Logos that I <3:
- Coca Cola
- 23 and me
Logos that I do not <3:
- Uber
- Amtrak
- Netflix
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#justsayno #nomoredrugwar
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Artist Statement
My photographs seek to evoke history and the capacity for social change in the everyday. My images unite sites of permanence and evolution, where the layers of time are etched into our physical surroundings. The phrase “think globally, act locally” has new meaning in today’s #resist movement, a reality which I hope to bring to light through my images. Social change is made possible not just during historic moments but also through the daily decisions and actions made by everyday people.
At the same time, we cannot lose sight of the fact that certain people and institutions around us are constantly working in favor of the status quo, in favor of existing power structures in society. It is the responsibility of artists and activists to raise awareness of these countervailing forces.
Today – as much if not more than ever – to turn away or take no action in the end only supports these forces.
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Spot Color Screenshot
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The beginnings of my photo library!
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"Junk Food"
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For my video project I put together a piece that evokes the feeling of alienation. I wanted to take beautiful videos of people enjoying the city in the spring but craft it into something unexpected, something that feels very different for the viewer than you might anticipate.
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Slideshow project! 
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For my sound piece I wanted to explore the progression of time and our own understanding of it as we go through life. My inspiration was a quote by Kierkegaard and the experience of music on vinyl.
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Morning/Night, Outside/Inside, Wet/Dry
For this project I wanted to capture the changing visual relationship between outside and inside over the course of the day. To do this I played with focus and depth of field to explore and differentiate the spaces.
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Misc: This one I just liked the way it turned out. It follows the rule of thirds vertically but is very centrally balanced horizontally.
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Blur: The second I took with a slow shutter speed and a tripod. I really like that you can see that most people are moving but that there are a few people - in particular the couple in the lower left - not moving at all.
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Blur: The first in this pair was taken with a quick shutter speed to make everything as clear as possible.
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Framing/Composition 4: The final in this series is the most close up to focus on the faces as much as possible. As with the others in this series there are onlookers in the foreground and background to add visual interest and a sense of environment.
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