lauralikesrunning · 6 years
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lauralikesrunning · 6 years
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lauralikesrunning · 6 years
body goals: the healthiest version of myself
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lauralikesrunning · 6 years
A Hoe’s Guide to Flirting
in person:
smile! don’t cheese too hard, but smiling will show that you’re happy and open to conversation
ask for help! something as simple as asking for homework help, or to lift something heavy, will give a sense of pride knowing that he/she is needed
leave him/her wanting more. don’t play too hard to get, or they’ll just give up. but don’t go around giving your life story either. find a middle ground
physical contact is one of the most foolproof flirting tips i could give. something as simple as a thigh graze, brush of the arm, or shoulder graze will keep them interested and wanting more 
eye contact
flirt a little everywhere you go: with the waiter, the mailman, a taxi driver. practice makes perfect, and you’ll be surprised to see how well this helps when it’s time to actually step up
laugh at his/her jokes even if they aren’t funny. you can admit to their shit jokes only after you’ve snagged them
genuinely compliment them. it’s a great icebreaker and will automatically get this person interested 
be yourself! never feel like you need to be a certain version of sexy. you should be liked for who you are
don’t cross your arms: you’ll seem reserved and unapproachable. instead, lean towards the person you’re talking to. maybe cross your legs in their direction, or lean a bit closer
through text:
try not to get too serious or overshare. important things should be discussed in person
don’t reply to every message: it will make you seem busy, and not like you’re waiting for their next reply (even if you are)
don’t force yourself to reply to a text. if things are getting dry, stop texting back. it’ll make him/her want to work harder to grab your attention. 
ask about them! don’t go on and on about your life too much. getting to know the other person will keep the conversation going.
don’t underestimate the power of emoji’s
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lauralikesrunning · 6 years
Treating Body Acne
So I got a request to make a post on body acne and ways to treat it. Lot’s of people get pimples on their chests, backs and legs. It’s not incurable but you do need to fight it harder than you would the acne on your face. Here’s a list of mostly natural products that you can use to treat your body acne:
Apple Cider Vinegar: I love this method the most because organic apple cider vinegar restores your pH balance which is the main cause of most people’s body acne. It also kills bacteria and works as a mild exfoliant which is super important.
Exfoliating: I should’ve listed this as the first thing because this is the most important step in treating or preventing body acne. You absolutely need to exfoliate your body every day, so every time you shower you should be using some sort of exfoliant. I recommend the Frank Body coffee scrubs, which are my favorite especially since there are so many different agents in these scrubs that help your skin but since this scrub is a little messy I don’t use it as often as I’d like. My other favorite is the Yes To Coconuts Polishing Body Scrub, I use it literally all the time.
Witch Hazel: I love witch hazel, it draws outs all of the excess oils from your skin without extracting any essential oils so it doesn’t leave your skin dry at all. This is a great preventative method but also it’ll relieve inflammation from any pre-existing body acne.
• ACNEdote Face & Body Scrub from Alba Botanica • Deep Clean Astringent from Alba Botanica • Clarifying Body Spray from Murad • Coconut Coffee Scrub from Frank Body • raw unrefined African black soap
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lauralikesrunning · 6 years
30 Glow Up Challenge
Day 1: Cut out all sodas/juices/energy drinks and switch for tea or water for better sleep, skin, metabolism, and to kill excess sugar cravings.
Day 2: Do 50 squats every day before your shower to get that ass🍑
Day 3: Do a face mask.
Day 4: Paint your nails/toes with a cute ass design💅
Day 5: Make yourself a bomb ass breakfast before starting your day.
Day 6: Clean out your closet and try on shit to configure some cute ass outfits for future reference.
Day 7: Take an epsom salt bath to detox and relax.
Day 8: Buy yourself a new highlighter. Even a cheap one like ELF or Makeup Revolution can ya shit pop✨
Day 9: Take a selfie. Take 10. Take 100. Do your makeup or go natural, and gas yourself up with as many selfies as your heart desires. Y'all have no clue how much this boosts your self confidence.
Day 10: Pick/buy yourself some flowers. Love thyself.
Day 11: Do something different with your hair. Part it a different way, straighten it, curl it, dye it, whatever makes you feel glammed up💆
Day 12: Go for a walk outside. Get that fine ass some fresh air and exercise.
Day 13: Get your eyebrows done, or do them yourself if you prefer.
Day 14: Trim your split ends💇
Day 15: Try out a new lip color💅
Day 16: Go through old makeup and throw out anything unwanted or expired. Keep that vanity fresh.
Day 17: Go to bed early for that young beauty rest💤
Day 18: Go through social media and your phone contacts. Delete/block people you don’t like or want to talk to. Cut that toxicity outta your life.
Day 19: Wear a new perfume, or one you normally don’t wear.
Day 20: Exfoliate ya face with your favorite scrub.
Day 21: Apply coconut oil (to lenghten) or castor oil (to volumize) to your lashes before going to bed
Day 22: Buy or make a lip scrub to get them soft kissers😘 (diy scrub: honey+sugar+olive oil)
Day 23: Buy yourself a cheap, fake little engagement ring to remind yourself that you are married to yourself. It also wards off fuckboys.
Day 24: Stretch properly after you wake up, and before you go to bed.
Day 25: Make yourself a lit ass playlist on spotify or your phone’s music to jam whenever you’re feelin down.
Day 26: Make a fruit salad and gobble that shit up for a healthy snack (melt some dark chocolate and drizzle over it for a little treat)🍎🍓🍇🍉🍍
Day 27: Do some yoga.
Day 28: Wing out ya eyeliner like a bad bitch💁 Use scotch tape as a guide for beginners.
Day 29: Buy yourself a new bra or pair of panties to feel sexy af in💞 Target has cute shit for cheap.
Day 30: Meditate to clear your mind and boost your mood.
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lauralikesrunning · 6 years
I’m trying to get into a better skin care routine, but so far I’m having a hard time staying consistent. Any tips?
Here are some of my skincare consistency tips. I used to be really bad about doing skincare on a regular basis but these helped me get on more of a schedule
🌙 Start small
It’s easier to consistently do something if you’re only adding a couple things to your routine you won’t feel so overwhelmed
🌹Build up
Along the lines of the last tip, start small and slowly build your way up to a full routine. This way it will be easier to stay on a routine and your skin won’t freak out from the shock of suddenly having so much done to it
🌙 Set an alarm
Setting an alarm on your phone is a good way to have a reminder every day or every couple days to exfoliate or wear a face mask
🌹 Use a planner
Putting your skincare into your planner can help you have a designated time to do it. This can help get you on a schedule
🌙 Use it as a reward
Finished your homework? Take a bubble bath. Scored well on a test? Do a face mask. This way you will also start to think of skincare as a positive thing rather than something you have to do
🌹Use your current schedule
It’s easier to start a skincare routine if you pair it with a routine you already have such as your shower schedule. This one helped me the most. During your shower wash your face with a makeup removing face soap, then exfoliate. After your shower, have your skincare products ready and put on your moisturizer stuff on as soon as you get out. Your skin will absorb it better the sooner you put it on. That way you’ll already be on a schedule. You’re just adding to it.
Consistency is hard but you don’t have to be perfect. Just keep trying and you’ll get there
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lauralikesrunning · 6 years
Exercise Tips for lazy gals like myself
Workout whilst you run a bath or before you get in the shower - personally I like to do 50 jump squats (2 sets of 25)
If you love binge watching TV or netflix, take regular work out breaks. I sometimes just keep it playing and do crunches or a plank, or boxing sit ups.
Get a workout buddy to go to a class or something with. I found someone to go on runs with in the summer and at the moment we go to zumba classes. It makes it more fun and you feel lame for cancelling so you are less likely to skip it.
Stretch! Do yoga or pilates and basic stretches. Less sweating, less intense and still very beneficial. Also can be done infront of the TV
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lauralikesrunning · 7 years
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lauralikesrunning · 7 years
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lauralikesrunning · 7 years
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lauralikesrunning · 7 years
Running is a crockpot sport, not a microwave sport. Trust the process.
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lauralikesrunning · 7 years
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lauralikesrunning · 7 years
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lauralikesrunning · 7 years
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lauralikesrunning · 7 years
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lauralikesrunning · 7 years
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