Sweet words: Honeyed, meadow, elixir, ambrosia, seep, frolic, caress, nectar, syrup, sunkissed, fawn, doe, starlet, fig, almonds, vinaigrette, pear, shimmer, grin, pomegranate, tender, magnolia, dewy, spring, gardenia, translucent, elongated, linen, cotton, olive-skin, flushed, dawn, dusk, stained, and honeycomb.
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I think it’s important to support your local underwriter writers, overwriter writers, two-draft writers, seven draft writers, didn’t outline a single thing writers, literally outlined every single thing, small volume writers, big volume writers, writers who write every day, writers who write twice a month, literary writers, commercial genre writers, writers who are authors, writers who are aspiring authors, just writers in general!
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villains who’ve had a change of heart and rock up at their enemies’ base like hi i go here now is my aesthetic
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the mother the medic.  – What is mother if not a great healer?  A creator of all things?  Is Mother not true god?
the outsider the ecclesiastic.  – If there is holiness to uniformed children in blood soaked fields, you have forgotten it.
the twins the liar & spy.  – Do not falter.  You may weep and hate and gnash your teeth, but you may not pause in your steps.
the freshborne the soldier.  – Beneath you – vibrato.  Don’t feel it.  Don’t notice.  Don’t breathe, don’t breathe, don’t breathe.
Keep reading
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Honestly, part of the power of writing a story is “I can create lands, worlds, universes and their infinite parallels; I can rewrite the laws of physics and bend energy and matter at will,” and another part of it is “I can name this town Hobo Spider and no one can stop me”
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Hi! I write YA <3
Attention Writeblrs!
I’m new and looking for people from the writing community to interact with. If you’re a writeblr, please reblog this so I can follow you!
Bonus points if you write YA, contemporary fiction, or short stories. My dash is too empty and I want to see more writerly folk on it.
Thanks ! ❤️✒️
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hello! welcome to the community! I’m excited to see what you post :)
hello tumblr writing community!
My name is Emmy and I’m a 19 year old who has just rediscovered a love for writing. My blog is pretty boring at the moment since I’m still figuring out my WIP’s, but I promise I’ll add more to it soon!
In the meantime though, I’d love to find some writeblr’s to follow. Go ahead and give this a like or send me a message if you’re a writing account, so that I can follow you. I’m really looking for people to connect with through this community, for friendship and for motivation!
Some things to know: I’m 19 and my favourite genre’s to read/write are YA/Na, especially contemporary, fantasy and dystopian. 
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when your ocs start doing their own thing instead of sticking to the lovely and reasonable plot you’ve created for them
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Beyond this, consider how these professions might vary depending on who the customers are - nobles, or lower class. Are they good at their job or just scraping by? Do they work with lots of other people or on their own? City or village?
For younger characters:
Apprentice to any of the above
Shop assistant
Looks after younger siblings
(Images all from Wikimedia Commons)
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Character Intro ~ Morrigan
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Name | Morrigan
Age | 15
Height | 5′9
Sexuality / Gender | asexual aromantic demigirl (they/them)
Description | Long, curly dark hair drawn into a messy braid; gray eyes; round face with lots of freckles; round frame
Morrigan is nearly as big of a mystery as Mori itself; they’re always in the right place at the right time, delivering messages so cryptic, you’re never quite sure if you heard them right. They’re trying to help, really — but the shadows just won’t let them.
They pretend they don’t care. They do.
Just wants to protect Samantha.
Always anxious, but good at calming others.
A skilled fighter.
Constantly in their father’s shadow.
Dead End Town taglist: @thewritertiffany @temporary-teddycup @crazycozyraccoonwitch
~ let me know if you want to be added to or removed from the taglist! ~
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Every chapter. Every one shot. Every drabble. Every ficlet. Whether it’s on a personal website, a blog, or an archive. Whether you’ve read it a hundred times before or you’re reading it for the first time. Whether the fic was posted years ago or minutes ago. Whether you sign your name or leave your thoughts anonymously. Whether your comment is paragraphs in length or a few short words. Comment on every fanfic you read and enjoy in the month of January.
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Warning for those planning to see Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse
I saw the movie this evening, and it was amazing! However, there is a lot of glitching, flashing colors, and other epilepsy inducing sequences. So if you or someone else you know is planning to go are vulnerable to stuff like that, it may not be a good idea.
Please spread this around to help others planning to see this movie!!
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When you promised yourself you were going to finish this WIP before starting anything else but suddenly you have a great new idea:
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Who needs to write a WIP when you can just endlessly think of headcanons that you’ll never write instead???
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Wow.. she has such a way with worms…
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other writers: are u a description or dialogue person
me: I’m both
y’all: wow…ur so lucky…I’m jealous…you are truly one to be feared
me: listen buddy I cannot write action to save my life ok do you realize I’ve literally written all the parts of my wip except for the exciting ones do you realize this is slowly turning into a fragmented soap opera where you only hear about exciting things happening but never get to see them do you realize neither dialogue or description includes the Actual Happening of Things
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this is really intriguing. please add me to the taglist!!
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Yet another WIP Introduction:
The Crown of the South
“Here” he said, pointing at the empty palace “lived a king and a queen” “What happened to them?” his daughter asked, trying to catch a glimpse of the gardens past the big iron fence. “History caught them” Arturo held her hand and turned around. He started walking away as he said “it’s a sad story” but Irene kept looking back, at the palace, curious of why would their story be one of sadness.
It is 5am on May 14, 1923 and the last King of the Argentines tenderly holds the hand of his wife, a European princess of illustrious ancestry, who smiles with sadness in her blue eyes. Their children surround them. For a moment, it feels like home for them. In a little more than a week everyone will have died.
In July 9th 1816, Argentina declared its independence from the Spanish Crown. During the months prior, different congressmen who reunited in Tucumán to define the destiny of the rising nation talked about the possibility of establishing a European prince as the king, copying the example of the Empire of Brazil. This is a story based on what would have happened if a monarchical system had won to the republican one.
Historical Fiction / the “What If?” of my country’s history.
—Miguel II of Bourbon-Parma & Wittelsbach: King of the Argentines. Honourable, strong, too gullible, misguided. He is a good father, a good husband, and a terrific brother, but he has no guide when it comes to ruling. —Isabel of Pyrmont (born Elisabeth of Waldeck-Pyrmont): Queen of the Argentines, Wife of Miguel. She is pious, shy, stubborn and emotional, a woman of great wit but full of fears, frankly paranoiac. Their Children: —Prince Federico: Heir to the throne. Quiet, shy, elegant, resilient. Full of social anxiety –not good for an heir–, he takes after his father in more ways than what he would like. Fell in love at the wrong time, with the wrong person. —Princess Irene: The eldest of the sisters, stubborn, elegant, beautiful, distant, takes after her mother. She is nicknamed “The General” by her siblings for her sternness. —Princess Helena: strong, witty, heart of gold. She is called “the peasant princess” for her lack of manners and elegance. She is notorious for being Irene’s counterpart. Afraid of being forgotten, of always living in the shadow of her sister, tries to stand out with her rebellious behaviour. —Prince Ernesto: courageous, gentle, an artist at heart, kind spirit. Perhaps he was born at the wrong time or his time refused to love him. The people call him “The Bull” for he is not good when it comes to studies and literature, but he has a lot of kindness that many refuse to see. —Princess Josefina: clever, cunning, wilful, too innocent for her own sake, resilient. She is an old soul in a young body, but innocent enough to see beauty even in the darkest places, and she will see darkness and coldness time and time again.  
TAGs: (if you want to be added/removed just let me know <3)
@gottaenjoythelittlethingzz @we-dont-sell-papes (i already told you about this one but whatever) @writings-of-a-narwhal @writingwordsanddrawingpictures @medusaswrites @the-ichor-of-ruination @kimjisooofficial @cawolters 
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