lavendervcined · 4 years
everything went to hell
i vanished for…
but i’m back @chaosveined if anyone wants to come around again.
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lavendervcined · 4 years
everything went to hell
i vanished for...
but i’m back @chaosveined if anyone wants to come around again.
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lavendervcined · 5 years
sometimes i really wanna come back to this blog and to tumblr but gods it’s hard
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lavendervcined · 5 years
it’s really hard rn to get the motivation to be on tumblr so i guess like. 
semi-hiatus, but i WILL be back- and find/write with me HERE until that happens
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lavendervcined · 5 years
me: i’m gonna come back 
also me: winds up in the hospital again? 
anyways, take 4, coming back again, oof
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lavendervcined · 5 years
My muse in a relationship ?s
Please include if you want answers for a particular verse or ship.
🤗Are they physically affectionate?  🎶Do they have a type? 😡What are their deal breakers? ↕️Are they sub, dom or switch? ⏰How long do their relationships tend to last? 💍Would they ever get married? 🏷️Do they give their partners cute nicknames? 💋Are they more sensual or sexual? 📖What is their favorite outside of the bedroom activity to do with their partner? 🛏What is their favorite bedroom activity to do with their partner? 💚Are they prone to jealousy? 😘Does their demeanor change when in a relationship?  👫Do they display affection in public? What about in private? 💕Are they open to threesomes or a polyamorous relationship? 💔Do they have a certain type of person they will not enter into a relationship with? 💝How long until they feel secure and comfortable in a relationship? 🤐Would they ever confess their feelings first? ❌Would they ever cheat on their partner? 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Do they want children? 🐶Are they a cuddler? 🔮Do they believe in soul mates? ⚔️ Are they protective of their partner? 🚀 How far are they willing to go for the person they love? ❤️ Do they fall in love easily? 📺 Do they share information about their relationships freely with friends and family? ♦️Are they concerned with the social status of their partner? 💭 Do they tend to sleep better when in bed with their partner?
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lavendervcined · 5 years
Send me 👀 and my muse will confess one dirty thought they’ve had about yours
NSFW warning, of course!
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lavendervcined · 5 years
He reaches for her, arms unfolding like the wings of an owl; vast, the endless trail of his robes, velvety soft, and silent, silent, silent. The crush of feathers against skin, the hollow bones. A blink and the image is gone, sensation gone, only the God, and His hand touching her cheek. An echo, a beginning. 
❝ I am Here, ❞ he says, the press of his palm real against her cheek. Something tangible, something known. Something felt before.  ❝ You reached for Me, though you did not know it. You reached, and it came to me in the Dreaming. You acted in faith, Da’Ghilan. And you felt it most. ❞  
And was not the summoning of the Old God’s soul a thing of singular purpose? Was not her reluctant agreement a thing made in hope, in belief? That it would work. That they needed it to work.
Falon’Din had never truly left her; He Sees through His mark, knows the lives of a hundred-thousand caught in the roots of His tree, the heart of them all. Their blood. Come, he might have said. Let me look at you. But he knows she is a thorny thing, brambled and knotted with the countless tangles of the hurts of mortal life. He will not coddle her. He will not tame this wild thing. 
He will show her the path to loving Him once more.
❝ You are heard. ❞
She flinches- it is so rare that any touch her, these days- or at least any with hands, when it is not in violence, when it is not in rage. She is the creature of the wars she has fought, and they are endless. And there is the almost-horror of the touch for a moment, that is nothing no living two-legger could recreate, no matter how strong their imagination, no matter how powerful their inclinations. But then it ends- he is simply touching her face, and Litriu- 
She allows it, swallowing tightly. She does not pull away. She remembers something similar, when she was but little- though it’s through a haze. A dream again, like this, but so long ago that certain things have muddled through time- though he has not, and nor has the intensity of that voice, of those eyes. Her own eyes, that strange heather-grey lift, and look at him- look at him like none else would dare, in any age, it feels- but for perhaps his own kin. 
Litriu is trying to see him, to remember, to feel. And she does not quail from him, not here. Not now. “- Why?” comes the question, then. “I was a slip of a wild thing, back then- I was nothing to you, wasn’t I? And now perhaps more-” the world has forced her to be more, she is so angry- she is so TIRED. “But why yet still?” She remembers his words- remembers- remembers a strange loneliness in him, and a power like nothing else she had ever seen. 
And the little beast knows in this moment he does see her, does hear her. She can all but feel it- but why, why, why. She swore to him, so young, even now holds to it. His name had only ever been the one to resonate with her, and perhaps- there is something to that. And death has never taken her, despite the hundreds upon hundreds of times that it should. She should not be alive. She knows this. The things she has survived, no mortal has had much business surviving, and not once, not even twice but thrice she has burned and bled and warred and screamed for the sake of everyone but her own damned self.
“What-” what does he want? What is the point? She does not know what to ask, how to ask.
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lavendervcined · 5 years
My muse in a relationship ?s
Please include if you want answers for a particular verse or ship.
🤗Are they physically affectionate?  🎶Do they have a type? 😡What are their deal breakers? ↕️Are they sub, dom or switch? ⏰How long do their relationships tend to last? 💍Would they ever get married? 🏷️Do they give their partners cute nicknames? 💋Are they more sensual or sexual? 📖What is their favorite outside of the bedroom activity to do with their partner? 🛏What is their favorite bedroom activity to do with their partner? 💚Are they prone to jealousy? 😘Does their demeanor change when in a relationship?  👫Do they display affection in public? What about in private? 💕Are they open to threesomes or a polyamorous relationship? 💔Do they have a certain type of person they will not enter into a relationship with? 💝How long until they feel secure and comfortable in a relationship? 🤐Would they ever confess their feelings first? ❌Would they ever cheat on their partner? 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Do they want children? 🐶Are they a cuddler? 🔮Do they believe in soul mates? ⚔️ Are they protective of their partner? 🚀 How far are they willing to go for the person they love? ❤️ Do they fall in love easily? 📺 Do they share information about their relationships freely with friends and family? ♦️Are they concerned with the social status of their partner? 💭 Do they tend to sleep better when in bed with their partner?
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lavendervcined · 5 years
sexual tension sentence starters (part two)
as requested by anon. A (cruder) continuation of this meme: ( x ). More angry sexual tension starters here ( x ). Feel free to change pronouns or anything else !
“Is that so?”
“Stop glaring, sweet cheeks. I know you want me.”
“Go fuck yourself. And let me watch.”
“You look angry. How about you take all that energy and put it to good use?”
“Look at you, all smug. It’s not like I jerk off to you at night. But you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“I can’t tell whether I want to make you bleed or moan.”
“I hate that you’re mad at me, but you look so hot right now.”
“Try and stop me.”
“You’re either leaving here with a black eye or a hickey. Your choice.”
“Fuck you! Or me.”
“I’m really flexible…”
“Your girlfriend/boyfriend/partner/etc. must be really happy…”
“Wow, you’re really easy on the eyes.”
“You know, I don’t have a gag reflex.”
“Is there any way I could repay you?”
“You have really pretty lips.”
“Can you tie a cherry stem into a knot with your tongue?”
“You look great in this lighting. But you’d look even better in my bed.”
“Was my pickup line too cheesy? I couldn’t help myself.”
“You look tense..do you want a massage?” / “Wow, I totally need a massage right now.”
“..why are you staring at me?”
“You have a–a really big–uh, brain.”
“So…how do I look?”
“You, uhm–kinda touched my–yeah..”
“*blurts out* Did you know that pandas only mate once a year?”
“I wasn’t watching porn!” / “I wasn’t jerking off!”
“Hey…c-can I…maybe..kiss you?”
“Holding hands/cuddling is nice, but…I was hoping we could do something else.”
“Oh, sorry! Were you changing?”
“*knocks head into (muse name)’s* Ah! S-sorry, I was trying to kiss you.”
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lavendervcined · 5 years
Naughty Little Meme
❤ : Where on their body is your muse most sensitive? ✿ : Has your muse ever had sex before? ☜ : Does your muse like to top? ☞ : Does your muse like to bottom? ∀ : Your muse’s favorite position? ☺ : How often does your muse masturbate? ☂ : How long does it take your muse to hit climax, usually? ✌ : Is your muse good with their hands? ♡ : Does your muse have any birthmarks or scars they get embarrassed about others seeing? Á : Is your muse loud in bed? ⚔ : Does your muse have any specific kinks? ☌ : Would/does your muse have any special piercings anywhere? Would they get some? ♥ : Does your muse like to cuddle after sex? Anything else for aftercare?
👅-Would they rather give or receive oral sex? 👠-Do they watch pornography? If so, what kind? 💋-Do they use tongue when they kiss? 😈-Favorite sex position? 👎🏻-What is an absolute deal breaker in the bedroom? 🐶-Favorite pet name they like to be called? 👄-Do they swallow? 👙-Favorite outfit in the bedroom? 💦-Best place for their partner to cum on/in? 🌶-Most sensitive place on their body? 👑-Daddy kink, yes or no? 💍-Ever had an affair? 🏢-Most public place they’ve had sex, or would like to have sex? 🍒-When and how did they lose their virginity, if they have?
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lavendervcined · 5 years
“I destroyed a holy city someone said was inside me.”
— Gabriella R. Tallmadge, from “Psalm of the Fire Starter,” published in Guernica
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lavendervcined · 5 years
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lavendervcined · 5 years
i come back for two minutes and things are uh
i see
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lavendervcined · 5 years
i promise i’m not dead i’m coming back tomorrow
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lavendervcined · 5 years
Tumblr, Native Hawaiians need your help!
So the gist of it is the construction of the 30 meter telescope on top of Mauna Kea is starting. Its peak is 4,207.3 m above sea level, making it the highest point in the state of Hawaii. Which is why it is deemed the perfect place for the telescope. The only thing is, Mauna Kea is sacred land, our ancestors never built on top of Mauna Kea and for good reason. Sacred land is to never be messed with. It's a burial ground for native Hawaiians' most revered ancestors, and believed to be a peak created by the gods as a place from which humans can ascend to heaven. A lot has been taken away from native Hawaiians and there is already telescopes built on Mauna Kea we do not need anymore desecration of our land. Please help me and my people by signing this petition. Sharing it will help our cause a lot. Follow @protectmaunakea
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lavendervcined · 5 years
“You can’t murder people just for being ignorant and obnoxious.”
“Maybe you can’t.”
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