lasiiurus-archived · 7 years
thank u scott snyder for existing and hearing my prayers to make bryce canon
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lasiiurus-archived · 7 years
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lasiiurus-archived · 7 years
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lasiiurus-archived · 7 years
thank you !
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^^ dis gif isn't mine. but that's totally my face.
Here it is! This is my big dumb 'thank-you' post that I've been meaning to write. So if you weren't aware, I've actually closed this blog (aside from some random posts about Logan and a Batman Podcast - you should listen to it) due to some major, major problems with the DC fandom that I find toxic and quite frankly disgusting. But das stuff that sadly I can't change so I'm doing what's best for me and getting my ass outta here before my love for Batman is forever ruined by blind and immature fanboys.
i started writing bryce around about 2015. My first blog was called surgitisms but I changed it because someone made some burnbook callout about me copying someones url (I had no idea that blog existed rofl - surgit is latin for 'rise'). I then moved to rageinyourbones (shoutouts to joseph gordon levitt) where i spent most of my time, developing this character that wasn't even my idea - it was just a passing remark from a lovely actress by the name of Natalie Dormer. now as you're aware (and as i continually apologize for) i fucked up on that blog, and i've done my best to reach out and make amends with the people i offended (and they were super gracious and accepted my apology). but that negative bollocks aside, i grew up so much on that blog. i learned some amazing things about myself, i learned some bad things about myself, and most importantly i created a character that i personally believe is different to bruce wayne. i ended up headcannoning late at night, thinking about how she would act differently to bruce, about how she would interact with certain characters etc etc etc.
but what really made all the difference was the people i met.
you guys are fucking amazing. i mean lets be real - the tumblr rp community can be fucked sometimes. we've all seen it, but what i love is that we tend to (80% of the time) treat each other as real human beings and see that what we're really here for is just the love of these dumb fictional characters. they give us a break from the savagery of life and its endless woes. i am so, so so grateful and so so so blessed to have known the people i have on here. people whom i met on rageinyourbones and followed me across to here, and people whom i met here. holy bollocks im rambling - im just gonna tag some specific people who really really made my life on here so enjoyable. the rest i'll just lump into one big post because i'm lazy like that.
@fracturedportrait - harmony. i remember meeting you the first time. i remember it so clearly. you were so chill, so spunky (god i feel old using that word), and you had such a passion for your oc. i remember the first plot we had, the inspiration we shared... who knew that it was the beginning of my greatest friendship and my #1 OTP for bryce. you were the first person whom i ever actually spoke to off tumblr (remember when i called you?? and you heard my dumb aussie accent??). i remember legitimately getting teary over memes, i remember smiling so much during our threads, i remember (and still do) laugh about us talking about how our sin is like a lovely vintage of wine. your writing consistently, unimaginably, pushes and has pushed me to better mine. with every post you made, you helped improve my writing. you are such a blessing to me and i am not going to just let this stay as some dumb tumblr friendship. we'll face time, and i'll be sure to credit you when i'm on the red carpet with natalie dormer being like 'so what made you want to write this film about a female batman?'. i'll just be like 'yo there was this really cool chick who wrote a vampire and she told me to just write this film'.
@halysborn - SWAN. ho man. do you remember when i wrote that giant meta about how dick literally changed not just bryce's life, but bruce's? i firmly believe that dick is the most important character in bruce's life. and i mean i'm talking on the same level as alfred - even more. he's the TRUE son. the son whom saved him. like i just cry about how bruce says that line - 'sometimes i think i've never done any good in my life. then i look at dick and realize i'm wrong' or whatever that actual phrase is. i PHYSICALLY VOM WHEN PEOPLE SHIP THEM. but yo that's other stuff. what's important is that you have supported me selflessly and without strings. you've supported me here, you've supported me over on deshibcsara, you've just been a consistent rock, an unyielding foundation of encouragement. i still, and will NEVER delete that voice recording where you talk about me and my love for batman. it gives me such hope and reminds me that, yeah i fuck up, but i've at least affected someone else's life and how they see batman. my only regret is that i was so goddamn slow with replying to our stuff. and that was literally because i felt like you deserved nothing but my absolute best. you are incredible, and from one aussie to another, i love you brocookie!
@femmekill - could u pls stop spamming my facebook wall with memes?? SIKE I LIED. I FUCKING LOVE IT. my mum literally asked me the other night 'who is -insert your real name-?' and i was like 'oh thats my wife' and she was like '???' and i just said 'dont even BOTHER trying to understand'. you have been nothing but optimistic about me. you consistently, relentlessly see the good in me. i dont think there's ever been a time where like i've felt wronged by you? or at the very least felt like i was a burden to you? you never fail to spread positivity. even when you were feeling like shit and i tried to cheer you up, it's like you turned it on me and were like 'nah gus you're not cheering me up IM CHEERING YOU UP - thats how it works'. im so fucking whipped by you, because you're just such a blessing to my life. the day we shared FB's was like the day i realized 'WELP IM IN THIS MARRIAGE FOR LIFE NOW'. when it comes to your writing - i'm just breathless. the tumblr rp fandom does not deserve you. keep doing your thing man - don't ever let douchebag anons change that.
@marblebelow - I SINCERELY HOPE YOU STILL HAVE THE RECORDING OF ME SINGING 'THE CONFRONTATION'. especially with the 'DUN DUN DUN DUUUUUUN'. that shit is lit. yo but mikel really. the days of us writing together - writing fisk/bryce and then writing jim/bryce... i value it so much. you've taught me to pursue every little nuance in bryce's character. and i mean that - you ask me tiny little questions, and holy crap i end up going into a massive internal investigation. and worst of all (or best??) you jsut lavish me with genuine, kind words. i regret that we didnt get to write much more (both of us having major stress/overwhelmed issues), but dude, like, never stop being you - you have such overwhelming, unimaginable depths of creativity. even if you don't realize it, or feel like you don't, believe me - you do. it sounds like -- errr.... arrogant? but ive spent the last six years studying writing/fiction/film and just immersing myself in it so i feel like i have SOME credibility - you really really do have a gift.
@ivyworn - 'yes hello i'd like to report a murder? the victim is ME' aka this is what happens whenever we talk. so we never actually got to do much writing, but honestly? i literally feel like we did writing in the SPIRIT with all of our tumblr IMs and just the amount of shit talking we did. PUMA. LEST WE FORGET. PUMA. no but real talk, i was supposed to send you a birthday gift aka im still gonna get my ass onto paypal and do that SO DONT YOU LEAVE YOUR BLOG. AND YOU CANNOT SAY NO. i've never met anyone whom has such an in-depth love and understanding for ivy. i remember chatting about Cast Shadows with you and the level of complexitity between Batman and Ivy. i mentioned this but Batman/Ivy is literally my OTP for Bruce. i just think it is such an interesting avenue that no writer (post Cast Shadows) has explored. whenever we spoke, i had such a smile on my face, i cannot even begin to desribe it. i really really hope life goes well for you and treats you with the care and respect you DESERVE.
@psyclownsis @scarestress tags both blogs bc i have no idea where you are these days. so i already recorded that voice meme thing talking about you piri - but i literally just want to further express my admiration and gratitude for you. you've stuck by me, you've pulled me aside and been like 'oi gus you're being a douche stop it', and you've just supported me and taken such an interest in this dumb character i write that literally just blows me away. the fact that we barely write but i still feel so close to you and so valued by you is just a testament to the power of tumblr rp friendships. we don't NEED to write together to be friends and to respect and admire each other. AND LORD KNOWS i admire you. i admire your dedication, i admire your 'idgaf' attitude. and honestly i just admire your unrelenting loyalty to people.
because i've literally written an essay - the rest of these tags are people that i admire and love, even if we haven't had much chance to interact.
@agoodluthor | @gunkanjiima | @grincarved | @terrifiesthem | @tcmbraider | @truthpiety | @influencedbyfear | @inexactexpiration | @aftcrshocks | @fallencomrade | @geniusfuturist | @mangledgrin | @shewolveriine | @tragicloss | @unleashedjustice | @volchista | @widowscars 
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lasiiurus-archived · 7 years
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after much contemplation, after many nights spent listening to the various Hans Zimmer scores to the Trilogy, i have made the decision to close this blog. this is a somber decision of mine, but one i feel is absolutely necessary and, at heart, is what is best for me. as some of you may have seen, i’ve been a little lacking in posting recently. i don’t really spend much time on here anymore, and when i do, it’s usually to just post a couple of gifs, make an ooc post, reblog a meme - so on. at first i thought it was something to do with my life that was preventing me from writing, but even after i got my bearings and did some refilling of the well of self-love, i realized it was something more. 
the DC fandom has killed my love for Batman.
i really need to stress this…
the DC fandom has killed my love for the thing that STOPPED me from giving up on life.
this is by no means an attack, nor is it a means of pointing out someone or select people, but it’s just the collective DC fandom that i have, personally, encountered. i’m going to use actual sources and treat this like a proper article, because i know some people will just see it as bitching about a problem that isn’t there. i’m not going to put this under a cut, because it is a final post which is kind of important. 
There is a cell in DC fandom, however, that refuses every opportunity to behave like reasonable human beings. What began as frustration over a mixed reaction to Man of Steel has evolved into paranoid delusions of conspiracy and a full blown persecution complex over the world not embracing Batman v Superman the way these DC fans have. It’s already led to fans lashing out with violent threats like this one received by Clarke Wolfe (referencing a tweet where a young man threatened to murder her on the street after she gave BvS a bad review).
According to the DC hive mind, the reason Batman v Superman has been panned by critics is because those critics have an anti-DC, pro-Marvel agenda. Professional film critics who review dozens and dozens (some of them hundreds) of films each year suddenly care enough to choose a side between the companies that produce a small sample of those critics’ annual workload. Why would they care? Per the hive mind, money. What else?
That’s right. The DC hive mind is convinced that critics, especially the online bloggers who are fixtures of comic book movie coverage, have been accepting bribes from Disney to write positive reviews for Marvel movies and trash the competition, specifically the DC-based movies produced by Warner Bros. The key piece of evidence in each count of bribery is a critic having an opinion about Batman v Superman that is contrary to the opinion held by the DC hive mind.
‘Something is Rotten in the State of the DC Fandom’ - Sean Gerber, Modern Myth Media
this is just a sample of what is wrong with the DC fandom. no matter how hard i try to blacklist certain things, such as ‘justice league’ (yes, i literally have to blacklist JUSTICE LEAGUE), i cannot escape the blatant, unrelenting poison in the fandom. i have to blacklist justice league because i have literally seen posts saying 'we finally have the right batman’ or one of the more common things i’ve seen where the shot of batman on the gargoyle being tagged as 'more batman than christian bale will ever be’. i’ve seen youtube comments, i’ve seen tumblr posts, i’ve seen endless amounts of idiot fanboys and supposed 'DC elites’ thinking it is okay to slag off the predecessor. IT’S NOT. it is toxic. it is killing the fandom. 
You’re turning people off the films that you represent and love. You are hurting the industry as a whole. You are hurting the fan community as a whole. You are killing everything around it… the thing that you claim to love, you are hurting it.
There’s no bigger hater on the SW Prequels than me. But every time I talk about why I hate those films, I always make sure I end with 'Hey, that doesn’t mean you have to hate it. If you like these movies then I celebrate that. I think that’s awesome if you got something out of them! For me they didn’t work because of reasons A,B,C… but that’s just me.
We need to get it back to where we can talk about why we loved this, or why we hated that. But there’s nothing wrong with why you hated some I love or why you loved something I hated.
John Campea Podcast Episode 18 'The Destructive DC vs Marvel Fanboys War’
i’m not perfect, and i’ll never claim to be. i’ve taken shots at BvS purely because i felt zack snyder’s idea of what batman should be as a personal affront, but i did it in retaliation because i felt alone and ostracized because i happen to prefer christian bale and feel his batman is more accurate to the ideals of bruce wayne. that doesn’t mean i'm right, it’s just my heart and my opinion. but to have the DC fandom declare that someone’s opinion is WRONG, that to tell someone because they love the Nolan trilogy they are not a real Batman fan, is just pathetic. it’s childish.
it’s like having a kid be bullied at school because he happens to like Donatello the most out of the turtles, when all the 'cool kids’ like Raphael. it's disgusting and i want absolutely no part of this fandom any longer.
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this post is literally the reason i am leaving. i’m leaving before it gets to the point where i have to tear down the eight different batman posters in my room, throw out the $160 Dark Knight Trilogy statue, smash the hand-painted portrait of the chalk bat symbol my friend in america made me, trash the twenty four graphic novels i own. all because of the toxicity of the online fandom.
i don’t want to go on too much longer, i was planning to include a big thank you thing, but i think i’ll make it a separate post. i’d like it to have its own positive tone. so in closing, i really, really encourage, heck, i’m begging you:
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lasiiurus-archived · 7 years
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after much contemplation, after many nights spent listening to the various Hans Zimmer scores to the Trilogy, i have made the decision to close this blog. this is a somber decision of mine, but one i feel is absolutely necessary and, at heart, is what is best for me. as some of you may have seen, i've been a little lacking in posting recently. i don't really spend much time on here anymore, and when i do, it's usually to just post a couple of gifs, make an ooc post, reblog a meme - so on. at first i thought it was something to do with my life that was preventing me from writing, but even after i got my bearings and did some refilling of the well of self-love, i realized it was something more. 
the DC fandom has killed my love for Batman.
i really need to stress this...
the DC fandom has killed my love for the thing that STOPPED me from giving up on life.
this is by no means an attack, nor is it a means of pointing out someone or select people, but it's just the collective DC fandom that i have, personally, encountered. i'm going to use actual sources and treat this like a proper article, because i know some people will just see it as bitching about a problem that isn't there. i'm not going to put this under a cut, because it is a final post which is kind of important. 
There is a cell in DC fandom, however, that refuses every opportunity to behave like reasonable human beings. What began as frustration over a mixed reaction to Man of Steel has evolved into paranoid delusions of conspiracy and a full blown persecution complex over the world not embracing Batman v Superman the way these DC fans have. It’s already led to fans lashing out with violent threats like this one received by Clarke Wolfe (referencing a tweet where a young man threatened to murder her on the street after she gave BvS a bad review).
According to the DC hive mind, the reason Batman v Superman has been panned by critics is because those critics have an anti-DC, pro-Marvel agenda. Professional film critics who review dozens and dozens (some of them hundreds) of films each year suddenly care enough to choose a side between the companies that produce a small sample of those critics’ annual workload. Why would they care? Per the hive mind, money. What else?
That’s right. The DC hive mind is convinced that critics, especially the online bloggers who are fixtures of comic book movie coverage, have been accepting bribes from Disney to write positive reviews for Marvel movies and trash the competition, specifically the DC-based movies produced by Warner Bros. The key piece of evidence in each count of bribery is a critic having an opinion about Batman v Superman that is contrary to the opinion held by the DC hive mind.
'Something is Rotten in the State of the DC Fandom' - Sean Gerber, Modern Myth Media
this is just a sample of what is wrong with the DC fandom. no matter how hard i try to blacklist certain things, such as 'justice league' (yes, i literally have to blacklist JUSTICE LEAGUE), i cannot escape the blatant, unrelenting poison in the fandom. i have to blacklist justice league because i have literally seen posts saying 'we finally have the right batman' or one of the more common things i've seen where the shot of batman on the gargoyle being tagged as 'more batman than christian bale will ever be'. i've seen youtube comments, i've seen tumblr posts, i've seen endless amounts of idiot fanboys and supposed 'DC elites' thinking it is okay to slag off the predecessor. IT'S NOT. it is toxic. it is killing the fandom. 
You're turning people off the films that you represent and love. You are hurting the industry as a whole. You are hurting the fan community as a whole. You are killing everything around it... the thing that you claim to love, you are hurting it.
There's no bigger hater on the SW Prequels than me. But every time I talk about why I hate those films, I always make sure I end with 'Hey, that doesn't mean you have to hate it. If you like these movies then I celebrate that. I think that's awesome if you got something out of them! For me they didn't work because of reasons A,B,C... but that's just me.
We need to get it back to where we can talk about why we loved this, or why we hated that. But there's nothing wrong with why you hated some I love or why you loved something I hated.
John Campea Podcast Episode 18 'The Destructive DC vs Marvel Fanboys War'
i'm not perfect, and i'll never claim to be. i've taken shots at BvS purely because i felt zack snyder's idea of what batman should be as a personal affront, but i did it in retaliation because i felt alone and ostracized because i happen to prefer christian bale and feel his batman is more accurate to the ideals of bruce wayne. that doesn't mean i'm right, it's just my heart and my opinion. but to have the DC fandom declare that someone's opinion is WRONG, that to tell someone because they love the Nolan trilogy they are not a real Batman fan, is just pathetic. it's childish.
it's like having a kid be bullied at school because he happens to like Donatello the most out of the turtles, when all the 'cool kids' like Raphael. it's disgusting and i want absolutely no part of this fandom any longer.
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this post is literally the reason i am leaving. i'm leaving before it gets to the point where i have to tear down the eight different batman posters in my room, throw out the $160 Dark Knight Trilogy statue, smash the hand-painted portrait of the chalk bat symbol my friend in america made me, trash the twenty four graphic novels i own. all because of the toxicity of the online fandom.
i don't want to go on too much longer, i was planning to include a big thank you thing, but i think i'll make it a separate post. i'd like it to have its own positive tone. so in closing, i really, really encourage, heck, i'm begging you:
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lasiiurus-archived · 7 years
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Harvey Dent on Gotham Tonight (TDK Special Features)
for @about-faces!
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lasiiurus-archived · 7 years
“ i do not plan to live after Dick is gone. “ :)))
❛  you cannot be serious !  ❜     a crack in a voice ; something to hide the stinging desperation. evident confusion as her brow creases, red lips slightly parted.
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❛  you would give up just because he’s gone  ––– –  you would give up everything you’ve worked for ?  what is the point in that ?  ❜     not seeing the point in such a declaration ; and why such a thing would be confessed to diana. true, they both knew they could trust the other, but still. fingertips ache, wanting / needing to reach towards the other. instead, fists clench, arms cross. defensive. before arms fall once again ; unsure where to place them. it’s amazing how uncomfortable diana is with this topic of conversation.
❛  richard is already in bludhaven, it’s not like you see him everyday day. you should not give up just because someone dies. there are other people that need you here.  ❜     the entire idea baffles her. diana couldn’t imagine not wanting to live anymore just because a friend dies ; and she’s already had to bury enough friends and hasn’t given up…yet.     ❛  well  ––– –  i plan to make sure you live for as long as possible ; though you certainly make that a next to impossible task.  ❜
@lasiiurus     /     THE SONG OF ACHILLES.     ACCEPTING.
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lasiiurus-archived · 7 years
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“ There are DARKNESSES in life & there are LIGHTS & you – are one of the lights, the light of ALL lights. ” 
🔺 + dark blueish black ( bryce wayne @lasiiurus ) SEND ‘🔺’ + A COLOR FOR A COLOR BOARD OF OUR MUSES / accepting !
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lasiiurus-archived · 7 years
Go ahead & rip my heart out & write out Bryce visiting Val's grave ~
legs ache. they have been unresponsive for the past hour. she has been kneeling here in the light of moon. the light of nocturne that they came alive in. her eyes remain focused, purely, intently, on the gravestone before her. valtur... she has not the heart to finish reading the name. there is a cold chill on the air, brittle and hostile. it seeps beneath her coat, behind woolen scarf and clasped gloves. she can feel the ice upon her, but no mere winter wind could match what she felt inside. 
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❛ i... i'm sorry. i'm sorry i haven't visited you since the fune-. ❜ a sham. she is a false lover, a false partner. she clings to love, but is so afraid of what the price it demands her. gloved fingers reach forward, brushing away some of the snow.  ❛ i should have- i should... ❜ she's failing. falling apart from within. no, she had fallen apart LONG before. hide it. avoid the truth. don't let her words give life to the pain. ❛ it's cold in gotham. you always liked the winter. alfred sometimes lights the fireplace- the one where we spent new year's, and when-... ❜ she breaks. again and again. a thousand breakings. there was no hope for her composure.
the first clue appears. the lifeless facade over her face begins to give way. her face twists, as though skin has come alive of its own will. it twists in a mere second, releasing seeping anguish over her. she breaks. a soft howl of agony. then another, and another. tears well, and soon she has BROKEN entirely. 
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❛ i don't know what to do- i don't know, i just... ❜ she sobs, and sobs, and sobs. a bat bleeding black, as though it was the revelation of her greatest secret - that she did not bleed red.❛ how am i supposed to live now !? i have nothing without you ! you weren't supposed to leave me ! you weren't suppos- ❜ and her denial gives way to anger. her comfort, her greatest friend. it was always her defense. it was always her essence. she wants to SMASH the grave, to defy death itself and DEMAND it return the other half of her soul to her. 
❛ i loved you. i loved, and loved you. i gave you everything, and now you're-... ❜ she collapses. her knees can no longer support the weight of this grief. and so she falls onto the snow-covered grounds outside wayne manor. she sobs. no longer the bat, no figure of RAGE or vengeance. only a small child, whom lost everything. again.
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        ——— and above gotham's sky, shines the BAT SIGNAL. but there will be no     answer to the call. gotham will fall silent, for the war cry reaches only deaf ears.
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lasiiurus-archived · 7 years
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requested by metroplexual
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lasiiurus-archived · 7 years
“do not leave."
✠ song of achilles meme ✠
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that voice seeps through the air. no armor could protect her from such tenderness, such heart. it was almost a lie. where did ivy's ploys of seduction end and where did her actual sentiment begin? lines were so blurred. the bat TURNS, slowly, as if afraid of making eye contact with her might render her walls PITHY RUBBLE. 
❛ one day i will. one day you'll wake up and i'll be gone. ❜ she does not refer to any kind of voluntary decision of her own. only the demand of her mortality. that at any moment, gotham will decide it is her time, and no rage or seething can deny such a thing.
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lasiiurus-archived · 7 years
@ivyworn didn't expect this
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                 ❛ i'm afraid you'll 'ave to come back anotha' time, miss.   master wayne had a rather EXCITING party last night and is restin'. ❜
the poor butler was entirely unaware. unaware of the great secret that his ward held. he neither knew who this woman was (likely her disguising of green skin) or the unwavering fact that this woman KNEW of wayne's... 'parties'.
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lasiiurus-archived · 7 years
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Lasiurus origins by Kasimova
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lasiiurus-archived · 7 years
❝ i know i could never replace your parents. i was cold and distant. alfred would say that i loved you in my own way ... and he was right. i always will. ❞
« @lasiiurus »
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He TRIES to stop her, his expression PAINED for the sake of her words. This ISN’T what he wants, it NEVER has been. He’s NEVER sought an apology for the FUNDAMENTAL differences in the two halves of his childhood, nor held any of what had come after, against her. 
Shuffling his feet, he drops his gaze, set to ENDURE her self flagellation - RIDE it out while he constructed his rebuttal. She GETS like this sometimes, generally when the city is quiet-ish and there isn’t as much to occupy her mind. He can’t help but to wonder what else HAUNTS her so. 
     “Look, you LOVED me plenty. I       never ONCE felt UNLOVED. Sure,       I might have felt UNAPPRECIATED,       but you trained me hard for a reason.”
He lifts his head to meet her eye, hands sliding into his pockets. 
      “You were a mother to me when I         LOST mine. To be HONEST, you         still ARE. Probably ALWAYS will         be.”
A small smile crouches at the edge of his expression, undercutting the somber nature of the conversation. He WON’T have her mired in this regret, because, to him, it is UNFOUNDED. She has NOTHING to JUSTIFY because there had been NOTHING wrong. 
         “Stop beating yourself up, would           you? Half of Gotham already does          that FOR you. Cut it out, you know           we’re okay. M’not sixteen anymore,           Bryce. I don’t RESENT you.”
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lasiiurus-archived · 7 years
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lasiiurus-archived · 7 years
squishes ur cheeks
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