krwupdate-blog · 7 years
[INTERVIEW VI] A view to the future
What kind of actor Kim Rae Won will be in the next ten years?
I don't know what kind of actor I will be in the next 10 years. There is no certainty because we don't know what will happen in life. I can talk about it later in next 10 years. Even by only watching Han Suk Kyu sunbae, how passionate he is? Profession as an actor has another charm. Kim Rae Won in 40s will probably do well. Is it right for me to express it that way? I am looking forward to it. If I can't do it, I will make it possible. It is good to be a reliable and mature adult but as we walk in life, there will be time we will remember, like and miss some people. It is the same thing.
Han sunbae has many times said "Male actors will really start when they are in their 40s". He said that when I was still young and full of passion and enthusiasm. I'm looking forward to my 40s. Actually, I don't know how this story will be heard and delivered so I'm being careful but actually, based on my criteria, there is no projects of mine that has became a box office. I think I have no representative project. Actors need to be in their 40s to be authentic, I wonder if at that time, I will have a representative project that I'm satisfied with.
No romance for big screen
I won't appear in a movie with romance genre. Even if I prepare a lot for it, the audience won't look for it much so I don't think it will be screened. From the producers' point of view, they have to pay attention on the audience so they have to adjust to audience's taste. I'm not finding for strong role every time. Even though I did appear in romantic comedy on TV, but it does seem like I neglect it a bit. I want to do a lot of movies.
Crime action has become boring?
Even if I am tired of it I will still find it. Now that I have aged more I actually want to try melo too. I enjoyed watching the recent movie “Single Rider”. I think I will try to find the flow again. Such kind of movie will probably earns more audience.
Is there a genre that you want to try?
The time will come. If I have a little greed, I want to try melo. Not the one that looks cool but the melo that you can see in Director Park Jin Pyo's works. It's a story about everyday life but also has a heartbreaking and passionate love.
Your future plan
I'm going to work diligently in movies. I still have a movie that I've done filming but I still think I need to work diligently for another project again. Not until production stage but if given the opportunity, I would like to participate in the planning stage of a project.
The audience still pity for his loss of Grand Prize in 2015
(He hesitated and bowed slightly) I will try to win it. But is it that important? It's already enough for me for viewers to have such thoughts.
Authenticity is his target
Rather than being impatient, I'm just going with the flow. I think it's stupid and foolish to be self-assertive. Instead of showing a cool acting, I want to be more humane and sincere. Should I call it authenticity? I think it's the right thing to do things in my own way.
[Translation may contain inaccuracies]
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krwupdate-blog · 7 years
[INTERVIEW V] Kim Rae Won in daily life
Fishing and hiking are your hobbies
On my way to fish, I will also hike. I have been liking to catch fish since I was young. Han Suk Kyu sunbae heard about the rumors of me likes to fish when I didn't even reach 30 years old and he contacted me through my manager. We went fishing once and since then we've spent a lot of time together. I think we clicked well because both of us are quiet and love quietness. We only said "Do you want to drink coffee?" after two hours. We both rarely talk and just focus on fishing.
After Doctors ended, I lived one month in Manjaedo. I spent all day fishing and cooking. Sometimes, I would make sashimi. I started rock fishing. It is the killing level in fishing because you're risking your life while fishing. I've become an island person. Sometimes it's dangerous to walk through the bushes, but it's still exciting. One day, I looked at my hand and it had became whitish. There were also blood in between my fingers. Other than fishing, I watch a lot of movies at home.
Any recommendation?
I watched a lot of movies when I was resting at home. After watching movie Lust, Caution, I went to find movies of Director Wong Kar Wai to watch. I really like movies like ChungKing Express, In the Mood for Love. While I was watching movies directed by Director Wong Kar Wai, I watched Cast Away by Tom Hanks after a long time and liked it so much. I think I can do well in that kind of movie haha. Being drifted on an island. I'm not sure if I can remember it since it was an old movie but the character was so lonely that he became a friend with Wilson; a volleyball. It's a good movie that has a message that is not too light but realistic and gives you a feeling of gratitude for your life. I feel it would be great if this kind of movie comes out in Korea and I want to try it to challenge myself. I told Showbox CEO about it and he just said "Alright" haha. A role that I have never done before, I look forward to projects that I can do better in it. Although I'm watching many old movies, I also diligently went to VIP Premiere of recent movies, The King and Confidential Assignment.
You seem to talk slow?
I am the type that talk slow but after meeting Han Suk Kyu sunbae, I've become faster. Sunbae is very quiet and talks slow so it's probably what my friends felt for me when I was a kid.
There are a lot of celebrities that have imitated you in variety shows. Have you seen it?
I've searched for it on Youtube. My friends kept asking "Have you seen your imitations?", and since I didn't so I've searched for it once. Instead of celebrities, I have seen regular people did it. I laughed seeing it.
Other than Han Suk Kyu, who is your close celebrity friend?
Jo In Sung! We talk to each other a lot. We recently met at an ox bone soup restaurant and had a drink after a long time. What did we talk about? Just about life stories. He has a deep inner side, very caring, a nice and cool friend. We ate ox bone soup and each drank 2 bottles of soju. The next day, In Sung sent me a message "I'm dying", and I replied, "I'm dying too" haha.
I made my debut at the age of 16, but there are not many who have acted together during my early 20s still acting until now. Since those who remained feel lonely, we keep in touch more often. Jo In Sung and I keep looking more for each other. In Sung said he feels a sense of kinship with me and I think it's an accurate expression.  
How is Kim Rae Won’s alcohol tolerance?
My drinking limit? About two bottles of soju. I originally don't drink during filming period. Recently for one year and a half, I've been working on three projects, so I have only drank two or three times in one year. When I'm not working, I used to drink a lot before but now only twice a month.
Are you dating anyone?
I’m not dating anyone now. Actually there is no reason for me to hide but I don’t think you will ever be curious about me regarding this. To be honest, for me, it seems that instead of dating, marriage is more a proper term now. It is time for me to tell marriage stories but I still don’t have much thoughts about it yet.
What Kim Rae Won thinks about cheating
I can never cheat on someone. It's tiring. I also hate that kind of person. But now I can see a little bit of that kind of person. Actors and actresses lives can be exposed. I am the type of person that can only concentrate on one thing so when I'm only focusing on acting, I become inexperienced in social life and therefore some strange people would approach me. I really hate it.
[Translation may contain inaccuracies]
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krwupdate-blog · 7 years
[INTERVIEW IV] Han Suk Kyu - a senior, friend and role model family man
A suggestion of the well-respected senior
If I say "Han Suk Kyu sent me a love call", he would feel burdened. The production team was the first one asking him "What do you think of Kim Rae Won?" and he said "I would love it if Rae Won does this movie". He didn't contact me about the casting. He was waiting for me to make a good judgment on it. Since we are close, if he says "I want to act with you", I could get carried away with it. He was being considerate on me in that part. Even though he is a lot senior than me but he cares for me. He trusted my decision.
Fisherman brothers and actor brothers
When we spend time doing our hobby together, we are really like brothers. Even though at filming set, he was a difficult and dignified senior, but we have been close for around 7 years. We have slept sharing the same blanket and even slept in the same container for 3 days and 2 nights because of that it was easier for us to communicate at the filming set.  But since there were other staffs and actors at the filming set, I had to be more polite by calling him "Sunbae" since people around us could take it badly and he himself could feel uncomfortable about it. Because he knows that I am the style that doesn't talk much, so he said to me "Rae Won, make yourself comfortable". We talked to each other when we have emotional and difficult scenes to know how each other felt. You will know it when you watch the movie, but it was intense. We had to pull ourselves together haha.
Witness family man Han Suk Kyu in person
The reason I admire Han Suk Kyu sunbae is because he shows me the same thing as an actor and also as an ordinary person. Even the same thing to his family. At first, I thought he was just acting. He would call them everyday for 20-30 minutes and he has been doing it for 7 years. I have really asked him, "Aren't you tired of doing this?" since he is different from other usual fathers. But that is just his normal self. In that respect, I have received a lot of good influences from him. He is an excellent father and actor with many good sides.
How about his own big plan for marriage?
Stop asking me that. These days, I would check on my niece everyday on how she is doing in kindergarten and nowadays her expression looks bad and uneasy. I think it is because she is trying to adjust herself haha. I love kids.
[Translation may contain inaccuracies]
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krwupdate-blog · 7 years
[INTERVIEW III] The unromantic man in Prison
The reason why you decided to do Prison?
The scenario was good. It has depth and I liked it. At first, when I received the casting offer, the character of Song Yoo Gun was heavier than now. He was a serious man but to make the movie more fun, I suggested for a change to the concept of foolish detective. So instead of simply an evil and bad detective, I did the job to switch it into a foolish detective. Actually, I used to stick to myself on not doing romantic comedy but I don't think I need to do that nowadays. I think it's good to have a movie that has popular appeal and looks comfortable. Because of that reason, I wanted to make Yoo Gun seems more relaxed and natural. I've talked a lot about this with Director Na Hyun and it was good to have great communication with him from the beginning until the end.
How was the atmosphere on filming set of all men?
Even though it was a filming only among male actors, we didn't drink even a glass of alcohol. There was once Han Suk Kyu sunbaenim wanted to eat together, but since it was in the countryside, we had to search for a restaurant and then ate together. I also played basketball with other actors such as Shin Sung Rok. Since it was in the countryside, when I had no filming for two days, I often went back to Seoul and spent time resting and fishing.
During filming you kept demanding for re-filming again and again to the point of becoming a perfectionist.
Everyone seems to have passion on their work as an actor. I think I can never be perfect if I try to be perfect. I don't know how this will sound, but sometimes I act without even memorizing the dialogues. When the director asked me on how will I act, I replied many times "I will know once I do it". I'm being careful in explaining this as I may be seen as showing off but the feeling on set and the situation are important during acting. Therefore, I almost didn't have any rehearsals.
The instincts of an actor
Actually when I'm acting, I act in the direction that I think is right. If I started to think about how people would think of my acting, I could've fallen into a rut even with slightest provocation. That's why I act the way I feel. I could look very arrogant here so please write it well haha. At filming set, there are times I act based on skills and there are times I act depends on the situation. Sometimes the director will come to me to ask how I will act and then I will be in a dilemma. I will usually reply "I will act based on what I feel". I may be seen as showing off, but I also don't know how I will act. I'm the type that like to act naturally so I'm also always wondering on what kind of reaction my partner will give on my acting.
His acting in collaboration with director’s purpose
Even though I lead the acting, the director's purpose is the most important thing and I need to be a good tool for that purpose to move well. But I don't think I need to be a passive tool. Sometimes there are conflicting opinions, but everyone is trying to create a good piece of work. Therefore, I think the "I' tool is also being polished.
There are many reviews said that Prison is a meeting of acting gods
Acting god, GodOO titles are no longer significant to anyone. Actually during Punch, I felt good when the chief producer immediately called me "God Junghwan" or "God Raewon" after its first broadcast. I worked hard and I thought it was worthwhile because there was good response for it. But nowadays, in 1 year, about 100 people are given the title of acting god and GodOO so I don't think much about it now.
*OO = someone's name
[Translation may contain inaccuracies]
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krwupdate-blog · 7 years
[INTERVIEW II] Doctors and the return to romantic comedy
What determines Kim Rae Won’s choice of work? Does he mean to avoid romance?
Many actors at some moment will say that they only want to do manly and serious projects, I think it's a partially correct statement. I have never intentionally emphasized on the aspect of a real man but I have consciously avoided the "soft" romantic comedy.
I don't aim for anything when choosing a project. I didn't think of doing romance because I have neglected it or wanted to change my image. If I want to do it, I will do it. There is a chance that I won't do a project even if it is much better than Doctors. It will depend on my heart. The reason is just like the saying "That's the way the ball bounces".
In drama, I did romance again after a long time with Doctors. Before that, I have received some casting offers for romance. There is a drama that I politely declined but became a big hit. What is it is a secret haha. I think it became a big hit because the actor did well haha. If I have done it, it probably wouldn't do well. At that time, I had greeds to be a movie actor but the offer for a doctor role in Doctors came. It's a role that I have never done before. Also, actors around my age were also in it so I decided to try and do it with a young heart haha. I was lucky and happy that everyone loved it. It wasn't bad and it did well. I felt good since it's been awhile since I did romance. I was also glad to receive cheers and loves from the viewers. I'm not the type that will definitely look for a role in romance genre but if before this I felt hesitated, now I will try to open my heart and take it positively. I think it would be nice to do a drama sometimes while doing movies.
Your youthful looks remain unchanged. Do you have any special secret for it?
Not at all. It has changed a lot. I think I took care of my skin the most during Doctors. If I look too much like my age difference with Park Shin Hye, she could feel disgusted. I usually really hate to take care of my skin, but I did some facial care. I never did it once in the past 20 years as an actor, but I would go to see dermatologist in the middle of filming.
Either you want to look pretty and cool or you want to be a true actor
Doctors was very comfortable. Since it was a drama, other than having physical difficulties due to limited time, I was very comfortable when acting. Since I played heavy characters like in Prison, Punch and Gangnam Blues, in Doctors I felt lighter and more comfortable. But only until Doctors. I can't do a character lighter than that. 'Rooftop Cat' made many people recognized me. It's not because I don't want to do romance. Popularity is important and rewarding but if I am too obsessed over it, it is overboard. It's a matter of choice either you want to look pretty and cool or you want to be a true actor. "Won't young students like it if I pretend to be cute in Doctors?", "I need to be handsome and sweet in order to maintain the love from fans". Both of them are tiring. It is reasonable for us to be good at only one thing. Because I'm still so far away from showing the true acting, I can't use my energy for something else but if I look it from afar, I think I'm in the right direction.
[Translation may contain inaccuracies]
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krwupdate-blog · 7 years
[INTERVIEW I] Kim Rae Won and life as an actor for the past 20 years
At the age of 36, Kim Rae Won already celebrated 20th anniversary this year
I want to avoid talking about it, but it always follows me. I've been acting since I was in 2nd grade in high school. But if I say "It's been 20 years", won't it make me looks older? Haha. Young kids these days don't know that I made my debut when I was a high school student.
How is Kim Rae Won when he works?
When I'm filming a movie, I cut myself off from the outside world. I will also turn off my phone and won't drink alcohol. When I'm filming a drama I turn off the phone because I have no choice (limited time), but when filming a movie, I turn it off to focus only on the movie.
Always be grateful for the support of the audience as an actor
I've been thinking about what is the job of an actor. It's not just a job to look pretty, cool and to receive love. One of the three elements in a play is the audience so it is a natural thing to receive cheers and supports and of course I'm thankful for that.
How is life as an actor to Kim Rae Won? Actor Kim Rae Won's 20s vs 30s. What is the difference?
It's amazing. I'm still in the same field of art but when I look back in my 30s, it seems different with my acting in 20s. The method on how I see and solve things are a little different. I've done the same type of movie or drama in my 20s with now, but the attitude that I had at that time seems different now. When I was in my 20s, I tried to look pretty but I think now I'm a completely different version. I think I've just started to walk on the path to be a great actor in my 30s. And later in my 40s, I can show my improvement and get better.
I didn't intend to distinguish my 20s and 30s but it is naturally separated. I'm using what I have gained in my 20s. I think there was an instinctive attraction to be a great actor when I was in my 20s too.
I was a youth star. The scripts for romantic comedy would come to me first but I couldn't end up like that. I would get sick of it easily. Then, I developed greeds for movies. Just like other big senior actors, I wanted to try another purpose for movies. At that time, my friend told me "I don't know if you're talented. You need to start all over again". I developed the passion to act well. So Gangnam Blues was the start. It's a real start. I've always said it's the start but now I really think I know what acting is all about.
Kim Rae Won once said in an old interview "Among actors in 20s I act pretty well"
I said that? Actually it's still comparing the height of acorns. Haha. I think I was just acting with confidence at that time. I was a rookie but because of that spirit, I am still acting until now.
There are many actors pretending to be pretty and cool but even in Rooftop Cat, I don't think I was fake. I didn't try to be cool. I didn't do it unless I was told to. It's because authenticity is important. So sometimes, I get misunderstood. "Why you don't care about it and just stay still?". It's a nuisance. Haha.
I'm not sure but I think I'm more comfortable with romance. As I act, it seems like noir doesn't match me well. Haha.
Come to realize what a leading role is
When I was young, I couldn't notice my surroundings. I was a rookie. Now I notice everything. I think it's the job of a lead. I think it was someone around my age or younger than me had said this in an interview, "I want to do everything I can at the filming set but the surroundings can't keep up with me". I've been in that situation before so I can understand that person but I think it's the role of a lead to be drawn into the surroundings. I will keep on doing that in the future.
As experience grows, does acting also change?
Of course it is. There is a lot of difference with the beginning. When I was in my 20s, I was focusing on what to be shown. Even if it's fake, I tried to make it look real but now I like it to be natural.
Actor Kim Rae Won life's project?
I still don't know yet but if I have to choose one, it's Sunflower. I would like to do it once again. Many people really loved this movie and when I think about it, even if I do it once again, I don't think I can bring out the same feeling again. Even my face has went by 10 years. I think it's a project that I could only do it at that time. It was the time that I was very strong-willed.
So far, what has the life as an actor brought to Kim Rae Won over the years?
Tiring personality. My mother also has said the same thing: "You weren't like this before". I have lots of complicated thoughts. Sometimes I'm too obsessed with some things but it's a good thing as an actor.
[Translation may contain inaccuracies]
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krwupdate-blog · 7 years
The mysterious Resurrected Victims Phenomenon, does it actually exist?
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RVP (Resurrected Victims Phenomenon): A person who comes back alive after an injustice death.
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Do you know about the RVP?
This phenomenon has 88 cases worldwide and it is still happening.
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The victims’ purpose is revenge!
They want to reveal the injustice behind their deaths and when the revenge is over, they will leave the world through spontaneous combustion.
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The video that is circulating on the Internet and from looking at the pictures, the victims look the same as when they were alive and they will keep continuously telling the unknown stories and will get violent in front of a certain person.
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The violence will only happen to those people who killed them and the reason they are resurrected is because they are trying to avenge themselves.
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The resurrected victims resemble a zombie and once they have succeeded in their revenge, they will spontaneously combust.
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There were a lot of interests in the cause of spontaneous human combustion phenomenon which has been unknown and through this RVP phenomenon, many people are curious about it again.
The cause of the mystery is unknown and the spontaneous human combustion have been linked to RVP.
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The Resurrected Victims first official case was found in America.
On January 2, 2000, a girl named Roberta who has been missing for 13 years outside of Arizona, returned home and named her uncle as the culprit. She told where her body was located and the reason she came back was to make judgement call on her uncle who had murdered her.
The case started in America and spread in London, Macau, etc. and it is reported to be happening all over the world.
The mysterious phenomenon which is Resurrected Victims will be released through a movie soon so you can look forward to it!
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