lavenderharmony · 5 years
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bit off-season but have some chill july beats
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lavenderharmony · 5 years
$99! Thanks for the reblogerino
bit off-season but have some chill july beats
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lavenderharmony · 6 years
Oh wow I guess there are some of you still! Sorry if I disappeared on ya!
Welcome back, bye Tumblr.
it isn’t like I come here anymore, but if you were ever wondering where I am, LavAudio <- Link to my Twitter
 <rip tumblr, your accessibility still sucks.
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lavenderharmony · 6 years
I also have a discord server, link is in the pinned tweet on my profile.
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lavenderharmony · 6 years
it isn’t like I come here anymore, but if you were ever wondering where I am, LavAudio <- Link to my Twitter
 <rip tumblr, your accessibility still sucks.
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lavenderharmony · 6 years
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i did the thing
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lavenderharmony · 6 years
New track for those of you lurking on here! <3
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lavenderharmony · 6 years
tumblr still feels odd to be on these days. just went through who i follow to see who still posts, a surprising amount actually.
hi lol.
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lavenderharmony · 6 years
hey Lavender Harmony what is the most embarrassing moment in your life?
i once spent a whole day at school with my shirt on backwards and nobody said anything that was pretty not okay i guess
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lavenderharmony · 6 years
im a blep and got my names and roles muddled up. Whoooooooooops.
ty for the answer tho :D
I know that for a lot of fans, myself included, My Little Pony has had a tangible impact on their personal, social or professional lives. What about you? Was it just another VA role, or has it or the community which built itself up around it had any impact on you?
Not a VA :) It has absolutely had a tangible impact on my personal and professional life. I have had some really wonderful interactions with fans that have really reminded me of the power of story and that inspire me every day.
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lavenderharmony · 7 years
Reblogs are still a thing right?
You all need to go listen to this album. Spread the word! <3
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Mystic Acoustics
Vylet Pony - Buy now on Bandcamp
It is very difficult to take in the depth of Mystic Acoustics (Vylet Pony) in a single listen. You can experience the entire musical works the whole way through, and still not feel the full impact found within the lyrics and musical instrumentation. Thus I would argue that the accompanying illustrations by artist Alumx, and the full fourteen chapter story included in the digital booklet are absolutely required viewing.
Keep reading
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lavenderharmony · 7 years
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Mystic Acoustics
Vylet Pony - Buy now on Bandcamp
It is very difficult to take in the depth of Mystic Acoustics (Vylet Pony) in a single listen. You can experience the entire musical works the whole way through, and still not feel the full impact found within the lyrics and musical instrumentation. Thus I would argue that the accompanying illustrations by artist Alumx, and the full fourteen chapter story included in the digital booklet are absolutely required viewing.
In retrospect, my first listen to the album felt like watching a movie with my eyes closed, and once I had read the story (each chapter correlates directly to each of the album’s tracks in sequence) I gained context to the progression found within each song, giving a clear visual and written reference to the music.
This goes beyond being a gimmick, too. This is a true concept album in the most literal sense, and is a complete works in it’s own right. The music, artwork and writing intertwine in faultless harmony, each track matching the rhythm and tempo of each chapter note for note, word for word, and the artwork provides a vivid visual representation of key moments throughout.
Once you have read through the tale, you start to truly appreciate the detail within each song, the strong motifs and colourful orchestrations describing what emotions and trials the main character goes through, grand instrumentation giving scale and weight to individual scenes, and moments of violence within the story are clearly punctuated by incredibly visceral sound design in the album’s heavier sections. This marriage between the hallmarks of progressive rock concept albums, stylistic inflections from modern EDM seamlessly woven into the album, and lush, intense orchestral scoring work together to create a compelling soundtrack to the accompanying story.
This is the most complete and detailed work of art the fandom is likely to ever see, and I will be waiting in anticipation of where this story goes next.
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lavenderharmony · 7 years
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I’ve been going through a lot lately. 2016 was a rollercoaster, but for me it ended on a high. I’m incredibly close to getting a full time job as a music producer in London, after many, many years. It’s not a sure thing yet, I still have a face to face interview, but from the way they’re talking I’m a good candidate. It all depends on who I’m up against, and if I can prove myself.
But the thing is even if I don’t, I’ve got this far. There will be other jobs, I’m confident now that I’ve gotten to this point that I am doing what I am meant to do. This is my calling, and I know I can make it.
You can too. It might take time, you might need to fight tooth and nail to get there, but you can do it. Take it from someone who’s been trying to make it for over seven years, believe in yourself. If you don’t give up, you can do anything.
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lavenderharmony · 7 years
So 2016, thats a thing that happened, I guess?
A lot of you here won’t have followed a lot of my exploits this year. A lot of it has been on Twitter, @LavAudio if you want to give that a follow. I just don’t have the time or patience for Tumblr these days.
However I think it’d be good to jot down some of the big events, highlights and changes in my life this year has brought me.
The year started off slow, my head firmly noclipped through infinite spreadsheets and contracts for BUCK 2016, as the music manager for the event I had a lot of i’s to dot and t’s to cross. Not to mention helping the other dept’s. I’m told the event was a huge success and everyone enjoyed themselves. At the end of the day that’s what matters to me
Following BUCK my focus shifted as I took an afternoon to go try the HTC Vive; marking the beginning of a long, impactful journey that would honestly change my life in so many ways.
Trying the Vive and seeing depth for the first time was simply mind blowing, and from that point on I was sworn to be a part of the whole VR enthusiast group. I sold stuff, pulled funds together to afford a new computer, marking my transition to Windows (just in time imo, the Apple ecosystem looks like a disaster these days) and get the money together to afford a Vive.
Then Gabe Newell sent me one. Long story, buy me a drink sometime and I’ll tell it you, or you can find it on reddit somewhere.
VR has changed how I see, how I work, and a whole lot more still to come. With things like TheWave making VR performance possible, Google Earth letting me literally get up and close to landmarks and city streets that I’ve never seen clearly, and the comfort of watching a film in my own cinema without eyestrain or missing details, it’s more than just a new way to play games for me. It’s a world of augmentation for my poor vision where I’ve found new independence and clarity.
It’s pretty cool imo.
As the year closes, it also marks my first year living full time as a transgender female. I still don’t have HRT, that’s a long way away thanks to the NHS and their mile long waiting lists, but even without it, I’ve been doing well, learning to use make-up and get a sense of what fashion sujts me. I’ve had people ask me how long I’ve been taking hormones and don’t believe me when I say I’ve not had any. I’ve a long way to go to stop people calling me ‘sir’ but I’ll get there eventually. Somehow.
In a little bleaker tone, this year is the year I became single for the first time in around ten years. I have never gone into great detail about my relationship, but suffice to say I’m no longer in one, so it’s besides the point.
On the bright side, I’m moving out in the new year and I’m looking forward to getting a place of my own and making it *mine*, decorated and laid out how I want it, host my own parties and get togethers. It's all scary but also exciting! :3
Work has been slow this year. It’s all starting to come together but I don’t want to reveal anything until it’s a sure thing. Watch this space. (On Twitter, anyway)
My ask box is always open though, so I might poke back here now and then.
Thats pretty much the year at a glance for me. It’s been one of the most rocky and change filled years so far, but things are looking genuinely good. I’m not just blindly hopeful, I have good things on the horizon in many areas of work and life.
You won’t see me at any ponycons or events next year I shouldn’t think. I’m too far away, and I’m not really relevant anymore so I don’t get invites. BUCK was probably my last unless someone out there *really* likes me!
Hope your year also went without too much mishap, and I really hope that 2017 is kinder to us than 2016 has been. I’ve avoided talking about Brexit, Trump, the relentless and sad passing of celebrity talent and social and economic unrest we’ve felt this year, and the fight for equality that’s become deafening on both sides,. They are all things that happened, but I couldn’t really say anything meaningful with regards to them. I honestly think we’re all a bit tired of it.
So as the year draws to a close, I raise my glass, to positive change and hope for 2017. I’m going to go play Pokémon now.
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lavenderharmony · 8 years
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lavenderharmony · 8 years
ddosers are mega gay.
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lavenderharmony · 8 years
This is gonna be an amazing stream!!
Also horse on a broom. o3o
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