latinegro · 4 years
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latinegro · 4 years
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i’m not rooting for you
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latinegro · 4 years
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Star Wars : The Clone Wars S07.E11 : Shattered
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latinegro · 5 years
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latinegro · 5 years
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From Kasia Babis.
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latinegro · 5 years
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latinegro · 5 years
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latinegro · 5 years
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Marvel Knights: 20th #4 (2018)
written by Vita Ayala & Donny Cates art by Joshua Cassara & Matt Milla
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latinegro · 5 years
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47K notes · View notes
latinegro · 5 years
I am a brilliant asshole and not in a good way. I’m always putting myself in a situation that sounds great at first, but as it happens, it’s not so great at all. 
I put the pencil on the paper and I begin to outline the basic layout of my model. Myra is laying on the couch in front of me. It’s old couch too, she’s probably the best thing that has happened on that couch in years.
She posed herself in a particular way so that the contours of her curves can be accentuated. I nervously erase the first mistake I make. It’s been a very long time since I’ve drawn a nude model. I’m acting like I’ve never sketched a naked woman before, it’s really not that hard. But, this is absolutely the first time I’ve drawn a woman that I’m acquainted with. It doesn’t help that I find her to be one of the sexiest women I know.
I can feel my heart racing because I know what I’m doing is wrong. I know that I shouldn’t be doing this but an opportunity presented itself and I had to take it. It does sound selfish but in a way, it really isn’t. First of all, the artist in me will not allow me to call this whole thing off. Secondly, I try to tell myself that she’s not a hot woman that I have been attracted to for a while but rather a future portrait for a client. I take a few deep breaths so I can maintain my concentration. Nervousness will only lead to a shaky hand and that’s not good for any sketch.
But, of course, I had to open my big mouth. I’m a writer at heart and by trade. I can describe what she looks like the best way I can use words and adjectives not with this damn pencil that I’m pretending was my hand going down those beautiful thick brown legs of hers. The thing is, I used to draw fairly regularly. I was one of those kids that would be so annoyingly good at drawing anything that I felt I didn’t need those pretentious art classes. I could freehand any comic book cover I see. I could draw anything or anyone if they were standing in front of me. My only weakness was I could never draw anything as I good as I wanted to from memory. My measurements were always wrong, at least that was what I was told.
At the end of the day it wasn’t big deal to me because no matter how good I was at drawing, my heart wasn’t in it. I didn’t love it like other people love it and that’s probably why I didn’t take it as seriously. I felt much more at ease using words to describe anything. I can perfectly describe how beautiful Myra is. She’s like a brown-skinned Athena from Themyscira that Wonder Woman would never talk about. Myra is the reason some would believe that God exists. When scientists talk about how we’re all made from stardust, they had Myra in mind.
I need to focus.
I have the basic shell of her body that fits perfectly on my old couch that should seat three people comfortably. Her black curly hair may be a problem for me. Myra chooses to wear it natural which makes her even more attractive but if I don’t shade it correctly this whole drawing would look like a caricature. But, alas, her big brown eyes look past me. She stares off into space truly hoping that I’m capturing this moment and indeed I am catching this very moment of her looking past me. I will consider that to be my fault. I may be good with writing words but actually speaking them to women is another thing entirely.
I met Myra first but I lacked the basic courage to kick it to her. We ended up being a little less than friends but more than just passing acquaintances. Of course, when Jules met her it was all downhill from there. I was always happy for them but mad at myself. Jules is a decent guy and when they first got together, all they did was fuck. Yes, I know that is normal because if it were me, I would hope that she would break me every damn day.
Another mistake. I may need a better eraser.
I get up and she asks, “Everything OK?”
“Sure, I just have to get another eraser,” I answer. She shrugs her bare shoulders as I walk to the desk and open the drawer. Jules is the real artist in all this. He’s one half of the team behind the independent Black comic book, The Insiders. We met at the NY Comic Con years ago and Jules and I became fast friends. Through the years we created our own comic book universe that has a plethora of characters. The excitement for this project is palpable because we’re building something important. In our universe, there are no meaningless black characters created for the sole purpose of being sidekicks. Together we’ve molded superheroes that matter; superheroes that look like us. There is a true meaning behind every page and we’re ready to take the industry by storm.
Jules has tons of different art supplies in this desk that it’s hard to keep track of all of it. But, at least I know where the erasers are. He stores most of his art supplies in my apartment since it has become our default workspace. It’s just easier this way since both of our day jobs make it hard to be the creators we are. We need a place to work and bounce our ideas off of each other. I pick one a small eraser and close the drawer. Before I walk away from the desk, my eyes focus on one of the sketches he was working on from issue #3. One thing about working with friends is, at times, it’s hard to come to a real agreement on the philosophy of a particular story. I really don’t think that the splash on page 11 is necessary but clearly, he’s working on it anyway.
I walk back to my chair and I smile at Myra before I sit down. I grab my pad and I keep going. My eyes scan slowly scan her from left to right. She’s laying on her right side with her right arm holding up her head and her left arm resting on her hip. Her breasts are a perfect size. They don’t sag at all and her tummy is a result of a lot of gym work. No visible stretch marks and no tattoos. This makes this sketch easier than what I originally anticipated.
I draw carefully. My pencil tries to mimic everything that my eyes absorb. I cannot believe that Julius’ wife is laying on this couch modeling for me. She wants this to be a present for him on their upcoming anniversary. Has it been two years already? It must be. That’s was around the time we decided to build this whole comic book company together. He’s the artist and I’m the writer. Now, look at me, doing a sketch that I may be getting more pleasure from than she is. Granted, this probably a bad idea, but how can I deny her this. I tried to convince her that perhaps it would be a better idea to dress up as a sexy gender bender of Grand Admiral Thrawn and I would make sure to get the colors right. She denied that, but I can, at least, convince myself that I tried to get her to wear the most clothes as possible.
I scan her navel trying to make sure that I can get the correct dimensions and diameter of the belly button ring. It looks like a small little pendant that sparkles from the light coming from the ceiling fan above. I scan further past her navel toward her vagina. Her legs are slightly crossed with her left leg slightly bent downward covering her right. It casts a shadow from the light.
My pencil breaks. Shit, was I pressing down that hard? She chuckles, “Having trouble?”
“Not at all,” I reply as I grab the extra pencil next to me. I want to try to be as emotionless as possible. Mentally I’m shaking my head. How did you get into this Zander? I will tell you how; I was cocky. I thought that I could talk enough shit in hopes to just flirt a little and now... my partner’s wife is my living room, nude.
Did I mention I was a brilliant asshole and not in a good way?
I remember staying over their townhouse in Brooklyn one night and while I have wondered what is that she does that allows her to own such a place, that was the night I got a glance of how skillful she was.
It was a late night of partying and they offered me a room to crash. I was so drunk that night that I just passed out as soon as I hit the bed. It must of been an hour or two later when I really had to use the bathroom. I got up and there was a long hallway that I had to navigate despite my lightheadedness. As I begin to walk down the general direction of what I thought was the bathroom, I hear noises. I slowly passed the room where it coming from and that is when I catch a glimpse of her reverse cowgirl riding Jules in a way that made me realize that twerking needs to a sport. I tried not to voyeur too long and thank God I had to piss, but all I remember was my heart beating so much that I felt it in my dick.
I need to continue on her legs and feet. I really do hate drawing feet. I can never get the right angle. I need to take my time and make sure the curvatures are correct. Shadowing will also be a problem. The lighting is pretty decent in here but I will need to at least need to define her curves with some type of shadow.
I can’t even imagine actually inking this. The good thing is that I can scan this into the computer and work on all the coloring there. I assume she wants it colored. Actually, I never asked. “Did you want this sketch in color?” I do my best to look at her eyes when I converse with her.
“Hm, You know, I think that would be a nice touch. Sure, if you can do it. But I will take one in black and white, just in case,” Myra chuckles a bit. I think she knows that coloring may be a tad difficult for me. Not only do I have to make sure that I color inside the lines, but how do I get her exact skin tone?
Then it hits me. I put the pencil down and I look at her. “So, I have an idea and it’s totally ok if you’re not willing to do it.”
“What would that be?”
I’m nervous to even suggest it. “You know what? Never mind. It’s a dumb idea. I don’t even know why I would even think of such a thing.”
“Just tell me.”
I take a deep breath, “Ok so, I want to get the shade of color just right and once I scan this in into the laptop I will need to..”
Myra laughs, “Zander, just spit it out.”
“I need to take a picture of you so that I can match your skin tone with the RGB color code.” I look down at my unfinished sketch as soon as I said it.
“You sly little devil!” Myra sits up and looks at me with a surprised look on her face as if she caught me red handed.
“What do you mean?” I ask
“Why the fuck you lyin?” She asks in a sing-songy manner. “You just want a nude picture of me!” I honestly can’t tell if she’s being serious or not, but she’s absolutely telling the truth. See how much of a brilliant bastard I am? This is how I get myself into trouble and once again I feel my heart coming through my dick.
“I mean, I would delete it as soon as I got the color correct.” Which is a lie.
“I don’t know about that. In all honesty, you can just take pictures of me with my clothes on and then screen-grab the color.” She was totally right about that. I hadn’t thought about it. Then she continues, “The reason why I am asking you to do this sketch is because I do trust you. That is why I never said anything to Jules when I saw you peeping into our room that night.”
“What are you talking about?” I ask nervously. I was never sure if she actually saw me and I assumed that since no one said anything that perhaps we were all just drunk. Of course, I cannot forget that after I went to the bathroom I returned to continue my voyeurism. Shit.  
Myra gives me a smirk, “Please, do not insult my intelligence. I know you’ve seen me naked before and I am quite comfortable with my body. So I will save you more embarrassment by saying that I do want this drawing to come out correctly. So I will allow you to take a picture but I want you to delete the picture in front of me.”
I pull out my iPhone from my pocket and ask her to return to her original pose. Myra is right about this but I don’t care right now. Even if I delete all the photos from my device and the cloud, I will still have her body burned into my brain. If not, there is always the original copy of this sketch… for portfolio purposes of course. I take a few pictures with and without the flash.
Myra smiles and asks, “How many photos do you plan on taking?” I want to explain lighting and such but then she cuts me off, “I hope you have enough space on the cloud for all of these.”
I freeze, “Um…”
“I am not stupid, Zander. I fully expect you to find a way to try to keep pictures of me. Just know that…”
Bang. Bang.
We both look up. There’s a knock on the door. I look at Myra as she gets up quickly and covers herself with a robe I gave her.
“Who is it?” I ask cautiously.
“It’s Jules. Dude, let me in. We need to talk…about everything.”
Shit. I put my face in my palm. This could be four years and three issues down the drain.
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latinegro · 5 years
‪My coworker: Black Panther was my least favorite of all the marvel movies. ‬
‪Me: Because you’re white. ‬
‪Him: No it’s not that. I just didn’t understand it all. ‬
‪Me: … because you’re white. ‬
‪Him: It’s just that nothing stood out to me. ‬
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latinegro · 5 years
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latinegro · 5 years
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latinegro · 5 years
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latinegro · 6 years
A Crush
“How the fuck did I get here?” Teddy mutters to himself. He had been playing a very dangerous flirting game with Linda and it resulted in him being parked right outside her campus apartment. He had to think about this for a minute...
This all started when he drove her home during that big ass snowstorm last week. Linda considers herself an activist and ever since that crazy man took charge in the oval office, she’s been busy protesting just about everything. Yet, somehow she has time for class. She comes across as a loudmouth if you don’t know her and since he knows her very well, all of that is just to hide her insecurities. The “loud Latina” routine is a defense mechanism for her but in reality, she has a heart of gold. She definitely has a way of making white people uncomfortable and in a big school like this, that’s all that matters.
There was a discussion they had in the car on the way to her place that centered on the fact that a fellow student of hers had a crush on him. He has always been a humble person and never bought into the fact that anyone outside of his ex-wife would have any interest in him, especially a student. Why would they? He’s practically an old man that would rather listen to Big Daddy Kane than Drake.
Rest assured, she told him that it was Tommy the bookstore clerk that had a crush on him. Tommy is her best friend and she readily admits that she loves hanging around gay men because they are not shy about sharing tips when it comes to their head game.
Teddy had a feeling that this was a conversation in which she was trying to feel out how much she can get away with. It was plainly obvious that she would say things that she would never say to an adult that she respects. “Yeah, so Tommy has such a crush on you. He’s well known for trying to turn out straight guys. In fact, there are a couple of TA’s he’s deep-throated”
Statements like that not only surprise the hell out of him because of her bluntness but leave him wanting to hear more. Deep inside he wants to know what else she’s gonna say. So he just chuckles and replies with an “Okay…”
“But, I told him that I think you would never go for that because you are an admin and you used to be married so you don’t seem like that type,” Linda continued.
“So you’re telling me that the only mysterious person who has a crush on me is Tommy?” He chuckles. He knows he’s pushing the envelope a little. The truth of the matter is that he does love to flirt with women. It has become a part of his nature and a part of the reason why he’s divorced. However, he’s made it a habit not to flirt with students but she is a few months away from getting her bachelor’s degree so in his mind, she’s really not a student anymore.
“Well, I can’t tell you, everyone. What I look like?” she answers and laughs.
He finally gets her home to her off-campus apartment. This is a part of town that has a lot of students and some faculty. It’s not too late so he’s not worried about what people may think of him dropping off a student because after all, in this weather, public transportation is not running well. He never wants to be that person to a let student freeze while waiting for a bus. He watches her go into her apartment and heads back home all the while not trying to think about the fact that he might actually like her.
This is what is going to get him in trouble again. He’s divorced because he couldn’t keep his dick in pants. He was far too curious about certain women in his life. Not to mention that his ex-wife was a general pain in the ass anyway, he’s always viewed her as a nag that he ended up with. But he knows that he’s the one who fucked up and that is why he lives alone, in a one bedroom apt, in a dump of a building.
He shrugged the feeling off that night and drove away. When he got home he told himself that we would put any thoughts about this chick behind him right after he finds a video on Pornhub to masturbate to. It was just his luck that she hit him up over Facebook while he was in the middle of it all. Of course, she will never know but the fact that she hit him up made things easier for him. 
Teddy: Wow, do I come across as a loner?
Linda: Well, no. But you look like you could use a friend every so often.
Teddy: I really do appreciate that. But I think I can get by. Besides, I figured you would like someone closer to your age.
He cringes as he types that. He’s not that old and now all the possibilities raced through his head. She’s got to be at least 15 years younger than him. She can probably break him in half and drain his balls dry. He would absolutely love every minute of it.
Linda: You right, but these boys are so immature!
Teddy: I have to agree with you on that, but that doesn’t mean that I have my own issues that I deal with. I have plenty of baggage I’m sure you wouldn’t want to do with.
Linda: See, that’s the thing. You own up to your shit like a real man and your overall demeanor is such a turn on.
He stares at the screen in awe. This is not how he thought his night would go. He’s totally being macked right now. A co-worker had told him once that young women these days are rewriting the way guys date. They are so aggressive that you will get punked for having no balls.
He must be thinking too much because she types again: Did I say too much?
Teddy: No. I’m just letting my imagination go wild.
Which was true. Linda is a thick girl which is right up his alley. She is about 5’2 with long curly hair and lips thicker than a roll of quarters. In fact, she has the nicest set of full lips that he has seen a long time.
Linda: Really? Care to share?
Teddy: Just thinking about those lips.
Linda: lol most guys do. What do you think about exactly?
Teddy: I love that red lipstick you wear. I wonder how those lips will feel around certain parts of me.
Linda: Trust me, I’m talented. My tongue would make your soul shiver.
Teddy: Wow.
Linda: Too much? I haven’t even told you how much I enjoy head.
Teddy: Damn, I bet you do. But, look… as much as I would love to take this further, you are a student and the last thing I want to do is lose my job. I mean, don’t you graduate soon? lol
At this point, he’s trying to reel it in. He refuses to let this go further because thinking with the other head never leads to anywhere good. He is better of sticking to the original plan for tonight.
Linda: I graduate in May, but you right. I wouldn’t want to get you in trouble.
Teddy: I tell what, once May rolls around… we can live out every fantasy we have with each other.
Linda: I can accept that but, you should at least tell me what fantasy you want to live out. I personally don’t see anything wrong with two adults talking.
Teddy: You really are talented alright. You have a gift for talking your way into things that you want, don’t you? lol
Linda: This is true. :)
This is how he ended that night. Teddy was able to talk his way out of doing something so incredibly dumb. Although the best part of the night was finding that right video on Pornhub, this conversation stuck out in his mind over the last several days. By the end of the week, he figured the best way to get this out of his system was to write a story about it.
The problem was that when they saw each other, their passing glances were filled with lust. Linda wore that red lipstick and it only made him think about her more. He had concerns that perhaps someone would notice. Although there were not particularly long glances it seemed so obvious to him. This is when he knew that he probably has a crush on her too if he is being so damn paranoid over a passing glance.
He thought about hitting Linda up on Facebook but he always made himself busy. He read somewhere that the art of distraction can stop anyone from doing something stupid. So when he thought about hitting her randomly he did anything from playing PS4 to re-watching entire seasons of Young Justice.
This all leads up to today with another impending snowstorm heading to New York, Teddy spent most of the day making sure that his snow tires were set. As he drove back home he heard his phone chiming and right away he knew that it was from Facebook. He knew it had to be her. Not many people message him there. Most people just text him directly. Interestingly, enough, he never gave Linda his phone number.
After he parked the car, he checked his phone on his way to his apartment. Linda left him a message, I know that you said we should wait but I also know we’re pretending that we’re not thinking about the inevitable. So how about I, at least, make dinner for you. We can just talk. I make a mean arroz con gandules.
Damn! He thought to himself. What they say about the key to a man’s heart being is his stomach is so true. His family lives in Yonkers so he doesn’t get to see them as much as likes. Most of his meals consist of food from the student union and Burger King. So the idea of any homemade food is mouthwatering.
He doesn’t respond until after he gets into his apartment: That’s how you do me? haha How am I supposed to say no to this?
Linda: You can say no, but why would you?
He shakes his head thinking about this question. Why would he say no? He can come up with all the reasons in the world to go over there that don’t revolve sex but none of them would make sense. Besides, the food is a huge reason for him.
Teddy: You do have a point. I suppose there is nothing wrong with dinner.
Linda: Exactly, we can eat talk. Perhaps watch a movie.
Teddy: Did you just offer Netflix and chill?
Linda: Haha, and if you want, you can fuck my mouth.
Now, Teddy stares out the window of his car. Snowflakes begin to fall. How he got here is pretty irrelevant at this point. As much as he’s debating the right and wrong about all of this, the truth is that he made his decision the moment he opened the door to his apartment and walked out. Teddy knows that if he gets caught in a situation where this storm is so bad he might be stuck here. How bad could this be? As she said, aren’t we both adults in the end?
He finally shuts off the car and gets out. The evening flurries are now becoming larger. He walks quickly to her apartment in order to avoid people that may be walking around. The truth of the matter is that it is about 8pm on Sunday. People are home watching either football or zombie shows. It’s also really cold so he’s not surprised that people have seemed to stay in for the most part. He knows this is his last chance. He can walk away and not step into this situation.
He plays this out in his mind. Dinner will be great. They will joke and laugh and she will ride his dick all night. They will fuck like rabbits for the next few weeks until he gets tired of her and it will lead to her pain and misery. He will end hurting her and she will hate him forever or close to it. If he’s lucky Linda won't go to the provost, she will be another girl that he couldn’t deal with.
He knocks on the door. He can smell the aroma of the food and within a minute she opens the door wearing a black see-through fishnet bodysuit.
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latinegro · 6 years
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has this been done yet
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latinegro · 6 years
He - Part 1
He chats with her just about every day because they are friends. They both work at their various jobs and they feel that it's always good to talk to someone that is not a co-worker during various points in the day on messenger. They have talked about everything from family to politics but more importantly, they generally talk about love and life. She has a boyfriend that she speaks very highly of and for the most part he is a great guy.
He, on the other hand, is single. He had a bad break up with a girlfriend about a year ago and he’s still iffy about even having another relationship any time soon. Sure, he has plenty of female friends and a few jumpoffs here and there, but he’s getting comfortable with just being alone.
Their friendship is a pretty good one. They have known each other for years after they met at a networking party a few years back at the Bronx Alehouse. They can talk about anything and have told each other their secrets. Actually, she has told him just about everything but he has kept one secret in his pocket. He has been dying to rub his dick on her lips.
He does find her very attractive and pretty much knows that they are not right for each other, but there’s something about her that just makes him hard. Perhaps he’s curious about her or maybe it’s the fact at her body is so on point. They did meet when he was with his ex-girlfriend and ironically she was single at the time. They got along very well to the point where his ex-was a tad jealous of her. There was always a hint of flirtation in their interactions and its something that has developed over time.
He knows that she’s not dumb. The flirtations are mutual but only go to a certain point. However, based on previous conversations, he wouldn’t be surprised if she already had a feeling about this. Of course, she has no idea as to what exactly he would like to do.
He’s imagined her naked several times. The few bikini pics that he has of her help his vivid imagination. She doesn’t believe in sending him naked pictures but has no problem letting him know that she has a Brazilian or that her nipples are pierced. He has stopped himself several times from saying the wrong thing. He would love to tell her that there are times that he daydreams of her being bottomless while sucking him off. He can imagine her head bobbing up and down until he comes. He’s never told her this because he respects their friendship, although there was a time he has come very close in telling her everything.
He gets to work today thinking that maybe he should just tell her and get it over with. They are friends and nothing will come from it because, after all, she will understand, right? Then he remembers something that was told to him by a much wiser man: A man’s fantasy of women never meets the reality. He knows that he’s hard up for her and any thoughts of anything happening is just all in his head--the one not attached to his neck.
He wonders what her response would be if he does finally tell her. As a matter of fact, if he was so bold, how would he tell her? He’s come up with a few ways to tell:
I wake up every day with a huge hard on and one of my first thoughts is to show you. He thinks that might be too much. She may not be into dick pics. Although, he does question if it is really that far fetched to assume she might actually wonder about his penis. Do women even do that? He thinks they do, which leads him to start thinking that maybe there’s a part of her that might think about it. There were so many times when he would wait for the perfect opportunity to tell her something completely inappropriate, which ultimately never came. He’d hope that one day she would say to him, “can I ask you a question?” His planned response, no matter what would be 9 inches. He would hope it would make her laugh but more importantly, we wanted her to know how big he is.
I really feel the need to tell you that I masturbated to your Instagram photo. He’s thinking that this may not help either. He was thinking about this one time when she posted a photo of herself that was so sexy that he imagined her deepthroating him. Still, this may not be the route to go.
I can’t help but fantasize about you. This may not be so bad, he thought. He knows there is a chance that he could offend her, which would suck. However, he maintains that they are good friends so maybe she will cut him some slack as long as he does not go too far. Telling her that he wants to lick that Brazillian may not win him any favors though. Although he wants to send her a gif that he found of this woman riding a man’s face. With the way, her amazing ass looks he may want her to sit on his face for hours.
He has imagined her in every position possible, however, the one he normally settles on is doggie style. She has an ass that he’s seen in yoga pants that are burned in his memory. He had wondered how much she would enjoy getting pounded. Coincidentally, when they did talk about sex, this one happens to be her favorite position.
He logs on to his computer at work after taking a few sips of his coffee. He takes a deep breath because he’s going to go for it. He thinks about all the times he almost told her but backed off at the last minute. There was one time when she even told him that she can’t stop him from saying what he has to say, but still, he backs off.
His phone rings and as he begins to talk business, she messages him: My boyfriend and I broke up this weekend. We realized that this was just going nowhere. I would have called you this weekend but I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts.
Now, what’s he going to do? He might as well scrap all plans on telling her now, but he also can’t feel just a little excited of the possibility of her being single. This isn’t to say that her having a boyfriend would have prevented him from having sex with her if she wanted, but she is just not that type of woman. He does think that it is a shame that her relationship has ended. He has always commented to her that her boyfriend was a lucky man.
He does spend most of the morning consoling her. She is pretty upset but not distraught. His initial assessment is that this may not be a permanent break for them. He knows that she still loves her now ex-boyfriend and the door is open for his return. Still, he waits for a good opportunity to suggest they meet up for some drinks.
He goes into one of his daydreams where they go back to his place after drinks and she admits to him that she has been curious this whole time about him and had been staring at his crotch for most of the night. This, of course, leads to him fucking her mouth slow and steady on his couch. They are both naked and she devours every inch with such pleasure. She pulls up and smiles at him as he rubs the head of his cock on her lips. He knows that she loves to give head so it would only make sense to him that she would love to suck his. He snaps out of the dream when his boss walks asking a question about this morning’s briefing. After the interruption, he realizes that he fantasizes about her way too much.
It’s not just about her giving him head either. He thinks about the entire dance. If there was ever a point where she told him that she just needed some oral attention, he would totally volunteer. He loves eating pussy and he would love having his head (the one on his shoulders) between her legs. The fact that she is waxed is a bonus.
What he really wants to do is fuck her hard and make her scream. He just never imagined so much lust can come from a friendship and he does want to tell her but now this break up has just happened which only means he will just have to wait.
A week goes by and she seems to be handling things pretty well. Their normal daytime chatting as moved more to phone texts in the evening and occasional conversations at night. He has been the friend that he should be. Supporting her in her time of crisis and making her laugh when she needs it. For the most part, he doesn’t flirt with her at all during this time. He knew it was only a matter of time until she would revert back to her normal fun loving self.
Today was a busy day at work, so he doesn’t log on to chat until the late morning. After finally getting settled in, she hits him up saying the complementary good morning.  She asks how he was doing and if he had a good weekend. Indeed he had a very good weekend and she knew that. He had a plan to get laid this past weekend and it worked out very well. He had shared with her that he was going to see an old flame for a possible hook up.
She wants to know the details of the encounter and as usual, he gives her a play by play of the night. He met up with his old flame and they caught up over some drinks which turned into dinner. The encounter was very reminiscent of times when they had fun. He eventually went over to her place and spent the night.
He describes everything about the date except for the end. He’s so very used to not telling her details about his sexual encounters. Of course, that is when she had a boyfriend, but he’s still not used to her being single. They have boundaries and he was respecting them. They have talked about sex before in the ask-me-anything format. So they both knew certain things about each other, which is why his fantasies about her are so specific. She has mentioned to him that she loves to give head and that has piqued his curiosity.
But then the conversation turns to something he did not expect:
Her: So that is it. You just got laid? Was it good?
Him: Yeah, it was. I’m pretty sore in all the right places..or wrong places depending on how you look at it. lol
Her: That’s awesome. I miss sex already. I still got a wax this weekend. I just like the feel of it.
Him: Wow. That sounds nice and smooth. I still don’t understand how you women do that.
Her: We are used to it. :)
Him: Can I say something that is inappropriate?
Her: Of course, you know you can say anything. Not like I have a boyfriend anymore.
Him: I know but still.
Her: Is it about my wax? lol
Him: lol in a way it is. I feel that I should tell you that I have fantasized about you for a while and I never told you because you had a man. I know that we flirted a lot, well, at least I did anyway, but I respected you and your relationship. I don’t even know why I'm telling you this now.
Her: It's about time and we both know why you are telling me. lol
Him: What?
Her: I’m not surprised by any of this. I kinda knew. lol
Him: Did you? Was I that obvious?
Her: Of course you were. More importantly, I know you.
Him. Well, I thought you might have known, but I was never sure.
Her: You know you can tell me anything. We are so passed the awkward stages of our friendship.
Him: This is true.
Her: So are you going to share what you think about?
He sits back to think about this. He was totally caught off guard with her response. He doesn’t even know where to begin with her. His heart is racing and he is throbbing with excitement because of the realization that she knew all along.
The first thing that comes to mind was a picture she sends to him months ago. There was nothing openly bad about this picture. It was a normal selfie that anyone would see anywhere. She is posing in front of a mirror showing off her new hairstyle. It’s a full body picture in which she is fully clothed with jeans on and a top that exposes her belly a little bit. Not a big deal, until she mentioned to him that she sent the same picture to her man but in that picture she was bottomless. He was almost beside himself when she told him that. He had such thoughts about what that picture must look like and if he ever got a copy of that he might explode. He was always dying to see that picture, but nevertheless, it was deemed boyfriend worthy.
Him: Do you remember that picture you told me about that you sent to him and you were bottomless?
Her: Yes. lol the boyfriend only picture.
Him: I have been thinking about that for some time. I have been imagining you freshly waxed.
Her: Wow! That was months ago and yes I was indeed very smooth when I took that pic. I’m still really surprised you never told me sooner. I had a feeling you wanted to see that picture too. lol
Him: Again, I was nervous about how you would take it.
Her: I understand. Was that the only thing you thought about?
Him: Not at all. lol
Her: Tell me more. I’m curious.
Him: Well there was this Instagram photo you posted a while back. It was a selfie from when you first started your new job. It was an amazing pic that I just loved.
Her: That is nice. But I feel there is something you are not telling me, you can be honest.
He knows he has to make a decision here. Once he tells her this, there is no going back. There was a time when he woke up with a hard-on and before he decided to take care of it, he pulled up this very same picture on his phone and stroked himself to it.
Him: To be honest, I imagined you giving me head.
Her: Interesting. Something tells me you imagine that a lot. lol
Him: You have no idea. lol
Her: oh boy!
Him: Can I be blunt with you?
Her: Of course you can.
Him: Yes, I think about you sucking my dick a lot. I remember a time when you said that you love to swallow and right there I was envious of your ex-boyfriend. I just had this feeling that you would suck him off anytime he wanted.
Her: and I did. You aren’t lying, I do love giving head.
Him: I hope I didn’t weird you out with any of this. You have been a good friend and I wouldn’t want to ruin that.
Her: We are fine. You truly a dear friend and if this was weird in any way I would not have entertained this conversation.
Him: So then what are your feelings about this?
Her: You know I have always thought you were handsome and when I think about it, I sent you some pictures because I wanted you to look. I knew they turned you on and it made me feel good about myself. Overall, I have has some thoughts of what it would be like. I mean, there are times when you have made innuendos about your penis so naturally, I’ve wondered what it looks like and how big it is. lol
Him: 9 inches. :)
Her: LMAO!
Him: You know I could have sent you some pics.
Her: lol! yes, I know but I don’t like cock pics, they are crass and men too many men send to women unsolicited like we want to see them. Besides, when I want to see a man’s dick it should be in person. But, listen, I need to head to a meeting. I just send you a text. I should back later in the day. Enjoy!
He checks his phone and beholds the picture he been craving to see. He stares at her bottomless beauty. She is also angled in such a way that he can see the curvature of her amazing ass. His cock throbs in his pants. Maybe he will live this fantasy after all.
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