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Thank you so much.
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The Gintama men as replies to this tweet
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Sougo : Follows Kagura 😢
Gintama characters on social media
Gintoki: is only on Instagram (because Kagura forced him to join). The only thing he has on his IG feed is a blurry picture of a carton of strawberry milk (he thought it was being posted to his story). Doesn’t really understand what the hype around social media is. Follows Ketsuno Ana, Kagura and Shinpachi. Kagura blocked Zura for him.
Kagura: is on every kind of social media. Loves posting updates about her Yorozuya life, reblogs mainly pictures of food and puppies on her Tumblr. She also runs an account for Sadaharu on Instagram. Constantly messes around with Shinpachi’s Twitter.
Shinpachi: mainly uses Twitter and Instagram. Retweets and likes everything Otsuu posts. Occasionally posts pictures with Tae and the Yorozuya. (Kagura made his IG handle, “glasses_wearing_human” and he can’t figure out how to change it)
Hijikata: uses Twitter. Only made an account to make sure he’s updated with everything happening in the government. Follows all Shinsengumi members and officials of the Bakufu. Sent a follow request to Sougo, who blocked him. Uses Yamazaki’s social media to keep tabs on Katsura
Sougo: meme king supreme. Runs an account on Instagram where all he does is shitpost about the Shinsengumi (mainly Hijikata). Follows Kagura, Gintoki and Kondou.
Kondou: uses Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Follows the Shinsengumi members and the Shogun. Was unable to follow Otae, so he follows the Yorozuya and Kyuubei to get updates about her. Tried convincing Hijikata to follow her, he didn’t agree.
Katsura: uses Facebook and Instagram. Mainly shares pictures of animals. Lots of selfies with Elizabeth. Can’t figure out why he’s unable to follow Gintoki. Blocked Sougo and Kondou. Stays away from Twitter so Hijikata won’t find him.
Otae: uses Twitter and Instagram. Blocked Kondou on both. Follows the Yorozuya, the girls from the cabaret club and Kyuubei. Posts pictures of her cooking and sometimes selfies with Shinpachi/Kyuubei.
Sa-chan: follows Gintoki wherever she can. Posts lots of selfies with her blown up doll of Gintoki. Also shares pictures of nattou. Sometimes her captions are incoherent, cause she can’t find her glasses. Gintoki tried blocking her, but she had a backup account.
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Goodnight (Drunk! Okita×Kagura)
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Summary:Shit happened and Sougo got himself drunk with Kagura coincidentally being with him. This is about what happens afterwards(Yes, I suck at writing summaries)
He would be a happy and extremely clingy drunk, to everyone's surprise. He would cling onto anyone, even Hijikata while telling him to go jump off a cliff in his happy voice. Kagura would be no exception to this either.
Ignoring Kagura's attempts to throw him off (and her shouting, "Get the hell off me, disgusting sadist!!!) Sougo would just grin happily, in a daze-
" China~"
*gagging sounds*
A Drunk Okita is quite spoiled and vulnerable, a complete opposite to his normal self, saying things he would never say in his right mind
"Your eyes are soo pretty~!"
*more gagging sounds *
Eventually Kagura will somewhat give up, still trying to push him away a little while complaining about his breath when Okita slowly slides down to rest his head on her lap, his arms wrapped around her waist.
"What the fuck are you-
".........used to.....do this...."
"Ane-Ue...used to do this...when I was a kid..."
".... Please...let me stay like this.. China"
Kagura stopped resisting as she looked at him, hesitating a bit before brushing her fingers over Sougo's sandy hair and spoke in a soft voice
"... I'm not your Ane-ue, but I suppose just tonight will do yes?"
Sougo sighed contently as his eyes slowly started getting heavier, with the faint feeling of Kagura stroking his hair and he finally slept.
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“Is that the type of person you are?”
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Sometimes i still think of how okikagu didn't turn out canon.
Wailed silently and move on.
Miss you guys 😢
I hope they are happy in the alternate universe.
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“Goodbyes are only one side of the coin. You can’t say goodbye until you’ve said hello.”
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Fucking beautiful
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Gintama (2003-2019)
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Thank you for this. Glad i'm not the only one thinking the same. There's just not enough chapter for the both of them to grow up and for Kagura to finally reciprocate (we all know Sougo has liked her from the beginning).
I have been watching a lot of old episodes and again and again, i'm just sure that Kagura is really a family type. She for sure will be married (she wanted it - the ship scene) and have kids (she wanted it - she invented Kanna lol ) and build a home and eat 3 meals a day (she wanted it - she said so in 1 episode).
I am sad that they didnt become canon. But if Sorachi were to bombed us with a special (10 years later) or something like that, i will be betting on their canonness.
So please hold me on my bet until those chapter come up ( 😭).
My thoughts on Okikagu after the last chapter:
so even if this is supposed to be the last of Gintama, and we have not seen Okikagu become canon, I still think that we are allowed and justified to think that they get together in the end.
Let me explain:
first of all I do not see Kagura as the type of woman to not want children or a husband. It is actually the opposite. She finds warmth in caring for people and being cared for. Family means the world to her, just look at what she has done to try and bring her yato family back together. Just look at the pure love she has for her earth family Gintoki and Shinpachi. I cannot imagine that she would not want to start a family of her own and have children someday. The fact that since she was little, she had always wanted to have pets like rabbits and beetles and dogs only adds to the image I have of Kagura wanting to have children in the future. So if we establish that Kagura DOES end up having a family, the only question remains WHO she has it with.
That brings me to the second point, that if we look at the characters of Gintama, out of all of them I see Sougo as basically the only one who fits the picture. If we delete every male character who is way older than her, we are only left with a small selection of characters. Shinpachi, Sougo, Seita, that radio exercise kid, and that’s basically it. Shinpachi is like her brother, Seita and Kagura have never really had chemistry and he is quite a bit younger than she is, and the radio exercise kid has only made one appearance in the entire series if I recall correctly. Which leaves us with an excellent candidate: Okita Sougo. They have great chemistry together, understand each other almost better than anyone, care about the other, and Sorachi sensei has already proven time and time again that he likes pairing them up together.
Sure, some people will say that Kagura could always end up with some character who hasn’t made an appearance in the series, who she will meet later, but think about it: that is even LESS canon than Okikagu, because NOTHING from that imaginary relationship has happened canonically in the series. At least with Okikagu we can say that the start of their relationship is canon: getting to know each other, caring about the other person, having a deeper connection. Those are all undeniably canon.
Lastly let’s not forget about all the Okikagu moments, they are on their own reason enough to ship them and believe Sougo and Kagura could be in a relationship one day.
So those are my thoughts. Unless Sorachi sensei says otherwise, I will believe them to be canon. It’s just sad that we never again will get to wait for the new chapter to see if there is an Okikagu moment in it. It’s sad that we (probably) never again will get a new Gintama chapter at all.
But never say never, for Sorachi sensei is the biggest troll on the planet
(also, everyone please write lots of Okikagu fanfics set after the Gintama ending, so we can all heal and go in denial T_T ✨✨✨)
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Okay. It's okay. We understand completely. Okay. I'm okay. I was nervous for this but that's fine i guess.
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                   it doesn’t matter that there is no official canon 
                                i love this couple anyway
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I saw a lot of people saying they were in the low point in their life when they found gintama (and instantly hooked)
Couldnt agree more with you. It is as deep as that and beyond and it touched people in ways they didnt know possible.
Like there will always be light at the midst of darkness. Like there always redemption for even the worst of people. Like no matter where you are and what you become, if you protect the things that meant the most to you, it's all that matters.
And i thank Sorachi forever for it.
gintama: a love letter
I really think the reason Gintama has resonated with so many people is that it’s a deeply philosophical series.
No, seriously. Think about the chapter titles. Sometimes they’re jokes, but most of the time they’re in the format of a pithy life lesson. The entire series of Gintama has been an exploration of that fundamental philosophical question, “What does it mean to live a good life?” And even more specifically, “How do you live a good life in a hopeless world?”
Sorachi deliberately set his first chapter in a defeated, colonized Japan. Gintoki and co. had failed. The future they’d hoped for had been destroyed. Shinpachi was an orphan whose only inheritance was a dying way of life. Kagura’s family had fallen apart, and she was a literal and legal alien alone on a new planet. And yet, in the midst of this bleak world, the three of them find each other, and so much joy comes of it.
I came to Gintama at a low point in my life. I found in it exactly what I needed during that period. I suspect a lot of people have been entertained, yes, but also comforted and encouraged by how, in the face of all the ugliness of their world, the characters of Gintama still have such uproarious adventures, still maintain their sense of worth and dignity, still live such magnificently full lives.
How do you live a good life in a hopeless world?
Sorachi’s answer has always been some combination of: kindness, humor, irreverence, warmth, an emotional openness to both the beauty and the degradation of the world – but most importantly – community. The entirety of Gintama has been about the kinds of love that build a community.
That’s why this last arc brought back so many characters. That’s why everyone is in the last chapter. Sorachi doesn’t leave anyone behind, because the strength of your connections with others is what makes life that much richer. People matter. We all live so close to despair, but maybe if we find our community, our found families, we could help each other be so much better.
This was a gift of a series. Thank you for everything, Sorachi-sensei.
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It's tomorrow right?
I want to read the ending asap too but my limitation in Japanese made me felt so sad.
It's like i am ready to get hurt, but not in Japanese.
Also i'm not ready for gintama to end,
i think even an eternity wouldn't be enough.
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✔ Some Okikagu in Ginpachi-verse to quench my thirst
👉Sadist and China are paired up for a class activity
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Gintama characters respond to the delay announcement
(20th June 2019).
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Everyone else
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That's enough time to reread chapter 1-703 i guess🤔
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Timeskip Arc
I was just rewatching the timeskip arc and I noticed something..
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So here we have Okita talking about how he plans on over throwing the government and taking over
He also mentions how before they can takeover, they have to tackle Kabuki district which Gintoki controls
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They have Shinpachi as a hostage out of all people I mean like that’s Kondo-san’s brother in law and you decide to get him? thats pretty sadistic of you Okita
So in other words you can say Yorozuya is his enemy since they’ll be in the way of his plan
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But when Hijiikata was gonna attack Kagura (which would actually benefit to Okita since that’s pretty much his goal)
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Friendly reminder above
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Lol nope he completely ignores what he’s said and protects her also where did he even come from
Now I don’t know if he did this just cause he’s trying to get on their good side or something but he really didn’t need to and if he is, then why did you take Shinpachi as a hostage
So there really is something fishy here
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Then we get this famous scene
I’m 99.9% sure if that were anyone else he wouldn’t give a damn
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Also they said earlier in the episode that the warts infecting everyone is attracted to ambition, so for the whole two episodes we’ve seen everyone achieve something (Kyubei w/ her balls, Kondo with Otae, Sadaharu wanting to get stronger etc.) Here I think Kagura just wanted to look like one of those heroines you get in Shonen Jump with the large rack and sensitive personality and Okita just wanted to become vice-chief but went even further. 
So why are they acting this way?
Cause for me I have two guesses
1. If a two year skip actually did happen it would probably bring more development into their relationship cause they’re older and learning new things   ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2. This is their true feelings, they both care for each other well we already know that to a degree where Kagura could possibly look after him and Okita would put his life on the line to save her if he needs to
If we take a look at the future episodes like the Farewell Shinsengumi Arc per say, he threw himself off a cliff to grab onto her though she told him to let go because if he continued to hold on he could get hurt and possibly fall aswell. Don’t forget the look on his face when he thought Nobume was going to kill Kagura and how pissed he looked when she charged but then was shocked cause he realizes she was protecting her lmao
Anyway i found this interesting lol bye
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7 days countdown to the end of Gintama.
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I am excited, nervous, happy, sad, half not trusting it will end,
Hoping and praying for everyone's happy ending, mostly for Sorachi Sensei.
I hope he will be satisfied with his ending.
I hope fans will rally behind him and thank him for whatever decision he made after struggling to bring Gintama to it's deserved ending.
I hope he knows how much Gintama has made the life for so many people just a little bit better, if not changed their whole perspective of life in general.
I hope we all will take the lesson in his perseverance in his own work, appreciate the masterpiece that is Gintama and always support him from now on too.
Till then.
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Omg so cute!!!!
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OkiKagu family
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