kyublivion · 10 hours
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the future is now
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kyublivion · 10 hours
People have to understand that, as soon as you are in a callout, you are marked, and are labeled with a discrediting attribute that you're burdened with. This reduces and delegitimazes your voice and your ability to be trusted and interacted with, leading to being ostracized and excluded. That is the point of the callout. After being marked and labeled, those who aren't stigmatized will avoid contact with the "stigma bearer." When marked, anytime the stigma bearer is recognized, they generate a response of aversion and disgust in those who believe the callout, which they rationalize and justify through the notion that those who receive callouts "deserved it"
This way, the stigma is seen by others as transferable by association, and as a threat that is understood as a fair and legitimate reason to keep a safe distance, as to avoid becoming a stigma bearer. When those who aren't associated, and are sufficiently separated from the stigma bearer, support and defend the stigmatized, they become "infected" by association. But, those directly marked will always be affected the most, as they're exposed first and more widely. When labeled as a stigma bearer, the perception of you being unsafe is spread around as a warning, which is done under the guise of maintaining the safety and sanctity of the community
This policing of "bad actors" is weaponized to get rid of those that are undesirable within the community, and callouts are used against those that are marginalized, as they usually lack the social resources to retaliate. Those that divert from the norm are also the most likely to be in risk of suffering real life consequences when separated from their communities and support nets, and callouts are intentionally made to socially murder them. This is why these warnings are shared "just in case," so people can feel morally righteous for defending the community, despite taking no actions to stop actual issues
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kyublivion · 10 hours
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kyublivion · 10 hours
I just think it would be funny to switch things up and lead with "popular far-right online blogger, Joan Rowling" once in awhile.
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kyublivion · 10 hours
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kyublivion · 10 hours
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kyublivion · 10 hours
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had to be there i guess
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kyublivion · 10 hours
BREAKING: #FuckStalkerware pt. 7 - israeli national police found trying to purchase stalkerware
for the first time ever, we can prove governments, intelligence companies and data brokers have tried to strike deals with mSpy, a stalkerware company
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kyublivion · 10 hours
Please support my little sister Tala 👆🏻🥺 as she needs to continue her education.
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kyublivion · 10 hours
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kyublivion · 10 hours
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kyublivion · 10 hours
2024 tumblr: yea im jackin it to this clown vore video but im only into these kinks ironically
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kyublivion · 10 hours
Gonna eat my hands from how much tumblr is unaware of Bad Bunny
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kyublivion · 1 day
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kyublivion · 1 day
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Something about this pic just fucking kills me bc majima is just sitting there just blank faced like utterly defeated that theres no vinegar
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kyublivion · 1 day
I Don’t Want to Die
My name is Maysara, and I am a heart patient in need of open-heart surgery due to a hole in my heart. I managed to escape the war and reach Egypt just one day before the border closed, but not without great loss and pain. I lost my mother just days before October 7th, and I was also injured in Rafah.
Your support has been my lifeline, enabling me to flee to Egypt. But now, as I face this critical surgery, I am filled with fear. I don’t want to die. I want to live, to honor the memory of my mother, and to embrace the life that your generosity has given me a chance to hold onto.
Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I undergo this life-saving procedure. Your kindness gives me strength, and I hope to emerge from this with a renewed heart and spirit.
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kyublivion · 1 day
Dear Friends,
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Issam Aziz, and I am reaching out in a moment of profound desperation. The relentless conflict in Gaza has brought my family to the brink. My mother is gravely ill, and our only hope is to evacuate her to a safer place where she can receive the medical care she so urgently needs.
I have launched a campaign to raise funds for my mother's evacuation and treatment. Her condition worsens with each passing day, and time is running out. The thought of losing her is unbearable, and I am pleading for your support.
Please, share our campaign on your social media platforms. Your kindness and generosity could be the miracle that saves my mother's life. Every share, every donation, brings us one step closer to safety and hope.
From the depths of my heart, I thank you for your support.
With gratitude,
Issam Aziz
"this fundraiser is vetted by nabulsi, fallahifag"
fundraiser at €3,661/€7,000!! please help out
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