landausisters · 14 days
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BRIDGERTON (2020-) S03E01 “Out of the Shadow”
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landausisters · 17 days
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we were their guinea pigs that they experimented on and failed miserably, and then left us to deal with the aftermath alone
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landausisters · 19 days
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landausisters · 19 days
Anon said: You’re the Captain of the Guard’s sister right? I’d like you to pass on a message to him. Stay out of our way, or he’ll regret it.
“ Oh , I’ll be sure to pass it along , as long as you do the same . Here’s the message — ”
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“ It takes roughly 1250-foot pounds of torque to break a human neck . If you so much as think about touching my little brother , I will feed you to my hydraulic press . Her name is Laura . ”
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landausisters · 19 days
Peace be upon the daughter who helped her parents grow up. Accepted their cold shoulder, excused their anger, pardoned their mistakes, taught them how to be human. Peace be upon the sister who paid the price of rebellion. Screaming to her fullest, shaking like a leaf but standing tall, never letting the dictatorship go without a fight, paving the path for her siblings to breathe easier. Peace be upon the first child of an immigrant father. Aching to find their own purpose in life, firm in their own beliefs, contradicting generations and generations of cultural values. Peace be upon the girl who shouldered her mother's trauma. Swindled it into her own, morphed herself into an image of the womb she once resided in, immersed herself into troubles that weren't even hers, covered up scars that she couldn't even recognize. Peace be upon the woman who forgot who she was. So determined to be the savior of everyone, to fix her family, to nurture and love everyone around her. So deeply lost that she forgot she's just as worthy of love. Peace be upon you.
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landausisters · 19 days
What is broken cannot show, and less than beautiful is worse than unholy
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landausisters · 19 days
"I've said my piece, whether you believe it or not is up to you. Regardless, you should know by now your sister's never been one to back down. If there is something or someone you can't abide, you should stand up & resist… & if there's something you uphold, you should uphold it to the very end!"
This is such a powerful quote from Serval, in my opinion. I also find the use of 'never' to be interesting, because it really says a lot about her as a person, I think, & about her relationship with Gepard. From the tidbits we've been shown about their personal lives, & the light cone "Landau's choice", I think the implications are obvious their father isn't a great person, with him spewing classism to a younger Serval & Gep, possibly throwing a vase at them for arguing with him at one point, & Serval lamenting that she can only have short conversations with him before she starts 'losing it', it paints a pretty grim image of how they must have grown up.
I believe Serval is likely eluding to the values they taught each other growing up here. It doesn't sound like the sort of thing their father, who berates them for mixing with 'commoners', would say. It's more likely that this is something Serval told Gepard when they were growing up, possibly as a reason for standing up to their father, even if it made life harder for them? She's justifying her supposed legendary 'stubbornness' here by saying just as she didn't back down when they were children, she won't back down here... & also that, if he really truly believes in what he's saying, if he believes in Cocolia, that he should be standing up against her, even if it puts them at odds. Isn't that what she always taught him? She may not agree with him, but she does want him to follow his heart, even if that makes them enemies, at least in this one specific instance.
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landausisters · 25 days
“I know, I know you haven't seen the engine of creation, but do you know where it is?” Asked Welt, there was this, poorly concealed, childlike excitement glimmering in the older man's eyes. “Maybe you and I can check it out for ourselves?” (excited old man alert! For Serval!!)
“ Oh , I… ” She was thrown off a little by his enthusiasm that was like a kid on the first day of the Solwarm Festival . From Serval’s limited interactions with Mr. Yang , he was always quite mature , serious , calm & composed . She���d heard a little bit about him from her friends among the Astral Express crew ( though he seemed a little shrouded in mystery even to them ) , but she hadn’t been expecting him to show up at Neverwinter Workshop to make small talk .
Small talk , she realized , was now a prelude to this request . The other Nameless normally had no issue navigating around Belobog by themselves , but they’d had the chance to explore it on its entirety when they first arrived . She assumes Mr. Yang is much less familiar with their world .
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Fshe looks down at the Geomarrow heater she had been in the middle of repairing & makes a face of distain . Mundane jobs were so boring .
“ You know what ? I could use a little walk to stretch my legs , actually . ” she pulls off her welding mask & set the torch she’d been using down , rising to her feet to grab her modified jacket & slip it on . “ I haven’t seen it in person , but I do know exactly where it is . We won’t be able to turn it on or control it without your silver-haired companion though . From what I understand it’s activated by the lance of Alisa Rand , the first Supreme Guardian . So as long as you find an anxiety statue as interesting as a war machine ?” She laughs .
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landausisters · 26 days
Good girls peg their boyfriends.
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landausisters · 29 days
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landausisters · 29 days
𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘴.
continuing from this list i made earlier!
“ i miss you. ”
“ i don’t think i can do this anymore. ”
“ were you really about to leave without saying goodbye? ”
“ please don’t make me say it. ”
“ i need you. ”
“ please don’t go… ”
“ you know i’m never going to let anything happen to you. don’t you? ”
“ are you… are you afraid of me? ”
“ you’re a good person. ”
“ don’t worry. i’ll stay. i’m not going anywhere. ”
“ …is what they’re saying true? ”
“ i don’t care about any of that. i only care about you! ”
“ i’m here. ”
“ you have no idea how glad i am to see you. ”
“ just… tell me how to fix this. ”
“ please. now is not the time for lies. please, just… tell me the truth. ”
“ you know you can tell me anything… right? ”
“ hey… there is nothing in this world that you can tell me, that’ll ever make me hate, fear, or leave you. please, rest easy in that knowledge. ”
“ i never thought i’d see you again. ”
“ please… you have to understand why i did what i did… ”
“ why didn’t you tell me? ”
“ everyone has secrets, don’t they? i’m sure you’ll tell me yours when you’re ready. ”
“ you’re not alone. ”
“ you can trust me. ”
“ i can’t believe i ever trusted you… ”
“ it’s okay… everything’s going to be alright. ”
“ i…  i  don’t know how to fix this. ”
“ there’s no other way, is there? ”
“ no. absolutely not. no way. i’m not letting you do this. ”
“ you don’t know what it was like. ”
“ for gods sake, don’t do this! don’t you dare make me lose anyone else! not today! ”
“ i can’t lose you… ”
“ haven’t we suffered enough? can’t we have this one good thing? ”
“ you know, i think this might be the first time i’ve ever seen you frightened… ”
“ goodbye, my love/old friend. ”
“ you didn’t honestly expect me to let you do this alone, did you? ”
“ you lied to me. ”
“ you abandoned me. ”
“ promise me. ”
“ you promised! ”
“ please don’t do this… ”
“ we were one hell of a pair, weren’t we? ”
“ perhaps i am a little frightened… ”
“ we’re a team. remember? so let’s face this one together. ”
“ sorry. you’re stuck with me, i’m afraid. it’s part of the whole friendship/relationship thing. wherever you go, i go. ”
“ you… you must know, before anything else happens tonight… you must know that you were the greatest thing that ever happened to me. ”
“ i love you. ”
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landausisters · 29 days
Do any other oldest siblings feel uncomfortable when your parents try to make an effort to be a part of your life or is that just me
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landausisters · 29 days
I wish the world was kinder to my father so he could’ve been kinder to my mother.
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landausisters · 29 days
I would not hesitate to use my body as a shield to protect you from all the bad things in the world.
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landausisters · 29 days
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landausisters · 1 month
"I've said my piece, whether you believe it or not is up to you. Regardless, you should know by now your sister's never been one to back down. If there is something or someone you can't abide, you should stand up & resist… & if there's something you uphold, you should uphold it to the very end!"
This is such a powerful quote from Serval, in my opinion. I also find the use of 'never' to be interesting, because it really says a lot about her as a person, I think, & about her relationship with Gepard. From the tidbits we've been shown about their personal lives, & the light cone "Landau's choice", I think the implications are obvious their father isn't a great person, with him spewing classism to a younger Serval & Gep, possibly throwing a vase at them for arguing with him at one point, & Serval lamenting that she can only have short conversations with him before she starts 'losing it', it paints a pretty grim image of how they must have grown up.
I believe Serval is likely eluding to the values they taught each other growing up here. It doesn't sound like the sort of thing their father, who berates them for mixing with 'commoners', would say. It's more likely that this is something Serval told Gepard when they were growing up, possibly as a reason for standing up to their father, even if it made life harder for them? She's justifying her supposed legendary 'stubbornness' here by saying just as she didn't back down when they were children, she won't back down here... & also that, if he really truly believes in what he's saying, if he believes in Cocolia, that he should be standing up against her, even if it puts them at odds. Isn't that what she always taught him? She may not agree with him, but she does want him to follow his heart, even if that makes them enemies, at least in this one specific instance.
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landausisters · 1 month
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