lawyerrup · 3 years
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In honor of Better Call Saul's Season 5, here's some fan art I did of that one incredibly tense scene!
I paid a lot of money for that story. Tell me. Again.
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lawyerrup · 3 years
Nero and Kyrie, (Maybe even Zero) has a visitor. The Girl waltz into their home as if she owns the place (not really. She just happened to just walk right in. Maybe someone forgot to lock the door) and she expects to see—Well, definitely not a stranger. This stranger is more of a stranger than the man with the long black hair and tired eyes! 
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She steps back just one step, fingers gripping loosely around her tail but eventually she lets go and rather shyly raises a hand to wave at this…human. He looks to be around Mother’s age. Slightly younger than her though. She can only tell by how his hair isn’t as grey and how those wrinkles on his face isn’t AS bad as her’s. 
yeah, he’s not quite ready to go outside just yet. after raiding the fridge of whatever crap his roommates couldn’t be bothered to cook, saul’s in the finishing stretch of making a pulled-together attempt at a spicy chicken pasta bake, when the sound of the door opening and closing begs for his pause. he stops stirring the pasta, leaning back and expecting to see that pale haired guy, or maybe the girlfriend he kept talking about.
instead, however, he finds a little girl staring at him from the doorway to the kitchen. “oh, whoa, hey there...” no wonder he failed to catch anyone walking in, she’s a little wisp of a thing. pink hair and matching horns poking out of her head, she fits right in with all the other weird looking people around that’s for sure.
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awkwardness catches him off-guard, but he turns the simmer down on the food to crouch down as best as his ageing knees let him. “and who might you be, little one? looking for your mommy?” he has no idea how old she is, he’s not exactly good at guessing the ages of kids to be frank. but she looks startled and uncertain, enough to bring out his gentler side that’s for sure. “you need some help finding your mom?” don’t tell me you live here too...
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lawyerrup · 3 years
sir may I pls use your lawyer services? I can pay u in what we in the business like to call "the big ca$h"
only if, when you pay me, you do so in one of those big silver briefcases full of money. gotta live the dream babie
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lawyerrup · 3 years
“ that is … literally illegal. you’re describing something illegal. “
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"alright but listen to me, it's not technically breaking any laws, okay? sure it might raise a couple eyebrows but it's not gettin' you thrown into the slammer anytime soon. this place even got a jail? anyway, besides the point, i know it sounds kinda crazy but it's the best chance i've got and while normally i wouldn't place such a heavy burden on someone i barely know... you're kinda my only hope right now. whatcha say? fancy helping out a newbie? consider yourself the good samaritain and i'm the bumped up guy on the side of the road, or however the story goes."
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lawyerrup · 3 years
“…what, never seen a demon before?” It amuses him, actually, that the guy looks so perturbed by the announcement, clearly unbelieving. “Lucky guy.” Towel slung over his shoulder, coat draped across his arm, he moves straight to the washing machine in an alcove between the kitchen and living room, dunking the coat straight into the barrel, followed by his undershirt. The pants stay on for now. He’s not that comfortable around strangers.
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The mention of ‘girlfriend’, though, makes him tense and flush a little like a schoolboy. “…yeah, I guess you could call her that,” he says, “Partner? I… you know what I mean.” He turns back around, gesturing to the whiskey bottle, and says, “Saul… got it. Well, if you’re up when I’m out of the shower…” he starts past the kitchen toward the bathroom, “I’ll probably reheat some leftovers if you want some.”
Perhaps another sign that he’s quite nonchalant about the blood, shifting gears to be hospitable to the new roomie at the drop of a hat. It’s with that that he excuses himself to the bathroom, water beating against the tiles for a long while before he finally emerges, fresh, garbed in t-shirt and boxers, and lacking a prosthetic entirely.
“Still awake?” he asks, preemptively, poking his head back into the kitchen. He’s expecting the guy to be there, though, because he’s got those night owl vibes to him. That, and… well, being abducted to a whole new universe isn’t exactly something that’s easy to sleep off.
sure. he waves the kid off before taking the time to start a little investigation of the apartment. he’s had a bit of a look already, but in the half-darkness it looks even more foreign to him than it had with a few beams of light filtering in through the blinds. it’s like being warped into a dream, except it’s not quite that bittersweet. trying to understand it only makes him want to pour another drink, but he’s not quite ready for it yet. it’s not going to change anything. it’s not going to get him back home.
the sound of the shower spitting streams against the glass door becomes vaguely audible over the sound of his own shuffling feet, saul leaning over countertops to inspect random belongings. it’s not a bad place over all, considering he didn’t get a choice in where he lives. beats living in a closet at the back of a salon, and when he peeks through the blinds the view isn’t too bad either. 
despite not really wanting to, he absentmindedly uses a tissue to wipe away a bloody fingerprint left on the handle of the door, before tossing it into the trash. it just made him feel... uncomfortable seeing the stains. he’s seen blood before sure but, what the hell is he supposed to think when it’s supposedly demon blood? is that a euphemism? whatever. 
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“yeah, still here. don’t think i could sleep tonight even if i wanted to.” he replies, bringing the cold glass to press against his cheek. “is that how it’s supposed to go? they just drop you off here and wish you ‘bon voyage!’ and expect you to just... settle in like that? jesus...”
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lawyerrup · 3 years
Oh, what the fuck…?! There shouldn’t be anyone home at this hour. 
Somewhat past noon, a stranger had opened the guest bedroom door to find something more akin to a second living room. If people like Kyrie and Nero weren’t living here already, it’d be more of a mess than it was. 
There’s not much time to dwell on that, because some dude  just caught you shooting up with a concerningly neon blue, unlabeled substance into your track-mark-addled arm. 
Despite Zero’s baby face–being 22–he has the resting bitch face of an army veteran and, that being what he is too, the second he was done with his dose this man gets a face full of it. Eyes bulging with murderous intent, gripping him by the shirt. 
“What the fuck did you see?” Zero quietly seethes. 
There’s only wrong answers, @lawyerrup 
there’s a whole lot of shit going on. none of which did he sign up for, let alone even expect. and yet there he is, shirt bundled and twisted in the grip of some doped up punk, causing saul to back up against the doorframe of the bedroom. seriously? first he had to deal with that blood-stained nutjob going off his nut about demons or something, and now this? jesus christ, can’t a guy catch a break? 
there’s not much time to think, but it’s a good thing he used to talking. oh yeah, they can take away his car and his surplus of burner phones, hell they can even take his watch for christ’s sake, but they can’t stop saul goodman from running his mouth when the situation calls for it. “whoa hey now!” he raises his hands and shakes his head.
“look kid, nothing, i saw nothing, alright?” he saw a damn lot more than nothing but he’s not about to challenge that fact with número dos from roommate hell. is everyone in this place a god damn lunatic or did he just luck out with fight club guy and requiem for a dream kid over here? yeah, using movies to describe this shit feels more fitting than trying to come to logical conclusions. 
 “i’m just looking for the can, kid. i’m not about to interrupt whatever the hell you’re doing in your weirdo zone, okay? i couldn’t give a shit. in fact, the reason i couldn’t give a shit is because i’m saving it for whenever i find the freaking toilet, got it? let go of me already, i told you i didn’t see anything!”
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lawyerrup · 3 years
“I was askin’ a favor,” he protests, gesturing to the blood that continues to drip onto the mat, “I’m not gonna make you get down on your knees and scrub the shit, is what I’m sayin’. Better?” He probably shouldn’t get sassy when he’s asking a stranger for a favor, but he can’t help himself.
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He catches the towel with his mechanical arm, quite surprised that the guy hasn’t remarked on it. He’s more used to people sideeyeing him for his freakish limbs than he is being covered in blood, but that’s life when you live in a world infested with demons. “Thanks,” he says, promptly ruffling the towel through his hair, and once he’s sure that he won’t drip from there, moves on to wiping off his coat.
“Not every night,” he says, “Kinda comes with my job description. Usually not this messy, though.” Spoken casually, as though this stranger is supposed to know that he’s a devil hunter and not, you know, a hitman. “What can I say? Demons got a lot of blood in ‘em.”
Once he’s sure he won’t ooze all over the place, he worms out of his jacket, exposing the belt of devil breakers that hang around his waist. “Kyrie’s just… been through a lot lately. I’d rather her not see this unless she has to. Don’t know if you two’ve spoken yet, but… I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell her about this.”
it’s actually only when the light catches the arm that saul does even notice it’s not made of flesh. he knows better than to linger, even when his head’s foggy with drink and fatigue, and he clears his throat as he looks at the table instead. “demons? alright, never mind, kid. taking back that drink offer ‘cos clearly you’ve had enough for the night.” right. demons. okay. drug dealer it is then. 
he’d keep his eyes away but the guys entire getup is hard to just ignore. still counting on waking up soon from whatever nightmare this is, saul props a hand against his cheek as he decides to chance meeting nero’s gaze again for their ‘chat’. “and uhhh nope. haven’t seen shit besides you. i got in about five hours ago, place’s been dead as a doornail. who’s kyrie anyway? girlfriend? doubt your little night time escapades are gunna make for a good first time chat anyhow, so consider your secret safe.”
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ice rattles against the sides of the glass as he brings to his lips. “name’s saul. might as well get that out of the way.”
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lawyerrup · 3 years
“When did I ask you to do anything? I’m not gonna make a guy who just got here clean up after me. What do I look like? An asshole?” A bit of a baited question, sure. He gives the guy a terse smile, blatantly disingenuous, and adds, “Name’s ‘Nero’, by the way. ‘Whacko’ is generally reserved for someone who’s out to kill me. And ‘kid’–” he rises to his feet with a grunt, debating visibly whether he wants to make a break for the bathroom to try and minimize the mess when he realizes that he’s dripping, “–makes you sound like my uncle. Hey, since you’re up, do me a favor… grab me a towel? One under the bathroom sink. You’ll know it when you see it.”
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He’s got a designated towel for these sorts of shenanigans. Why ruin a fresh towel when you’ve already got a bloodstained one? The other concerns go unaddressed. The towel is truly his number one priority at the moment– the offer of a drink can wait.
nero? what kind of a name is that anyway? sounds like one of those energy drinks you’d find at the bottom of the bargain bin. he can’t say much in the way of names but...seriously? is the kid a drug dealer? a failed rapper? he decides not to ask but instead wags his finger at nero. “ah ah, what was that, rewind a few seconds kid. something about not makin’ me clean up after you. think getting a towel constitutes as helping. good thing i’m in a friendly mood, i guess.” he gets up but it’s a freebie. a one time deal.
sure enough there’s a disgusting towel exactly as commanded. jesus, are the cops ten seconds away from busting down the door after this guy? did he kill a whole gang or something? yeah, better not to ask. once you know, you’re involved. and getting involved with this guy ain’t a good look for day one of life on planet nutjob. 
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he tosses the towel at nero before slumping into the seat at the kitchen counter. “is this a regular thing or just a friday night hobby, huh? do i have this to look forward to every night, is what i’m asking.”
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lawyerrup · 3 years
He sees that their new roomie has located Zero’s stash of booze. Can he really blame the guy? It’s not like he himself had a smooth transition into this hellhole, and… well… it’s with a self conscious grimace and ‘tch’ that he realizes the blood that drips from his hair into his face and onto the front of his shirt isn’t helping.
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He tries to wipe it away. He really does. “Keep it down,” he says, hushed, glancing nervously to the bedroom door, moving to kneel by the doormat and unlace his boots. “Kyrie’s been through enough lately.” Blue eyes flick to his boots, unlacing them a little further, then back up to add, almost as though it’s an afterthought, “I’m not gonna kill you. Unless she wakes up.”
It’s a joke. Sorry, buddy. He’s a bit maladjusted in the gore sensitivity department.
he’s not quite ready for jokes about threats of violence but he swallows down his distaste with a thick gulp. “look, i’ll do whatever you want but do you have to drip like that all over the place, sheesh. look at the damn window, would ya? it’ll be a real mother to clean and i ain’t getting on my hands and knees for some whacko who just dirtied up my forced accommodation.” 
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good thing there’s more alcohol or this’d be a freaking nightmare or something. maybe it is. earth to saul, wake the fuck up now! please! he taps the side of his head before pouring a fresh glass. then, and it is with the greatest of hesitations, he lifts up one of the other glasses towards the blood-stained dude. “might as well offer you one too i guess. what d’ya say kid? can’t decide if i should ask about the choice of fabric dye or if its best left to the imagination, honestly. at least tell me you’re not gunna bleed out on the couch or something.”
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lawyerrup · 3 years
random sentence starters: the third
change around as you see fit!
“ i want to be like you. “
“ that is … literally illegal. you’re describing something illegal. “
“ what’s the plan here ? “
“ please just … come home. “
“ all i’m saying is that jurassic park could happen ! “
“ jeez , who pissed in your cornflakes this morning ? “
“ i’m a simple person. i see a cool rock , i pick it up. “
“ you’re so cute and i literally can not handle it right now , so i have to go— “
“ hey , uh , what do you got there ? “
“ we’re not friends. “
“ so , do you come here often or … ? “
“ slow down , i just want to get to know you … “
“ i’m angry at you ! i’m upset ! and you … you don’t even care ! “
“ will you promise to marry me in the future ? “
“ what are your thoughts on having kids ? “
“ oh , come on ! they were literally holding hands and becoming self aware of their own mortality ! it was a sad moment— stop laughing at me ! toy story 3 didn’t have to do us like that ! “
“ you’re my best friend. i’ll always have your back. “
“ … do you want to do something stupid with me ? “
“ you don’t have to be jealous , you know~ “
“ sing me a song. “
“ did you do this ? “
“ for once can you please be honest with me ? “
“ lets run away together. anywhere. i’m tired of this life. “
“ are you binge watching that show on netflix again ? “
“ how much britney spears i’ve listened to in the last 72 hours is none of your business ! “
“ god … i can’t look away , it’s like my eyes are drawn to it. “
“ why are you leaving ? “
“ admit it … i drive you wild. “
“ you’re so infuriating. “
“ i hate this town. “
“ i’m one call away , okay ? just one call. “
“ you want me so bad , don’t you ? “
“ i’ll just live in the forest as a goblin. “
“ you don’t know what i’m capable of. “
“ you want a tattoo of what now ? “
“ i can’t believe i’m confessing this but … i really really like you. “
“ look me in the eye when you’re breaking my heart ! you don’t get to look away , dammit ! “
“ i can’t believe we’ve just sat here for four hours and have done nothing. “
“ hey , hey , hey … guess what ? “
“ you are my platonic soulmate. “
“ someone thought we were a couple so like , we totally just hit best friend goals. “
“ the bigger the boobs , the stronger they are. that’s anime logic , at least. “
“ i can’t believe i fell in love … like an idiot. “
“ i’ve never fallen in love before … what’s it like ? “
“ hello ? 911 ? i’d like to report a murder of my remaining brain cells …. “
“ wow , look who remembered my existence. “
“ you want to hear a story ? oh uh … well … uh … l — let me tell you all about how this boy’s life got flipped turned upside down— “
“ … not many people really talk to me … “
“ tell me all about you. anything. everything. “
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lawyerrup · 3 years
After everything that’s happened, Kyrie is going to kill him the next time he comes home covered in blood. Which is precisely why he’s once again climbing up onto the balcony to slip in through the back door and book it to the shower in the hopes that she’s asleep at three in the morning.
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The good news? She is asleep. The bad news? Their new housemate isn’t. Halfway through the glass door he freezes, making direct eye contact with the guy as he stands in the kitchen, silent for a long few moments before he finally thinks of what to say:
“…the front door squeaks.”
( Get used to it, @lawyerrup​. This is going to be typical for life with a Sparda. )
it’s a lot to process and if anyone says otherwise they’re a damn liar. it’s only night one and it already feels like time has stopped moving altogether, kind of like when something really really shit happens and you just kind of freeze. except the world is frozen this time. he’s not much of a smoker but if he had a cigarette it’d be ash between his fingers by now. the leftover whisky in the cupboard will do for now.
he’s draining the last of his third glass however when something even stranger than getting transported to a freako island full of weirdos and people carrying katanas in the street happens. a guy climbs through the window covered in something that doesn’t exactly look like ketchup. 
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“right.” down goes the last drops in the glass. great, just great. what’s worse is that this isn’t even the strangest shit he’s seen in his life. now what does that say about him? “if you’re gunna kill me at least let me put my pants back on first.”
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lawyerrup · 3 years
not doing a proper intro but it’s me, the ivy, from @invitedeath . he/fae pronouns, big fan of cats and their content. 
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lawyerrup · 3 years
a lawyer you can trust. no really. i mean it. most lawyers are kinda sleazy lets admit it but at least he’s more up front about it right? 
sometimes your rp muse is just a 48 year old american dude from the best tv show ever made and we just have to deal with that
very much going by ‘saul goodman’ here, see these business cards he has? saul goodman, get it? because s’all good, man! 
so you’re an anime villain busted for destroying another block of apartments, maybe you’re one of those comic book guys always robbing banks or stealing necklaces off of rich old white ladies well you’re in luck because saul specialises in helping those usually unable to get the “”proper”” lawyers on their side. not out of the goodness of his heart though, it’ll cost you.
he’s actually a good guy he’s just a bit shady. a bit slippery. but that is why he’s lovable trust me. he’s a bisexual king he just gets caught up in bad shit and i will be his defender in court. can’t believe i had to look up american laws and shit to rp this guy i fucking hate my life choices sometimes
used to work for one of the most infamous drug kingpins in america; heisenberg. can’t say it was a great time! it was kind of a bad time! 
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lawyerrup · 3 years
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Oh, don’t you fucking “Oh, Jimmy” me. You look down on me? You pity me? Walk away. That’s right, Howard. You know why I didn’t take the job? ‘Cause it’s too small! I don’t care about it! It’s nothing to me! It’s a bacterium!
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lawyerrup · 3 years
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lawyerrup · 4 years
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he sucks and I love him
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lawyerrup · 4 years
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Better Call Saul 4x10 “Winner” || 5x10 “Something Unforgivable”
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