laimii · 9 days
lets be sweet about life. ♡
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laimii · 9 days
Show me how you care
Tell me how you loved before
Show me how you smile.
-Men I Trust
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laimii · 16 days
just let life happen.
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laimii · 3 months
God is always with us. Just don't be afraid. ♡
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laimii · 5 months
nos saboteamos por miedo a experimentar.
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laimii · 5 months
bueno, es parte del desarrollo de personaje.
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laimii · 5 months
Sometimes it's hard to move away from pain because it just gets familiar and "comfortable" despite how much it hurts us. And it may also be the only thing that connects us to what brought us pain in the first place (especially if it's a connection/loss). In our subconscious mind, the idea of healing may feel scary: what will be of me without this pain? What will I do? It's true that maybe our pain and "secure/known" current situation helps us think we are safe as per how things are, and we are also saving ourself from the chance of getting hurt in other ways, but is it really worth the amount of mental and physical hurt it brings to our present and future self? I hope you find ways to bring yourself compassion and find the strength to move on from that, even if it feels scary to leave a "comfort zone" for a totally unknown one. You'll find a new way to balance yourself in it and find a new safety in it too, I promise. It won't be bad. You deserve to feel good and at peace. And to heal.
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laimii · 5 months
Someday, it might take a while, but things will hurt less and then not at all. Things will still hurt in your day to day life, but you will find a community, a home, and you will find peace.
You deserve a happy, peaceful life.
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laimii · 5 months
me gustan los conejitos y los peluches.
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laimii · 5 months
pero si te sientes solo dilo. busca un abrazo y háblate bonito.
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laimii · 5 months
extraño a mis amigos. a veces me pregunto, ¿cómo las personas les hacen para ser fuertes?
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laimii · 5 months
no soy mis pensamientos negativos.
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laimii · 5 months
a veces no sabemos donde ir, y no está mal. creo que eso nos da perspectiva sobre hacia donde queremos ir.
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laimii · 5 months
hace frío, y mis sábanas son mi lugar seguro.
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laimii · 5 months
estar en constante crecimiento, rompiéndose y evolucionando
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laimii · 5 months
hueles a vainilla te quiero.
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laimii · 1 year
Nevertheless, God has a plan.
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