krlpng · 2 years
11/11/22 11:39 PM
So hi, today, tonight rather I've finally had the energy to start my online journal which I'd been contemplating doing for a while now. It's around 11pm I just kind of woken up from a nap T.T did not know what else to do, not in the mood to watch any series/movie, don't have the attention span for that rn lol currently listening to The 1975 newest album - All I need to hear currently playing suddenly it feels like circa 2015 all over again haha listening to the best artist and starting to blog. So yea, I don't really know why I wanted to do this maybe something to look back when I'm older and busier??? lol bcos I honestly wish I had something like this when I was a bit younger #StudentDiary lol Nothing exciting really happened today, did my 3 weeks due laundry and I think that's all. Btw I had a winning trade today - hit my target TP after a series of unfortunate trades for the past few days lol Still learning never knew that it would be this hard honestly but yea, I really want this to work - I don't think I can do anything else already aside from this. I've also been contemplating whether to going to Blackpink's Concert or not (As if sure akong makakabili me ng tix lol) - this thought of contemplation whether if should go or not is very not like me tbh given that I'm such their fangirl right now lol I've been also binge-watching there old shows and vlives for the past weeks now. The only thing I did the whole Nov long weekend. It was fun tho. So yea, this is all bcos of adulting stuff so many bills to pay, so much wants and needs. Who would've thought I would be this broke after almost 5 years of working??? Idk, I just know God let me in this situation to learn a lesson. I hope I'll be able to learn whatever lesson it is. My Cat Kiyo just came near me and touched me while I'm typing so my reflex is to shrug it off which I did and now she went away and lay in front of their litter box to sleep T.T, and my other cat Kiko just came near me as well in my bed and just stared at me looking like she's contemplating if he should disturb me or not,,, so cuuuuuuteee!! he's always been. that respectful whenever she wants my attention but sees me doing something else <3 Kiko is following Kiyo right now hahaha she's being very clingy right now so I yea I think time to give her some love bye folks lol not sure if this is it or I'll add something else later or edit this before going to sleep but I really want this raw and very personal. So yeah see yah when I see yah hahaha ;">
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krlpng · 2 years
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Cats by Sunsword & Moonsabre
Cats of Corfu
“Curiosity will conquer fear even more than bravery will.”
James Stephens quotes (Irish poet and storyteller, 1882-1950)
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