ladymorganella · 24 days
hey i know i asked for constructive criticism but what i actually wanted was for you to tell me i'm extremely talented. and also pretty. sorry if that was unclear
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ladymorganella · 2 months
No matter what I draw , this man keeps coming back into my life
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Kaito from the previous years
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ladymorganella · 3 months
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If there's anything good that's come out of Pen's canon romantic life between the light sting of "gosh, wish it was me" and a heap of second-hand embarrassment, it's the knowledge that he's the type to dip kiss his crush. So lemme just yoink that, lol
Also I really like to draw him without the hat. He's just so 🥺🥺🥺 Also also, gotta love how I keep expanding Betty's wardrobe. She's my little fashionista 😌
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ladymorganella · 3 months
Lucifer the kinda bf to do this when you're mad at him
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ladymorganella · 3 months
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Project Sekai x ZOZOTOWN 2024 by fuzichoco!
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ladymorganella · 4 months
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Today's KAITO module of the day is:
Hatsune Miku x Yomiuri Land 2024 by Morikura En!
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ladymorganella · 4 months
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@pxriss___ on X
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ladymorganella · 4 months
I love ship dynamics that are "will you rot with me?" "I've dug two graves for us, my dear" "someday we'll be buried here, side by side, six feet under, in matching coffins, our lifeless bodies, rotting together for all eternity." "if only I could hold you until we were both dead." "dying together is even more personal than living together." "death will not do us part" etc. etc.
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ladymorganella · 4 months
ever since i was a little girl i've known that i wanted to be romantically involved with a fictional man
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ladymorganella · 4 months
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Today's KAITO module of the day is:
Hatsune Miku × namco TOKYO - NEO MUSIC LOUNGE by Mura Karuki!
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ladymorganella · 4 months
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Today's KAITO module of the day is:
Hatsune Miku × namco TOKYO - NEO MUSIC LOUNGE by Mura Karuki!
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ladymorganella · 4 months
the devil works fast but hazbin hotel fans after learning sir pentious canonically has two dicks work faster
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ladymorganella · 5 months
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Today’s KAITO module of the day is:
Kyle Marlon by Ichika!
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ladymorganella · 8 months
Hey, hey, don’t cry. Protective f/os, okay? F/os that are ready to throw hands at a moment’s notice if someone is rude to you, makes you cry, looks at you even a little bit funny, etc. F/os that pull you closer when you’re walking together and keep their arm around you to show everyone that you’re with them. F/os that love you so loudly and proudly. F/os that would throw themselves under a train for you without even hesitating. F/os that get a little territorial when someone else shows interest in you. F/os that basically act like your body guard whenever you go out (bonus points if they’re actually your body guard). F/os that growl. F/os that don’t think twice about getting aggressive with anyone that bothers you but would never, not in a million years, be anything but loving and adoring to you. Just think about that and you’ll feel better.
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ladymorganella · 8 months
your f/o has a journal. they write in it a lot, about many things. they've been through so much; the journal is filled with their pain, their sorrow, and their questions. but sometimes they'll write about something better, something that gives them hope... you.
they'll write about the experiences you've had together, citing you as the best thing that's happened to them in a long time. or, ever. and they don't lament the time that they didn't know you, because it all led them to you.
"i can't wait to see (s/i) again."
"i thought about kissing (s/i) today... i should have done it."
"i miss (s/i) so much, i can't stand it."
"i think i love (s/i). i'm going to tell them the next chance i get."
"i'm so grateful for (s/i). they're everything to me."
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ladymorganella · 8 months
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Today's KAITO module of the day is:
A Song That Soothes Your Frustration from Project Sekai: Colorful Stage!
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ladymorganella · 9 months
Imagine the fanfic happening in the movie universe.
Honey is the maid (Human, maybe?) that takes care of Bowser, feeding him and listening to his new Peach songs. Until, one day, the songs aren't about Peach anymore.
Gently hold small husband with salad tongs-
CAN YOU IMAGINE also um I couldn't help myself. Did i get carried away? Yes! (Although I didn't include the last bit, sorry!) Hopefully I kept him in character from the movie lmao
You were used to hearing Bowser talk and sing about Peach as you made his food, did his laundry, cleaned his room like the giant manchild he was. The only time he acknowledged that you existed was when he needed to bend someone's ear about his plans (marrying Peach) and Kamek wasn't around... but you weren't complaining. It was steady work and steady pay, and you were taken care of well enough that for now, you could handle it. In fact the only regular direct interaction you had with him was bringing his food, and he usually just snatched it from you without a word.
You'd also been privy to some of his more tender moments, a mere anonymous shoulder to lament to. Over the years, you'd learned to see past the anger, past the obsession, to know he's got a heart buried deep inside that chest - if only someone could reach it. But you kept it all to yourself - he probably still didn't know your name.
And why should he? He was a king, and you were paid to be a maid, silent and invisible. And that was fine. Things didn't need to be complicated. It was a simple business transaction.
You slipped into his music room as you'd done so many times before, listening to him play as you quietly got to work tidying up around him.
Sometimes it felt like he didn't even know you were there - but that allowed you to sort of see under that spiked shell of his, so you really didn't mind. Although, he never stopped playing either way, so who knew?
"Tell me, sweetheart," you heard him rumble over the music, "what is it that keeps you here?"
You hadn't heard those lyrics before, but the spoken word style suited them.
He chuckled - well, cackled more like - as he continued playing. "So diligently taking care of my castle, and me, and never once caring to speak up. So content to stay hidden in the background. You've never recoiled from my touch or looked at me like the villain I am, nor have you let leak any of my.... hmm, less than proud moments. So tell me, my sweet little handmaiden, do you think you're invisible to me?"
You dropped your broom in shock and spun around to see him, but he wasn't anywhere in sight. The only sound that echoed through the chamber now was the clatter of the broom handle hitting the floor.
What the fuck just happened? Did you hallucinate all of that just now? Your wide eyes swept the room in front of you, your mouth hanging open; it's been a while since you'd been on a proper vacation, so maybe you had imagined it...
With a quiet sigh, you turned around to pick up your broom - only to be met with a massive, scaly paw wrapping gently around your throat, clawed thumb forcing your head back by your chin. Your face flushed brightly as you stared doe-eyed right into King Bowser's grinning face.
"L-Lord Bowser," you stammered, absolutely ashamed of how you felt about his warm hand encompassing your neck so easily. Through all your interactions, this was the first time you'd ever touched him, and you had to admit his scales were smoother than you'd expected.
His eyes narrowed as he watched you, his nostrils fluttering as he dragged you a little closer to him. That terrible, beautiful grin didn't leave him.
"My silent little human minion," he purred; his breath wafted over your face, the smell of woodsmoke heavy in your nose. "I've been thinking a lot lately, you know.... about you. About us. About what could be..."
"Wh-what can I do for you, sir?" Your voice quivered and you could feel your throat bob against his hand when you swallowed; his not so subtle implications were making you dizzy.
He hummed, bringing his free hand up to drag his claws through your locks. "I want you to tell me about me. I want to know what a mere human like you thinks of the great Lord Bowser - and I want your true feelings, got it?" he growled quietly. "You've seen more of me than even Kamek is privy to, and I demand to know why you stick around."
You resisted the urge to let out a sigh; he was just fishing for compliments, thank God, despite his thinly veiled threat. If you actually told him the truth, you feared you'd end up dead. Not that you really had bad things to say! Bowser was just a little unpredictable sometimes.
You brought your hands up to lightly rest them over the one that held your throat, but you didn't try pulling away one way or another. That seemed to confuse Bowser, his head tilting to the side as his grin slowly faded.
"Well, sir," you murmured, slowly relaxing, "even though you desire to dominate other kingdoms and crush your enemies... you still seem like you would treat your allies well. I mean, look at me: I'm a lowly maid, but I get paid well and I feel relatively protected on the occasion things get a little... ah, rough. As fierce as you are... I don't feel like I need to fear you, exactly. Which is a good thing as your employee."
Bowser's pupils dilated slightly as he seemed to consider your words. You just hoped they were honeyed enough to appease him instead of set him off, but either way you'd find out in a few seconds.
"...That ain't all, is it?" he finally huffed. "I know you got more opinions on me than that political shit you just spouted, so tell me. Promise I won't get mad." And then he gave you the best puppy dog eyes you'd ever seen.
Oh, heavens help you. There was zero reason for this koopa to be so.... cute.
You took a deep breath, gathering your courage, and then practically blurted out one of your deepest feelings about him: "Sometimes you seem like you could use a real hug and a caring friend."
His jaw dropped as he stared at you in surprise. You stared right back at him, just as surprised that that's what came out.
The silence between the two of you stretched on until you couldn't bear it anymore and you finally turned around, chiming, "M-maybe I should get back to work-"
"Wait!" Before you could even blink, Bowser snatched you off your feet, holding you up in the air like he was afraid you'd try to run.
You blinked at him, a little surprised. "...Yessir?" you asked calmly despite the blush threatening to return. Momentarily, all he did was stare at you a little dumbly before recollecting himself a little.
"I-I, uh, just thought - I mean, if you wanted to give me a real hug, I'd - I'd allow that. And the... friend thing..."
Ah, you knew that code. He wanted a hug, but he didn't want to seem like he wanted it. Poor guy.
"...You know what, now that I think about it, I think a hug would be real nice. How about you let me know every time you're in the mood to allow me to hug you, huh?" you murmured. "And if you'd like me to-"
Bowser nodded, and without hesitation (or letting you finish) he held you to his wide chest, pressing your face right against it. Unfortunately your arms were pinned to your sides so you couldn't really hug back, but you could still feel some of the tension leak out of his body when he realized you weren't squirming or trying to get away.
"You know..." The vibration of his deep voice made your head buzz pleasantly, pressed against his chest as it was. "Between you and me, maybe Peach is just a siren trying to lure me into a false love, using her pretty face to keep me from seeing someone who'd really care about me..."
Since he couldn't see your face, you rolled your eyes. "Then does this mean you have your eyes suddenly set on someone else, sir?" you asked politely.
He set you back on your feet and crouched so that his face was level with yours, his large hands keeping a gentle hold of yours. "I don't know if "suddenly" is the right word... there's been a slow realization over a few years, but I suppose I'm finally ready to give up on Peach in favor of a more promising potential."
You smiled a little, daring to reach out; Bowser's eyes watched your hand as it fell gently on his nose. His pupils blew wide. Although you opened your mouth to say something, it was then that it dawned on you that Bowser wasn't actually crouching - he was kneeling.
"B-Bowser?" you breathed as, once again, your face grew hot with the intensity of your blush. But even as you stared at that adorably sweet face he was making, the sincerity and silent plea for some sort of consensual companionship was almost overwhelming.
"I'm gonna make you my bride one way or another... sweetheart."
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