laughbutsmilenomore · 8 years
So, I am going to go on a small hiatus, for the time being, there’s no real reason other than I just feel like taking a small break from my indie, but I will be back!
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laughbutsmilenomore · 8 years
The Technomancer tipped his head to the side, as he registered all the questions Spiderman was asking him. “I have captured and killed some heroes. Those I captured are kept in my dungeon. The other’s, are buried in the sea...” Hayden was thoughtful for a moment, and shook his head. “Oh, now, you are just making assumptions. My backstory is way more interesting than that. Maybe I’ll tell it to you one day...”
He moved a bit closer, fingers reaching up to touch the smooth exposed skin of his chest. “Oh, I can use my hands. The blade is more precise, though. If I used my hands, your suit would be completely torn and you’d be standing there naked in no time, and I want this to last...” He reached up, and tugged at Spiderman’s hair, tipping the boy’s head back, face inches away from Spiderman’s. “And if you are a good boy, I might feel inclined to show you just how strong I am...” He pulled away, and moved his hand up. Another arm unfolded from the ceiling, this time one with actual metal fingers, that let a phone drop on his hand. He took the device, and quickly took a picture of Spiderman. “If you don’t tell me your name, well, there are other ways to find out...” He smirked, as he tossed the phone in the air. The metallic arm caught it, and folded back into the ceiling. “And I am great at my game. Let me see... Ah, since you were so interested in my backstory, tell me, Spiderman. Why did you become a hero instead of a villain?”
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“You saying you captured other heroes? How many of them, who were they? What did you do with them, are they still here or…” He trailed off, knowing he had a lot of questions but if this insane villain wanted to play the question game then he could damn well answer Peter’s questions some more as he tried to figure a way out of this. The unmasked boy winced when the layout changed, the sun coming through the large windows and showing off the beautiful view; sadly Peter couldn’t enjoy it right now and was instead feeling even more exposed with the large glass like that showing off how trapped he was.
“I didn’t ask for your age but good to know you’re aware of what a creep you are then and my guess you’re a villain because somebody didn’t love you enough and now you take it out on the world. Either way not interested in your backstory” He remarked, smartass as ever though fear swept through him when the blade sliced through the spandex, leaving part of his body exposed. “I see how it is, can’t use your own hands? Have to use tools, must be embarrassing not being strong enough yourself. Guess those arms are just for show” He mocked, though his voice trembled from the fear. “You never said I had to answer the same question, just that if I failed one I’d lose some of my costume. Ask another sunshine, or are you bad at your own game?”
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laughbutsmilenomore · 8 years
Elias chuckled, and nodded. “An understandable concern. I would assure you that I’m not in it just for the sex, though I prefer to show that with actions, rather than simply words.” He said, as he watched the other ave a taste of the lasagna. He smiled. “Thank you. Lasagna is basically the only thing I can make properly, so far...” Elias smirked, as he motioned towards a door to his left. “The dining room is that way, the table is all set, you can go ahead and take a seat, while I get the rest of the things ready in here.”
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Trying New Things | Closed Starter
“Because I wanted to know you were in this for the real thing and not just for a fuck.” Lito admitted to Elias with a firm tone and grabbed a fork before taking a mouthful of the hot food. “Hmm, seems you are a good student,” Lito commented after swallowing the food with a smile on his face. “But I think you deserve tonight after how patient you have been with me.”
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laughbutsmilenomore · 8 years
He chuckled softly. “Cooking is actually only something I learned when I moved to the States. Back home we had maids and cooks.” He explained, and as he folded his arms in front of his chest, smirking a bit. “And for the record, it seems we share the same urges... Why exactly have we not pounced on each other yet?”
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Trying New Things | Closed Starter
When Elias’s peachy ass was on full view to him, it was easy for Lito’s eyes to scan over it, which caused the tip of his tongue to run across his bottom lip at the sight of it. “It’s tempting? With that ass of yours, you have no idea how hard it has been to resist the urge to pounce on you everytime we have met.” A chuckle came to his lips as he breathed in the scent of the food. “Handsome and a good cook, looks like I have come in on a jackpot.”
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laughbutsmilenomore · 8 years
Elias snorted, as he looked over his shoulder, leaning down to check the oven, ass pointed at Lito. “Don’t try and talk your way to having dessert before the main dish.” He teased, as he turned his head, noticing the lasagna was done, he grabbed a oven mitt, and took the food out, setting it on a nearby counter, before turning to Lito. “It’s tempting, though...” He admitted.
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Trying New Things | Closed Starter
When Lito felt Elias tongue against his lips, Lito extended his tongue and begun playing with the tip of Elias’s tongue with his own, enjoying the taste of Elias’s tongue. “I used to be like that before I had my little girl but I am glad you did go out of your comfort zone.” A smile came to his lips as he followed Elias into the kitchen. “I am happy with whatever, just as long as it makes you happy.” He moved and leaned against a counter, not breaking eye sight of Elias, not even for a second. “Though you do look good enough to eat.”
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laughbutsmilenomore · 8 years
Elias nodded. “I haven’t been in a serious relationship for a long time, so I can relate.” He admitted. He leaned into the kiss, lips parting slightly, to let his tongue savor Lito’s lips, before he pulled slowly away, smiling. “I can’t wait to officially meet her. I have to admit, at first I thought a guy with kids would be a deal breaker, but...” He shrugged softly. “You’re worth going out of my comfort zone.” He smiled, moving his hand to wrap his fingers around Lito’s. “I am also looking forward to tonight, of course. It’ll be good for us...” He stated, as he guided Lito to the kitchen, where there was lasagna in the oven. “I hope you like Italian... If not, I can come up with something else.”
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Trying New Things | Closed Starter
When those arms were wrapped around his waist, Lito looked right into Elias’s bright blue eyes and s smile grew onto his lips. “I am a little nervous I have to admit, I have not been with someone in a long while. So forgive me for being a little rusty.” A soft chuckle came from his lips, which soon faded when he felt Elias’s forehead against his own. “She is doing well, I left her sleeping, so she should be no trouble for my sister tonight.” Slowly, Lito leaned forward and pressed his lips softly against Elias’s, closing his eyes, enjoying the feeling of Elias’s lips. “I am looking forward to getting to know you better tonight.”
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laughbutsmilenomore · 8 years
He chuckled lightly. As much as he didn’t want to, he actually enjoyed Spiderman’s banter and sarcasm. “The mansion was the perfect idea. Unsuspecting heroes such as yourself come here, and then get captured, and this place is far enough from anywhere that they can’t really escape, or call for help... Besides, have you seen the view?” With a motion of his hands, the mechanisms of the house started moving, changing the layout of the building right before their eyes, until around them was a room with a series of large windows facing the ocean. He shrugged a bit. “And yes, I am insane. That’s why I am a villain, right?”
The Technomancer frowned. “Seventeen? So young... I’m 35. But I doubt your parents would be imaginative enough to name you that...” He moved his hand again, and a mechanical arm sprouted from a trap door in the ceiling. The end of it was a blade. It moved fast, and sliced through the spandex, without hitting the skin, with surgical precision. A square of spandex fell off, just over Spiderman’s left nipple. “Are you going to give me the actual answer?”
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“I’m shaking in my spandex, if this is your attempt to come off as the big bad of my life you’re going to have to try harder than that. I’ve been in worse and tighter spots before and with villains who would eat you for breakfast Metal Man” He retorted, not really having much to do but mouth off at the moment. He knew he wasn’t being truthful, he was in a bad situation and this man seemed eager to make a game of defeating Spiderman, humiliate the vigilante until he got what he wanted from him. “If you’re trying to tell me after all the villains and criminals I’ve faced you’re going to be the one that finally beats me and defeats me then you’re more deluded then when you though this mansion of yours on the side of a cliff was a great idea” He replied, even as he squirmed and tried his best to get away. “So if I’m just a pesky spider, what does that make you other than insane?”
“Yeah this isn’t a date so I have no interest in asking you any questions, other than do you have a turn off button and can you speed this up so before you bore me into defeat?” He remarked, though he hesitated at the questions and wondered how he should answer. Giving his name would mean risking his identity even further and if the man found out who he was, well, it was game over for him. “I’m seventeen and my name is Bite Me McKiss My Ass” He finally said, struggling again and trying to find a way out of this. 
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laughbutsmilenomore · 8 years
Elias bit his lower lip and nodded. “Luxury resorts and hotels are apparently in right now.” He said with an apologetic shrug. He closed the door, and chuckled at the other man’s joke. It was clear Lito was trying to hide his nerves behind humor. Elias looked down at his won clothes - a with button-up, and black trousers, and then his eyes lifted up to meet Lito’s. “Oh, desert is definitely ready...” He took a few steps forward, closing the distance between them, he wrapped his arms around Lito’s waist. “I can tell you’re... fidgety.” He smiled a bit. “Just relax, my darling... WE have the whole night to ourselves  - my phone is off, so not even work can bother us.” He pressed his forehead against Lito’s. “How’s the girls doing?” He asked, hoping that taking about his family would help Lito relax a bit.
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Trying New Things | Closed Starter
To say Lito was nervous would be an understatement. This was the first night he would be spending away from his daughter and spend it with Elias, the man he had been dating for a few months now. When he arrived at the door of the address Elias had texted him, Lito wasn’t sure whether he had gotten the right place, that was until Elias answered the door. “Your business is clearly doing well.” By the looks of it, this penthouse was even bigger then the place Lito lived with his daughter and sister. A nod came as he entered inside and his eyes looked around the penthouse before returning to Elias. “And I see desert is looking almost ready as well.” Lito said trying to be flirtatious however, it could be seen that he was nervous about the situation.
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laughbutsmilenomore · 8 years
He felt the touch of warm damp limps against his cock, and took a sharp intake of breath, not quite a gasp, and bit onto his lower lip. “Hum... I’m glad he did.” He admitted, as his hips moved a bit forward, to meet the man’s mouth. Isaak felt someone starting to undo his blindfold, but he kept his eyes closed for a moment, blinking a few times so he wasn’t blinded by the light.
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Blindfolded | Closed Starter
Mark just happened to love the fact that Isaak was eager and eating out of the palm of his hand, although not literally - at least not yet. He couldn’t help but wonder how much of Isaak’s current state of arousal was due to the fact that he didn’t even know the names of the two people he was with now, or if it was just the blindfold, or a mixture of everything. Mark pushed his assistant’s head down towards Isaak’s crotch, and he leaned in planting a kiss on the tip. “I think Pothos likes it’s new name.” Mark took his free hand and began undoing the knot at the back of the blindfold.
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laughbutsmilenomore · 8 years
He tipped his head to the side, and smirked. “I would say you didn’t need to be afraid, that I don’t bite... But I do. So careful about your answers.” He circled Spiderman, watching that young face of his. He wondered what had pushed such a young man into this life, into becoming a superhero. Probably something completely different of why he had become a villain. He shook his head. “And perhaps the villains you are used to lose, but maybe that is because they underestimate you. Not me. I don’t make the mistake of underestimating my enemies. I always approach them as if they were always more powerful than me, even if they are just as threatening as a spider in my ceiling.” He chuckled to himself and sighed.
“Alright let’s start easy, two questions. You answer, I go for the next question.” He stopped, standing in front of Spiderman, and nodded. “You’ll be allowed to ask the same question to me, if you answer mine. If not...” He reached closer and tugged at the spandex suit. “I’ll start ripping bits of this off, until you are standing there naked.” He folded his arms in front of his chest and smiled. “So, two questions. What is your name - your actual name - and your age? I’m just curious, I mean, I wouldn’t want to jail a minor.” sarcasm dripped from his tone as he spoke.
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Peter tried to struggle as he was lifted in the air, like he was being put on display for the man to enjoy his captured prey and prize. But against this unusual power there wasn’t much he could do, the poor boy powerless against the dangerous and unknown villain. The mansion was far away from anyone the vigilante knew, which meant there was nowhere to go, nowhere to run and no one to save him. “Another perk of being a villain is you always lose, so if you think you’ve won then think again Metal Man” He retorted, trying to sound braver and more cocky then he actually felt.
The removal of the armor as if it was alive was one thing, but what the man was left in was even more surprising. Just a pair of boxers and a tight tank top, showing off those huge arms and chest. The man was a powerhouse of strength and physical power which had Spiderman swallowing thickly and feeling smaller and suddenly a lot more afraid. “I think I’ll pass on spending a vacation in this creepy little villain lair, dungeon or not. But thanks for the offer” He tried to snark but with his face revealed and his mask tossed away he felt far more vulnerable and more like a little boy and less like a hero. Spiderman had been defeated and all that was left was poor little Peter. “I’m only a prisoner in your deluded head, but ask your twenty questions and see how many I respond with ‘Bite Me’ and 'Up Yours’, you can make a tally.”
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laughbutsmilenomore · 8 years
Trying New Things | Closed Starter
Elias was a confident man who rarely experienced nervousness. However, Lito was someone who often pushed him out of his comfort zone in the best ways. First, he had never tried dating apps, and Lito was one of the firs people he had met through tinder. Then, there was the fact that, despite the fact that he knew Lito was a single father, he had still been interested in him. It’s not that he didn’t want kids, eventually. He just never thought he would start a relationship where kids were already a reality, not just something to be discussed. He might put him out of his comfort zone, but at the same time, there was something that made him feel safe around the other man. He was reliable, and Elias liked that. A lot. 
So, he had invited Lito over. He had never bothered talking about his fortune, of course - his family was wealthy, his father an American man who went to Dubai to build hotels and resorts, and won a vast amount of money, settling after marrying a local woman. Elias had been born there, but wanting a change, he had taken over the American branch of his father’s company, and was its current CEO. Now that he thought about it, as he opened the door to his penthouse, he wondered if Lito would be mad that he had purposefully hidden that about himself. He had told Lito he owned his own business, but that was as much detail as he had offered. He licked his lips, now nervous again, and cleared his throat as he looked a the man in front of him. “You found the place.” He said, as if it was hard to find one of the most luxurious places in town. Elias smiled, as he motioned with his hand, inviting Lito in. “Dinner’s almost ready.” This was the first night they would spend together, and he wanted it to be perfect.
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laughbutsmilenomore · 8 years
“The maids will get them in the morning” He turned around, standing in his underwear. “Oh, so you were excited about being undressed by me...?” He smirked. “There’s a quick way to take care of that. Come over here...” He hooked his fingers on the waistband of his own underwear, slowly pulling it down, but not revealing anything just yet. He just wiggled his eyebrows. “So...?”
“I will then.” He watched as Quincey walked away, sitting up and crossing his legs, “You shouldn’t just toss your clothes around the floor like that. What if it gets all soaking wet and nasty?” His eyes followed the other’s movements, a loud sigh leaving his lips as he moved to stand on his feet, stretching his arms. “Oh sure, you have fun with that. I’m just going to go back to enjoy the movie and my popcorn..” He trailed off, already making the few couple steps to the door before adding, “Besides weren’t you the one who said you were going to undress me?” Daniel shrugged, “Had me excited for nothing..”
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laughbutsmilenomore · 8 years
The Technomancer smiled, with a swift movement of his hands, Peter was lifted up from the floor, hanging by his arms, legs spread out. “Oh, I can, Spiderman. I can and I will. You see, one of the perks of being a villain, is that I don’t need to abide to a moral code, or the laws of men. I do as I please, with whom I please...”
Now that the threat was neutralized, he decided to take his armor off. The pieces of armor opened, and flowed like they were alive, as if they were independent beings, snaking away and disappearing into the darkness of the mansion’s hallways. The technomancer was left there, in his underwear and a black tank top. “So, Spiderman, given the fact that you will be my prisoner, you might as well tell me more abut you. If I like you as much as I like your face, I might consider giving you a comfortable life here in my mansion... Instead of a cell in the dungeon.” He smiled darkly, and stared at the man’s chest. “I’m going to make you some questions... If you refuse to answer, I will rip out a bit of your suit. If by the end of my questionnaire you are completely naked... well, the cell will be your home, unfortunately.”
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Terror was in Peter’s heart as the villain loomed over the fallen hero, shadow falling over his defeated prey as the wires and cables kept Spiderman secure and unable to do anything about it, squirming and struggling but to no avail whatsoever. His webshooters were broken, his strength expended and now he had the pressure of the metal boot against his chest and pressing down, shortening his breath as he tried to fight against it but it was hopeless; his squirming and kicking just another show of how weak the boy was right now, completely dominated and overpowered by this villain. 
“No, stop…no. Let me go” He said weakly as the man taunted him about the fate of a spider, unable to do anything about it as he was taunted further, dominated even by the villain’s words who seemed eager to end Peter’s life and destroy Spiderman forever. He was struggling to breath, vision blurred as he was choked out by the powerful man, that dangerous and handsome face revealed as he looked down on the defeated hero, his prey. “No, no you can’t do this to me. N-no, wait” He whimpered, unable to stop him from pulling the mask away to show off that red faced, pretty little thing underneath. “W-what? No, I…I’m not your prisoner and I won’t let you get away with this. I…I can still stop you, I won’t…no…” Peter tried to find a way out of this.
But there wasn’t, not this time.
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laughbutsmilenomore · 8 years
The Technomancer was a man with newly-found power. Troubled, and enraged by life’s injustice’s, he could have become a super-hero, just like Spiderman. But Villains were the ones that always got their way. His resentment towards heroes was like a dark seed that had blossomed in him from the moment he had gained his powers. And let’s face it... Being bad was fun.
Spiderman was young, and reckless, ready to underestimate the powers of this new super villain. He chuckled lightly at the younger’s poor attempt at insulting him. “You know what I do, when I find a spider hanging in the corner of one of the rooms of my mansion?” He asked, as he motioned with his hands, cables and mechanical arms sprouting from the walls and ceiling, wrapping around Spiderman, holding him there with a literal iron grip. “I crush them.” He said, as he put a foo on Spiderman’s chest. His suit was mostly made of metal, including the mask. He looked more like a cyborg in a stylish trenchcoat than an actual man, under all those metal pieces.
“You wouldn’t be the first superhero I would kill - or enslave... Let me see your ace, to see the life dying in your eyes.” he said, as he leaned down. The mask he was wearing started to break apart, in a smooth motion, revealing his face, just as he pulled Spiderman’s mask off. “Oh... Now... A face like that, it woud be a shame to kill you. Maybe I’ll just keep you as my personal prisoner instead...”
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This should of been an easy day, a simple fight. Take out a new supervillain who had started causing trouble, nothing that Spiderman hadn’t handled before. Apparently he was called the Technomancer or something weird. Nothing said this guy was the next big bad or really anything special to take particularly seriously. That had been Peter’s biggest mistake.
The villain’s home had turned out to be some grand manor on the edge of a cliff, nothing about it screamed particularly dangerous. He should of had this in the bag, just another wanna be villain off to jail. But instead of a quick victory, a terrifying and crushing defeat is what Spiderman instead found. His suit ripped, his body trembling as it was thrown to the ground in the middle of the manor floor. Chest heaving, body exhausted and the fear and panic of realizing he was about to lose this fight, any attempts to pull himself back to his feet simply ended up with him falling over again. No, this couldn’t be happening. He couldn’t…he couldn’t be about to lose. 
“If you think this will…stop me, then you’re even…dumber then your villain alias” Peter tried to pass off as cocky snark but with barely any air in his lungs and a weakened, exhausted body it meant nothing. The metal thick wires wrapped around his arms, his body pinned down and completely helpelss as he tried to struggle and fail. Like prey being cornered in on, Peter struggled even more. “What are you doing? No, get away from me-” He started, feeling the metal sliding away and off of him but instead felt the looming figure of this villain above him instead. 
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laughbutsmilenomore · 8 years
If I don’t reply or I take ages to:
It’s drafted
My mood doesn’t fit
I’m trying to equal your perfection
I’m brain-dead
I lost the reply
I’m easily distracted by something else
All/some of the above
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laughbutsmilenomore · 8 years
“You didn’t ask for a head start.” Quincey chuckled. “That does sound like me... But really, I was jut trying to stop you from running.” He admitted, and shrugged. “Fine, if you don’t want to take your clothes of, leave them on.” He stood up, and started to take his own shirt off, tossing it away, as he headed back towards the pool, speaking over his bare shoulder, already doing quick work of unbuttoning his jeans. “If you need me, I’ll be over at the pool, having fun.”
“Get off me you big oaf,” was the first thing that escaped Daniel’s mouth, the model glared up at Quin halfheartedly. “You could have at least giving me a head start! And no, I’m not taking them off!” He looked away, a pout on his lips as he squirmed underneath the other not helping but to pipe out to try to embarrass the other, “This is such a sexual position you know, I wouldn’t be surprise if you landed us this way on purpose..!”
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laughbutsmilenomore · 8 years
Daniel yelped when his ass was squeezed, his face seemingly turning a darker pink. “Oh, yeah. I promise.” He quickly and secretly crossed his fingers together before uncrossing them, “You can’t be that fast.” He huffed, looking Quincey in the eye as he let go, giving a cry of triumph as his feet hit the ground. Immediately after he took off, making sure to stick his tongue out at the other before he did.
Quincey quirked an eyebrow. He watched as the other man started to run, and Quincey darted towards him, jumping forward, and wrapping his arms around Daniel’s wast, before sending both of them tumbling down on the floor. They rolled, and Quincey ended up lying on top of Daniel, pinning him to the floor. “I play football, Daniel. I’m friends with a former NFL star. So yes. I am that fast...” He quirked an eyebrow. “So, are you going to take your clothes off now, or do I have to make you?”
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