lawgoddess · 3 years
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EDITION #2495 – DECEMBER 3, 2021 Before commenting to the newsletter, please read the FAQ first. mxa_news is now cross-posting on tumblr at mxa-news.tumblr.com. Follow us there! Challenges/Fests camelot_drabble: Prompt #483 Masterlist! camelot_drabble: Prompt #484 Sign-ups! merlin_holidays: Submissions due now! Discussion/Meta merlin_forever: Merlin Re-Watch: 5X12 and 5X13: The Diamond of the Day, parts 1 & 2 Fanart Sunfall_of_Ennien: The Morning After Fanfic: In Progress [M/A] thingswelost2: I miss you more than I remember you 2/7 (R) 4920 The lake would still be there, staring back at him. Taunting him for remembering, for being alive. "I hope you’re resting, Arthur. I hope you’re not waiting too," he spoke to the darkness, his fingers gripping at the counter as his eyes closed. yet another fix-it fic because I need it [M/A] LadyAuroraPendragon: It Happens All The Time (1/10) (PG-13) 1190 And then it was just Merlin and Arthur, standing in the middle of carnage, just a few feet from each other. It was honestly perfectly normal, it happened all the time. Arthur put away his sword, laughing a little, in his 'I can't believe I didn't die' laugh he did sometimes, which was kind of cute and again, perfectly normal. Then he was stepping over a dead man and coming toward Merlin quickly, and Merlin expected to be yelled at, for not helping or whatever usual utter rubbish Arthur says, because that too, happens all the time. It was completely normal....but This, THIS wasn't normal at all. [M/A] zoingeroni: what good is being a knight if you can't admire each other's bodies (NC-17) 2875 Arthur wants to do a dick measuring contest. Leon says that's body negative and that they should do a dick appreciation contest instead. [M/A] Dark_Angel23: Shine Your Love, Show Your Light, Pull Me Out From This Endless Night (1/13) (PG-13) 1701 Merlin has no idea who is giving him these gifts. He just wishes that it wasn't happening while Arthur was angry with him for hiding his magic. [M/A] LiGi: A Boyfriend is Not Just for Christmas (1/10) (PG-13) 694 When Merlin's mate, Will, was teasing him about being single, Merlin cracked and simply invented a boyfriend to make Will shut up. Unfortunately, his mum overheard and was so happy for him, that he couldn't bring himself to tell her that it wasn’t true. Things got a little out of hand when Merlin continued to embellish the lie until he had a fully-formed pretend serious boyfriend that his mum wanted him to bring to the family Christmas party... It was only when his friend, Gwen, pointed out that the boyfriend Merlin had made up sounded a bit like Arthur - who was part of their group of friends but not Merlin's favourite person in the world - that the idea of asking the prat to pretend to be his boyfriend at the party formed. Perhaps not the best idea ever - Merlin just hoped to be able to make it through the party without anyone guessing the truth. Fanfic: Complete [M/A] MargoGreen: That's Not How You Forge An Alliance (R) 4118 Merlin gets injured while hunting with Arthur. [M/A] Mergin: Hardly Dismissed (R) 1519 Merlin had long been done with his chores and sat on the stool near Arthur's bed waiting for him to come back. This was getting ridiculous, Merlin kept thinking; it had been going on for over a week now. [M/A] Bluebellstar: One Morning in Camelot Cottage (PG-13) 1214 A few weeks into their new relationship, Arthur is bored with Merlin's usual wake-up phrases. An off hand comment sees Merlin singing to him. This is as bad as it sounds. Also wherein the boys are a little domestic, and Morgana has the last laugh. (Series: Part 2 of the Camelot Cottage series) [M/A] remaymber: isn’t it delicate? (G) 2073 And he really would’ve told Merlin all of this, if their bond, their companionship weren’t so vital for not only their future, but Camelot’s. But in all the small moments of short lived touches, ever-so-quickly fading loving smiles and just a tad too-long eye contact, he is just scared to break the beauty of what they are. They are everything and nothing, no label to restrict them and no borders to bind them. They have everything and nothing, and how could he ever dare to break their beauty? (Series: Part 1 of the A merthury, merthury christmas! series) [M/A] green_leaves_in_hell: Six out of six (R) 1022 At one of the banquets at Camelot, Arthur picks up some tension between Merlin and the knights he hasn't noticed before. A little tipsy, he decides to confront Merlin back in their chamber. [M/A] Angst_BuriTTo: Holiday Ace (PG-13) 573 Arthur always thought something was wrong with him - thought he was just weird...(Series: Part 1 of the December 2021 Merlin Flash Bingo series) [M/A] Katharina_riddle: Stupid bandits. (NR) 1183 Okey, so. Hanging upside down ain’t much fun. He’s been tortured countless times, but never upside down. It’s creative though. Somehow, the knights found trouble again. This time though? This time Merlin doesn’t agree. No sir. Kidnapping people is rude. [M/A] Anonymous: Bound (G) 5548 Merlin immediately falls for a newer cashier at the local book store, but he has a couple of secrets that Merlin didn't expect. [M/A] SnufflesThePig: Merlin and Arthur tag along with Harry Potter (and the Philosopher's Stone) (NR) 65548 Merlin’s been keeping a close eye on the Riddle boy. It’s the flirting with the Balance that sets Riddle apart, makes him Merlin’s business. Merlin’s never gone out of his way to involve himself. When Riddle drags a baby boy into his mess, though, it’s too far. It’s a little too close to that life-for-a-life business. A little too close to Queen Ygraine’s death. Arthur agrees. They’re not the only ones watching. Albus Dumbledore has inserted himself and is already deconstructing the situation, putting measures into place and making plans. The boy is taken care of. Merlin and Arthur make some plans of their own. ------------------- Merlin and Arthur take note the night Harry Potter cheats death (the first time). When the boy turns 11, they decide it's high time they went back to Hogwarts. [M/A] 50quid (hahahaharlequin): Preemptive Measures (G) 1623 Ever since Merlin and his partner had gotten around to adopting their little girl, Gwaine couldn't help calling over to chat. And since he was busy during the day with work, and running after criminals, his only relatively flexible time was in the evenings, regardless if he had to bring home some paperwork, or he was at a stakeout- he'd still find the time to call Merlin's home, and chat with Aithusa. (Series: Part 6 of the caMEMElot series, Part 1 of the December Flash Bingo, 2021 - Fills series) [M/A] a_written_dream: telepathic heart (R) 6675 You had me under spell right from the start I don't have a telepathic heart / But I don't ever know just what we are I don't have a telepathic heart Merlin gets cheated on and starts a fight. Arthur saves his ass and patches him up. Surely it's no surprise that a love confession or two follow.(Series: Part 2 of the A Test of Strength and Courage (melee challenge fics) series) [M/A] tsundanire: Provoking Provocatively (NC-17) 3366 “Shit. Fuck. Ah dammit!” Merlin swore, not having realised who he’d crashed into quite yet. Arthur, for his part, wanted to shoot back with some witty rejoinder, but found his mouth to be quite dry. Again, his cheeks burned, and if Merlin didn’t get off his person soon...they’d be facing a slightly bigger problem. Or the one in which Arthur discovers he's got a thing for hearing Merlin swear. [M/A] illiterateowl: realizations (PG-13) 1972 What if Arthur didn’t love him? What if this was just a casual thing? What if Arthur had planned on breaking it off anyway because Merlin wasn’t good enough for him? He could barely sleep that night, despite Arthur’s warm chest against his back and his strong arm slung around his chest, hand over Merlin’s heart. It felt like a lie. If Arthur truly loved him, why couldn’t he say it back? [M/A] Augurey_Ray: Where I feel at home (G) 2128 Merlin has kept the subject of Camelot quiet since Arthur’s return and Arthur doesn't understand why. (Series: Part 36 of the Rays Merthur Song Fics series)
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lawgoddess · 3 years
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EDITION #2390 – APRIL 2, 2021  
Before commenting to the newsletter, please read the FAQ first. mxa_news is now cross-posting on tumblr at mxa-news.tumblr.com. Follow us there! Challenges/Fests camelot_drabble: Prompt #452 Masterlist! camelot_drabble: Prompt #453 Sign-ups! merlin_fests: April 2021 tavernfest: ROUND #3: SUPERHEROES & SECRET IDENTITIES merlinbingo: merlinbingo: April Bonus Badge Fanfic: In Progress [M/A] KD_M: The Selection of Arthur Pendragon (1/?) (PG-13) 995 When Arthur Pendragon woke up that morning, the Prince and Heir Apparent of Camelot was not expecting to announce his very own Selection. Neither was Merlin, the prince’s best friend and PA whose secretly in love with him. So of course, when the daughters of 35 lords throughout the kingdom are paraded in front of Arthur with the demands that one of them will be his wife, it throws some hurdles into what was a seamless routine and definitely not filled with soulful and homoerotic pining. [M/A] prattery: Stone Cold (1/3) (G) 2450 Five years have passed since Arthur exiled Merlin. Four since the druids were welcomed back into Camelot. Three since Camelot repealed the ban on magic, and two since Arthur appointed Gaius the Court Sorcerer. He never heard from Merlin once, and it’s only now that he finds out why. [M/A] LunaMyLove: Next to You (It's the Rule) (2/?) (PG-13) 7922 Arthur and Merlin have a special relationship. They always have, even when they were prince and servant. While many question it when first noticing, eventually it becomes an understanding in Camelot—and even among some other countries—that where there is Arthur, there is Merlin. And, where there is Merlin, there is Arthur. Or Arthur and Merlin's relationship as witnessed and explained by others. [M/A] OnceFutureEmrys: Not All Rainy Days Are Bad (1/2) (PG-13) 3574 But he decides that day that he hates thunderstorms. He hates the claps of lightning, the loud noises of droplets hitting his window. The strong winds that shake his little room and give him goosebumps along his arms. Suffice to say, Merlin decides at the age of eight that he most definitely hates the rain. And nothing could convince him otherwise. -OR- Merlin hates the rain because something bad always happens. Then one rainy day he meets Arthur and his entire life changes.(Series: Part 4 of the My Merlin Bingo Fills 2021 series, Part 1 of the My Melee Challenges series) [M/A] RavenGirl42: Love or Tears I'm Here (4/5) (NC-17) 6684 Merlin and Arthur meet for the first time on the day Merlin gets engaged. A month later Merlin’s life falls apart and it is Arthur who is there for him, helping him pick up the pieces. But when Merlin decides he’s ready to begin his life again, Arthur needs to change his approach if he's to win Merlin’s heart and avoid being left behind. [M/A] Problematic_Writer: Merlin Murder Mystery (1/?) (NR) 192 A murderer is loose in Camelot, But who is it? and who is going to be next? Who will survive in the Merlin Murder Mystery? Fanfic: Complete [M/A] archaeologist_d: Blind Date (PG-13) 1346 Morgana insists that Arthur go on a blind date. But not the ordinary kind. The kind where the customers at the restaurant are blind-folded so that they can better appreciate the food. And not judge people by their looks. [M/A] YulianaHenderson: The Dragonlord's Son (PG-13) 3352 Merlin has always dreamed about meeting his father, never knowing if he was even still alive, never knowing if that wish would ever be granted. When it finally happens, and it's torn away from him just as quickly as it's given, he's not surprised. It's a little too difficult to deal with, so against his better judgment, he confides in his master and best friend. (Series: Part 4 of the Merlin Rewrites series) [M/A] francesforever: It Started Suddenly and was Terrific and Gentle (G) 334 “he is scared, you feel it all around him, all the time, these days. he is brave, or stupid, or mad, he runs into danger but he won’t stop running away from you, so he must be brave or stupid or mad or he must not know who you are.” OR: some vague writing loosely based around merlin/arthur ! [M/A] YulianaHenderson: Jealousy Really Doesn't Suit You (PG-13) 1138 "Either he goes, or I go." “What?” “I can’t share you like this, Merlin. I need to know where we stand. So, either Jasper goes, or I go.” Merlin frowned in confusion, then laughed, a little uncomfortably. “You’re kidding, right?” “No.” [M/A] Wild_wood_witch: My armour; My shield (NR) 692 He used his hand to tip Merlin's chin so he was looking the king in the eye's, "You will never have to hide anything ever again. Not from me. Tommorow we will go into this fight against Morgana and we will win. I know because I'll have you. You are my armour, my power. My reason I fight. When all of it is done we will rule together to strive for a better future for all." OR The night before the battle Arthur comforts Merlin who is unsure of his magic. (Series: Part 2 of the My heart; my everything series) [M/A] Blake: Last First Kiss (R) 8152 In a time of ancient gods, warlords and kings, a land in turmoil cried out for a hero. And so did Merlyn, who was tired of using her magic to milk cows. [M/A] Fictionista654: Possession (NC-17) 2124 Merlin gets Arthur drunk. Then Arthur takes charge. [M/A] coldishcase: Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely (R) 1583 It has been so long, and Merlin is still alone, left to wait endlessly for the man he failed to save. The man he loves above all else. When the waiting gets to be too much, Merlin takes destiny into his own hands. The prophecied outcome has always been his fault before; Morgana's Corruption, Mordred's hate, Arthur's Death. Why not create Albion's time of greatest need himself, and force Arthur to come back to stop him? To take him to Avalon, so he can finally rest in peace. (Series:Part 3 of the Merlin 2021 Rewatch Canon Divergent Drabbles & Fics series) [M/A] Ana_Jacobs: Fools' Day (G) 8031 The knights convince (more like trick) Arthur to retire the ban on an ancient festivity: Fools' Day. During this day, the roles of servants and masters are reversed, which implies that Merlin is going to be king for a day and Arthur is going to be his… servant. Arthur dreads the day, and when it finally comes, he waits anxiously for all the horrible things Merlin will do to him as a revenge for all the shit Arthur makes him go through. But, of course, he wasn’t counting on the fact that Merlin is, apart from a little shit, a precious cinnamon roll. A bit of humour (so sorry about that one, I’m hopeless) and lots of fluff. [M/A] NamelesslyNightlock, Rabentochter: Same as Always (PG-13) 3228 Arthur should have been celebrating. His knights certainly were. But there on the field of Camlann, surrounded by the sounds of victory… he couldn’t tear his devastated gaze from Merlin. (Series: Part 39 of the This Was A Bad Idea (but we know what we're doing) series) [M/A] tehfanglyfish: Merlin And The Terrible, Awful, No Good, Excellent, Amazing Birthday (PG-13) 1724 All Merlin wanted for his birthday was a day off, but that was too bad, because Arthur hadn’t even remembered that it was Merlin’s birthday. Or had he? [M/A] AmithiaEmrys (amithia): Chapter Four - The Unspoken (G) 2080 When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle And it just so happens that magic has a way of revealing truths buried deep inside [M/A] DSabian: Incrimination, Misplaced Paperwork and Smug Clotpoles (PG-13) 960 From the tumbler post I can't find the link to about Immortals who don't keep track of their personal papers well enough. Arthur is in the present, reincarnated-ish (he walked out of the lake with his sword still in his hand, it's Arthur, idk what to tell you) and Merlin is showing him all of his favourite places, when Arthur stumbles upon something Merlin really wishes the smug clotpole had never seen. Rated Teen for the swears. Can be read as pre-slash, one sided or gen as takes your fancy, but I'm all for dumb boys in love being dumb. [M/A] sam4587: Everything You Deserve (and more) (G) 1482 Merlin and Arthur settle in to watch the award show where Morgana is nominated for one of the categories. During the show, a surprise is waiting for them. [M/A] seapotato: Spangled is the Earth (G) 5346 Arthur was, to his dismay, disgustingly besotted. The worst part was he liked it. --- A short series of Merlin and Arthur in winter. (Series: Part 3 of the Wintering series) [M/A] TheCourtSorcerer: Trouble, Trouble (PG-13) 1954 “Arthur’s going to have our heads if he realizes we brought her back,” he hummed, sounding amused at the idea. “You’re sure she’s stopped with the whole, burning holes through doors to get to you thing?” Merlin paused in his step as they walked down the corridor, thinking a moment, before finally shrugging. “Pretty sure. We’ll be fine! Unless we’re late to another meeting, come on, walk faster.” Or Merlin & Gwaine sneak Aithusa into the castle behind Arthur's back before a council meeting. [M/A] powered_by_notes: Pieces of Me are Pieces of You (G) 1839 Months after finding out about his servant's magic during the Battle of Camlan, Arthur finally conveys the appreciation he holds for Merlin. [M/A] TyalanganD: Should Have Seen It Coming (PG-13) 1230 Merlin is an idiot. He loves Arthur, but he doesn't want to have sex with him. And Arthur doesn't know. [M/A] TheMagicArts: Love the Way You Lie (NR) 14134 "Arthur closed his eyes. He wished that he was not King. If only he could love whomever he wanted. If he could have been an ordinary man, he would have loved Merlin. Destiny was cruel." Arthur marries Gwen and breaks his own heart and Merlin's in the process. If you're looking for an angsty time, but a happy and smutty ending, then this is a fic for you! [M/A] Fictionista654: In Which Arthur Encounters a Sword, a Stone, and a Sorcerer (PG-13) 8949 “Let me get this straight,” said Arthur, hoping his voice wouldn’t fail him. “You’re saying that I, Arthur Who-Lives-On-The-Hill, am actually Arthur Pendragon, son of Uther Pendragon, and rightful king of Camelot?” “You’re a little thick, aren’t you,” Merlin said cheerfully. [M/A] samm_jpg: A Dragon's Treasure (G) 4830 When Merlin learned that he was a Dragonlord, he didn’t entirely know what that meant, and he obviously didn’t get enough time with his father to learn. All Merlin knew about his newfound heritage was that he was kin to dragons, and could command them. Nothing could have prepared him for this. [M/A] recklessDreamer: How (not) to spy on a warlock (PG-13) 7134 When Arthur and the knights notice that Merlin sometimes leaves the castle at night they want to find out what he is hiding. This leads to a bet, several ill-fated attempts to get the truth out of Merlin, a confused warlock and one epic love confession. Or something like that. (Series: Part 1 of the The Knights being idiots (but they mean well) series) Miscellaneous merthurzine: WHAT DO YOU WANT THE TITLE TO BE?
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lawgoddess · 4 years
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EDITION #2234 – MAY 22, 2020 
 Before commenting to the newsletter, please read the FAQ first. mxa_news is now cross-posting on tumblr at mxa-news.tumblr.com. Follow us there! News/Resources merlincastnews: BRADLEY JAMES: INTERVIEW WITH THE PODCAST DESTINY AND CHICKEN Challenges/Fests camelot_drabble: Prompt #413 Sign-ups! camelot_drabble: Prompt # 412 Masterlist! merlin_forever: Promoting Merlin Canon Fest Discussion/Meta merlin_forever: Merlin Re-watch Reminder: 1X11 - The Labyrinth of Gedref Fanart lesgrandtears: sometimes i feel i can hardly breathe everyone expects so much of me. raging-titan: merthur doodles maryluis: Do this Merlin, do that Merlin! zeramara: AU where everyone lives, Merlin can use magic freely, and they all lived happily ever after Multimedia MistbornHero: Podfic of Rescue Me by SlantedKnitting Fanfic: In Progress [M/A] USER: A Professional Relationship (1/?) (R) 1931 “No. Absolutely not,” Arthur stared at the man who not twenty minutes ago rear ended him. “You’re fired. Get out,” he stated simply as he made his way towards the elevators. Merlin gets a job at Pendragon Industries as an assistant to the Chairman's son, Arthur. They don't get off on the best foot. (Merthur Office AU). [M/A +] Impala_Cherry_Trickster: Together? (1/2) (NC-17) 1342 Gwaine's been mentoring Arthur on how to get Merlin into his bed, until things change quite suddenly. [M/A] schweet_heart: marginalia (1/3) (NC-17) 2898 He pushed open the door to his chambers. There, where he had left it, was his old oak bed, the hangings freshly cleaned and re-hung in preparation for his arrival; there was his desk, his dining table, the familiar worn-smooth stones of the hearth where a welcome fire was blazing. And there, standing with his back to the window, was his manservant, arms folded across his chest, leaning casually against the stonework as he waited for his king. Sometimes, the most important moments are the ones that happen in between battles. Or: Merlin and Arthur steer Camelot towards a Golden Age together.(Series: Part 205 of the Merlin Fic series) [M/A] Silur: Merlin - A Time Reversal (1/26) (G) 1112 Arthur closed his eyes and knew that his kingdom was safe. He knew that he could go without any grievances. What he didn't know was, what he would do, if he was ever to return. What diffrences could he make, if time was reversed? Maybe... Maybe some things wouldn't end like they had. Maybe he wanted some things to stay. Somebody to stay... "Hey." He turned around. "Come on, it's enough." "What?" "You've had your fun my friend." Fanfic: Complete [M/A] bunnysworld: Social Distancing (G) 619 Merlin and Arthur perfect social distancing. [M/A] open_spellbook: I found you at the back of some party, then later I found you in my heart... (NR) 607 Merlin finds Arthur by accident, after all those years of waiting Merlin should be over joyed, if it wasn't for the fact Arthur had no clue who he is and just desperately wants to make out with him… And if only poor Merlin wouldn't cry so much… (Series: Part 2 of the The places Merlin and Arthur went... (open for prompts!) series) [M/A] Gilli_ann: Announcement (G) 200 Prince Arthur and Merlin will face the world together for the first time as their engagement is announced. (Series: Part 3 of the Royal Wedding series) [M/A] Saturning: Sugar abomination with caffeine (NR) 1271 Another coffeeshop AU but in this one Arthur orders the worst drink imaginable and Merlin - the waiter - absolutely can’t take it. [M/A] CaesarWasntEmperor: I Can See the Fire in Your Eyes (G) 5080 The new king blinked, a slight frown settling, faint crinkles forming above the bridge of his nose, as his father finished, “the boy, your love, Merlin,” the phantom spat, “he has, is, magic. Destroy him, the one the Druids call Emrys, and you will wield a fear over magic we can only imagine.” “Merlin?” Arthur whispered. “Merlin has magic,” Uther reaffirmed, and Arthur was sure he saw flames burning in his eyes as he mentioned the name, as if memories of all those sent to burn passed across his mind in a flash. Uther, being able to see most things in his kingdom while in the afterlife, reveals Merlin's secret to Arthur before the new King leaves the veil. [M/A] TheAsexualofSpades: I promise (G) 2253 Merlin's been off the past few days. Arthur knows. The knights know. They just have to figure out why. Well, no. Arthur has to figure out why. The knights are making sure he knows that if it's his fault they won't be happy. (Series: Part 58 of the Quarantine Drabbles series) [M/A] tops: Lost Without You (G) 1865 Merlin has been waiting for centuries. Lonely and lost without his destiny. But something is different about today. Today, the lake stirs. [M/A] USERallthingsmagical: A Different Kind Of Experience (PG-13) 16448 Sequel to work experience. Merlin is pregnant again and Arthur is happy to share this one with him. [M/A] SwanFloatieKnight: Breakfast For Dragons (G) 358 It is just like Arthur to oversleep when he has to feed Aithusa. (Series: Part 13 of the Camelot Crack Ficlets series) [M/A] Krank: Safe and Sound (PG-13) 1947 Don't you dare look out your window, darling, everything's on fire With nothing left, Merlin uses everything he has to make Arthur comfortable. [M/A] bunnysworld: Social Distancing (G) 611 Merlin and Arthur perfect social distancing. Maybe they get a bit too good at it? [M/A] arthur_pendragon: you, where are you (G) 355 an edit of Merlin and Arthur, along with poems from each to the other. [M/A] Mischel: Stay. (G) 1989 Arthur and Morgana overhear Merlin's conversation with his mother, and after magic is used in the fight, they both realize that Merlin is a sorcerer. Despite not really wanting to, Arthur decides that Merlin should stay in Ealdor. Now it's Morgana's job to kick Arthur back to Ealdor to get their friend back. But that is not the only reason Arthur wants Merlin to stay with him. Set in the episode 1x10 The Moment of Truth. (Series: Part 10 of the Merlin Rewatch 2020 series) [M/A] musiclover57: Remembering (NR) 1251 Sequel to 2020. Arthur remembers, and he and Merlin talk. (Series: Part 2 of Endings and Beginnings) [M/A] Val_Creative: I Got You (And You Got Me) (PG-13) 1047 It’s already halfway through the day when Merlin’s foot pushes in the screen door. He never did learn to knock. [M/A] rowrowrowthatsme: Picnic (G) 724 Arthur is acting weird, and Merlin is determined to figure out why.
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lawgoddess · 4 years
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EDITION #2227 – MAY 8, 2020  
Before commenting to the newsletter, please read the FAQ first. mxa_news is now cross-posting on tumblr at mxa-news.tumblr.com. Follow us there! News/Resources a_shot_of_brad: Bradley vs Technology (video) merlincastnews: BRADLEY JAMES: HOSTING SECOND CHARITY QUIZ - 'MEDICI' THEMED. FRIDAY 15 MAY 2020 (VIDEO) merlincastnews: BRADLEY JAMES: VIDEO OF 'MEDICI' CAST Q&A SESSION Challenges/Fests camelot_drabble: Prompt #411 Sign-ups! Discussion/Meta merlin_forever: Merlin Rewatch Reminder: 1X09- Excalibur Fanfic: In Progress [M/A] OnSomeMerlinBs: they were just a couple of idiots in love (1/3) (PG-13) 1343 It seems like Arthur and Merlin are the only people who don't know they're both completely in love with each other. [M/A] Sunfall_of_Ennien: Just Don't Run Away (2/4) (NC-17) 4842 While it is Arthur's actions that incite the wrath of King Uther, it is Merlin's mouth--and his loyalty to Arthur--that get him into trouble. [M/A] Cello_trash: Making Windows Where There Were Once Walls (2/4) (PG-13) 4502 When Merlin entered his chambers, Arthur was already awake, and ordered Merlin to prepare two horses for a hunting trip. “Is it too much to hope that you’ll be taking Leon or Lancelot,” Merlin had asked, his voice laced with fake sweetness. “Stop being lazy, Merlin. It is an honor to be invited on a hunting trip with the king,” Arthur replied haughtily. “An invitation implies there being a choice, sire.” Or, yet another magic reveal fic with lots of angst, but also a fluffy happy ending with Merthur romance, because apparently I think there can never be enough of them. [M/A] kio_kio: Artea Pedrazzini, Queen of Carloman (1/4) (NC-17) 2254 No one had heard the country named "Carloman". However, all the papers looked correct, so they were let into the gates, but they were told to go straight to see the king. The king was suspicious. He kept most people out of the throne room, only his most trusted and just enough people to not make it look suspicious. His most trusted knights, Merlin, and himself. The rest of his knights at all entrances and exits, just in case. They may be a new enemy, or maybe a future ally. With Morgana still at large, it was always better safe than sorry. The doors to the throne room had opened and 6 people walked in. (Or: Arthur and Merlin meet their female counterparts from alternate realities. Sexy shenanigans may happen.) [M/A] Sheheryar_Shahid: Hidden (1/?) (G) 2179 Ever since the Dolma, Arthur has been looking for more examples of magic being used for good and a young boy brought in for trial brings him an opportunity and some revelations that change everything he was ever taught to believe in. [M/A] eliobelio: The Golden-Eyed King (1/?) (PG-13) 1471 Merlin, the young warlock destined to protect the arrogant future king, never imagined that his existence in Camelot would lead to discoveries beyond his imagination. First love, the discovery that the object of his destiny is more magical than he seems, the true owner of the throne in question... this was going to be one hell of a ride. Fanfic: Complete [M/A] martinsahedgehog: To Be King (PG-13) 1513 Sherlock crossover- Moriarty has cursed King John, leaving Sherlock to look after their kingdom and deal with this annoying king and his equally annoying knights. [M/A] SwanFloatieKnight: An Attempt At Skype (G) 1215 There is one thing that Arthur would never have expected of Uther: that his father ever would get a webcam. [M/A] eliobelio: The King’s Return (NR) 2509 After a century of waiting, pining, desperately trying to remember his lost friend, Merlin finally sees Arthur’s return. But, as the feelings that had been buried hundreds of years ago begin to resurface, and Arthur enters an unknown and terrifying world, it will not be an easy ride. [M/A] SwanFloatieKnight: The Grade (G) 333 Arthur only has one braincell, but it looks like he doesn't use it all the time. Maybe he should though. (Series: Part 9 of the Camelot Crack Drabbles series) [M/A] Astralda0602: He Is My Friend (G) 4711 Arthur Pendragon always knew his father could be cruel, but just how cruel he did not realise. Only when his only friend's life was at stake did he finally figure it out. With Merlin almost having died because of Uther's pride, Arthur finally confronts his father. [M/A] YellowAndVeritablyBonaFide: Jumpers aren’t supposed to be this bothersome (G) 4655 The Pendragon’s host a casual get together while Uther is away. Arthur spends the entire time with Merlin (of course) until... he spends a moment with Gwen and Merlin takes it entirely the wrong way. [M/A] HonoraryFox : Here's to second chances? (PG-13) 4501 For the 'Knife to the throat' square on my bad things happen bingo card. Merlin returns home to an entirely too tidy house and he knows something is wrong. (Series: Part 1 of the Bad Things Happen Bingo 2020 series) [M/A] BlueBigfoot: Crushing Feelings (G) 2429 Arthur is rattled when a sorcerer calls him a coward moments before her execution. He is finally forced to face his feelings. [M/A] 0hHeyThereBigBadWolf: The Affairs of Dragons (R) 2569 Men should never meddle in them. It tends to end in most disastrous fashion. For the men, anyways. (Series: Part 6 of the Tales of a Dragon and His Prince series) [M/A] litbeyondmeasure: The Hearts of Men (NR) 8203 He pushed up his crown with a crooked smile that sent Arthur's stomach into cartwheels. It was much too big, and the previous utterance of the reason being that it was proof of Arthur's big head slid aside at the spark that danced across Merlin's eyes. When Arthur Pendragon finds his servant tied to a stake on a trek through the kingdom, his heart is left shattered for reasons he can't explain. And, as time wears on, his feelings flourish into something deeper than friendship. Try as he might, he cannot prevail in this particular battle. With everything to prove as a monarch and even more to lose, Arthur must either relinquish his emotion or his throne. But the hearts of men are complex creatures and cannot be reasoned with. [M/A] USER: The Boy I Was (The Man You Made Me) (G) 705 Arthur realizes just how much he’s changed since Merlin came around. [M/A] wordsss: the Definitive guide to King Arthur's laughter (G) 1298 Arthur doesn’t laugh as often as he should, but when he does, he picks from a handful of curated sounds. [M/A] Mischel: And the Reason Is You (G) 3833 What if Merlin took little Mordred to hide in Arthur's chambers instead of Morgana's? Would Arthur betray his own father in order to help them or would he hand them over to the guards instead? When Merlin bursts through the door and sees Arthur there, he has no idea what the prince will do. But the length to which Arthur is willing to go for Merlin will surprise them both. Set in the episode 1x08 The Beginning of the End. (Series: Part 8 of the Merlin Rewatch 2020 series) EDITION #2227 – MAY 8, 2020  Before commenting to the newsletter, please read the FAQ first. mxa_news is now cross-posting on tumblr at mxa-news.tumblr.com. Follow us there! News/Resources a_shot_of_brad: Bradley vs Technology (video) merlincastnews: BRADLEY JAMES: HOSTING SECOND CHARITY QUIZ - 'MEDICI' THEMED. FRIDAY 15 MAY 2020 (VIDEO) merlincastnews: BRADLEY JAMES: VIDEO OF 'MEDICI' CAST Q&A SESSION Challenges/Fests camelot_drabble: Prompt #411 Sign-ups! Discussion/Meta merlin_forever: Merlin Rewatch Reminder: 1X09- Excalibur Fanfic: In Progress [M/A] OnSomeMerlinBs: they were just a couple of idiots in love (1/3) (PG-13) 1343 It seems like Arthur and Merlin are the only people who don't know they're both completely in love with each other. [M/A] Sunfall_of_Ennien: Just Don't Run Away (2/4) (NC-17) 4842 While it is Arthur's actions that incite the wrath of King Uther, it is Merlin's mouth--and his loyalty to Arthur--that get him into trouble. [M/A] Cello_trash: Making Windows Where There Were Once Walls (2/4) (PG-13) 4502 When Merlin entered his chambers, Arthur was already awake, and ordered Merlin to prepare two horses for a hunting trip. “Is it too much to hope that you’ll be taking Leon or Lancelot,” Merlin had asked, his voice laced with fake sweetness. “Stop being lazy, Merlin. It is an honor to be invited on a hunting trip with the king,” Arthur replied haughtily. “An invitation implies there being a choice, sire.” Or, yet another magic reveal fic with lots of angst, but also a fluffy happy ending with Merthur romance, because apparently I think there can never be enough of them. [M/A] kio_kio: Artea Pedrazzini, Queen of Carloman (1/4) (NC-17) 2254 No one had heard the country named "Carloman". However, all the papers looked correct, so they were let into the gates, but they were told to go straight to see the king. The king was suspicious. He kept most people out of the throne room, only his most trusted and just enough people to not make it look suspicious. His most trusted knights, Merlin, and himself. The rest of his knights at all entrances and exits, just in case. They may be a new enemy, or maybe a future ally. With Morgana still at large, it was always better safe than sorry. The doors to the throne room had opened and 6 people walked in. (Or: Arthur and Merlin meet their female counterparts from alternate realities. Sexy shenanigans may happen.) [M/A] Sheheryar_Shahid: Hidden (1/?) (G) 2179 Ever since the Dolma, Arthur has been looking for more examples of magic being used for good and a young boy brought in for trial brings him an opportunity and some revelations that change everything he was ever taught to believe in. [M/A] eliobelio: The Golden-Eyed King (1/?) (PG-13) 1471 Merlin, the young warlock destined to protect the arrogant future king, never imagined that his existence in Camelot would lead to discoveries beyond his imagination. First love, the discovery that the object of his destiny is more magical than he seems, the true owner of the throne in question... this was going to be one hell of a ride. Fanfic: Complete [M/A] martinsahedgehog: To Be King (PG-13) 1513 Sherlock crossover- Moriarty has cursed King John, leaving Sherlock to look after their kingdom and deal with this annoying king and his equally annoying knights. [M/A] SwanFloatieKnight: An Attempt At Skype (G) 1215 There is one thing that Arthur would never have expected of Uther: that his father ever would get a webcam. [M/A] eliobelio: The King’s Return (NR) 2509 After a century of waiting, pining, desperately trying to remember his lost friend, Merlin finally sees Arthur’s return. But, as the feelings that had been buried hundreds of years ago begin to resurface, and Arthur enters an unknown and terrifying world, it will not be an easy ride. [M/A] SwanFloatieKnight: The Grade (G) 333 Arthur only has one braincell, but it looks like he doesn't use it all the time. Maybe he should though. (Series: Part 9 of the Camelot Crack Drabbles series) [M/A] Astralda0602: He Is My Friend (G) 4711 Arthur Pendragon always knew his father could be cruel, but just how cruel he did not realise. Only when his only friend's life was at stake did he finally figure it out. With Merlin almost having died because of Uther's pride, Arthur finally confronts his father. [M/A] YellowAndVeritablyBonaFide: Jumpers aren’t supposed to be this bothersome (G) 4655 The Pendragon’s host a casual get together while Uther is away. Arthur spends the entire time with Merlin (of course) until... he spends a moment with Gwen and Merlin takes it entirely the wrong way. [M/A] HonoraryFox : Here's to second chances? (PG-13) 4501 For the 'Knife to the throat' square on my bad things happen bingo card. Merlin returns home to an entirely too tidy house and he knows something is wrong. (Series: Part 1 of the Bad Things Happen Bingo 2020 series) [M/A] BlueBigfoot: Crushing Feelings (G) 2429 Arthur is rattled when a sorcerer calls him a coward moments before her execution. He is finally forced to face his feelings. [M/A] 0hHeyThereBigBadWolf: The Affairs of Dragons (R) 2569 Men should never meddle in them. It tends to end in most disastrous fashion. For the men, anyways. (Series: Part 6 of the Tales of a Dragon and His Prince series) [M/A] litbeyondmeasure: The Hearts of Men (NR) 8203 He pushed up his crown with a crooked smile that sent Arthur's stomach into cartwheels. It was much too big, and the previous utterance of the reason being that it was proof of Arthur's big head slid aside at the spark that danced across Merlin's eyes. When Arthur Pendragon finds his servant tied to a stake on a trek through the kingdom, his heart is left shattered for reasons he can't explain. And, as time wears on, his feelings flourish into something deeper than friendship. Try as he might, he cannot prevail in this particular battle. With everything to prove as a monarch and even more to lose, Arthur must either relinquish his emotion or his throne. But the hearts of men are complex creatures and cannot be reasoned with. [M/A] USER: The Boy I Was (The Man You Made Me) (G) 705 Arthur realizes just how much he’s changed since Merlin came around. [M/A] wordsss: the Definitive guide to King Arthur's laughter (G) 1298 Arthur doesn’t laugh as often as he should, but when he does, he picks from a handful of curated sounds. [M/A] Mischel: And the Reason Is You (G) 3833 What if Merlin took little Mordred to hide in Arthur's chambers instead of Morgana's? Would Arthur betray his own father in order to help them or would he hand them over to the guards instead? When Merlin bursts through the door and sees Arthur there, he has no idea what the prince will do. But the length to which Arthur is willing to go for Merlin will surprise them both. Set in the episode 1x08 The Beginning of the End. (Series: Part 8 of the Merlin Rewatch 2020 series)
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lawgoddess · 5 years
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EDITION #2015–DECEMBER 16, 2018 
Before commenting to the newsletter, please read the FAQ first. mxa_news is now cross-posting on tumblr at mxa-news.tumblr.com. Follow us there! Challenges/Fests camelot_drabble: Modly post- Posting dates camelot_drabble: Reminder! Sign Ups are now closed for prompt # 344. Fanart winterknights: Wishing On A Star coinelot: Our guests were incredibly creative during COiNELOT Reincarnated. We gave them the chance to write little ficlets or draw some art: Only stipulation: It had to fit on an XXL sized post-it. Fanfic: Complete [M/A] shadowspun: Best Laid Plans (G) 250 The party isn't going according to his plans. [M/A] bunnysworld: Christmas parties, eggnog and mistletoe (G) 522 In which Merlin pouts and Arthur is the reason for it. [M/A] winterknights: The Wrong Side of the Season (G) 1911 The minute that Arthur leaves for war, Merlin begins griping. [M/A] archaeologist_d: Worship me (NC-17) 725 When going at it like rabbits, sometimes Arthur said the stupidest things. PWP. [M/A] archaeologist_d: Divine Essence (PG-13) 1020 When Arthur is captured by sorcerers and made to swallow pulped mistletoe, he knew he would die from it. But did it have to hurt so much? [M/A] Idk_hi_iguess: A Christmas Prince - Merlin's Royal Wedding (G) 2212 Loyal readers, it's been 349 days, 11 hours, 23 minutes, and seven seconds since I said "yes" to the love of my life, Arthur Pendragon, King of Camelot. But who's counting? Other than me and millions of people around the world. Needless to say, it's been a whirlwind year. There's been a lot of back and forth between London and Camelot. The long-distance engagement hasn't always been easy, but it's always been interesting. Even though I'm about to become king of a small country. Thank you for all your love and support this past year. Sharing my writing with all of you means more than you'll ever know. I promise to keep you posted on all my adventures to come, especially our wedding on Christmas day in Camelot. [M/A] mischel: Never Alone (G) 96 a short drabble, sad merthur hug. Merlin is there for Arthur after Uther dies. (Series: Part 12 of My Special Star) [M/A] ihavebeenslain: to be (G) 816 In a drunken stupor, Merlin tells Arthur they are destined to be. [M/A] CirrusGrey: Exceptions (G) 653 There are certain rules Arthur must follow. [M/A] IrisPurpurea: Drooling (PG=13) 1614 “Arthur?” “Hm?” “Why… are you staring at me like that?” (Series: Part 6 of Inktober 2018) [M/A] Timelord_From_Erebor: Powerless (PG-13) 351 After the Battle of Camlann is won, and the injured taken to be treated, Merlin searches the battlefield for Arthur and finds him at the brink of death. The most powerful warlock alive is powerless.
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lawgoddess · 6 years
Feel Good Stories
Thank you to everyone who sent me stories last weekend, they really did help. I thought I’d share them for others to enjoy and I’ll rec the stories that are new to me in the coming weeks.
All Its Splendid Glory
Crisis Muffins
Emotional Warmth
Every Cloud
Happiness and Dragons
Heartbreak, Secret Friends and Stupid Doodles
Lemon Meringue
Let Me Be Your Canvas
Love on a Wire (being deleted soon so download a copy while you can)
Not Quite Hogwarts
Slippery When Wet
Something Yellow This Time
Sweet Dreams of Mistletoe
The Difference of You
The Third Rule
The Unintentional Wooing Skills of Arthur Pendragon
Watch It All Melt Away
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lawgoddess · 6 years
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ok…i had to slow this gif down a bit..
i know we’ve seen this gif a million times over the past few years but….
for the life of me…i still can’t comprehend this like…
he’s holding out his big, muscley arm for bb colin
like he wants to walk arm in arm
like, “cols, hold my arm and we’ll walk down the carpet together.”
like, “i don’t care that we’re out in public, i just want you to hold on to me as we do this”
like we’ve seen this so many times but i still cannot get over the amount of Brolin-ness this has…
ugh Brolin…how i miss thee
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lawgoddess · 6 years
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Colin Morgan in the Moet & Chandon green room at the Irish Film & Television Awards 2012
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lawgoddess · 7 years
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EDITION #1811 – OCTOBER 22, 2017 
 Before commenting to the newsletter, please read the FAQ first.
mxa_news is now cross-posting on tumblr at mxa-news.tumblr.com. Follow us there! News/Resources a_shot_of_brad: Bradley James: BTS "Medici" cast photo Challenges/Fests camelot_drabble: Reminder! Sign Ups now closed for prompt # 285 coinelot: Don’t forget us The October micro fest is still going on. Share your favourite October/Autumn related fanworks with us, or create something for the occasion. Also, check out our facebook group for more of the same. merlinmpreg: merlin mpreg month - week 4 - prompts Fanart lao-paperman: I live for the idea that all of the knights think Arthur likes Merlin and think they're "doing stuff" in their spare time when they're alone. music-over-matter: Merlin college AU anyone ? Merlin + Arthur Fanfic: In Progress [M/A] omenkin: The People Under The Stairs (1/?) (NC-17) 1228 When Merlin and Will plan to steal valuables from Uther Pendragon, they uncover Uther's dirty secret, and Merlin gets caught in a wicked game of cat-and-mouse as he tries to save Arthur from his father -- all while trying to survive, himself. (Based on the Wes Craven movie) Fanfic: Complete [M/A] lfb72: The Truth Will Out (PG-13) 2000 Merlin Canon Fest: Season 4, Episode 6 Servant of Two Masters- Arthur is so relieved at Merlin’s return, it takes him a while to realise his servant is acting strangely: Arthur’s fist completely encases Merlin's wrist. He could crush the bone easily if he wanted to, but he doesn't want that. He does not want to hurt Merlin in any way, but his deranged servant is wielding a dagger and seemingly hell-bent on plunging it into his heart. [M/A] emrys_mk: Letting Go (PG-13) 1000 Missing Scene from 5X13: Merlin prepares Arthur for his final trip in this life. [M/A] digthewriter: Communication (PG-13) 1050 Arthur is trying… [M/A] ReneeLaRoux: Day 1 - Resurrection Day (PG-13) 4322 (Series: Part 1 of A Year In The Life) The belligerent yelling and struggling ceased in a stuttered heartbeat. All around him the familiar sounds of the hospital continued, but his world seemed to stop. “M-Merlin?” “Arthur.” Merlin is the doctor on-call when Arthur is dragged, kicking and screaming, into Avalon General.
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lawgoddess · 7 years
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EDITION #1781 – AUGUST 27, 2017  Before commenting to the newsletter, please read the FAQ first. mxa_news is now cross-posting on tumblr at mxa-news.tumblr.com. Follow us there! News/Resources a_shot_of_brad: Bradley with another fan on the set of "Medici" (25 August) Challenges/Fests pornalot: Challenge Three Results merlinstills: challenge: reminder and votes merlinstills: Challenge 249: Gold & Silver camelot_drabble: Reminder! Sign Ups now closed for prompt # 277 Fanart rolliraserin: challenge 248: rolliraserin -five Merlin/Arthur icons LFB72R: Art: Ascent of the Eiger Merlocked18: Neighbours preshfinn: we are miracles and we’re not alone nay-nai: I just want to draw a gloomy ModernAU!Merlin in a rain Multimedia read by lunchee (lunchee): Love is a Grave Mental Disease & Sequel Fanfic: In Progress [M/A] xNailedIt: Revelations (1/13) (PG-13) 3580 Basically what shows fail to show. Thoughts. And when it comes to particular show, fails to own up to the gayness. [M/A] maria_j_harper: A Queer Conundrum (1/4) (NC-17) 2124 Just because your manservant catches you wanking and decides to help, that doesn't make you queer, right??? It's not as if every time Arthur looks at him now, he finds himself thinking about how utterly he wants to ravish those lips, or how a glimpse of his collarbone makes him want to map it thoroughly with hungry kisses... Problem? What problem? This is fine! [M/A] Australis_Reynolds: The One Where Merlin's a Honeypot (1/?) (PG-13) 1567 It is Merlin's destiny to bring magic back to Camelot. Obviously, he can only do it by seducing Arthur. [M/A] ABookishSortOfLover (qwerty28274), YinYangZodiac: Under Construction (1/?) (PG-13) 785 Fanfic: Complete [M/A] rotrude: The Ascent of the Eiger (NC-17) 26,000 Summary: 1850s, Mountaineering is a nascent sport, with climbers all over trying to reach heights no man has ever tackled before. With most European peaks as yet unclimbed, there's a long way to go before all summits are claimed. A dedicated climber himself, Arthur decides to get to the top of the Eiger, a 3,967 meter giant in the Bernese Oberland of Switzerland, and opts for the hardest route to do so. Gathering a team of expert Alpinists around him and hiring mountain guide Merlin Emrys, he sets off to complete the challenge. The road to the summit is long and hard. [M/A] digthewriter: Disappointment (PG-13) 770 Arthur tries to get to know Merlin.Continuation of "A Secret Admirer?" [M/A] digthewriter: A Secure Future - All Too Familiar - The Conclusion (PG-13]) 1005 Arthur is confident of his future with Merlin. (Part 27 of the "divorce!fic". This is the conclusion. The story is now complete!) [M/A] mindbender: Worlds Apart (PG-13) 341 Mer-Male (Merlin) and Air-Male (Arthur)...A Fantasy-Fairytale love story... Merlin is half human/half fish...Arthur is half human/half Bird. [M/A] Emrys MK (mk_malfoy): Arthur and Merlin's Example of How Not to Have A Successful Friends with Benefits Relationship (R) 1000 Arthur thinks he's being safe by keeping Merlin at a distance. The trouble is, the only distance being kept in this relationship is in Arthur's mind. [M/A] A_Diamond: Rear Naked Choke (R) 1000 Merlin’s going to kill Gwen. Assuming he lives long enough to have the chance, which he might not since he’s seriously considering just letting himself get choked to death. (Series: Part 5 of Pornalot 2017) [M/A] wyvern: The Untrustworthy Eye (NC-17) 998 Merlin is Commander Uther's personal chauffeur, a government spy — and Arthur's lover. (Series: Part 4 of Pornalot 2017) [M/A] A_Diamond: Training Methods (NC-17) 613 Merlin felt fevered, the breath in his lungs even hotter than the sweltering summer air. (Series: Part 3 of Pornalot 2017) [M/A] SlantedKnitting: The Banya (NC-17) 1234 Arthur doesn't really come to the bathhouse for the massage. He comes for Merlin. And those birch branches. (Series: Part 3 of pornalot 2017 (challenges)) [M/A] Gilli_ann: Addictive (R) 973 Arthur and Merlin come across a mysterious grove where strange flowers grow. Soon, Merlin will get a taste of what he wants more than anything else. But is one time enough? [M/A] A_Diamond: Camelot Penitentiary (1/?) (R) 1906 When Merlin gets sent down to Camelot Penitentiary on a three year sentence, he only has one goal: make it out alive. (Series: Part 6 of Pornalot 2017) Modern High School AU. High school is pretty basic. Well, basic is a relative term when you're friends with an insane Chemistry nerd, a bunch of jocks, and no serious lack of artsy kids. Relationships, fluff, and general all around dorkiness occur daily at Camelot High, where everyone's a little bit hipster, and most of them are hella gay. [M/A] fifty_fifty: Offset Hijinks (NC-17) 1266 Merlin and Arthur are waiting start a day of filming with Percival. Gwaine, the producer, takes his handheld cam and shows us the kind of hijinks the boys get up to off camera. [M/A] Clea2011: Protection (PG-13) 1183 Merlin had a 60 inch 3D TV, all the food and drink he wanted, access to the internet, a phone… It was hardly a prison. He just couldn’t leave. Yet. “It’s for your own good,” Arthur insisted. It was. Truly.(Series: Part 2 of Pornalot 2017 entries)
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lawgoddess · 7 years
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Awww… ♥ X
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lawgoddess · 8 years
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EDITION #1621 – OCTOBER 28, 2016
 Before commenting to the newsletter, please read the FAQ first. News/Resources COLIN MORGAN: HUMANS SERIES 2: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT CAST IN THE CHANNEL 4 TV SHOW Challenges/Fests cd_mods: Prompt #235 Sign ups! Fanart spielzeugkaiser: And I found love where it wasn’t supposed to be, Right in front of me, talk some sense to me. reineyday: Here is the desk calendar art I did for @coinelot's Merthur art calendars reineyday:Since @coinelot is over, I’m posting my calendar art! dawn-rot: Arthur doodle Fanfic: Complete [M/A] viflow: Arthur's answer (G) 1067 The false veneer of Arthur’s calm cracks, something fierce, primal and frightening darkens his face. His mouth pulled into a tight, angry line; his eyes are blazing with fury. Swift like a thought, he storms through the room and this time he doesn’t hold back his strength when he delivers a brutal punch into Gwaine’s face. He points his finger in Gwaine's face, his blue eyes narrowed into furious slits. His voice is low, dark and threatening. “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t kill you right here on the spot.’’(Part 5 of Arthur's Secret) [M/A] hopelina: Fuck (NC-17) 3174 When you realize your feelings for your soulmate, their name is naturally burned into your wrist. Arthur is in love with Guinevere, so when Arthur's name burns into Merlin's wrist, Merlin decides to hide it from Arthur so as not to confuse his lovelife. [M/A] viflow: What Our Favourite Knights found out? (G) 2960 ‘’Sorry Elyan’’, Gwaine said, suddenly clearly uncomfortable. Waving his arms apologetically, he shot his eyes briefly to Elyan, his gaze holding sympathy for the blow he was about to impart. ‘’ It’s not Gwen… Arthur is pining for.’’(Part 4 of Arthur's Secret)
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lawgoddess · 8 years
i just want to add because i just reblogged that brolin post remember also YOUR CHEEKBONES ARE KICKIN RIGHT OFF IN THIS SHOT MATE
and they also lived together in a tiny flat for like 2 years yes i know they were costars but this wasnt just during cardiff filming it was the whole time??? and like how many times did people see them tryna be lowkey at the backs of small restaurants around the city like??? im so sorrty but i just really really think they probably dated at least for a while and i hope theyre ok
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lawgoddess · 8 years
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I’m not sorry.
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lawgoddess · 8 years
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EDITION #1467 – January 13, 2016                                        Before commenting to the newsletter, please read the FAQ first. Challenges/Fests merlinstills: Reminder: Challenge 180   merlinstills: Challenge 179: Voting!     camelot_drabble: Prompt #194 Signups!   merlin_holidays: 2015 Masterlist and Reveals! merlin_writers: Reminder: Theme of the Month! winterknights: Participant Banners! Fanart emmatheslayer: Five Arthur icons LFB72: Hope sexgenius: “If Mordred is not Arthur’s Bane, then who is?” “Himself.” ohnonnynonny: Untitled Arthur staypee: Oh Arthur prplepixieart: Adventure Time style Merlin and Arthur deheerkonijn: Merlin, Court Sorcerer of Camelot, is often late sexgenius: Untitled Merlin and Arthur katchan00: Untitled Merlin Fanfic: In Progress [M/A] Mysteriously_Random: Harry Potter and Voldemort's Bane (1/?)  (NR) 2625 What if two strangers showed up at Hogwarts in Harry fifth year. And what about the strange end to the Triwizards Tournament, could they have something to do with it? Are they even brothers and why do they sound like they've been in lots of life and death situations? [M/A] weepingelm: Arthur Pendragons Consort (1/?)  (PG-13) 526 Four years have passed since Arthur Pendragon had come to the throne, Camelot is prospering everything Arthur had worked and hoped for was coming together, his people were at peace and alliances formed. There was only one thing Arthur lingered for a child. But since his treatment at the hands of the Witchfinder and the loss of his unborn child Merlin had yet to conceive again. Would they get the family they so wanted? And was Camelot's golden age here would the peace hold.Can be read as stand alone but would help to read Arthur Pendragon's Omega first. [M/A] cumbercookie81: Wild Fantasies - Merthur Porn Collection (1/?)  (NC-17) 432 Hot, Sexy & Smutty One-Shots [M/A] Kit_Kat_Arina: The Attemped Return of Dragonlords (1/?)  (PG-13) 444 Merlin is a bit not happy with eight sorcerers decide to jump Arthur and him while they are on a hunting trip. The sorcerers have a devious plan to bring dragons and Dragonlords back to the land, and normally Merlin would approve, but it is not a good or nice plan, it involved hurting Arthur, and that's too bad for the sorcerers. [M/A] Kleineganz: You Belong to Me (2/?)  (NC-17) 4840 Merlin was at the end of his rope. Having aged out of the foster care system, homeless and starving, he climbed the railing of the bridge, planning to end his miserable existence. That's when Arthur Pendragon showed up and offered him an alternative. [M/A] Utsaah: A Face Behind These Words(1/5)  (G) 1575 A baker and a Crown Prince get to know each other through the wonderful virtual world. Or how Prince Arthur Pendragon and baker Merlin Emrys meet one faithful day on Omegle and haven't stopped talking since. Fanfic: Complete [M/A] camelittle: The Great Gateau (NC-17) 2458 Just the usual boy meets boy, spills his coffee, mops his posh shoes, flirts badly and yet still manages to shag him senseless story. That's the power of cheekbones. [M/A] emrys_mk: Auld Lang Syne (PG-13) ~14000 Camelot's Citadel in 2015 is not what it was in 530. There are memories at every corner that Merlin and Arthur must learn to live with. [M/A] violentincest: Watch Where You're Going, Idiot  (M) 2253 Arthur is on the way to meet the new CEO of their company, when an idiot crashes into him in the hallway and spills coffee all over his shirt. [M/A] SheWhoWrites178: Falling Together  (G) 4908 Three years ago, Arthur Pendragon was forced to break up with the love of his life. On the way home from the bar one night, his best friend Gwaine recognizes Merlin and brings him back to Arthur's apartment. When Arthur hears Merlin's story...it will change everything for them... [M/A] Aydsa_Floros: I would go to war for you  (NR) 1605 King Arthur arrives at Lot's Kingdom for negotiations, but an incident occurs, and he has a question to face: 'What will he never sacrifice for success?' [M/A] fennelseed: An Accidental Seduction in a Dream  (PG-13) 11739 Merlin accidentally uses magic to step into Arthur's dreams. He's startled to find his secret love for Arthur is reciprocated, if Arthur's romantic, erotic dreams about Merlin are any indication. Now, what to do with that knowledge in the waking world? [M/A] Blackwidina: Begin as We Mean to Continue  (G) 1527 A story about rising to a challenge.Overturning the bans against magic turned out to be more difficult than ever expected.(Part 2 of 52 Short Stories in 52 Weeks) [M/A] archaeologist_d: Phobia  (pg-13) 1207 Arthur's phone phobia just makes everything harder. [M/A] merlin_the_dragonlord: Destiny (Un)fulfilled  (PG-13) 1682 Merlin waited for the day that his timer hit 0:00:00. An unexpected twist of fate brought that moment a month early.Arthur dreaded the day that his timer hit 0:00:00. His sacrifice ensured that he wouldn't have to worry anymore. [M/A] swedishstylepatrol: Heart of a King  (NR) 849 Merlin laughed, “Isn’t so easy being king, huh?” [M/A] Pugglemuggle: 19-Across  (NC-17) 775 Leaving your unfinished crossword puzzles on the Tube every morning isn't supposed to get you into flirting battles with attractive strangers, but then, when do things in Merlin's life ever go according to plan?
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lawgoddess · 8 years
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EDITION #1467 – January 13, 2016                                        Before commenting to the newsletter, please read the FAQ first. Challenges/Fests merlinstills: Reminder: Challenge 180   merlinstills: Challenge 179: Voting!     camelot_drabble: Prompt #194 Signups!   merlin_holidays: 2015 Masterlist and Reveals! merlin_writers: Reminder: Theme of the Month! winterknights: Participant Banners! Fanart emmatheslayer: Five Arthur icons LFB72: Hope sexgenius: “If Mordred is not Arthur’s Bane, then who is?” “Himself.” ohnonnynonny: Untitled Arthur staypee: Oh Arthur prplepixieart: Adventure Time style Merlin and Arthur deheerkonijn: Merlin, Court Sorcerer of Camelot, is often late sexgenius: Untitled Merlin and Arthur katchan00: Untitled Merlin Fanfic: In Progress [M/A] Mysteriously_Random: Harry Potter and Voldemort's Bane (1/?)  (NR) 2625 What if two strangers showed up at Hogwarts in Harry fifth year. And what about the strange end to the Triwizards Tournament, could they have something to do with it? Are they even brothers and why do they sound like they've been in lots of life and death situations? [M/A] weepingelm: Arthur Pendragons Consort (1/?)  (PG-13) 526 Four years have passed since Arthur Pendragon had come to the throne, Camelot is prospering everything Arthur had worked and hoped for was coming together, his people were at peace and alliances formed. There was only one thing Arthur lingered for a child. But since his treatment at the hands of the Witchfinder and the loss of his unborn child Merlin had yet to conceive again. Would they get the family they so wanted? And was Camelot's golden age here would the peace hold.Can be read as stand alone but would help to read Arthur Pendragon's Omega first. [M/A] cumbercookie81: Wild Fantasies - Merthur Porn Collection (1/?)  (NC-17) 432 Hot, Sexy & Smutty One-Shots [M/A] Kit_Kat_Arina: The Attemped Return of Dragonlords (1/?)  (PG-13) 444 Merlin is a bit not happy with eight sorcerers decide to jump Arthur and him while they are on a hunting trip. The sorcerers have a devious plan to bring dragons and Dragonlords back to the land, and normally Merlin would approve, but it is not a good or nice plan, it involved hurting Arthur, and that's too bad for the sorcerers. [M/A] Kleineganz: You Belong to Me (2/?)  (NC-17) 4840 Merlin was at the end of his rope. Having aged out of the foster care system, homeless and starving, he climbed the railing of the bridge, planning to end his miserable existence. That's when Arthur Pendragon showed up and offered him an alternative. [M/A] Utsaah: A Face Behind These Words(1/5)  (G) 1575 A baker and a Crown Prince get to know each other through the wonderful virtual world. Or how Prince Arthur Pendragon and baker Merlin Emrys meet one faithful day on Omegle and haven't stopped talking since. Fanfic: Complete [M/A] camelittle: The Great Gateau (NC-17) 2458 Just the usual boy meets boy, spills his coffee, mops his posh shoes, flirts badly and yet still manages to shag him senseless story. That's the power of cheekbones. [M/A] emrys_mk: Auld Lang Syne (PG-13) ~14000 Camelot's Citadel in 2015 is not what it was in 530. There are memories at every corner that Merlin and Arthur must learn to live with. [M/A] violentincest: Watch Where You're Going, Idiot  (M) 2253 Arthur is on the way to meet the new CEO of their company, when an idiot crashes into him in the hallway and spills coffee all over his shirt. [M/A] SheWhoWrites178: Falling Together  (G) 4908 Three years ago, Arthur Pendragon was forced to break up with the love of his life. On the way home from the bar one night, his best friend Gwaine recognizes Merlin and brings him back to Arthur's apartment. When Arthur hears Merlin's story...it will change everything for them... [M/A] Aydsa_Floros: I would go to war for you  (NR) 1605 King Arthur arrives at Lot's Kingdom for negotiations, but an incident occurs, and he has a question to face: 'What will he never sacrifice for success?' [M/A] fennelseed: An Accidental Seduction in a Dream  (PG-13) 11739 Merlin accidentally uses magic to step into Arthur's dreams. He's startled to find his secret love for Arthur is reciprocated, if Arthur's romantic, erotic dreams about Merlin are any indication. Now, what to do with that knowledge in the waking world? [M/A] Blackwidina: Begin as We Mean to Continue  (G) 1527 A story about rising to a challenge.Overturning the bans against magic turned out to be more difficult than ever expected.(Part 2 of 52 Short Stories in 52 Weeks) [M/A] archaeologist_d: Phobia  (pg-13) 1207 Arthur's phone phobia just makes everything harder. [M/A] merlin_the_dragonlord: Destiny (Un)fulfilled  (PG-13) 1682 Merlin waited for the day that his timer hit 0:00:00. An unexpected twist of fate brought that moment a month early.Arthur dreaded the day that his timer hit 0:00:00. His sacrifice ensured that he wouldn't have to worry anymore. [M/A] swedishstylepatrol: Heart of a King  (NR) 849 Merlin laughed, “Isn’t so easy being king, huh?” [M/A] Pugglemuggle: 19-Across  (NC-17) 775 Leaving your unfinished crossword puzzles on the Tube every morning isn't supposed to get you into flirting battles with attractive strangers, but then, when do things in Merlin's life ever go according to plan?
0 notes
lawgoddess · 9 years
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Today Marcus Ellard, one of Bradley’s closest friends, posted this picture on his Instagram account. Bradley is not in the picture, but I think this is his house. Why? Well… Look at those pictures on the wall. Do you notice something familiar?
Fonte https://instagram.com/p/9wr7zaD_5o/
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