laurenbria 6 years
Reblog or your mom will die in 928 seconds.
I love my mom.
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I am risking nothing
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Will not risk.
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sorry followers :(
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laurenbria 6 years
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Beyonc茅 for Vogue, September 2018.
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laurenbria 6 years
Took my african dad to see Black Panther
*no spoilers*
He does not like superhero movies and normally he falls asleep in the cinema. But not this time, he was on the edge of his seat and he said that he didn鈥檛 wanna miss a single moment. He absolutely loved the movie, the first thing he did when we got home was to call his african friend, yelling at him to go watch it as soon as possible. The second thing he did was ask me when the sequel will be out.
I asked my dad what he liked about the movie and he said everything. He loved that almost everyone was black and that they spoke Xhosa. He was so happy that they captured what life is actually like in many african cities in those scenes when they were walking around in wakanda. Seeing the people sit in cafes, buying food from food stands, kids running around with school bags, just people living their everyday life all the while being unapologetically african. He said he felt as if he was back home. And he was so happy that there finally was a movie where africans weren鈥檛 starving, or warlords, or dealing drugs. He told me that this is the kind of movie he has wanted to see for years, not alluding to the superhero stuff but the fact that they portray africans the same way that most if not all movies portray white people and not criminalize or dehumanize them but uplifting them. He loved every single character and especially M鈥橞aku but his absolute favourite was the Queen mother Ramonda because she was so calm and collected while simultaneously being this strong queen. My dad, coming from a culture that really uplifts and value mothers and holds them above all, felt like the movie really captured that in Ramonda and that鈥檚 why he loved her.
He loved the soundtrack and how they mixed in djembe drums and traditional african singing with modern western music and he loved the costumes because a lot of the clothes look like the things people are wearing at all the african parties we go to.
The only complaint my dad had was that the sound was to high, which was his own fault for insisting that he sit at the end of the row right next to one of the speakers.
So yeah, representation do matter. I鈥檝e never in my life seen him so happy about a movie. And he wanted to talk about it after it had ended which never happens normally. We joked around with the idea of him being a wakandan wardog stationed here and we did Shuris and T鈥機hallas little handshake saying that is the only way we will now greet other africans. This movie gave my dad pure joy and happiness and it gave us a bonding opportunity because we finally have something that we both could geek out about.
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laurenbria 6 years
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an icon
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laurenbria 6 years
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laurenbria 7 years
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Yesterday was my last first day of law school 馃榿 #3LOL (at Seton Hall University School of Law)
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laurenbria 7 years
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Yara Shahidi鈥檚 beautiful family
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laurenbria 7 years
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laurenbria 7 years
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Always remember to empower women and appreciate art 馃枻 (at Porta Jersey City)
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laurenbria 7 years
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laurenbria 7 years
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laurenbria 7 years
Have you ever kicked a guy in the balls? Was it effective?
Yeah, when I was younger & hmmm, I guess it was lmao.
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laurenbria 7 years
wowwwwwwww, the teaaaaaaaa. meanwhile I was looking at this bomb ass pregnancy and cute ass baby, but now all I wanna know is the tea. where are the receipts? did she get married? all that.
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3 months, 6months, 9 months, 4 weeks postpartum, 7 weeks postpartum and my 7 week old 馃惀 nugget.
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laurenbria 7 years
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355K notes View notes
laurenbria 7 years
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Your first mistake was sleeping on me. 馃憫 (at Washington, District of Columbia)
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laurenbria 7 years
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My friend sent me this after she won 3000 dollars off a scratch off. Reblog so that you can have good luck too
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laurenbria 7 years
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White people will use any excuse to try and discredit black people
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