice cold water. The world whirled and then there was icy cold water in his mouth and ears. Surrounded by bilion bubbles, with dull roar of waterfall in his ears, he frantically tried to re-orientate himself. 
Guessing the way up would be to the light, with a few powerful thrust of his hands and legs, that kicked the water beneath him, he burst up, breaking the water’s surface. Coughing and spitting, he floated looking around. The girl was not on the water’s edge. She was floating right beside him equally wet.
"Oh shit. sorry." he gasped through chattering teeth. Damn the water was cold.
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laxcerise · 10 years
"Well, it is; in fact, pretty interesting. It takes quite a lot of time too, but I think it's worth it. At least I get to help people and train myself for when I become a doctor." She replied with a smile, she had always liked everything related to medicine; and even if either of her parents were on that field, they were never against her decision either. "Since I'm not a doctor yet I couldn't heal patients that were really injured, but I saw them. It was quite a sight to see." Just remembering that made her get some shivers down her spine, but nothing more than that. Few things affected Jieun, and blood wasn't one of them.
"It's my first time here but, let me tell you, this place looks so cozy and comfortable. It's really relaxing." She agreed with Tiffany, and then looked around. This cafe was going to be one of her favourite ones, definitely. "Oh, yes. I remember you were interested on the medical field too. You should give it a try someday, it's not as bloody as it looks like." She told her before taking a sip of the frapuccino. Jieun couldn't help but feel curious about why Tiffany didn't follow her dream to become a doctor; but there was a voice in the back of her head saying that it was none of her business. Tiffany had her reasons, and Jieun understood that. "A lot of things changed, right?"
"Nice," Tiffany responded. "College must be interesting—and your internship, too. How has that been?" Tiffany wondered if Jieun had seen some pretty bad patients already. The medical field was not for one weak of heart. Tiffany knew her best bet was being a nurse. She definitely couldn’t be a surgeon, for example. Too much fear of messing up and fear of seeing people’s insides with her own bare eyes. She would probably have nightmares about it. Still, it was a desire of hers to help others, and she couldn’t shake that so easily.
She crossed her legs. “I’ve just been here,” Tiffany said as she gestures to their surroundings with glance. “The cafe…” she searched for the words. “It’s not a bad place. I really like it here. It’s quiet and relaxing.” However, she didn’t want to be reprimanded. She quickly composed something to make it seem less pathetic. “I mean, I wish I could do other things, sure, but the cafe is kind of like a second home to me. I have this weird passion for it, I guess.” She laughed at her words. She sounded too caring about the small business. She felt disappointed in herself. Jieun was on her way to being successful and chasing down her dreams. Tiffany couldn’t help but feel ashamed of how she ended up after high school and a bit envious of the other. She could have been like that too had she not been changed…
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